Astrological Reference Timeline
*In the distant past
411 trillion years ago, the universe from the beginning is formed from nothing, of the seven heavenly monads which become 4 human ones. Cancer bores the milky way under its zodiac in a collision with scorpio, soon follows other stars, particularly Hercules, an enormous collision is the cause for the creation of our sun with a monad from Leo. The 4 elements such as water and fire become present. The 12 smaller monads enter it, scorpio ousts cancer as center of the milky way galaxy. Remnant stars not of the zodiac represent unborn demonic souls, dying or dead entities whom want to control you. The 12 gates are evidence of left over radiation from an unknown reality without water however under libra there are 13 gates which prove the equinox of the earth as 28 days for the sun's rotation, even if its 25 via the sun itself (see following paragraphs). The galaxies are made of a flat plane. The Orion constellation of the previous universe is formed. However, Vulcan is a key deep subject for creation. Some say Vulcan is Aries, whom transmutated into Virgo, as did Uranus transmutate into Aries from Aquarius or it will end in creation as Aries. One thing is known, the key figure, vulcan is connected to Aries and Virgo in the occult. This knowledge is unseen or unknown. Vulcan outside our heliosphere or sun's aura must have in actuality come quickly, every 28,000 to 25,000 years as an est because a star even when not in the correct trajectory, travels much quicker than a comet or its comet phase as a smaller body (in comet planetary phase it took millions of years for this 25,000 year trajectory, proof is it becomes mercury). Vulcan as a star was literally at least 3 times the mass of the sun. We think its passes or cycles within the sphere of influence 3 times outside the logos via its creation a few trillion years-ago-to-now. The 3rd pass outside the logos could have even been 47 million years (turns around the sun, the sun deprives it of life as a star) when its aura was killed outside the heliosphere (however this was a first inner pass it seems). Then inside, it traveled in intervals via 18 million years ago to now (47m-19m=29million years, we will state 28 million years is the number of vulcan) it passes our sun, deprives it of oxygen, 18m tilts saturn, 85k turns into mercury as an outer planet to inner one). The first pass inside the logoi was 18million years (kisses the sun deprives it of oxygen near its rotation, now where mercury resides), 85k (cycles outer-rings in lotus form) and 36k (cycles inner-rings in lotus form). It is said the sun rotates as a tropical cycle, however this cycle is not 12 but of 13 stars or zodiacal signs which turn into 12 from the traditional 7 nonhuman signs (sources of sound which define god). In actuality the enochian time is as follows: 4b-306mbce is the 1st age (fertilization of moon as poleshift), 2nd age is 306-47m (vulcan passes, splits continents), 47mbce-18mbce (saturn tilts, the sun changes posi), 18mbce-now is the 4rth age (greenland turns, the sidereal truly begins). The enochs follow the descent of races ie the 18mbce figure is the birth of the 4rth race. Humanely speaking the times are more illusive (in this doctrine we state the 4rth age begins 85k bce because a poleshift begins through karma or the last remnance of atlantis where even a cosmic event is small such as mercury hitting icesheets so they can melt glaciers, or venus passing is all considered not a collapse of the earth's matter). The sun enters 13 months of the zodiac as 28 days each (around 47-18 million years ago) yet when the earth arrived 4 billion years ago it was 7-to-12 (28 day rotations was much less before, and faster ie 50x7 to 30x12 instead of its current 28x13). It may have even been around in 8 or 4 day cycles, however it is told to be younger than the earth rock itself. Here reveals that there truly is one life via no reincarnation of the material universe and even gods are tested to continue in existence. The earth was truly created via mizor (malkuth or Helheim as the number 4 or 4 zodiacal logoi, the cloud formations were streaks, similar to mars at times yet with a thin oxygenated atmosphere) by alignment of a rock in space around the beg of the milky way galaxy's age of 1 trillion years. Malkuth was a world with deep blue skies and slivery clouds, its mass was greater than earth yet its atmosphere was shallow. Hence if Earth is in a 23 degree tilt Mars or one of the 3 Hells (Niflheimr aka world of mist, HelHeim aka cold hell, and Hod aka hot hell are considered places of hell) would be in a 25 degree tilt. If Helheim is pluto or Malkuth, then Joturheim may infact be Hod or Jupiter. They are also worlds confined to a zodiacal spirit for instance, Hod is Scorpio and Neztah is Virgo whilst Daat is Sagitti, Midgard as Earth or Tiferet Gemini and Gevurah or Mars Aries, Yesod&Asgard Aquarian, Hokmah is pisces, Chesed or venus is libran, malkuth or old earth is also Geminian and Binah, our moon is cancerian. Midgard simply acts as a gateway between the two worlds of heaven and hell. Da'at contains 36 month long years, however this number is contended with earth and its creation. The spirits of Taurus and Capricorn seem to not be present in these maps, however Keter or god is speculated to be Taurian and Hod is replaced with Jotunheim aka Jupiter, a gaseous planet under capricorn in the nine worlds is also oxygenated or once was. Asgard is an aquarian world in the Pleiades under a taurian star. This star will travel to Pegasus. Therefore Jupiter's spirit is infact Capricorn, as is Saturn's. Leo or Libra is Heimdallr, a lifeless world born of bacteria or not infact present in both the eddas and sephir, however it is the sun and it is the holy spirit. Some say Heimdall or Heimdarr is the start of Ragnorok or Ragnorak in fullswing. It is the sound of trumpets or the trumpets horns (sound of earth) which instigates a pole-shift. Heimdarr is well likened to asgard on earth so the occult may presume it is the Raphael sign of Libra. Leo is Thor on Earth (Aquarius is an unearthly version of Thor). It is also Neptune in origin before it was realigned or transmuted into aries upon this system. Proof only a dozen worlds within the span of the milky way galaxy's life cycle are born. None defeats hercules under leo as perfect movements, esp with the failure of the cancer/cap and aries signs. The Hinayana (as opposed to the mahayana or maya-na, the va-man-ah is also a disposable shell, not as great as the mayana yet above the hinayana) is the abandoned shell or vehicle unworthy of initiation where karma is unleashed if one abuses the atma or self ego. To enter elemental pralaya is sacrificial death, it directly means to enter the universe upon nirvana. The great globular monad in hercules may be arien in origin, as may be the triangulum so one would say monads were abundant spheres upon the last system. However, a monad is most likely left-over radiation or a temporary ignited atom. Andromeda itself is connected to the plane of Virgo/Libra, Cap/Aquarius and Pisces as the number 3. The monad in leo runs into a larger monad from hercules which offshoots into smaller events it seems. Since the beg of this time the universe has been expanding, however 12 gates have remained as radiation before 411 trillion proving to the occult once again there are two gods and 2 universes of karma and anti-karma where everything returns to the center yet does not. Höðr or the planet Hod (venus injunction with jupiter as a system in another logos is a planet in Scorpius of Andromeda) is Scorpio as Capricorn whom kills Aries or its father (Baldur and Vali as Aries and Sag, Thor or the origin of thor's hammer is told to be Aquarius however is often interpreted as Leo hence gemini as loki {a world or moon of fire and gold} defeats leo in the last system yet leo is not humiliated, cap as the father bests gemini and worlds collide) in the great past starting a chain reaction with lower nature. If Frigg or wife of Odin in Aquarius means earth in nordic letter, it may have some correlation to the taurus sign or some taurian aspect of it (see also the sumerian legends of the first true eve as tau and adam as capricorn). Loki is infact a star as well as a golden moon of Hod whom accompanied another moon now pluto (in andromeda), and father to a world which bore the eight-legged horse in Taurus (within the Pleiades) and wielded Asgard a long time ago. Some may say Loki is Valhalla itself in gemini therefore Valhalla is strictly associated with the sign of Gemini. Thor's helmet is a being in midgard, proof is the constellation in Canis Major which mirrors him under leo. This being must have ascended to heaven from Asgard after it fell, proof is the age of the nebula only being 78,500 years old. There is infact an aquarian thor as well from greek legends, however this thor in unearthly. Thor of Midgard and Thor god of war are two different beings it seems. The 9nth gate is the glory of the slave planet hod, a planet of metal whom was judged and destroyed via war with heaven or purity (the sky or Netzah in virgo). However Hod along with Netzah represent the crown chakra&the mind or are far above the heart chakra (earth), therefore lucifer (a photon of our sun? or the macrocosm upon the microcosm as light) urges evolution instead of devolution. Capella is indeed a Capricious star. Over-industrialization can infact kill a planet, as can Capella's fate with intercontinental warfare. It is possible to be a lie that the worlds of the gas giant odin, war god fernir as keter or moon of loki and others now exist in orion, because this is not truly confirmed or discovered by earthly scientists as of yet (we mention orion because it directs us to the center of the galaxy via a great past or no light, like a place one has been to). Some speculate pluto is Hades where Loki was trapped in a prison, however accurate this may be, Loki itself is told to be a lunar moon orbiting Hod whom went against the planets of andromeda, heaven and hell (note: heaven is hell in the occult, and hell is heaven..mortally speaking). Here is why the orionids are greater than all, the sun is going away from orion and taurus not towards it (hence towards capricorn and sag/scorp in the zodiacal ring or galaxy...that's also how the sun in leo leaps over the bull or pleiades in the ??not to? distant past..hence altair is located near sagitti). This is known via the christ spirit. Baldr dreams of a nightmare and worlds end. This nanna character whom dies before him is his sister whom was wed akin to hela itself in either virgo or aries/aquarius veiling virgo (however if sif is virgo with some incarnations masquerading as the leo sign, baldr's wife is possibly an aquarian being), the term itself associated with a lilith (inanna the capricorn-pisces cross of devolution in marduk) or a cherib of somesorts in sumerian literature. If this being died it was due to internal bleeding on the cardinal points, therefore his spirit dies somehow at age 28 they put him on a cross, on another planet and he dies for reasons unknown. This entity wields a sword of Netzah, similar to King arthur's sword in the stone here its host must have purity or be pure in karma and evolution (some metals are able to emit radiation, cure and even kill organisms...their metallurgy is unknown and alien like water). It is a trick, therefore baldr was with an entity of virgo (miming, a troll in the woods? Sif is virgo or possibly a cancerian entity similar to mimir) of whom gave him his weapon. Once again, also ref Vali's sister (Rindr) also in sagitti for responsibility in the death of him and start of ragnorok (Hoor is scorpio in hod). We know the mother of baldr is Freya and father is Oed in German which may be likened to the Taurus, Virgo signs whilst its husband a degenerated form of the fatherfigure Odin in Aquarius as well as Virgo (Wodan highfather). However Loki appeared on many globes including Pluto (Hades in Scorpio, now transfigured to Pisces) and Bifrost in Gemini, once the Gods found the being of Baldr being alive their wrath was unleashed upon him (loki) and he was destroyed. This much is known, Loki is a golden moon in Gemini whom was constantly mined with actual material gold that inhabited the upper regions of hot hell or Hod. These figures are indeed planets where giants did indeed war with the heavens in the form of brahma. Capricorn also kills Aries in Jotunheim (jupiter in andromeda? under Hod?), Gemini or Loki kills aries first on Hod, however the legend is not of record or likened to a non-human scorpio in andromeda to carry out a task against baldr via his direction. Hence waste from the bowels of a greater being such as andromeda are brought here to this milky way like a great chain connected to a whirl pool of some sort where only a quadrant or triangle of our galaxy is able to hold life or organic form via physical matter. Surtr or intense fire kills heaven or the sky world of Muspelheim (both surtr and muspelheim were spirits under virgo, Muspelheim was a planet of the sky known for its intense atmosphere whilst Muspelheim was infact their red sun which gave it intense white light). If jotenheim is jupiter than we may assume jupiter belonged to another system and was carried by vulcan when it entered north via pollux in gemini to this system or is connected to the orion homeworld of malkuth as the number 4 somehow (malkuth must have survived four rounds to finally perish by its own environment somehow as this earth will survive 7). Malkuth or Marduk had an ecliptic path (a path which goes far and near to the sun, your sciences in some regard think earth had one...however life can not exist in an ecliptic path, it is merely for aligning a planet under its star..science confuses the impact event with your earth's creation, which is some what true, however Theia is infact a cancerian moon in another system or under the star mizar) upon creation, it is said this was its creation, and another planet with the same path destroyed it or pierced it (malkuth) in half. Theia or Thea is another supposed moon of gold or had golden elements (see also the moon of Loki under Hod which was a moon of pure gold). Stars do become rock or a core of the earth, proof is Malkuth was known as the world of the giants and only giants lived there. They advanced civilization to a state of interstellar plasma or pre-ufo technology, hence plasma comes after petroleum or massxmomentum=power. Their ships could reach its sister planet Alcor. Ra is connected to Alcor and Mizar both under Aries whilst our moon is under Cancer and other globes under their offworldly spirits (venus originally was libra, therefore may even be capricious in another system etc). Mizar was a purple star in the spectrum of light, whilst alcor was blue. However, their world fell due to interstellar war with Hod and Neztah. In nature it is supposedly to fall under another planet on their system whom cut it in half (see 1 trillion years and onward or creation of our globe). One thing is known, Malkuth was a perfect sphere as is this world an oval-like form.A few trillion years ago the Milky way is born. An eye is created, however this could have been done through human intervention via another world possibly with a dimensional feud between mizor, alcor and andromeda. A red-haired Odin himself is likened to Aquarius, not thor or there was a thor on earth and one in heaven via a true war god (Odin is an atlantean figure under aquarius, the nordic constellation, whom resided with deva substance or traveled to and fro from the center of the universe ie our milkyway galaxy however sometimes he is depicted as an alternate version of thor in krisna aka a war god of sorts in other cultures, see also the possibilities of countless alien races within other galaxies). To go farther back than 1 trillion years is to know other galaxies by memory however deemed impossible to the elemental mind, as is to remember the mountainous terrain of a previous or unknown world. The initiates of the worlds enter Bifrost or a frozen world not yet born after Asgard (of the pleiades) and Midgard (of earth) fail in Chi. Asgard rotated counter-revolutionary (clockwise like venus), as opposed to counter-clockwise like earth, however it's sun was told to have grown cold persay. There was an orion under tau on other worlds such as andromeda as there was an atlas as a hero or idol under leo or taurus on earth as well. The suns magnetic field is fluctuating much like the earth currently during a pole-shift of which science acknowledges. Since the beg of brahma (this universe or recreation eg 3 gods are brama, vishnu, siva or aspects of creation), time in the zodiac (the zodiacal stars themselves in our milky way galaxy) has moved forward but only by 4 earthly minutes eg 1 minute equates to roughly half a billion years on earth where nothing repeats to the genetic detail and no god resides in human form. We know this because it has been mathematically calculated under the sign of gemini. 10 billion died on asgard, however this is presumed to be within earth's life cycle. The field flips every 12 years, this means 1 year was a zodiac sign and its actual body did this past rotation at a much greater speed then today. Pisces veils the star Meru or Hercules under (as personality under brahma, it is Capricorn or Aries or an arien star in this system aka fohat under pisces astrinus or an arien star whom entered pisces eg true death or the sun is an alien star from leo whom entered cancer or pisces is the generic personality sign of the zodiac) completely. Hence the Moon would not gain momentum (an object that small would slow and stop) in a linear formation to fohat or fomalhaut (meru), nor would it gain momentum via a spiral yet Meru itself would be able to slow (if it were a fling, it would slow to a hault..yet one suggests this may indeed be the case whilst the da'at capella event towards vega may be the spiral). The moon would reach fomalhaut as it slows whilst the sun would infact leave it behind. However, things get more complex for it to be under Aquarius during the event of a pole-shift or it must have been under aquarius in the sidereal of the venusian pass (a star literally inbetween the aquarius and piscean signs is pisces in origin or an arien star whom entered pisces during creation though, another fallen angel is Vega on Capewa may even have been a star in Libra indicating a type of death on their system or a fuse with andromeda in the distant future). Their planet was larger than earth times 3 and their length in a year was 23 months. Vega holds 25 planets (the vegan star system is told to hold a zodiacal ring of maybe 25 systems) in its great past or is connected to 25thousand precessional (tropical?) years. The third decan aquarius at the pisces-aquarius juncture point (the venusian pass of 3102 bce basically the sidereal ended 85k and reemerged upon the venusian pass for 100s of years ending around christ's time we presume, it reemerged 36k as well via vulcan or mercury) reveals this star in personality as a future-past movement or pole-shift ie its light is fused with this star or unconnected to asgard (remnance of asgard are lost in deep space or aquarius veils the unknown behind this star it seems). The Venusian pass is Leo (&Capricorn or krisna's army) against Aquarius and Taurus (karna's army) with Leo prevailing single handedly via chariot and spear it seems. A secret to how Cap turns into Pisces in evolution is made, however to break free from the magnetic zodiac is to break free from the soul or to fail prematurely in order to initiate ie to break free from god is true death (water does not reform in its original shape, nor does the body..a correlation with insects as the human body is made if the 'machine' as the universe is to not be fully comprehended, hence insects are fairly cold creatures whom breath carbon through their skin). The 3 masc gods whom come to earth, hercules/orion/zeus are all a part of the zodiac. It is presumed capricorn or father of all the signs are orion not on earth, leo/tau/gem are orion on earth currently whilst Leo is Orion or a movement whom goes to Hercules. Zeus is Cancer (on earth) and Libra (not on earth) or basically a germ from the south come north. Hercules is the Aries/Virgo-Scorpio chain on earth. Pisces is unknown, however akin to Orion whom comes to earth. Aquarius is likened to Zeus, Sagitti is Hercules in the distant past. Whilst All 3 unknown gods represent one god at different times on a globe or another world, they often mimick a zodiacal sign or alien intruder. Purusha or Parashura (parashurama) is the cosmic man in orion of tau. Alfheim is destroyed by light. Hot Hell or Hod must have perished by war or lower nature in order to start ragnorak. Muspelheim or Upper Heaven (aka Netzah) was destroyed by intense fire, whilst lower heaven or venus prevailed in this war (pls note: venus is known as lower heaven, yet is regarded higher than earth, where as earth is simply known as heaven or the heart both lower heaven {Venus or Chesed}, middle heaven {Da'at} and higher heaven {Neztah} are higher planes then heaven {earth} itself). Both the Sun and Capella show a rotation of going upwards and to the right, however Capella had no poleshifts. Hence Capella must have recently spiraled (or cometed, yet most evidence suggests a loose spiral formation if stars do indeed rotate towards the galactical plane unless the planet was flung into light speed with the help of another heavenly body) its planet da'at into the vegan sphere of influence without a spiracle formation. All evidence suggest Pollux and Castor to be involved in its devastation (more research needed). We also suggest space comets are the fastest products in the universe, they can travel faster than stars, yet not over such a great distance, it is so great the occult eliminates the facts that comets can travel a linear path ahead of or towards a star lest it be foreign to the hierarchy or newly made (created via a star itself, not a small body such as a planet or planetary matter eg gaseous planets are infact sacred stars). Hence Higher heaven is Capewa, hell is hod (earth is middle heaven) and Cold Hell or lower hell is malkuth. Hot hell or Hod by destruction of nature. Cold hell or Malkuth by the environment. The Moon is known to be a cancerian spirit, as is earth known to be geminian and our sun leo. Malkuth was a slightly oxygenated world with fresh water and carbon. It could sustain life hence more proof that unlike midgard (earth) and binah (moon), shallow oceans on a giant globe could exist billions of years of evolution (marduk). However, Binah had deep oceans and was known as a storm world with endless cloud cover (the feminine portion of its body indicates a vast smooth surface or an oceanic bed of some sort). The world of storms was a constant within their evolution it seems. More proof of nature's willingness to create under another star is Malkuth was infact moonless. The giant super volcanos on earth is indubitably theirs. The Great Bear is acknowledged to be a major part of the milky way in our system. These globes are told to have their own ecology and prehistoric evolution even where reincarnation is made into fact. The movements of Hercules and Our sun however, are unrevealed to all but the masters.
1 trillion years ago, the milky way galaxy was created from a monad of Cancer and Scorpio (After colliding with the dorado monad in cancer, the scorpio monad as a giant stellar red galaxy and sphere enters virgo, another red monad whom held thousands of galaxies like water as do galaxies hold stars) where two worlds are formed in cancer at the dawn of creation upon the northern sectors of the milky way galaxy, a masculine and feminine planet from Mizar and Alcor in Orion. However we estimate this event could have occurred up to 111 trillion years ago. Both have their life-cycles, however one is destroyed via war with heaven and hell in andromeda (ie hod and netzah is in two seperate galaxies, one is in andromeda whilst the other is in a star of Orion aka heaven where one world of the sky is known to be located in orion, whilst the other in andromeda once, ie heaven is infact orion as netzah or a star in heaven and hod in andromeda is hot hell whom's spirit unites with fohat hence the brothers scorpio as Hoor and Baldr as aries meet each other in heaven see also rama and laxman). Alcor's cherib homeworld of Sva'at falls into their sun. We presume both under a pole-star of Gemini. The masculine planet of malkuth (a fem. male planet) later becomes the asteroid belt, the spiral sinks into the solar ring whilst the feminine one of Yesod (a female with masc traits) becomes the cherib home world which prevails and recolonizes Da'at, another oxygenated albeit alien world whom recently fell actually via light in gemini and sag. The planet of light was Da'at whom used their brain as a chakra point, a rare oddity in the universe is to use intellectualism over spiritualism. In actuality it was a world of Cheribs which burned out, like a plant which withered in the sunlight, so did its organic life too wither. The true sons of god are known as the sons of light or first born in scorpius, aka the buds of the lotus or young non-moving stars in the central milkyway. Mizar and Alcor are the red and orange chakra, however both planets fell. We presume Alcor the male counter-part of Mizar was a cherib therefore fell into the sun (burned out) whilst Mizar was our pole-star and held old earth. It is our asteroid belt. Both are stars whom held planets (and therefore beings aka brother and sister) which were connected to the aries constellation once. This much is known, its North star was Gemini&it was responsible for seth or the races whom follow seth under our sun. First Cancer is the center, then scorpius next to the star gate or gateway of sag whom directs itself to another universe. The scorpio stars in the center of the lotus or milky way are young seeds whom do not move unlike the outer-rim stars of this galaxy. However, occasionally from time to time they draw close to one another's sphere of influence and skirmish or defeat one another in intense light ie birth not death or no vacuum truly resides here but for the vacuums created by the defeated lightborn sons, christ-child or children of light. In the constellation of cancer (via the milky way as a smaller monad of dorado), a rare earth is formed. A small portion starts its slow descent into the solar ring. Asgard and keter are both infact masc worlds, they are so via spirit and god. One is a principle of this galaxy, the other of other galaxies. Keter resembles oem or world of metal and red iron near the core of the galaxy, asgard is on its outerbanks. Asgard however is lost, and keter still exists. The Jews regard keter as higher than asgard for this reason. Yet in reality it is a planet under aries/tau, whilst asgard was under aquarius. Both have principle crown chakras, however keter is higher than asgard because of spirit aka sound or water turned into metal. It is also infact larger, a planet whom resembles mars yet in the occult both are sacred worlds accompanying their logoi, aries and aquarius. Mars is inparticular these two signs when in Comet phase from a dead star in orion which was your sun in appearance (after being held by the Pleiades, and solar logoi). Keter is infact speculated to be Arien/Taurian or to represent the chakra somehow. However, it is Taurian in design. Hence Keter is not mars it is infact a sacred planet similar to mars yet far more red in color and larger. It is also a planet whom originates sound or the word oem. Diomedes as the helas basin, however the northern ocean of mars may have been created through a skimming or contact point like the ocean world of earth with the moon during fertilization. Mars and the moon represent a contact point, however the polar points of mars are infact juncture points, not an impact crater but a split, and a skim on its north with a heavenly body whom brought it here, presumably Neptune. These worlds are a quadrant of life, because life can only occur when the stars are distant enough for a catalytic environment ie to create terrain ie the whole of the milkyway galaxy may need a catalyst in its quadrants, which is why amidst billions of stars only 10 dozen worlds will be created within its non-moving center or lotus of young stars. Because the right terrain requires extraterrestrial elements from other solar systems. This theory of uranus and neptune on the same path under the sun albeit magical sounds irrational yet true, we may presume in the occult one great movement by god. Neptune was nearing under the sun, yet first came vulcan whom drew uranus, saturn and jupiter...where jupiter outraced saturn to run into uranus. Yet one notes comets are diminished stars or simply faster than great bodies. However uranus neared with neptune on the same path, after neptune was close to the sun to exchange blows or simply put, be knocked back into position (great time elapses for a planet to move near and far from the sun). Uranus may have been first or Neptune (hence Neptune is regarded as an alien intruder or germ). Vulcan came first outside and inside our logoi. Horus (pisces the fish) is infact the second eye of neptune, the smaller one where ra (aries) once represented the first after an exchange with Saturn. This explanation seems the most logical, Uranus was never with Neptune, it never exchanged neptunian moons..however it is wrong. However, the illogical explanation of uranus and neptune under the sun as an atomic unit in the same path may be praised by fantasists and the like. No moons of uranus indicate an exchange, only the moons of Saturn do. Titania of Uranus and Tethys of Saturn are prime examples (both titan of saturn and titania of uranus are capricious to its logoi...oberon is leo whilst hyperion is also leo or once oberon transfigured into scorpius, hence moons once had lunar moons or hyperion is infact scorpio aka oberon in leo). Saturn indubitably exchanged moons with Uranus first and Neptune second Uranus holds an oblongue path. This theory can take many forms within billions of years (earth being 1 trillion years old, the sun only 33billion). Uranus if under the sun with neptune on the same path, may have had a headstart before vulcan as a solar system under chaos somehow, or vulcan cycles the sun with neptune being drawn at the time as the number 4 if the atomic theory is correct. Therefore the occult is indeed old (both theories of uranus and neptune, & uranus without neptune will be considered, something may have indeed pushed neptune and uranus to its posi so both theories are considered, the elementary one and the non-elementary one..more research will be given later with an elimination of the most unscientific one it is presumed). The magical or fantastical theory holds true over the scientific one, Neptune was being drawn into the system at the time. It exchanged moons, albeit these moons must be vulcanized as part of the outer ring. One thing is known, the soul of Cancer was once Hercules, a long time ago. Below we will explain the history of planets in our milky way and andromeda via the eddas.Before this time, Yggdrasil is diminished into sin and slavery (Ohm or Keter, Jotunheim in sanskrit). It then becomes Hod or Hel aka Jötunheimr in connection to Jupiter or a possible nibiru whom destroyed the planet with a giant rock (a rock sheared it and it disintegrated in two pieces the masters say, an asteroid broke it into two pieces where earth formed via ash and dust or collected space). Yet geographically, malkuth still resides on earth and earth is not a perfect sphere. It is disintegrated crust of half of a planet! This is hard to believe in science, however if the oceans were a crater or type of wound it would be most likely possible. Vanaheimr of Libra as a planet of nature defeats Hod/Jotenheim or Jupiter, basically Venus turns evil (a planet of metal with its moon, pluto aka Chokhmah). Neztah is infact on the level of Hod as heaven, therefore Jotenheimr is infact Hod in the Eddas or a dispossessed spirit of some sort whom reside now in fohat (hence hot hell). It feuds with another planet called Yimir (god or Keter in the Sephir) and destroys the twin homeworld of the cheribs aka Malkuth or future earth. Yesod or Svata is a union (masc female or superior mate) to this earth and survives. In the feud with hell or Hod and Malkuth (hot hell and cold hell ie carbon), Muspellheim or heaven in virgo turns into a globe of fire. Surtr (hod connected to a jupiterian system in mythology called Jötunheimr) is connected to Jotenheim a Jupiter-like system whom devoured Malkuth with fire and plague. In the Æsir–Vanir War of that world, an abraham, sivic abel or true son of god is finally deemed defeated against Vanir or the Cro-magnum sumerians. Samaria means Sumeria or a word changed into Samaria in Israel ie the Samaratines are infact Sumerians or sumerian human (all of israel was recently ruled by a Sumerian race it seems as early as 900bce, one also notes the similarities between the words Satan, Samaria&Sumeria to the word God, human race or Dog..hence Sumeria becomes Samaria after diminishing from Europe via Troy to finally expand into russia, as well ahab, omri etc all derived from sumerian linguistics ie mt sumeru is mount siva or Kailash of the himas..Nimrud in Northern Iraq becomes Nimrod of mt hermon and a government of Sumeria falls 2000bce to create humanity or be reborn in karma to it(s), the human form). Abraham meets Ur-nammu or Sargon ii, a lineage of alien farmers whom went extinct where there is a hole in the Isaac in Aries relation to Abraham feud in gemini. The Abrahamic religion is merely a civilization building itself and growing, like Israel did. Nimrod was Nara it seems or a male reincarnate from narayana itself except under the war sign of aries (ninurta, translates to god of war and in genesis translates to the dictatorship of the character nimrod). There is a region of spiral mounds in babylon littered all across the desert (unreferenced from 1.7bce) which resemble dust in the form of spirals. Babylon was turned into Ethiopia after Baalbek near Israel before it was turned and ruled by Nebuchadnezzar's son (Amel-Marduk aka Belshazzar in the bible), of where Cyrus and his army conquered which turned into Samara in russia. The israelites help make Babylon into a fifth-race city through the decadence and remains of the fourth race, yet fifth race egypt ruled the world before all else. Hence this is true evidence of the creation of Israel by ancient Sumeria. The Sumerians punish the lesser greeks or greco-sumerian peoples however with Malkuth destroyed to be reborn as earth, its planet too is punished where Thor, a sagittarian germ destroys its world and kronos is indeed crucified as in legends as loki or gemini battle dead worlds (Heimdallr under leo was a dead world). Lord Siva as the number 3 is released (virgo-sag-gem). All this before the earth arrives under the sun or present world's system and creation (during the habitation of mizor and alcor), even before vulcan where man truly is defined as infinite. All this under the skin of other worlds. Pluto becomes a planet via remnance of Hod (venus or Vanaheim..Vanaheimr and Hod...a planet of andromeda turned evil)). Netzah or Muspellheim is fertility connected to Virgo and the southern cross in Sirius however Netzah is not Venus but a planet of light still in andromeda whom represented heaven or victory. Here we will mention of a frozen cold world named asgard which is the lost world of the pleiades connected to Sirius and Libra however it is not Venus because venus came from the North. Midgard or present earth (Odin in aquarius consults with Mimir of the pleiades..aqua and cancer? Balder in Aries and Mimir in Cancer confront Odin in Aquarius to give him knowledge or Odin finds a beheaded body on its shores..Agamemnon lops the head off of Antiphus later in trojan or greek legends, also a cosmic event by a comet in indian literature or ison is beheaded idk more research may be needed) will be destroyed by the forces of Vigrior as Vigrith or Virgo where loki or gemini is left witless amidst leo or heimdallr. Ragnarök itself is told to be the systematic destruction of the known or present universe which is still on its present course for destruction. If Odin is Asgard or an Asgardian world of the pleiades under Aquarius then Baldr is Christ under Aries of where Heimdallr or a lifeless world in leo rides to its funeral (witnesses a royal death before being 'reborn' on earth hence Mimir in cancer safeguards midgard or earth as a christ-like spirit). Jupiter will poison the land (occurred) and the moon will fail. The Daughter of Loki rules over hell (present day earth as aries is hel or hela however it is Niflheim or Mars and not earth, therefore she attempts resurrecting baldr or her previous mate under the same sign whom symbolizes the fall of man or ragnorak). Freyj must be tau then whom obtains the ring, or Draupner (see also search for solomon's ring, another atlantean ring made of gold or some unknown magi). Therion is Lupus the 'great asgardian' whom represented his race and fell under scorpio or in light, therefore known as the coming of the great abyss or monster of the deep. The 4 moons of hod are plutonian now (hence hod resides in fohat), however virgo is a basis for the earth to perish upon another ps or be scorched, not reborn (see following). Hod a planet of iron and steel from andromeda must have come from the galaxy itself. Here speaks some truth, the archangels are infact rebel angels against god, where the higher vibrations or closer center is andromeda in our universe, therefore young or considered mediating (intermediate) beings. Malkuth or old earth holds a native Aries as a betrayer to a masc/feminine Capricorn as opposed to the legends of Baldr the brave in the eddas of which an alien sagitti as a mate or union of the body is represented as betrayer in its (capricorn's) place therefore a greek race connected to the vanir or penetrating feminine organic germ (in evolution the masc becomes fem via the bird kingdom as opposed to the opposite of the insect one, a genetic trait from the red chakra planet Malkuth itself). The fact is fohat or fomalhaut was where hod fell under pisces also of arien light. The danger of aquarius is infact that this star is under that particular sign within our planetary cycle and under Odin itself. Hence the Vanir are inhabitants of Malkuth or old earth. Earth however was formed via its wound, a piece which conjoined malkuth is now the oceanic floor. This planet is known as earth or Midgard. There were three forms or bodies to this god or source, although two resided in the milky way and it also became two. Nibiru whom is returning was responsible for the death of malkuth. One thing is known, the planet malkuth alone flourished for 1 trillion years since its creation. For what all comes forth returns once again to it. The masc. form of Aesir means 'Ass' which translates to 'oss' or Odin therefore God. Vulcan is told to arrive at a time of 10 billion years ago, before the arrival of earth to our solar logoi. Basically, humanity under sag will succeed to destroy Jupiter somehow and earth will be burned in fire whilst the moon will fall or fail into meru aka fohat or fomalhaut in science, the divine energy source within brahma.
*Yggdrasil is the cosmic tree of life, a map of past worlds connected to the Sefir and the Eddas. The Sephiroth names this world as Keter connected to the crown chakra or holy spirit higher than even Da'at or the herculean world of light connected to Olympus by the hebrews. Keter must be different then in the 9 worlds. Keter is not asgard but Oem, a giant red planet located in the center of the universe made of iron. The fifth age is 10 chakras or infact the number 10 as zodiac signs eg 10 vortices on earth. It is in fact a clone of mars from Orion and regarded as god, however Oem is in fact a giant world which is red and not orange. Asgard must be a masc-feminine world of the pleiades, whilst Keter a masculine world in the center of the milky way upon creation. However the eddas are a map, therefore both are masc with organic life whether or not colonized by the few and many hence asgard was heavily populated aka part of the pleiades in aquarius (hence the pleiades region of space is the kingdom of god or the foreign logoi) whilst keter merely visited or colonized lightly&is still present as god in aries or a god outside our galaxy. However the Pleaidians themselves must be royal bloodlines whom evolved here on earth. Their families must be so far up, they are indeed secretive. However, their ufo technology also evolved here on earth with lifeless worlds within the pleiades being inhabited or colonized (these worlds are not in the sefir, so one can not judge unless it be asgard itself). Keter is presumably connected to Orion via Centaurus, and Asgard Pegasus (aquarius and aries as good). Asgard (a nordic planet connected to Pegasus, it is told sagittarians destroy the planet via war and a quake devastates it; its sun grows cold&it is lost basically) is infact a masculine planet of the aesir aka god or the edge of the known universe (our galaxy) that was lost in a destruction, whom's feminine rival named venus from andromeda came to being, a sister planet also connected to the pleiades yet alien to this milky way galaxy where infact human pleiadians and other civilizations do exist. If Asgard is Aquarius (&Libra on earth or atla aka gl), and keter or alfheim is aries below it in the eddas and sephir, then there truly is a known god or homeworld above the god sign of aries, however this is not elementarily true because alfheim is Da'at therefore the sephir differs from the eddas via including non-populated worlds or Aquarius is the only known solar, cosmic or native god of our logoi where other galaxies as well as vast amounts of time non-fathomable to the human brain is considered. The eddas only includes worlds whom had organic or human life within the cancerian milkyway. The sun itself is bore of hercules where a nebula in leo passes beneath the pleiades to its current location, brief or a temporary light as spirit towards the soul is obtained aka the solar body or a solar monad. Mars (Gevorah) is only regarded as sacred because it is connected to a larger version or clone of itself located in the center of the universe called Oem or 'Ohm' in sanskrit, it is also known as god yet is not sacred. It is but a moon whom mimicks a god planet (Om) upon creation. The differences between the sephir and the eddas is that keter (Ymir in the eddas) is infact different and not known as the crown chakra or even a planet of advanced life. These prophecies are old and unearthly, hence Tyr (heimdallr and thor are leo etc) is war therefore Aries as well, however Hodur (the planet hod, hot hell, slavery or a rare non-human Scorpius connected to Oph) whom killed his brother baldr is scorpius. The Cheribs of the planet Yesod or Vanaheim failed to protect earth's previous form of Helheim or Malkuth where all things sweet do indeed lose their luster to its queen and her hive. Odin is in fact a god, therefore a planet called Asgard in the Pleiades connected to Aquarius, however on earth he is a cancerian entity or clone known as Mimir under its great mother. This is a fact, when Greenland was part of Atlantis it had named its vicinities after these planets and was regarded as city-states within a country much like the roman states of the americas today are named after rome and territories of rome ie scenery, figures etc. Another difference is the locations within the eddas of two worlds (the moon is missing, Pluto is not represented and venus being an alien entity to our galaxy, not present in both) are missing within the eddas.
-To not confuse the reader with errors here is a chart: Asgard-an ice-world of the pleiades, not present in the sephir. The civilization may have become advanced yet died, and the world may have died prematurely (hod is Jupiter in the nine worlds, Asgard seems to be an ice planet of some sort whom represents the human form as god or some unknown ashura). Alfheim is Da'at world of light. Its Capella in science. Niflheim-mars aka Gevurah, Vanaheim-venus or lower-heaven, Hod planet of iron aka hot hell or slavery, Muspelheim - higher heaven or creation (with a moon which was on mars and possibly connected to pluto via Hod or a war of good versus evil). Netzah is regarded as Muspelheim or virgo as well. Jotunheim-Jupiter or Yimir is Kronos whom's son in gemini or true heaven is defeated by the bramic father with casualties (basically if siva is to lose worlds will perish) whom resembles Hod or hell in the eddas actually, yet like Keter forms a gaseous or lifeless non-terrestrial planet. Ohm is sanskrit for sound or a red terrestrial yet abandoned world in the center of the milkyway connected to aries and mars as non-elemental or organic matter ie the god sign is revealed. Keter in the sephir. Svata-Yesod or companion of old earth aka Helheim-old earth, or cold hell ie Malkuth or Helheim and Yesod is both Mizor/Alcor, Tiferet-earth or midgard in the eddas}. Missing is Pluto as chokmah and Binah as the moon. Mizar&Alcor is a star of the 2nd, 7th ray&4rth ray or holds planets of the red and orange chakra ie magi. Yesod is a blind world, Keter is an ice-world but may be regarded as Ohm or Ymir if the sephir were masc. Other worlds like Bifrost and Ragnarök are desolate or abandoned globes (however Heimdallr holds lifeless or microbial germs under leo). Wisdom is love, Vanaheimr is Chesed aka Venus, however sometimes we mention Hod connected to Jupiter as Venus. This may or may not be true, yet Hod or Hell seems to be missing from the Eddas if it is not. It seems to be the planet Jotunheim in the Eddas or land of the giants under Loki whom kills the first cardinal christ, baldr. A hot planet of metal was possibly not Venusian, like this world under our system and Jupiter is. The worlds of netzah and hod must have created a map of some sort to a time of interstellar warfare. Hod probably resides in Fohat under Brahma as a dead planetary system, a globe missing from the 9 worlds is now dust in fomalhaut. Hod, also of Andromeda (similar to venus as vanaheimr, home of the vanir or lower heaven) is absent from the Eddas. Hence the arya seem to conceal an ultimate evil or sin as utter destruction of a globe via cosmic war in its legends. If Alfheim is present though, then its recent destruction via light is revered. This would be the most accurate explanation because Jupiter creates its own heat via ammonia (shows similarities to the word or great spirit Jotunheim or is infact that planet in our system). Hod & Hesed (disclude Yesod, ntb confused with a masc female companion to malkuth aka home of the 'night elves' or cheribs in svarta in union with da'at is the origin or home world of deva substance) must be Venusian in spirit, if Hod was defeated its Hesed in union with Muspelheimr (good as evil) against Vanaheimr as Venus in Libra or Muspellheim/Netzah (good as siva or virgo) must be the famed siva whom was humiliated (humiliated?) by its bramic father in capricorn (hesed is vanaheim ie venus as origin of the sexless 'female' or androgynous germ whom represents all creation&purity aka lower heaven). Therefore the hebrews only have a lower heaven or simple form of good and evil. Because of its sin, Hod must lie in the dragon's eye or divine energy of Fohat (meru) so it is Hesed whom traveled from Andromeda to reach our logoi as venus. Venus is well hidden in the Eddas and presumed to be Jotunheim or Jotunheimr currently via christianity in this system, if not for its elements of good in the great past (it was moon of jupiter for the longest period upon the great inner cycle). This should be the correct order to deviate from mistakes eg @times Keter is confused for asgard in the sephir or written in this doctrine that way, however it (asgard of the pleiades) is god as a fem-masculinated germ or entity in aquarius, so Keter may very well be Oem or a dead world of sound&highest chakra to this galaxy in aries. Earth or the heart chakra is told to be older than our very sun. Keter may be a God as the central abandoned orange globe of spirit and sound (chakra) whom 'light elves' or cosmic aliens of light prayed to. Earth and the Milky way are 1tr yrs of age all together in both forms yet earth as malkuth was not rock or a star but yet carbonated waste (molten lava or fire turned into matter, malkuth is infact created from carbon, carbon is created from rock ie the cores of many stars laid to waste, where all matter in the universe is but yet formed from stars..we presume malkuth is infact dust from the beginning made into fire). However, it is Da'at whom holds a central field of light to all the worlds. In the Eddas Asgard is regarded higher than Keter or Alfheim (da'at) because of the chakra or ultimate form as an organic species ie the sexless female it seems. Half of the world or land's evolution since creation (the west) take on this trait of defenseless or fragile femininity. If masters can live without bodies, this equation is infact ridiculed or tarnished to put the form as god, so the eddas are simply an order of life or events and the sephir a spirit of our galaxy...so asgard must have been a sacred planet with divine energies&colonized for this power, an ice-world to be destroyed prematurely or lost by its sun. The sun is a mere few billion (presumed to be 8 billion or 50 yrs of a human life cycle's age compared to the earth's 30 years, the sun's full life will only be 12 billion years of age (some say the sun will live as a comet for up to 30 or 33 billion years!)) where each billion years is a zodiacal sign or absorbed ray from an unknown source which was abandoned in the past). Long ago before this globe the god signs of aries (Baldr) and sag (Vali) were not only considered gods from the past universe (son and father) but yet brothers whom were reunited and loved each other deeply. A new Earth or smaller piece of the Old earth, a twin planet of two stars whom were a brother and sister from Orion is born. Therefore the earth itself is a cycling atom to the greater logos. It is also told the Moon has origin of life as well aka as A-Sexual organisms from sirius (the female can be considered androgynous or a-sexual in the occult), life whom represents the heart of lemuria or asia and all reality. These beings were so advanced as to leave the essence of mankind and all their technologies and/or ways to their fate. There must be a hidden christ in cancer whom remains unnamed, but the fact is that this christ could be baldr or baal in another system or time. If Aries dies, Baldr is seen as a sidereal christian being (hence all of nature under the sidereal is as was under the tropical or if the earth changes under the sun, all of terrestrial lower-nature follows under it). Some would say aquarius is zeus turned into god or galactical light. Cancer, however is earth itself...a clone of zodiacs, so its legends are hard to interpret do to the limitations of the human signs ie he dies in ragnorak, if ragnorak means the end of the universe then a human germ would prevail, however the occult destroys the fact of continuation with the form&the Vanir (earthlings or females as sin) are a feminine germ or continuation of the spirit. If anything cancer (Gullveig as christ whom was crucified or burned by fire 3 times also means 'gold' or ?a harvest of this material?) is an atlantean form whom degenerated or unknown serpent whom became limited due to procreation of the form connected to the jinn and elemental or the good spirits of lemuria (possible factors of reincarnation). The seeds represent the Vanir or female germ (evil as copulation) whom penetrate dead spirits aka earth from lower-heaven and/or hot hell. Earth is infact evil to higher deities where the hidden christ in cancer is Gullveig which means 'gold' or a harvesting and exploitation of a precious material. The characters Odin, Heimdar and thor under the aquarius/leo signs? Odin is aquarius, Heimdarl is a planetary germ in leo. Aesir is a race of humans not from this world but from previous worlds in this system, or whom have high vibrations where heaven is infact andromeda in the occult or simply put earth went to war with heaven. Therefore all planets under the sun is the spirit of leo at one time or another hence leo is infact a lunar germ. An Unknown star, possibly connected to Pollux in Gemini was the north star of the old world as Malkuth. They say a boar in aries kills adam for its karma hence aries as lower-nature dominates Adonis, an unknown Cain from another planet (malkuth?) or Gemini as the first adam in siva (the first sin on earth was from adonis, this could very well be 18 million years ago within an advanced civilization!). However this war of germanic folklore speaks of the beg to the end, in brama not just in a world, but in many worlds put together. Atlas may be Zeus, Hercules or Orion (in Gemini) therefore veiling the mountain and civilization of Asgard eg Odin and Atlas are unworldly. Therefore Aesir of Asgard or the masc germ in form as a feminized entity is considered good or an unknown equal, ie alien to even the alien native born of our logoi. If thor is akin to hercules as a god in light, he must be under leo in midgard or earth and aquarius on other worlds, therefore partially eliminating the biased fact that he is indubitably a god of war, lightning and thunder. The seeds of virgo/aquarius sprout yet microcosmically or macrocosmically. The greeks play with deception, descent into the lake of fire (terrestrial ground whom's surface is burned with flame) is the previous globe on malkuth in a dead-like condition. We assume if this is the case, the planet reformed like a jigsaw puzzle, where the tectonic plates were indeed here as small cracks from the surface of malkuth, and its side (earth's ocean) was the main component whom had drawn in cold space to create heat. When its world split, half became planet earth or reformed via ash and heat to its center core. All is connected to andromeda however malkuth of mizar (&Yesod) is connected to the great bear constellation. The Cheribs are born to give chase with the sun. The lunar monads are also born.
Vulcan as a solar system arrives and is killed after a long cycle around the sun's aura or heliosphere, in slow intervals becomes a red star with its own solar system in taurus (whom holds its planets such as saturn is revealed to be the alien intervener then Nature as Virgo is its smaller form), a red comet or inner planetary star turned comet named Vulcan (Vulcanus is a jupiterian star named nemesis actually, ntc the reader Vulcan was a twin star system, Nemesis is a jupiterian planet or part of Nibiru in tau or a dwarf star outside our system now in orion and will arrive in the future pole-shift...ie vulcan and nibiru were a twin star system, vulcanus must be nemesis once attached to vulcan&nibiru or nibiru will not enter the system but its host planet under virgo will like vulcan under virgo did..hence nemesis under virgo carries the 4 horsemen or moons of aries, pisces, capri&leo and nibiru is infact the lamb of god) under Virgo and finally a planetary moon called Mercury in Gemini (ie the Transmutation of Planets such as Phaeton becoming Venus, or a comet in Leo&Capricorn...first a moon in taurus turned comet in Leo&finally planet in capricorn is Venus). Although Hercules is aries it is taurus in the far future or an offworldly hercules under a pure spirit. Herculobos is infact Nibiru or Planet X, it is also known as the Lamb of God, or Hercules under Taurus, once twin star or a twin star system like Mizar and Alcor, to vulcan itself and at present day residing outside our system. Aquarius is Mercury in spirit however. No name represents nibiru in science, however its companion star was once Marduk aka jupiter (Nemesis), whom came from another star, whilst it switched positions with Nemesis, a red jupiterian giant whom will enter our system as well. Marduk means Old earth, Tiamet means 'giant asteroid' or new earth and was infact the result of its globe splitting in two upon another system before our's or not under our sun. Many have noted Tiamet to being the newly formed earth however, which is also true. Vulcan carries its own solar system which becomes the sacred planets of our solar logos. The planet Marduk or old earth equates specifically to these non-human signs..Gemini/Tau/Capricorn therefore Orion. All except for Neptune is carried via a great red star (Neptune is alien in origin, made of nitrogen&connected to the most etheric of all signs leo hence the true vishnic signs possess ether or etheric qualities to the brama-vishnu-siva effect or possibly even a reversal of its cosmic elements, all about it speaks of its nativity connected to Leo where seeds in summer do not sprout but grow or become rare or superior nature). The cardinal signs remain steady hence capricorn is obnoxious yet fully aware of maybe 125 years in its life cycle, just above human expectancy (the cardinal, the cross, and the circle so to speak). Vulcan represent three paths or rotations around the sun, inside it and outside it. It represents 3 lotus forms inside the sun, and 3 passes outside the sun. The passes outside the sun are deaths esp the first one (however we will say the third one is when it came or cycled in close range to effect its aura or system). When it enters the sun from comet-to-moon-to-comet they are lotus forms. The red lotus or the lotus of nature is Vulcan, it enters the heliosphere to turn around the sun afterwhich it slows down, almost depriving the sun completely of oxygen. It represents the south where Nature changes its form. When it passes a second time it becomes a red comet which pierces the earth, the third form from the south is a comet turned moon turned comet and it becomes the planet mercury (in this doctrine it is said to interfere with the planets greatly eg saturn, but that's probably a lie, it most likely brought the planets here, however the pacific rim {created 18 million years ago} is a result of vulcan in its 2nd phase inside our logos unless in its pass via saturn to mercury or 85k-36k as a microcosmic lotus leaf or some type of consciousness). Oxygen becomes known as an abundant gas aka light water in the known universe. Centrifugal forces of small objects are an unknown lotus form, of which only masters would understand. The spirit of Icarus or Virgo fails to merge with matter or Judas is hung by its people, or commits suicide in a capital building, a lead general hence Judas represents pisces&is replaced by Matthias of colchis (also under pisces), a present day georgia where the ares being was derived or had lived eg mars means general in latin. However, the love affair between this being and aphrodite must have been comical at best. Pisces represents Vulcan turned into mercury briefly when changing into a planet from a comet or star phase in order to reach the inner rings, planets cycle through the outer ones. Hence Mercury had 3 lotus forms, one outside the solar logos as a cycling star upon creation, another outside saturn or infront of jupiter as a penetrating lotus (literally ricocheting off the asteroid belt) which had to do with the number 4 and the final one as vulcan again as a comet turned planet once more whom hauled the earth or inner lotus.Neptune is the only planet whom held Mercury for a brief amount of time before it reached uranus, saturn and the inner rings in its dull form, completely dodging jupiter actually ie it becomes moon to 8th planet to moon once more, and finally to small comet form within the inner rings or inner lotus. It is first under the sun after vulcan. Neptune is now Piscean, yet transmuted into Leo then Aries upon arriving in this system. The meaning of Horus is defined. When Neptune was a star it was reddish pink. Our sun under Leo reunited with the heart or an alien star system, and alien solar logoi for planets once were great stars with their own planetary logos, connected to the corresponding zodiacs of the 7 logoi or sacred signs whom metamorphosizes their spirits under this logo of our sun (mercury-aquarius, aries-uranus, neptune-pisces, venus-taurus, saturn-capricorn, jupiter-sag, gemini-earth). These planets were originally from (mercury-virgo, uranus-aquarius, neptune-leo in orion, jupiter sag in orion, saturn-capricorn, venus-libra, earth-gemini of the great bear). Jupiter is speculated to be Capricorn where Jesus hides an unrevealed cause. All under cancer of the sephir. The lotus formation of vulcan turned to mercury is infact Neptune turning it into fire or lava, or the process of a star becoming a moon ie horus sign is the sign of magi..Therefore the children of light are first race beings or the famed lunarians in the bible whom the europeans kept secret royal blood lines in europe for. They are the egoistic or 'dumb' race of beings whom inhabited binah-jehovah or the non-sacred moon which accompanies your non-sacred planet, earth. They are connected to the death of that planet, and therefore have arabic blood. However, they are not considered human but yet non-human...a hairless race and globe connected to the aquarius-libra signs like asgard, however it is also connected to cancer. They are known as the famed Vulcan builders of stone or the sons of Vulcan (the vulcan workers of orion etc) ie metal workers or metallurgy under aquarius yet no longer appear on earth but for in their astral form& their illegal religion was muslim. Sidereal Aries is indeed a christianized angelic entity or of christian purpose on earth (the divine seeds or jewels of lower nature are told to sprout from trees at this time whom blossom into flowers during late spring under tau ie 2 forms are made). The moon is recently tau-leo and later gemini in its movements. The lunar lotus is told to have a black seed or center instead of the earthly yellow one. A great divine movement or achievement of the holy spirit. Basically there are only two lotus forms of vulcan for the star form died around its path near the sun, leaving a lotus like aura (see also einstein's etheric body of mercury theory). The first form was a chaotic system whom diminished into a small star after 3 passes, the second form was the inner ring actually because it died & was flung by saturn as a comet after passing the sun and couldn't make the lotus formation in its jupiterian state (planets will always fall into lotus formation before gaining a linear spherical path around our sun, the closer, the more narrow the leaf of the lotus, each leaf is a zodiacal gate it is presumed by certain numbers of 9, 12 or whatever the master of that sign is, or knows well about its planet). We think neptune may only be responsible for giving venus a perfect path ie intermingling or cycling but a few times or the first planet gives the inner planets the perfect path, mathematically speaking (more research needed eg if jupiter is the shortest moon cycle of mercury, then venus is the shortest moon cycle of neptune). Venus enters this system under Libra first then tau in Saturn, and finally leo as a comet and capricorn as the second planet. The planet neptune was touched by venus briefly or venus spiraled into our logos to realign via neptune somehow. This must be the true fall of a lucifer or the fallen angel under taurus. Vulcan and Mars is known as the Red rose and/or red lotus hence exotic evolution connected to alien species not of this earth. Vulcan must have been first to arrive as a small star navigating inside our system against the central body of the sun, only then after this event comes the outer planets, where vulcan later returns 47million years ago as a comet and 85k to 36k years ago as mercury. In fact, it is Vulcan whom kisses the sun to put it to death. The outer ring is formed.
Uranus arrives first or becomes in first place, Neptune comes forth from Orion (only after Vulcan) and intermingles or 'tickles' uranus to become first in its (the sun's) place. The power of giai is revealed here, what happened is Neptune came first to our solar logoi only after vulcan then uranus came, both were on the same path and intermingled. Neptune was let loose and Uranus as well. Therefore we equate Neptune to the signs of Aries, Leo and Pisces in the great past. However, Neptune is infact Leo under the sun or before all else. This much is known, Uranus was at one time first under the sun. The true power of the holy spirit. A spirit emerges within a great body (see connection to sidereal aries in lower-nature). Saturn soon arrives as first place of the solar logos in front of the sun only to be ousted by Jupiter. The seventh sun is told to be dim light of uranus from the center of the galaxy directly connected to the Capricorn-Scorpion cusp therefore Capricorn is the father of all the signs in this universe but yet for the Aries one. A rule of cometary fragments will be revealed here. The planets were indubitably created from a star to a comet to a planet esp the outer gaseous ones. Planets are comets. It is the first to hold mercury as a moon after it entered an orbit as the 8th position behind it&saturn, which saturn took up to around 85k (basically, without the earth it was 7th with it was 8 or the earth arrived last in the order of planets when infact mars was the only terrestrial globe or moon in front of the sun to be let loose from neptune early on). It is mentioned there was a star as vulcan with neptune whom skirmished and was devolved into a planetary moon then comet upon inner lotus form. Venus is told to be at 6th position behind neptune upon intrusion of our solar logoi at this time&for millions of years where it passes through it and becomes a moon of uranus (around 4b bce or around earth's intrusion it starts to become a moon of uranus, saturn and jupiter for long periods of time). This star was a jupiterian sized comet whom went around the sun and was instantaneously killed, yet was killed upon the outer heliosphere as well much earlier on. Uranus is the key to venus's perfect circle or linear path around the sun, to attain a non-lotus formation. A Venus whom was in a non-linear 6th position here intermingles with Uranus whom around 18m lets it free to become fifth planet of the sun. Venus is infact not a part of the lotus when arriving as a comet from andromeda into our solar logoi. Its an alien to god, or god's spirit basically. We may even go as far as saying its a catalystic germ and may have even been the bringer of life (karma) for the useless body. The mercury planet dives in front 85k and shoots asteroids in the asteroid belt where all planets when aligned have a slight lotus formation or evident one. Mercury had an evident 8 leaf formation whilst mars 12& it(mercury) did indeed go back into jupiter as a temp moon. Venus was the only planet without a lotus formation and was from andromeda. It came 2nd from the sun last, however these planets are far older than the arrival of earth from mizar aka malkuth, the old earth which was trillions of years old. Earth itself reformed it with the oceanic wound as an asteroid. The reformed earth cycled in a dna like sequence, where upon its circular ring pattern the moon intercepts it. The moon and earth are known as non-sacred planets, however the moon is far older than the earth. A Christ under this sign (capricorn) is crucified in Ancient Sumeria or parts of Russia (ie russia was an archetype of israel for the 4rth-3rd races@the time or a greek colony named Taurica as Tau or the Taurus sign prior 400bce..the crimean region alone is tau&pisces or the legends of artemis and Agamemnon in aquarius upon the land of the tauri peoples or slavs hence Iphigenia whom blocked troy is tau) when the cheribs ruled europe on earth and the atlanteans had their own fall or beginning via 85k bce under rocks from gemini. Artemis favorited Hippolytus in Aquarius&scorned Adonis in Gemini whom Aphrodite in Libra favorited. Vulcan must have penetrated the system without interacting with any planets, it must have had Neptune released mars somehow. It must have done so when only Neptune was under the sun, where the other logoi come later at a slower speed. Vulcan must have freed Mars from its grasp, and at the same time done so as a small body, or diminished star smaller than our sun prior to 306 million years. We presume this figure could even be 306 million years ago or billions of years ago. It must have been here before all else, and returned to devastate earth, however it interacted with Neptune&our sun as an unknown 4rth path or transit before even the gaseous planets had arrived (the reason why Nibiru has the planets of orion coming first is because they are released from its path, vulcan did not release its planets basically, Nibiru is galactical, vulcan is not or of a southern path in chaos..vulcan was hit on a course with our sun basically..it may have even taken the position of neptune when creating the outer ring, or had Neptune and Uranus depart to enter in the sun's path). To take mars from Neptune would mean this had to be a route. Vulcan's path is an unknown from the south whom strangles the sun.
Jupiter outraces Saturn, causing it to crash into Neptune and Uranus hence Saturn is the principle planet whom scars Uranus first for its 'false' adultery or union with its (now saturn's) mate Neptune. Therefore it causes Neptune to sink as well. Saturn represents 4 or 12 as the tropical therefore its path is linear and non-atomic (The seeds of Capricorn in winter are told to not blossom but bloom due to the cold where flowers grow extra thick). When it clashes with Neptune and Uranus, it remains going backwards due to its velocity and size. It finally moves forwards via 0 bce, uranus kills saturn, yet all the gas planets (sacred planets) are considered dead stars of past consciousness's far greater than ours in the occult. Here we will divulge some information about the moon before this system. It is of muslim or unknown religion which is only 6 million years old, however the moon is far older than the earth's life cycle connected to three signs libra-scorpio-aquarius which are all under cancer&gemini. Their moon had life for approximately 6 million years, their life was 6 billion years of age on that planet...however the moon itself is 6 trillion years old and connected to the numbers 666. Connected to plant-eating organisms, predators did not exist on their planet of Binah-Jehovah. Of where the ego (and 'dumb thought') is invented, the magnetic atmosphere (and its sphere of influence) of this planet was great, so great to awaken the jealousy of mars, another unsacred planet in our system with similar qualities of the concept of time. However, conflict was with germs in matter, a proof of a state of evolution as lowest and highest or union of two souls. The moon is far older than the earth itself, however in a stellar form it was even younger than the sun or simply died too quickly into matter. A proof of a completion by god for all its forms and that a god is of one spirit persay not 12 or 4 (cosmic bodies as spirits). Venus is known to have intermingled with all the planets like mercury before it whom was at 8th position all this time. This study is still in progress yet we think inbetween neptune and uranus is where venus landed to become 6th to 5th planet, therefore it came during earth's cycle as a planet or when earth was first under the sun. Either or before earth arrived it must have been 6th planet&intruded through netpune's path without intermingling greatly to get to 5th position. This much is known, venus was def. a 6th planet whom dodged or missed neptune to get into 5th position during the entry of earth or esoterically went from position of 5th to 6th before entering uranus. Therefore like how mercury carries the number 888, venus carries the number 666 or was 6th planet from the sun, a comet behind neptune before earth's arrival, and fifth planet after its arrival having achieved the position behind uranus in libra (speculated to be in position 8 or 7 with the inner planets included, however they had not arrived at this time hence time is so great, it transmuted into a globe or shed its ice under Saturn). Venus is truly connected to the fifth race. When it was in a position behind Saturn this tells us the number 5 could only be connected to it when the earth arrived. It was still fifth when Mercury took position as first and it (venus) formed a path behind jupiter, much later until mercury arrived in front of the sun about 85k bce. Pelagasians (krishna's race, hence the bible was about krishna or christ), lunarians and other beings are all of this particular race and its star in matter is sirius, however they were relocated to the zeta reticuli constellation within el dorado of cancerian nature after achieving all that is known and having their planet perish, albeit naturally its atmosphere fainted fairly fast afterwhich it traversed great space to become our moon, or the true mother and father is known. The good son skips matter and its acknowledgements upon the material world completely. However, a correction maybe made here, mercury did infact cycle jupiter or may have re-cycled jupiter esoterically gone back some how via the lotus. One thing is known, the planet jupiter represents the christian religion and all planets that go through it must be thrown by it. Here we will mention Chnumis is infact Sao or Satan of the numbers 888 or mercury turned into a comet mimicks a star in the center of our galaxy and part of the kumaras. It may even be possibly connected to the creation of saturn as a star somehow. Satan or Mercury as the christ child completely ignores matter (jupiter) upon entry. Neptune is an unknown or dragged from Orion itself by unconventional means (through magi or a great galactic pull when the twin stars were released. It must have been carried these vast distances somehow. However it may have been mentioned as first in union with the leo sign of the sun, this is not true. It was second after uranus and was repelled in the same manner by uranus due to its speed as a diminished star and/or comet like object. True origin of the black magi on earth is said to be invented here&via the great bear germ or rock. The moon in all its form is connected to the lotus.
4 Billion years ago earth arrives into the solar ring bathed in hot magma and vulcanized rock. The messenger dove or moon flies into it's sphere of influence approx 1b yrs ago. A diamond of icey shards seems to have melted over a long length of time. There were 4 phases already occurred by heavenly bodies which effected our planet. The first was 1b-360m yrs ago the moon (fertilization and freezing aka the many ice ages), then vulcan 47m-18m (turning around the sun or creation of the pacific rim&earth's continents), then saturn turning and the sun 18-85k yrs ago (saturn turns and the sun cools or enters a cooling path where as the rama epic is 1.7-1.2m yrs old to 870k bce hence Colombo or Rambukana in Sri lanka was the capital, and technically 7 states {2 divided} still are there), then the inner planets such as venus, mars and mercury 85k-now currently reeking havoc to destroy the earth via a collapse of matter in the near future (2160 or around a future date, around 85k earth enters the tropical, sidereal time are states of pole-shifts, before and after basically ie vibration of venus is sidereal, yet earth realigned, 2012 AD is also a sidereal state or the moons currently in our system are simply small enough to keep ecliptic rotation around the outer planets). The solar logos had caused for earth to have 4 great catastrophes with heavenly bodies, basically. It is presumed Mercury was the quickest to enter the logoi however this doctrine says a few million years, may in actuality be a few thousand. The earth was formed, the moon marries a rock from the great bear hurling it into an ice age. First race beings of etheric substance leave remnance of bacteria on its rock from their previous world & are told to be syrian in origin. Connected to the Sakas. Plants are fertilized near the sun, algae already present on the great bear rock grows before the moon arrives. Sky is also already created. When the moon or Binah contacts or fertilizes the earth, Ice plates crack and create the major oceanic rift valley, two are cloned via collapse, in particular the plate in the Atlantic. The moon's ages differ from the earth eg the 1st age is male-to-female sided (female via fertilization), 2nd male (possibly female-male or androgynous), 3rd female, 4rth male again (current) and finally fifth female (basically a def by the way the earth rotates or is tilted, centrifugally rotates and the way its light is shown or hit by the sun). So here reveals the Sofia Christos as Venusian or a future light from our moon. When a monad or star of your heavenly body enters another constellation or zodiacal sign it does so forever which is why initiation is so difficult, because it does this in the great past upon creation not in its future. What the Christ did is so rare as to be impossible or light becomes a zodiac sign where the universe is divided into 12 solar monads as gods (space is nothingness or has no center, yet for instance scorpio in virgo would make it that center...however it is still virgo & its stars still scorpio or two as god instead of 12 where a new center is created..a new unseen line is drawn in the sand so to speak). The earth has a pos-neg influence to this alien pattern (0-before the moon pos or m, 1-neg or f, 2-pos m, 3-neg f, 4-pos m etc). Neptune is told to release mars around these dates, however we presume it released mars 6 billion years ago or before the earth's arrival (earth&the moon was under the sun last, obviously), and mars rotated in an atomic lotus form to its position ie vulcan introduces mars of orion to neptune or Mars aligned via bombardment by the asteroid belt&had lakes and rivers up to 6000 bce it is presumed. Later on to about 360m years bc earth is literally created by first thick air then water&finally ice and a melting phase where as early as 120m yrs ago land first appears & 220m yrs ago the first organisms. Venus is told start cycling as as a moon into second position from sixth to begin entering uranus or the sacred planetary chain at this time ie it is always told to be infront of neptune as 6th-5th planet. Argyre Planitia is evidence of Martian age in science, the scientists have finally proved water was in this crater. Beings have colonized mars it seems. They are very short humans with large craniums. They look and act as children. A lakebed, however so, it took aeons for water to collect itself in this region for there is no weather on mars. We presume the crystallized aquarian Argyre crater was created upon impact during a Neptunian cycle more than 6 billion years ago. We also state, there are no rivers on mars but for the ones created by athena as lightning from venus right around the corner of 6000 bce. Hence another geological feature is Hellas basin as a permanent desert, and the ocean on mars under its northern ice cap going onto land to be sucked up as a sponge. Here we will prove to science of the beaches from its ocean on mars, the gale crater is an island against a beach from which water flowed. There are also supposed structures that resemble the skeleton of a city in this region, flat and geometric. All the evidence is there, mars has a deep history. We speculate all large globes and moons must go through planets with the largest released first. We also speculate venus coupled with Neptune and Uranus for a short period of time, and Saturn for a long one. The first-age or major polar shift on earth begins via melting ice-plates.
*Two typhoons unleash their fury, one known as Typhoon Set creates Africa before 306m via vulcan. First magnetically, than via air and water. The second larger pacific Typhoon of Ausur or Osiris merges two continents by drowning an indonesian Lemuria or the whole of the earth. However, typhoon Ausur dies out first. Two powerful space vacuums, one near japan aka the dragon's triangle and another in bermuda become a permanent aspect of earth. The antarctic and its ozone layer also is formed via a centrifugal force of mass (see also the martian ice caps or rose formed via the 4 billion year old collision). The fourth race is born and split into the world via the north american dwipa in order to degenerate the human seed. The japanese moslems (earth basically literally belongs to the asian race since the beg) into papua new guinea then japan, the caulks into the south greenland dwipa aka asgard of where africans are born, the indians into south america. A powerful result of a polar tip. These powerful typhoons must have lasted months if not years in the human cycle albeit if the typhoons themselves were unleashed via two corners of the globe an estimate of a decade is given, however this is included with the result they gave of flooding the lands after they slid and merged magnetically. The lands themselves must have broke first, then slid. If america breaks continentally speaking, it slides upwards to merge and breaks again, however the second canadian break or collapse was caused via the 1.7 million year event (the first east coast break 18m yrs ago) it is presumed in the melting of glaciers. If a pole-shift is as powerful as it seems, the second break (see odin mts) was probably caused by greenland somehow, not the merger of alaska. A Presence creates the angel Lucifer Morningstar to ignite suns, Michael (st michael's day was sep 25th) to provide form or start worlds and Gabriel to impose shape on worlds of light formed at a time where the archangels are truly born. A Great Flood swept the world in the beg of time and 7 islands arose from nothing (presumed to be the 1st age, yet something happened when Saturn aligned itself with Neptune so we assume it happened in the 2nd age of 47m yrs ago to 3rd age of 18m where a flood was created upon the poleshift of 18m ie in geology only water can tear giant continents apart, not land or air). Mt Meru was under India once and regarded as the tip or head of the world, however it never flooded or went under. Only the event of 11k says earth and all its lands went under the oceans, however we speculate upon a hidden event during the 2nd age and upon the 3rd or man's time. Geology tells us this age happens when small shards of rock turn into mts on land, and mts turn into age or small rocks in water. We presume the typhoon Set was so powerful as to disintegrate the tip of mt hermon in israel, the non-initiating mountain. The elemental body is left on earth to be discarded. This means when a continent moves under water, the size of the rock shows the age of the continent ie a small indentation would be a recent age, a large one would be an earlier one (and longer). The cities of atlantis were square structures, not circular and still today it appears to have not progressed. The cities of Marduk are presumed to be circular, however we are def sure, the capitals themselves were rarely circular or we have yet to enter the circle. They say 10 million years ago rama was born or incarnating on another earth (in one of his reincarnated lives he traveled to india from the himas themselves), however these times are hard to calculate for anyone but the masters, therefore its histories are left in darkness like the previous globes (the hindu calendar is the same 12 month calendar as the catholic one, so we will remain concise ie the month of Lagna is Nov-December, the month of Chaitra is March-April etc). Rama is regarded as the last avatar for the human race before krishna and before or above jesus even (hence the resurrection of jesus is associated with Jonah and the whale, once again a sagittarian or sivic entity whom wields sorcery or is in knowledge of such worlds to do so). Kurma is infact Aquarius, varahana or varaha is scorpio, narasihma leo, all before ram (in order). However the 4 kumaras or the bramans as sons of god are first, always esp narayana in gemini (5 including cancer which is regarded as an alien kumara). The treta yuga ends here. Matsya is Pisces or revealer (cancer the veiler) of the logoi, Parashurama in Tau builds Atlantis and all its struggles for achievement of mankind or defeats the sign of scorpio. The asgardians had cars, they used roads and raw materials. They were the famed gift bringers of the west or western civilized world at the time (and even regarded so today by the fifth race). Now there is no west there is only an extension of the germ Iran or persia basically. The chinese were like today's black races penetrating their lands (which is why many aryans have infused chinese blood esp the pink skinned arya in minute detail, giving proof civilizations do indeed solitarize as oppose to integrate in future times, chinese colonialism is rare if not existent upon the modern world). Their cars were pods with wheels, similar to race cars of today, however the narayana only used pods akin to the hybrid energy of plasma (asgardians used atts or radiowaves more effectively). We must note one minor trivial difference between these gods of Odin so-to-speak of Asgard and its human race counter-part of Atla or Asgard on earth. The unworldly race of Odin is Aquarian, whilst the other terrestrial race whom occupied the north west continent is Libra. The world once was materially modernized in all shapes and forms. The Sri lankan bridge had a super-highway so-to-speak, the island itself had a beach-like atmosphere where white concrete cities occupied its shore lines. Ships or bulgy airliners were the main source of transportation though, and an entropy or dystopia did occur. There is war as cooperation and falsehoods, and then there is biblical wars with nature (also falsehoods). The town of Vavayuna was a booming metropolis and its eastern side had coastal cities similar to florida's miami bay currently (@ least in temp). One thing is known Saturn is occultly connected to vulcan aka mercury so this is regarded as the hidden age where earth was truly formed. Without the first race the world is not without its inhabitants, therefore the first adamic man is no more than a few million years in development. 7 sacred planets represent our logoi as divine spirits in Saturn (capricorn), Mercury (aquarius), Uranus (aries), Jupiter (sagittarius), Earth (gemini), Neptune (pisces) and Venus (taurus). Saturn and Jupiter are capricorn, however sometimes Jupiter is mentioned as Sagittarian aquarian do to its fixed cross in space. Coral reefs are made. Deserts too are created.
1 billion years ago sea life emerges, Vulcan passes 47m yrs ago though (its told to pass through only 3 times within the heliosphere) through the asteroid belt. Jupiter strikes mars via Diomedes (a jewish god, mars is connected to the god of the jews or Oem, a large clone red planet near the center of the universe connected to Sagitti) or Aquarius in Cancer where Ascalaphus in scorpius (origin of Black metal) or previous moon of Mars was killed (thrown into the asteroid belt). However only 6000 bce did athena as zeus or an arabic god (unknown capri) spear it with a bolt of lightning (basically venus crossed paths with mars at a much later time). Mars dies (288 fallen sparks aka fallen angels in aquarius destroy the planet and all its colonies from space, mars was once an atmospheric live planet able for colonization however its oxygen rich atmosphere never reached a peak for evolution or sustainable life above the microbial state), sidereal time begins for the inner planets, dead life forms or germs (Monera, bacteria and/or algea fungi) without a catalyst remain in the sea. Before earth's intrusion mars was rotating retrograde motion (ie close and near the sun or atomically). The Aquarius sign must be chaos magic or chaotic light&movement upon the astral plane. Mars becomes habitable, basically, and oxygenated yet cold, afterwhich athena strikes it around 6000 bce and it becomes inhabitable eg the equatorial regions of mars are told to reach 60 degrees Fahrenheit with an atmosphere and fresh-water ozone. One thing is known, something stopped it from rotating around the sun in 360 degrees (not atomically but only via neptune) via a retrograde motion or far and near its host star. Correction or error: in a retrograde lotus motion ie its impossible for planets to rotate atomically against a star persae even when out of control, it will be swallowed by the sun, however it may have rotated atomically to enter neptune. The martians were able to colonize it during an atomic state though, &they were killed off by the asteroid belt or committed some type of martyrdom (ie it would be fairly easy to know an atomically rotating mars would hit the asteroid belt eventually, however the asteroid of diomedes may have indeed been prematurely flung into it to give it the retrograde spin of 2 years or it simply slowed after neptune released it upon creation via the collision with saturn ie it entered the suns path in a tilt). We know Aphrodite in Libra is wife of Ares (representing the tree of life and a mountain such as the himas possibly), therefore totally terrestrial...however Astyoche in Virgo is of Martian origin derived from its river (hereby earth becomes the alien factor or non-native of the story). The Achaeans were nordic beings driven away by the war-like sumerians or dorian people. The Jinn or elementals arrive on earth whom rules under the Cancer sign of where our known universe is situated or will begin and end. The formation of the 'S' (saudi arabia, south africa, north africa, and japan) and 'M' (greenland, iceland and europe) are also split from the pacific to the atlantic or far pacific via lemuria. The first arrival of vulcan within the solar rings is est to have occurred between 1 billion years and now because when it deprived the sun of life or oxygen (the sun got smaller and cooled) it must have done so before prehistoric life, arrival or life on the inner rings. It must have occurred 47 million years ago (sometimes these sources say 18 million years ago, except a second age map is not present, it was a flooding period of the earth or creation of shorelines, 47m was the formation of continents it seems, to not confuse the reader). However we state this as the second arrival, where as the first was infact what drew the planets from its system to this one, the first arrival must have occurred up to 10 billion years ago, however if the doctrine says this was a creation aspect of the milky way it must have had direct contact with our sun less than 33 billion years ago (33b years is the age of our sun also known as the number 52 in human years). It must have turned into a comet through this action. Mars however is not a sacred planet but yet a mere neptunian moon with an atmosphere. The northern stars are all ursa major stars in many spacial shifts due to an asteroid with no atmosphere gaining equilibrium. There are told to be 4 pyramids on each continent in the great past. These pyramids represented the 4 kumaras or 4 great continents. The Kumaras are supposed to be judged via karma. 1 of these pyramids are off the coast of bermuda, another in antarctica. Kumaras or rudas of the world are heavenly beings on earth, they are the 4 personality signs aka aries, tau, gem, can & pisces. If gem is cancer then pisces represents the final non-human kumara these also represent 4 suns or creation of the atomically rotating galaxy. The andromedans fell into sin via the chakra or sky, therefore they did not ascend but descend. If our own galaxy is this vast, the 10 worlds in the sephir&eddas must only be in a quadrant or corner of the milky-way galaxy, however they must also bear light or organisms, via a chain reaction so it is possible that no other world with life exists throughout the galaxy itself. The true origin of white and black magic is said to be told here as sex or different species introduced to earth.
360 million years ago, land appears, lifeforms and organisms appear on land. In this doctrine 360 is a scientific number, however it will mean 306. First age is the enochian 2nd age here (ie the cosmic events may have infact been the precursor age in this doctrine). The age of Germs before humans is the enochian first age here via race instead of spirit (enochian ages are races, therefore collapses of the earth and devolution instead of evolution or cosmic events as ages). Mars was a microbial planetary moon with a vast oxygen rich atmosphere and water prior 1 billion years. A martian germ arrives however the martians were on the isles of haiti and Jamaica (intermingling with africans eg pygmies are truly born of small islands via evolution) as far recently as 85-13k bce when the isles were nearly situated to their current position in place above florida (see also bermuda isle). It is said their planet sustained organic life and an atomsphere as early as 1 million years ago until wars broke out before the arrival of venus around 3102 bce. Organisms start to evolve. Basically here the Earth's pole star is upon many cycles in Ursa major. Every star in ursa major before earth's fermentation is accessed. The ice of the earth cracks and collapses from melting at a certain point. The first plate upon its current northern head (currently situated in the north pole) is formed. No land is formed before this period. The first age of earth was an arctic sea world before and after land arrives around 306m years. However, at this point in time the earth tips naturally, and the north star enters Alkaid (a sumerian third-race god or one of the gods of sumeria, the ursa major stars are also beings of this earth a long time ago, this one in particular whom walked upon the summer months is capricious and known as the king of kings connected to Osiris) up to about 47 million years after the ice sheets melt. The first age during this point is aka the 'Master's age' where until 47million years or the second age the north star will be last in Alkaid. Before the master's age lies Virgo as a feminine germ or imagination of all aspect hence Haunaman is the heart or Mary is chosen amidst a great order. Here lies the divine mystery of Capricorn where the North star is a result of the occult sign or the 'master of all masters'. It is feminine or negative aka the first age of earth. These great events are evidence of mars as the bearer of light, it navigated to each gate of the zodiac via an atomic movement towards and away from the sun which is the number 12, however mars itself was first to second infront of the sun even with earth in its path. Earth's northern stars leave Ursa Major and enter Draco in the polar age of libra to cancer. 70,000,000 ago and 120m are important figures. 120m is where microbial life emerges on land, 70m is where the mineral and vegetable kingdoms gain their sustenance or well ready for advanced life. One thing is known, nearly 19 million years ago Lemuria perishes or the earth has been settled upon as early as the kalpa even. Nitya Mahapralaya is the extinction of life like a lamp gets extinguished in the night. Nitya Sarga itself is perpetual motion of the universe, and death of man. The ice world of Venus is let go of Neptune at this time. Naimittika is when Brahma slumbers, Prakritika is elemental return, Atyantika is Supreme spirit where a pralaya or death of the form is connected to (source the sage Parashara circa 3100 bce ie 7 rishis lived up to 3,030 mortal years equivalent to a kalpa or 3 races/species were divided into 70, all of these conscious results are Samyana source blavatsky). The first age is told to begin here, however in esoteric terms it ends at this time via the departure of the moon and melting ice age (land appears). Odin holds the lunar world (sin) down whilst it rises, however the sagittarian pitris remain to cling on. The moon is the main outer heavenly body or cause of this pole-shift cycle (see also 47m-vulcan, 18m-saturn,85k-jupiter).
220 million years ago, life from another planet appears on earth, a venusian germ enters earth. It is told venus enters our system here, it becomes a planet 5th from the sun then a moon of Jupiter. Capella aligns itself with Earth as its Northern star or a star in the northern sky. However, occultly the star is still in Alkaid (see above). All religions are created via the beginning of life as fem energy within the first age of earth. It goes in a transition via a movement of ursa major&all the stars before fertilization. Where it is Alkaid>Kochab>Thuban>Polaris>Cepheus>Hercules especially errai to aldebaran, the 7th age will have no pole stars. Technically, it must have been in alkaid upon creation before the moon arrived, however it naturally descended from Alcor and Mizar prior to this unknown movement or perfect north as center (ie the master's often regard themselves as god, one reason is the sun, another is the alignment of this star as center to the 12 sounds see charts). To put in understanding terms, the moon aligned with mizar and alcor, however before this when earth had no dense atmosphere or moon it aligned with many stars of ursa major as a free floating rock, a capricious alkaid being the last and true centered north. Lord siva's wife or mate whom he betrayed was a venusian atlantean in pisces of the arabic-japanese race and ancestry or descent. Her(its) spirit is often seen on earth in the formation of the elements or clouds and rock particularly on mt kalisha itself. The Capricious sign is met and challenged where the dim star of Ram's island fails for life and Cancer as lower nature retains its herculean strength via non-materialism. Stars never change posi but just slightly for all time or millions of years. Oph however, under Scorpio is the killer of all life within the soul. The problem with the human race is they fail to understand the concepts of devolution. When one devolves it is through the planetary life-cycle early on and infact not a form of devolution but yet progress ie an island splits off and is isolated from the germ early on before the organism reaches its ultimate form or peak in evolution, in the case of earth...atlantean. If the germ is isolated into Madagascar via a small island, it is infact unable to attain a higher form than the marsupial. Venus attains position of Uranus at this time. Its final position before becoming a comet however is Saturn or it may have briefly became a planet of Uranus or passed it to become a permanent moon of Saturn (eg tau is venus as eve whom marries saturn as capri). Venus was its own planet at fifth position, we spec the number 7 though. It held to saturn as a moon for the longest times of the three, the largest moons are released first, obviously (of the 4 globes saturn, uranus, neptune, jupiter). Venus is spec to turn into a Comet after release of Saturn not Jupiter from its ice-world form eg Jupiter progresses or speeds time up enormously. It comes from its 6th-to-5th position (6th before the earth's arrival or it passes neptune as a moon with its faint lotus form) as planet in our solar logoi to moon. When venus entered our system it did so via libra or was a libran entity of heaven or a heavenly aspect to our logoi, however it entered numerous planets to become a moon of Saturn. This presumes a metamorphic change in the zodiac or the planet's spirit. An 8th planet became 7 then 5 as the spirit of Libra or it was never presumed to be 8 (invisible by the alignments of mars, earth, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus, pluto). It became Taurian from an ice planet, or it metamorphosis'd in Saturns sphere of influence. This in turn created a marriage of two planets or personalities. The spirit of venus then became leo when it entered the jupiterian system and sped up. It heated and was let loose as a comet. Jupiter flung it basically, and christianity is born. However, as second planet of the sun it is capricornian, or has the attributes of capricorn, even in cometary phase via evolution. It is connected to these zodiac signs in stages or changes (libra, tau, leo and finally cap). Ocean life such as fish emerge on land here.
-The quandary we have with the 306m yr old map is how the continents ripped apart or asunder to become the continents of this present world, the solution was the creation of africa and south america (306-47 means anywhere before this age, the true second age). The earth's oceans seem to have become bigger, therefore we assume the globe grew to spread the continents and is now shrinking. The land became smaller, its shorelines are under water. The ocean floor however attains stretchmarks, this movement would cause tectonic cracks all across the globe via vulcan, yet the 47m bce map shows the ice crack of the atlantic in its center. This can only mean one thing, the atlantic crack was caused by the moon (yet the indian tectonic crack also is evident on the map, therefore most of the cracks retain their present form upon this specific event). The continents created africa from nothing, or condensing of land so it was created last and may have risen at around 18m years ago! If a pole tips, it shifts. Although South america from its northern pole was ripped asunder, its mass makes it unbelievable for elemental forces except one, cold water at high speeds. For a continent to do this it needs a force violent enough to move the land. For this to happen the land must be under-water (on top of that, water can't reach the poles unless all the land is underwater), if not partially via a condensing of the atmosphere via two large typhoons engulfing the earth. Yet how did the largest of continents seem to split open? The solution is a hypothesis of a hidden alignment with Neptune or a flooding of the earth, not in creation by the moon nor in present day 11,000 bce but at around 47million years ago (traditionally 18million years for this world to have continents would infact be 47million years). Only water has the destructive qualities to move land, yet for land of the mass to move or appear 'torn', continents must be under water. There were 3 floods which engulfed the whole of the lands and 2 floods whom riddled mts tops for a brief time basically (the first flood via melting ice-sheets only covered the southern oceans, see following). One around the 4billion year cycle to 120m via melting ice-sheets, another around 47million years via osiris and set and one most recently via horus around 85k, where the flooding effect occurred no less than 13,000 years ago! However there was only one ice age on earth (not counting creation or ice-age with micro-organisms) which began approx 400,000 years ago via 400 winters of a deadly organism killing environment or a maxim pt which was farthest from the sun if you will. The Dragon's triangle is indubitably remnance of osiris which become active every some thousands of years (see also destruction of the mongolese invasion of japan via 12ad) via cosmic radiation from the sun or some unknown force. Before the fall it is told 4 to 7 billion humans inhabited the globe, however, they had millions of years to devolve and were still advanced. They also were segragated completly or unworldly whoms bones do not reside deep beneath oceanic crust and earth but above it, they disintegrated more so than the dinosaurs because deserts desolve matter completly and rock does not perserve the organisms of which empires are build above. One will not find a human skeleton millions of years old, simply because they will find their own skeletons or their cities would be burried or cleansed via the flood instead of perserved like the dinosaurs. We presume the ice-age occurred after rama's time or the pole tipped and the sun was farthest away from its current or source's path. Around 47 million years ago, the floridian eastern coastal plate changed its underwater location from the Hudson bay to the Gulf of Mexico via the movement of osiris or a great dragon (a changing of continents from the pacific to the atlantic), however it remained under water until recently around 85,000 years ago, whilst the upper east coast itself may have risen around 18m bce. Set (Aries) turns into a Scorpion (via scorpio) to kill Horus (in pisces or even scorpio..hence Horus is at times depicted to be Scorpio as or to a young soul), however Taurus falls against Scorpio or Orion is ironically bit by a Scorpion depicted Scorpius or an archetype of lower-nature. The occult still refers horus to neptune or pisces, because neptune is the fish, and it creates archetypes of horus via thin air (twin typhoons are created from nothing or no matter to accompany horus ie a vishnic correlation with libra in its past can be orion yet is herculean, hence Isis is indeed Scorpio in its great past or vice versa, Isis commands the greek moon IO, a leo incarnation with elements of scorpius, more research needed here). We will leave it as this, clones of Horus such as Thoth maybe Pisces. Io is Piscean, so Isis is Pisces and Horus a Scorpio. Set is still regarded as Aries or Ra, and Osiris is still Capricious. If Horus is indeed Pisces its veiling Scorpio somehow or Pisces has feminine traits of a germ whom supports the hydra in Virgo. However Pisces is a vieler of the zodiac, whilst Scorpio a conjurer. We will stick with this solution, Isis is Taurus (Hera or Venus under Saturn) whom pursues Set (Hercules) in karma, and Horus is still regarded as the fish or Pisces as Neptune. Where a Cow is not glamorized but yet remains to be a bull-like species. Isis is Tau or an angel sent to earth. The occult stays with the 7 or discludes or disassociates the human signs once again except for the sun in leo. Basically we don't have a second-third world map, however we presume only islands shifted at this time circa 47m-85k or during the dinosaurs. One thing is known, continents did infact realign into mass islands here.
47 million years ago, lemuria is formed by a pass by Vulcan or a dying red star whom pierces the inner heliosphere to around 18m years ago. The second age may infact be the enochian 3rd age here (once again cosmic events may be earlier, mass of the earth collapsing alone is a macrocosmic function). They say earth has not been engulfed in water once (see also noah's flood of 9000 bce), but twice or before the continents split from their bodies to form earth or the sun turned heavily at this time so much so as to enter a new pole-star in a backwards function, not forwards one. Lifeforms develop into Lemurians, primitive art and architecture is formed. The earth is pure aka the first age of man and the 2nd age of earth, however the lunar pole shift was so great in time as to skip other stars all together, it enters Kocab (the oceans are filled so greatly as to skip the path to thuban also note: the polar cycle from birth ie fermentation from its northern head was in sumatra upon mt meru) in the little dipper so its a masc age. The sun is turning basically, so for the northern star to skip thuban the sun's path around the galaxy must be at an angle here. The melting ice-sheets from birth create a pole shift at this time, most evidently the second large plate in the atlantic is formed. Siva is known as Mt. Sumeru or earth's pyramid formed in nature by the elements however a long time ago it was a large narrow mountain with forests in a valley. All the planets except for Saturn align on one side of the sun. An atomic rotation is apparent. The collapse of the ice-sheets occurs much earlier, yet the small continents crashing against the large ones occur at this time. The southern ocean stops moving. The land's shape becomes permanent basically (see esoteric map). This gives dinosaurs millions of years to devolve from large beasts and small islands (the weak magnetic sphere controls a state of growth for an organism on earth). We presume here Vulcan touches the outer heliosphere of the sun in a way that kills it, and begins its cycle as a comet inside its rings. However in between 1tr yrs and now it rotated around our star and the galaxy. We think its 3rd pass was closer to the sun and it was an active star, actually which died in its third pass. However, if it were the first pass it would have been moving fast through space as a comet, fast enough to catch up with a planet or cycle the galaxies center of gravity, completely. The error with this theory, is comets can't catch up with stars yet stars can. It must be the third pass because its rotation is from the south, or against our galaxies rotation. It must be foreign or of another galaxy and its speed must have been far greater than the sun to do this. 360-120m is the moon and ice floods warming or the 1st age, 120-47 is the second age or vulcan passing, 47-1m is the 3rd age or saturn tilting, 1m-present day is the fourth age or earth cooling and sun turning still in progress (earlier info may be inconsistent or need be corrected). The second age vulcan red star is probably 47m and not 18m, however we mention it as 18m for basic comprehension of time due to lack of evidence as to how long the continents took to move into their locations (Saturn itself could be responsible for 2 or even 3 of the 4 ps). This much is known, vulcan is responsible for transmuting the earth to its current form or tearing the continents asunder. The 47m yr ps is still an unknown as to how saturn effected the earth or of godly knowledge. Continents align into position. The heavenly body or star of Vulcan to mercury is the main cause of this pole shift. The second age begins here.
-Florida fell 18m bce (rose 47m bce to the enoch, scientifically it or the whole of the east coast rose from the gulf coast no less than 1 million years ago do to mud detracting upon water, see also the split of daitya at approx 850k bce HBP source) along with the rest of the east coast however it was submerged 850k-85k bce (est 220m yrs in enochian language) as a plate separate from the east coastal plate that fell much earlier on (it was oxygenated, except for the lower southern coastal areas which became a reseeding...well growing shoreline ie the gulf of mexico was a greater gulf or open ocean). We basically estimate that florida could have risen 47 million years ago! It gave rise as early as 85k years ago upon the second greatest poleshift earth has ever physically felt where large continents moved out of place due to ramayana or the rama event of nuclear fallout (the tropical cycles of 26k years ago became deadly, eventually since the time of 1million years ago which weather phenomenons coincidentally coincide with today's). Basically, Florida reattached itself to the gulf coast, however it seems this was a seperate action, where Virginia rose into land as the midwestern region much earlier. Watermarks in the midwest united states indicate these actions on the land of virginia. Florida has always been a seperate piece because its on the coast of brasil, and above new foundland as a form of shaped ocean bedrock..therefore most recently risen. Greenland did not loosen florida as previously stated, the magnetic forces caused the odin mts to loosen however it was because the rock followed greenland's mass when it turned to collapse which is est at 850k bce, the east coast was created via 18m bce however...see this diagram for corrections. The truth is because of melting glaciers all of the east of the americas must have been underwater including georgia for a really long time. It is also the island of ruta whom was situated in the west once. This study was fairly difficult, it seems florida and all of the east coast had to have been a submerged bay above the great lakes, for its form and size in matter only fit in that region. Florida reemerged via 85k bce, actually...this means 47 million years ago to a developed mind. This means virginia was under water 18m years ago (306m) near the maryland fault line juncture, and florida came apart recently, also a landmass under water or the south west was an enormous beach like shoreline. One thing is known, to cite prev. errors on timelines (ie 85k is dif from 850k). florida is dislodged here in this time of 85k to rise or has risen. Ruta at this time also rises out of the waters and turns after it was sunk 270k. Small land masses like these turn or move to rise, under water, not over water like ships. Very small island masses tend to float though, and large landmasses tend to just move. The floating theory may apply to daitya, because it crossed the tectonic plate and so it became cuba..however more research is needed here ie it might float under the water in a submarine like fashion ie plate departure. The underwater floating theory is applied to tears from a continent and land crashes as well as the formentioned. Everything has to do with water in the occult. The floating theory is applied to entropy or movement of bacteria during a polar shift. The east coast was once on the bottom of america submerged as well as the top (prior to 18m bce). It was the gulf of mexico as shallow ocean water (from 18m until 85k bce). Shale can be found all over the east coast ridges with prehistoric sediment. It is considered folded land whom went northwards. Florida is also a secondary plate upon a primary. Land masses can float and sink, if big enough can also navigate underwater instead of above it. This is all proven. The Northern Jetstream is going up around florida which began at the gulf bay, however its tip up north is infact attached to a whirl pool whom we presume is remnance of a great typhoon off the coast of virginia. Here truly lies where the bermuda triangle hides all of its hidden treasures or where ships reside in more than 300 vast miles of flat ocean sea bed. We may go even farther here to maybe 700miles of stretched ocean where another smaller whirl pool near its coast is still active (a 3rd one is even artificially created via cycling currents in the gulf itself, like a well woven machine with gears). There are two whirl pools still cycling off the coast of virginia, one whirl pool of almost the same caliber is Horus, whilst the larger one attached to the gulf stream also in the same area of bermuda is Seth (even whirl pools do not cool in the entire life cycles of the earth). This theory though is eliminated, so Seth is upper north as a dragon's eye and its own jet stream surrounding it, whilst Horus is indeed the whirl pool with a twin attached to the gulf stream (or the other whirl pools simply appeared, see also civilization map). If this is correct, then seth is a giant cat-eyed whirl pool just above horus whom is mistakenly the jetstream current or horus artificially created 2 other whirl pools from nothing and seth's active body spans across the entire northern half of the atlantic ocean (a cat-eyed whirl pool divided by its own jetstream of course). The Gurkhas resemble Nepalese therefore are the whole of Indonesia as evolution/devolution or asians are regarded as 3rd race beings whom became the fourth race somehow (connected to the dwarka or dravidians of old whom disappeared in rama's time, however some speculate the naga). One thing is known, the most advanced skulls in prehistory with high foreheads&long chin are flat or less human than their jewish fifth-race era counter-parts in evolution, aka the cromagnum skull with third eye indentations, yet none compare to the martian features of flat cranium with a narrow elongated brain vessel (eye sockets match the mouth opening, fairly unusually large as well). They are considered giants in form. The scottish race is special because like the jews they are fairly hard to decode, they are considered half-sidereal, they are sidereal in genetics, however they still equate to the semite tropical race for reasons of the unknown (actually, jews as giants were tropical too with the unfortunate passing of venus, told to have come to earth around 4000 bce via technological, material or spiritual terms). The power of a pole-shift is explained here, pole-shifts last for 100,000s of years. Rama's pole shift entered the sidereal@1.7m yrs ago and finished 85k bce. It reentered the tropical around 900bce though. We presume around the time of christ actually. The break between a tropical and sidereal was short once more, it is reentering as of the year 2000ish, for another 1 million year age ice cycle. It is presumed earth has relived in the tropical for maybe a few thousand years at best whilst during rama's time, maybe 1.2 m to 850k-270k was a flooding period. 85k was an axial tilt, and 500 ad to 12th century was all cosmic or inner planetary (not really effecting earth, just beg the kali yuga). However, only because the earth is dying and lower nature speeding its life cycle up. Even at age 30, whilst the sun is at age 50, the earth is at its fros or possibly sick and in need of healing...is need of a revival or to be revived. A secret occult meaning tells us, they have sidereal traits yet are still regarded semite. The race of adonis spread its seed, scotts are the ultimate form in cosmic code to the fifth race, the Jews however which came much later are known to be sidereal, both left and right half in the occult are human and non-human, scotts have left and right half non-human traits ie traits of leo and virgo would appear, yet would still be semite due to the left side or the dominance of a god. The Sephira or world religion as Hebrew begins at this time in creation, 75,000 years ago. One knows not if cities occupied these shorelines, however may speculate if the world's population exceeded our own.
18 million years ago, Saturn grows distant from the sun, whilst the sun itself turns hence it feuds with the bodies of Neptune and Uranus. A pass by Vulcan may or may not be a hidden cause of this pole shift for saturn to turn (massxvelocity=movement), neptune to lose its moons and earth to create an ice age (tropical cycle), for vulcan created islands from the 47m year old map or must have been a small star inside this logoi then a comet and finally a planetary moon. For the earth to move that much matter, and create life, we propose vulcan a cause as a small star inside our logoi (see einstein theory). However, even a cometary star could have moved saturn (gas is lighter than mass). It is proposed for Neptune to have exchanged moons here and caused massive flooding effects of the shorelines of earth (via ramayana). Vulcan must have come 306mbc to move the sun (kiss it to death, 306 is presumed to be the enochian map so it can even be a figure for the split of continents on earth to create life..47 is a figure of lemuria or a finished earth or mass descent via tilting saturn...18mbc is a saturnian tilt, with its particles effecting earth..the prime causes to earth are mentioned here or 47-18 is broadly est to be {3?} 29 million year cycles..a figure close to BLV's 19m number of the death of lemuria), and 47mbc to move earth, and 18mbc to move or tilt saturn and finally have a 25k cycle once more to revert into mercury in close proximity to the sun (much like pluto) or not in its stellar path. For vulcan to penetrate the outer ring, it must have turned into a small star. For it to create the outer ring&bring planets it must have been a giant star or foreign solar system to earth and neptune. The east coast is told to still be submerged here and uprooted via the 85k event. However Daitya in the mid atlantic splits in two via rushing waters. The sun turning creates colder environments, snow gives rise and Daitya splits in two here due to flood waters. Small island continents are shifted around, however not much change occurs during this age via the large scale continents. We presume daitya was a complete triangle in the atlantic from this period to about rama's time. Small island continents split and coral reefs are created (shallow beaches). Third age is the enochian 4rth age here to our present date (the tropical or mass of the earth collapsing under the tropical may infact be the poleshift). Atlanteans gain their ultimate form basically as the fourth race (enochian ages are races or total descent ie unachievable). 47 million years ago two typhoons are unleashed here (however they could be anywhere between 306-47), they created the deserts of africa and arctic basins via the great breath of fohat, however only due to the sun turning and the outer planets tilting more. Earth naturally also tilts here and the sidereal is created from a macrocosmic point of view. NTB confused with 47m, a diminished red star still named vulcan once again enters our logos to become a cycling planet-turned moon-turned comet (see the rotationary period of mercury). Before it pierces the earth, a scar is made in the pacific-rift valley and the third world created, lower lifeforms evolve into Atlanteans, the most superior species on earth at the height of evolution (it only came once however lack of evidence does not show what happened upon the 18m year old ps where we think is vulcan@47m and Saturn with the sun@18m-1m). One thing is known, the continents are aligned/misaligned due to vulcan. Here the fifth race germ is truly created (the 4rth race being unworldly & its third race counterpart being lemurian or native), at a time where a great flood fills Mesopotamia aka Sumeria or modern day iraq (the only place on earth to have changed or been flooded permanently) and the spike in egypt still intact (see 2nd age map references). It is said greenland was in the middle of the atlantic or near spain by this time. The north star leaves Kocab (Antrim in science, it never reaches the Ram's island of Rama) and enters Thuban (it goes back in time basically because the sun's path is traveling up and to the right where it prev was turning via the center of the galaxy) where a masc age ends (2nd age). Vulcan enters into its destination towards earth 26 million years ago though (it strikes earth 47m years ago {enochian 306m}, enters a rotary path around our sun as a dwarf star and leaves {re-enters? the number 25 is equated with 26 year tropical million and thousand year cycles regardless of accuracy} our system maybe during this time or number to return as mercury). Basically, Kocab in Libra is the blood sister of Rama (whom becomes a monkey see also the chimeras) was a northern star of earth, however Pherkad never became one (hence the masters send the human race to death in mass via libra moving into scorpio during the time of krishna and arjuna). Sidereal time for earth begins. Possibly during its transition to thuban in cancer, some one million years ago. 12 stars become 13 zodiac signs at this time. Earth's Northern star enters Draco once more. The earth dips or tilts. Here we will mention that this is the first pass of Vulcan within the logoi or rings (47m, 85k and 36k are vulcanized passes of the inner and outer rings, however mercury is involved..mercury is a comet or moon of saturn between these dates). To clarify, 3 times vulcan passes the sun&gets killed, 3 times in the outer aura and 3 in the inner rings. These dates can range from 1 trillion to 47 million years (in the 3rd and final pass the star hits our star's heliosphere and diminishes into a red giant). Vulcan passes the sun inside the ring in two major stages when it enters the logoi (1st 306-47m years ago it deprives sun of oxygen/moves earth/moves saturn in 3 stages, 2nd 85k becomes a planet to moon via outer rings, 3rd 36k creates havok within the inner rings). Typhoon Set is unleashed on earth and creates the african continent or north pole during the first enochian age. It also creates the present 7 continents where evil is born in the Neptunian age. Venus is told to enter the logoi as fifth planet in its transition cycling into the inner ring via its path from andromeda from the pleiades where it was once earth-like with advanced life or regarded as a heart more so than earth (a comet whom turned into a moon&inner-planet, melted and froze or crystallized silently of where the 7th age on earth will mimick).
The Dinosaur age or the moslem age of Old Christianity comes to a close. The Atlantides evolve into their ultimate form from hairless amphibious lemurian-like martian beings of Indra. Unlike the lunarians, their eyes were of the dragon or they had obtained eyelids with pockets&ways of sorcery over science. They inhabited Mars, created the Nara and colonized certain lands such as Papai New Guinea or were known as the true giants due to the mass of the earth. They were known as the Third Race on this globe of more than 500k years (the 4rth 700k and the fifth only 26k years of age ie 6-11 percent in progress of the nara, 4 percent in progress of the fourth). Their ultimate form of travel was the UFO and is often seen by lesser beings in Maya this way. Here exclaims the true proclaimers of Adonis was not the Arab race yet a Japanese hybrid alien one which was 18 ft tall&whom lived in small pockets of circular colonial hives. Their arms were short and they had no elbows and due to their superior psychic abilities, had alien or non-human features (their skulls were narrow and pointy, many african countries try and mimick this evolutionary trait to this day). The jurassic age in the center of the tertiary period ends by a comet which kills the dinosaurs within hours giving them a mere 19 million years to devolve into the bird species after 28 million years of reign or evolution on earth. Small dinosaurs instantaneously devolve into the bird species especially in india and northern china. Poseidonis in central nevada was considered heaven because it was a great city of circular towers surrounded by Mts and a lake around 25 miles apart of where cain left (see also location near groom lake). However we presume this city was arabic or binah jehovah born rather than native atlantean (along with asgard, there may have been born a materiel civilization much later towards around rama's time..yet even one million years is great and would out do the greatest of human civilizations which lasted 270,000, therefore it is an unknown on earth, we presume poseidonis fell 18 million years ago&the true first cain was born). This city is now dust though, however it is still mined til this day for materials&minerals, there are craters whom liter the city landscapes, it was a great city on the edge of a salt lake bay or beach, proof is the mining roads have stayed the same since the 1940s via satellite imagery, or are actually roads still used from a dead city, 18m years ago (it was destroyed by many asteroids impacting it, just like Sodom recently). Like the dead satellites in orbit around the earth, these times also have dead machines of whom the sons of siva aka vishnu had built. Narayana must have had its own adam in libra whom was constantly betrayed for a technological civilization so great to fall. Cities on the moon however were left intact because the moon died out so quickly that the elements did not destroy its stone structures. Continents are larger and earth's mass is greater than today. Basically the moon was abundant with gold and diamonds or heavenly resources once and heavily mined by onworld civilizations. Hence Bethesda, maryland is the old land juncture where land was risen for 18m plus years above the ocean or had circular shorelines. Adonis is adam or origin of the arab lunar race. The Lunarians are infact a part of the lunar race of adonis, hence builders of poseidon and although extinct, their blood is closely connected to the chinese race or slaves of atla as giants, hence the moon-colored race fairly resembles alien man of all the races with no hair. One would find dinosaurs there and admist the Appalachian mts such as the ankylosaur and northwards or amongst folded oceanic rock bed aka Appalachia, this was a shoreline. Venus attains position of Saturn. The largest pole-shift yet is apparent and the 3rd age begins here in 18m bce with our sun yet some say this event was to transpire around 1m bce against the human race itself ie the outer planets change path with our sun yet takes 18million years doing so, and in doing so rotates the moons of the inner planets or in simple terms saturn repeats the movement of creation (tilts more). Occult references say the native human fourth race of this earth are indeed japanese in origin, however hairless large giants with large craniums and small arms. A Lilith in Libra is told to be born on earth for civilizations of this round and of the nara (nara infact means nature in esoteric science). This is told to be the height of the fourth race's evolution. 18 million years ago..before the arabic aesir and vanir, were the atlantean arya whom spawned its future hybrids or reincarnated from other unworldly depopulated globes. The pole-shifts of greatest magnitude as of yet are the 47m poleshift and the 85k pole shift, the 18m poleshift is presumed to not even give rise to the east coast, it is only presumed to have split daitya in two (once daitya was a triangle in the atlantic). 18 million years ago, the earth grew colder, the poleshift was probably just water redirecting itself. The third world here is also born, therefore Lemuria is told to truly perish 700,000 years before this date of 18 million bce (enochian or Eocene period) where a first material atlantis or atlantean fourth race is created during this time. If Saturn were to tilt via Vulcan, moons (small rocks) for the first time would reign on earth and deplete its oxygen by the mass. The heavenly body Saturn is the main cause of this cycle. Kocab as the North star had departed from Libra to become Draco or Thuban in Cancer (the north stars Ursa major group represents the 4rth age, kocab the third, thuban the second and polaris the first in reverse order).
1.7 million bc, the Rama epic starts or unfolds where the being cuts off the nose of the leader of the piscean naga peoples during the month of Cancer (around a time of a rebellion or slave uprising) starting a long chain reaction or long feud way into present day (see also a story of Peter and the Ear of a soldier via the bible as coincidental events which transpired). A rama was born of the muslim race or civilization whom became buddhistic and their pagan god (degeneration of the species, a collaborated lie, or a barbarianism of lower-nature) is acknowledged as limited or not forever (god will bring down all of your material worlds, lovers upon lovers and their lovers before them). Here during these times onward the true west of the world was considered India and the east, america and greenland. The inhabitants of lanka destroy armies and its superior armor-plated technologies. A great descent after a pole-shift emerges (rocks from heaven, the result is great floods engulf entire civilizations that are hundreds of thousands of years old..legends say the first tower of babel, a spiral tower in the heart of babel soley for the purpose of sex and copulation built by the space-age mongolese nara fall) where civilizations fall or sieze to exist and man rapidly devolves into monkeys. No physical evidence of a crystallized civilization exist where all is reduced to savagery. Nature takes hold of all matter, and weak civilizations (lemurians) win against strong ones (atlanteans). The tropical cycle begins for lower-nature aka the age of brahma or the coming of the masculine 4rth age from its feminine one. A small confederate army seemingly wins against a widespread civilization of remaining atlantides (due to nature's climate change, and mass erosion) to once again rebuild. The Ramayana war lasts until 1.2m bce or before the start of taraka. The rakshashas of sri lanka (eaters of man in what was renamed Ceylon at the time of 850kbce when ayodha moved north) whom connect themselves to burma and the asian race originated this round in sri lanka itself. During Rama's time they were the godless giants whom went against the atlanteans of the west (tripura) or the 2nd-third race hybrids (chinese asian race from the north in likeness or aka dakas in mind, see also Dakshas, Devs or Dravidians against the Aryans). To not confuse the reader, during atlantis the west was considered east, and east west. They too were against ram during rama's time, however when rama invaded asia they submitted to its empires against the west. The dangers of hidden knowledge or religion is where the naga splits from its tribe and zodiacal traits revealed. There must have been an uprising of some sort which was put down and he made an example of one of its women tribal leaders (Rama in Aries and Laxman in Scorpio cuts off the nose of a piscean, Ravana's sister, Surpanakha..a part of a celestial race with jetpack technology (plasma), where if all returns to barbarism it is indeed possible for royal families to lead civilizations). Khara in cancer is killed in the battle of lanka or war of the flowers (a great civil war across all of india). The 7 rakshakas were created from the breath of brahma (in cancer?) or 7 solar logoi it is presumed (7 city-states in india turn into 7 districts in lanka, inturn 7 rulers of men, aries, tau, gem, sag, capri, aqua, pisces or nonhuman personifications). 14,000 soldiers die, supranaka is humiliated with breasts, nose, and ears cut off (just nose). Rama was a being whom submitted its lower selves or egos during the war of the flowers. Some say these aliens had access to jetpacks and flying machines where as 7 airports resided in sri lanka alone. The vimanas are airships made of iron metal whom resemble a fly (sometimes circle) born of the island of rama. Vibhishana is a leader in sri lanka under libra and although indrajit may infact be libran it is cancer hence cancer viels the zodiac. We may assume Kumbhakarna in tau, one of the 7 holy immortals of the hindi himas, Ravana's brother was killed by Laxman upon entering immortality (as repeated with karna and arjuna much later around Mahabharata's time, see also the deity lord ranganatha of mt garuda or the kaveri river in Karnataka, these hindu legends may be zodiacal for instance, feuds with balirama in libra and krishna in leo are also from Prahlada and Narasimha killing Hiranyakashipu within the same signs, another ex is Hiranyaksha in Cancer beheaded by the 'scorpion' god varaha). Hence Indrajit whom fought Laxman and lost was Cancerian (Rama's brothers whom defeated him later represent Lava and Kusha, the indian and paki race whom nuked Pakistan, where the african race was once upon the indra river aka the indus). The Nara, a Japanese race with orange skin progresses into space even earlier. Krishna must have fought balirama in Samoa. Their spiral structures riddled the middle-east, however they were not a global empire. They are energy beings of orion or mastered energi manipulation of the human spirit. A human species directly connected to the Mongul is born. The Bug-eyed hairless Japanese giants aka the Tibetan 4rth race start their devolution from the americas here. They finally devolve into chimeras via the tip of southern India to the mt passes of greece as the remainders stay human and occupy the asias, in particular the nation of tibet. The first Canaanite isolated civilization to prevail in a pole-shift on the Island of Sri lanka, survives with a Rama figure that leads them into Northern territories. The Dravidians as a human hybrid species are born. A new religion of Dharma or worship of the life flowers (nature) is born. Later it becomes branches of buddhism. A polar shift occurs with the Solar logos. Sri Lanka, a small Cainanite civilization invades India and prevails due to an oncoming pole-shift. 1.7 million years ago and 18 million years ago are cosmically the most important dates of the sun. It first cools, after being slice by vulcan 18m yrs ago (the first pass however 1 trillion or 1 billion years ago was when it deprived the sun of life or entered the solar rings for the first time@est 47mbce), changing the earth's revolution into a sidereal motion, then it collapses meaning it turns away from the current far enough. The world at this time upon advanced civilization is to be so advanced as to be completely segregated in race and ethnicity and worlds apart in terms of material technology. 1.7 million years ago the continents shook, the deprivation of oxygen from the sun 18million years ago is put into effect, the sun rotates slower and outside the sphere or current of our galaxy, causing major earthquakes, ice-ages and havok within the inner rings in the far future. Basically, the sun is a cooler star now. Mars is also lost through wars at these times, its remaining organic and celestial life is destroyed via feuds by lower-nature. Here we quickly examine the civilizations as segregated races before this time, the africans to pakistan, indians to india and greeks to the arabian desert of the himas. They conquered all of europe, yet the japanese muslims had north america and a mongol race had egypt at this time. The Germans had Tripitaka (aka tripura where the asgardian language was an asiatic and greco-arabic tongue) where up to 4 billion peoples inhabited the globe, all with superhuman abilities or ways of controlling magi. The Asian civilization also had Northern China and was regarded as the dominant species or most spread on this world (the higher number of a race, the better situated the race is on its globe). The mongol race created an 'ark of eden' whom crashed on the moon during the polar shift. The japanese race of today are the hindi mt peoples whom intermingled with rama's race in india to devolve into the chimera 1.7 million years ago, however we presume devolution took 18million years from Taraka (central america to daitya&finally japan) to the now east. Many japanese people are riddled with brown freckles, the only race to penetrate the deva cheribs of alcor. They came from the north (the himas) or are affiliated with Lemurians to India. One thing is known, Rama starts a cycle of great karma by murdering a deer whilst hunting in a forest during penance or exile. Dasharatha, an atlanto-aryan ruler from the ishwaku dynasty (half-japanese aryan hindus) in tau or Libra banishes rama early on in his life because Kaikeyi in Capricorn did not condone his presence in Ayodhya hence ayodha (Ayudh means war in indian) is infact the first country established by war from a capricious host of the north and reconquered by sri lanka later, then finally by pakistani india twice in a row as near as 85k bce (ishwaku for a long time was eastern hunnic russia). This fact can not be 9,000 years of age, because the indus at that time was inhabitable (2,000 men littered the globe, after 85k the population was most likely in the few thousands on earth since then to its atlantean counter-part, once again Adam was born prior 7kbce or the flood so it is an impossibility from the ark, repopulation feets and navigation arise via struggle and ice-age climates). The only cities on earth were Egypt, Ur, and Sumeria as fourth race beings. There literally were no hindi in India as of yet and the world was depopulated completely. If one were to date the flood of earth covering mountains at precisely 11k bce for 40 some years, this indeed would be fact...however more than 10,000 men had survived the flood via vessels and unworldly means after the fourth race cities were depopulated completely. The greatest extinction event of man was 85k where 2,000 or so individuals were left on earth. The Christian Narayana lived approx 1.7-1.2m years ago (they lived or thrived for 500,000 years, however we speculate they achieved dominance of the earth for 200,000 years inbetween 1.7m and 1.2m) proving god can destroy even a material civilization early on, technically far more superior than any other ever seen on earth, even more so than the Germans whom survived 700,000 years. Man was bigger than they are currently, and their blood was fused. Christianity is in truth born of the Mongol, even upon this round where civilization equates to a soul or frozen hair in time. The mark of the beast is 666 or the mark of technology fused upon the third eye within lower-nature or man's forgotten nature with god (spirituality, ie the daughters of men are man-eaters aka the nara whom left a genetic mutation upon evolution and where the first sin is committed in abundance). The ark on the moon is theirs, the baltic sea phenomenon is also a ufo whom is theirs and so is the modules near balbakin on the moon and on the Guyot crater. The African coast line of old Egypt is lost, a new coastline emerges.
1.2 million years ago, the Rama epic ends, the ice-age is created 400,000 years ago and becomes evident 200,000 years ago where 10 stars become 12 ones (basically, 1 ps occurred and a mass migration to sirlanka took place, ravana reincarnated for a few million years and towards around 85k the advanced civilization of the hindus was destroyed by rama's army..rama then reigned until 85k with his own country in north-eastern india near the himas to finally be kicked out by an invading pakistan army whom nuked the african race..the flood waters were so great as to be diminished within less than a million years during the time of 1.2m-850k bce after the advanced hindu mongol civilization was reduced to barbarism where the dravidians thrived somehow, technically, and had to erect new temples or civilization, they still had aims or goals and kept a feud with atlantis for up to about 85k bce where they were considered the 'good' forces against 'evil' or race of hindu aryan caulks in the white island or large white continent, greenland). The little dipper is in the form of a dragon's head similar to draco today, where Kocab is its point before this time. When an ice-age occurs, water levels are reduced severely due to the cold climate. The tower of Babel by the nara in an advanced space-age civilization is destroyed. The Daughters of Men or first of the Cainanites aka the nara mongol race were defeated by the Dravidians or first of the draco hybrids (asiatic hybrids ie arabs or asiatic and eurasiatic beings). The third feminine age of mankind on earth begins. Males had really large eyes and curly hair, the customs of the females though were to dreadlock there hair (and like the germans of today their evolutionary peak was half-human or half asiatic and half degenerated man hence the Jews and Germans have a common trait on this earth, orange hair or genes from this particular race). These orionids used suits for super-strength and heating similar to what astronauts use in cybernetics. The stars poles enter or leaves the draco chain for draconian civilization (the last star of draco before it enters the pole star it is currently in today). This pole-shift is created via Saturn. Saturn spins on its own path, and lets loose material. However this rotation is started 18 million years ago upon the pass with vulcan (vulcan only makes 3 passes within our logos). The planets got colder, this caused a tipping via the tropical cycle which is present today even. Its an illusion of the sidereal, the planets tipped and misaligned, in truth though pole-stars are fixed positions for countless thousands if not millions of years. Here we assume its cause is not a super-nova, which would create solar activity, and not really harm the earth due to the shield. Yet possibly, It is the sun entering further away from the galactic spiral or outer-edge of the galaxy which caused the pole-shift. The sun turned very quiet so much so as to cool the planets and change their rotation by a few degrees. It then entered into the current as a fixed star. We assume the galaxy's spirit works like a wave or current of electricity. If it travels away from the current it cools. The earth didn't really move any degrees back or forward for this would create a freezing or warming which would destroy every organism on earth. Due to its mass, it just collapsed matter by becoming too cold (if the magnetic field flips, its surface could slide easily, however in this exception it would create a global earthquake where the sidereal poles truly collapsed 18 million years ago) and its magnetic sphere was regenerated via this collapse. That's why these pole-shifts are considered weak or minor tilts compared to the 18m yr old one (and a reason why the equinox are now in a chaotic pattern every year). The continents then are relativity in the same shape and position as today with little changes but for the islands. The current (or spiral's arm in science) helps it move along its path, however its far greater than the speed of the sun and will be the cause of its death or to let it loose so to speak. The Lankan empire was overthrown by rama at this time due to a great earthquake. This great chain reaction causes an event before the earth's creation to happen. The earth matches our logos in the sidereal, basically or tilts due to the sun turning silently and saturn changing its path. The sun was turning so much so that it tried to rid the planets from its body (it sped up?!? or slowed down perhaps became quiet). The planets along with their moons froze and tipped. When the planets tried to catch up with the sun, they did so via a pole-shift and the moons became centrifugal instead of rotatory. It's true, the ravana empire extended to present day saudi arabia (saudi arabia appears to be part of the atlantean chain in evolution or ravana's empire however), however was highly outnumbered as if a great country of today would go up against a single person. The empire was a country and the world once had commercial travel. Balirama or Balarama of Jakarta is told to be the origin of the turkish red race, or a race older than ram in age or maya (mexico). However, Pakistan is the Tan hindi race whom is younger than 1.7m. Turks are asian slavs or arabic inhabitants of this world (arya hybrids from asia, see also krisna's race, hence turks are the ultimate sivic being or they inhabit no other globes, or speculated to inhabit Yesod are diminished cheribs). Since we are able to locate ships on the moon as evidence of a collision we will assume narayana (egypt, babel) and the earth suffered from what appears to be an asteroid impact and great freeze by Saturn plummeting earth with rock. Rama must have committed suicide under Gemini, however high rise may have occurred in the ganges under aries itself yet some may reference sagitti is where Ravana fell. Hence his spirit ascends under gemini as the ultimate form of siva or the ganges is located near northern india in gemini. Yet he died in the Sarayu River or far central india. The Ramayana explains of intertwined reincarnation cycles therefore before and after civilizations fell, it explains of highly advanced civilizations going to nuclear war and diminishing into primitive states of being during the epic. The time of rama was not a poleshift but an interplanetary or macrocosmic cycle, it is when the tropical cycles on earth became deadly. During narayana there were more females then males, now is an age with more males then females upon the cosmic gene. Two beings under Capricorn, Manthara and her son Bharata tried to overthrow rama or prevent his sucession, however Bharata was named virtuous and simply had said he had wanted his shoes as a material possession. Once the Raman empire was literally known as the enemy of mankind or simply called lower-nature.
*850k the first atlantis splits &shakes under Pisces or March, Sidereal earth is created via many micro-shifts in 26,000 year intervals and minor collapses (earth enters yet does not feel the 26,000 year cycles, this will become destructive within entering the fifth-age). Under Cuba and above it (Venezuela) lies a build up of matter, we think the whole of the daityan continent went under water basically, and there lies an outlying form in this location (see Venezuelan map) with only remnance of daitya on its shores which are small islands attached to what appears to be a crushed form in the Venezuelan mountains. The bolivians are daityans whom resemble the statues and structures of bolivia, they are direct descendants of daitya. When the continent fell and merged as venezuala, they survived as family descendants of hindu giants, they are the first europeans somehow and survived it seems, they built civilization in bolivia to the Polynesian islands repopulating the world until noah's time where only 8 atlanteans remained. Their cosmic gene reemerged in india (greece as one, yet Nebuchadnezzar civilization is far older, they are told to be the square-headed mayan statues in resemblance with tan to orange skin, peach and pink, sometimes similar to the nara variations, multi-colored eyes and orange hair). We think the moon becomes tilted here through a different orbit, or enters a sidereal state, we also think rocks from the asteroid belt created massive flooding because the glaciers had not yet formed or melted in connection with neptune at war, it releases objects onto earth. Neptune creates a flooding pandemic, yet it was not considered a pole-shift but a coming of the great ice-age. The Rains of Neptune flood the 7 dwipas or rock is hurled upon earth creating havoc for the nara race during the time of rama (presumably between 1.7mbce-1.2 to create this state of savagery or the height of the rama epic). Earth is literally attacked via this time, around 1.7 bce, although it was strong enough to not be felt...it later became evident that great civilizations would perish. The power of the heavens has shown recently what venus could do, strike sodom with an asteroid and glass half of jericho, firing brimstone on its border towns, mars even via 900bce flooded the gates of the red sea, once a river, via great rains. Safi and Al mazraa are the given distance for an asteroid strike to angle itself at a trajectory in space, however the even if the sulfur is found near Ein gedi (Zoar aka an oasis of sorts), rock from the heavens would have scoured itself for thousands of miles, and these arab cities (sodom and gomorrah) would need large population to commit such sin. The skin of the earth could not bear another tropical cycle and tilted around 85k in the greatest pole shift mankind has ever felt. Destroying civilizations completely and returning them to complete dust. Rock had bombarded the moon (see also the nara race's ship on the moon). Flood waters from the ice-sheets become apparent submerging Rama's bridge, a massive atlantean structure reduced to its natural form and rebuilt upon civilizations fall. Humanity releases nuclear weapons for the first time and all of its material world enters a catalytic state. Rama's bridge was rebuilt after a severe declination of evolution (when nuclear weapons are released nature tries to adapt to a simian state). The fourth age truly starts here where a new earth is formed and atlantis starts to sink and move. Ram was in fact a visitor from the heavens whom helped civilization build or construct a bridge project with its chief engineers which was used for a mass migration of the human race when the pole-shift started. The bridge is actually a walking bridge for civilizations and was erected for 2 million years, it was built by adam not rama eg nala or his full name of nala setu in cancer was adam as adami or the chief engineer. His race was actually Capricorn (see also birth of jesus as aries instead of sag, if light on earth is born on a certain date via the earth, it is born of a different date via the sun. If Ram was Aries on earth, he was Capricorn via the Sun, however he was a hybrid or dravidian where saturn was in libra and the occult only follows the soul on a point of the earth as the atom and none can truly be god or the sun) or the third race where zodiac signs alone change ones race traits. After the pole-shift, civilization was reduced into nothing and Ravana invaded sri lanka. The story has it that Ravana was driven out, and Rama invaded Ravana (some suspect ravana to be a sag race from the greater Magellanic Cloud under sag itself and rama to be a unworldly race from a ship connected to the triangulum above aries however, we can only assume as much). This could have happened 1.2m years ago when the pole-shift happened, and 850k yrs ago when beings are able to live long via reincarnation therefore Ravana (india) invades Rama (sri lanka), then Rama drives out Ravana to invade india and later (as late as 85k) Rama is invaded. Ravana was born on the day of his death around ?October 16th? (oct 14th tpb however it is only said about his death on this day) or Vijayadashmi in Libra (to Kaikesi during the days of daitya aka atlantis), however all his planets in his natal chart are taurus and Sagittarius, so regarded as extremely powerful& naturally a conqueror of Leo whom restarted religion under pisces (rama cuts off the nose of ravanas sister, Surpanakha near burma hence sita is from Magadha or a country close to that region of the tiger which connects itself to a russo-sumerian baikal pass the himas even). When one dies or is on the verge of death, one is truly born. This is not true because hindus believe death to be when you are born. He is Lagna or Sagitti and we hold a metaphor amidst this researched statement, of where he committed the ultimate sin and had sexual intercourse with sita. The great toll of karma is sagitti as an alien germ of stars inside orion. Ram must have been betrayed so greatly as to not only have Ravana in love with Sita, but even for Sita to be in love with Ravan. Sita must have used Ram as a tool of emotion against Ravan to deepen his affection for her. Sita could have even been so in love with Ravana as to be poisoned some how, and even used Ram as a tool to gain his (Ravan's) trust. As for Rama, this emotion called love must have passed in his life or during his lifetime. His (Ravana's) ascendant sign is in Leo itself for him to be so successful in his achievements. Here it seems the Atlantean continent conquered sri lanka early on and fused it with royal blood (Its as if lower-nature {the poor} were fed up by the rich owning everything, however it is infact the inequality of an empire prospering amongst another one from an economic standpoint, it was overlapping their world or there was an invisible karmic factor involved). Hence Hanuaman changes into a child and back with the septor and tricks Mandodari whom he stole an arrow from, the dwarka of upper northeast india also conquer the lands. Kashyapa in libra is born again and again through reincarnation with many lifetimes and wives recorded. The Chimera is born as a devolved human species well into greece and madagascar is a land isolated from the world by its monkey inhabitants early on. The first adam in cancer as an engineer helps construct the rama seti via plans on a ufo of which ram gets credit for building. Laxman in scorpio is killed, sita in leo betrays ram (rama dies and laxman, lakshama? a 'solar' brother of ravana? a hidden betrayer lives to cont. reincarnation in scorpio or hell). A chain reaction occurs or is set where none return or repeat. A betrayal within ravana's family takes place by his brother. The Nara, the first space age civilization from Egypt make an escape on their ark to the moon, are bombarded by rock and fail. 3rd-4rth race giants take the war into space and even mars. The martians in the city of Taraka emerge and integrate with the human species, particularly the africans (they had or have south africa/america, turkey/europe and pakistan upon previous rounds yet failed egypt hence the christians have egypt split with the buddhaic sumerians and even the muslims hence the egyptians seemingly progressed too fast, and ended up devastating their nation going to war within a thousand years of the hittite invasion or re-entry into persia). The buddhistic christian religion becomes a world religion. The sun and saturn tilt a little or naturally change position. 850k Pakistan and India reinvade the new country of Ayohda (India) once home to Lord Rama. A new Indian civilization emerges. Aryan Africans evolve into their skin in the desert. A new Africa via African Giants is colonized in North Africa and India. The feud of continents with the piscean peoples is a feud against spirit. Rama cuts of the nose of its leader whom sign kills an arien buddha later. After this time Ravana is credited with rebuilding civilization in a new world and ruling it with an iron fist. The continent of sri lanka is of the mayamar joint, but it is originally from the gulf of kutsch or Himalayan (india was madagascar, actually ie india is lemuria). Ram Setu is told to be created after the pole-shift where giant waves would batter the bridge or reroute it and the human race driven into the dark ages as the first adam under cancer was told to be its chief engineer. However, in Gangtok, North-East India is the Himalayan grave of the famed lord hanuman whom died of sickness, is now surrounded by sprawling urban decadence. Coincidentally, he (hanu in virgo) failed to save an army of whom fell ill to a virus, yet knew of the deva substance and herbs or Himalayan soil in sri lanka which came straight from the gulf of kutsch (an isle whom moved from the saudi arabian desert). Ram dies in the ghangis under sagitti it is presumed by killing ravana, however we remark the ride grows in aries. Ravana (a reincarnation as karna? an atlantean being whom obtains a ufo as advanced technology of which some say is from atla itself during these times of woe) in Sagitti submits to siva and invades southern sri lanka where as inturn is invaded. The Legends say he is born under Libra or metamorphically speaking under his death ie you are born when you die, however he is under Lagna and is Sagitti or Sagittarius as father to aries, he died in Libra though. All races including the Dwarka go extinct or devolve into the Lemur somehow. The Ishwaku dynasty is adami's true race of giants under the draco continent, they inhabited the north american dwipa below asgard (present day N.a.&gl aka the west) in japanese culture under muslim garb and are presently degenerated into the scottish sidereal race of arya. Here lies the death of a feminine age, the 3rd age of earth, where the north star leaves Thuban in Cancer destined for polaris around 85k. A third race of adami is reborn, host of the future fifth-race. Minor note here: Rama's pole shift was not really a pole-shift, it was simply a flooding of the earth or the end of the treta yuga and the start of a great ice-age called the Dwapara Yuga ie the color yellow emerges in races, or the human becomes a man.
-In old sanskrit of the druids the Ram's head or Ram's Island is the celestial star near Antrim (Etamin in science, kochab) in draco. The earth wobbled when the logoi spurred neptunian rock around its orbit. It is a giant star named Akhfa al Farkadain or the dim spirit (the lesser calve) is Pherkad. Hidden knowledge not yet figured out about the true paths of the pole stars are said here. Something hard to comprehend is the rotation or transition from Draco to Vega to Polaris then Cepheus (research needed, may not be in order) etc because stars at that great a distance do not move when the head or globe rotates but for a few degrees. There may be a hidden message to greek legends, cepheus in gemini weds cassiopeia, perseus in cancer and andromeda in pisces weds each other. A typhoon off the coast of africa may infact occur in the future for the fifth race or a future pole-shift. A fixed polar star change occurs every 100,000 years (possibly a precise calculation of 200,000, 870k with 200k polar descents wip) in a full rotation causing the earth's mass to drop. In this doctrine we only review the human age of 10k bce or sidereal alignment of the stars from its tropical position so far. However, all pole-star positions are tropical or permanently fixed eg Polaris is our current tropical pole-star. We mention the sun tilting its angle every 200,000 years, however this may be true. The star near Antrim or the Ram's island is occultly named heaven or dream, it is never reached as a pole star. It is just in order to comprehend the ages, however the ages are just light and a position of the zodiac with its, the astrological ages equator. It (our sun) probably tilts or turns eg changes posi every 25,000 years or maybe even a full tropical cycle of 200,000 years (the hidden 100,000k is a tropical cycle of sleep aka known as 100 winters of sleep in mythology). Rama's natal chart is sun in aries, saturn in libra, venus in pisces, mars in capricorn, jupiter in cancer. The Daka-dravidian hybrids are of his race. Sita herself or rama's mate was born in leo on august 9nth-15th, known to be a week before the conception of the virgin mary (the virgin mary's birthday is told to be September 7th or 8th in general). If there is a soul and super-soul or a number two instead of three as jesus mentions, then 100k as 4 tropical cycles is repeated (1+1=2, where 3 is the next universe or logos), however it is in actuality 4 yugas as the ages of man on earth and the age of earth itself as 72 mahayugas (306million yrs). If we are to comprehend the great past, we mention every 2,000 years eg 18m=1m to the blind human race's mind etc. is a field of light from the zodiac, therefore an illusion of magi. Once again, the age or epic of Rama is specifically too hard to remember or impossible to be repeated by the 5th race lower-nature, as do masters with demonic powers regard us as the Jinn or Black magicians so do we age and hold our external stance of non-impression. Consciously speaking, a yuga is a cycle of manvantara where 72 yugas (306 million years) is karma via virgo and the final 4 of those yugas are evolution of your body on earth (18 million years or 4 ages of man) which is also karma towards the body. We are in the 71st maha yuga and in kali, however this age ends treta. The next & final yuga of virgo is supposed to be the last age of earth. 18 million years marks human devolution of the superior 4rth race (4 million of those years is 1 yuga on earth or relatively speaking of earth's day-night cycles). The Lemurian race in latin america is created via the rama epic, laxman dies of sickness somehow, however we assume that rama wished laxman to die for his failure in protecting sita from a demon and he did just that (ie most indians are in brasil now). Ikshvaku dynasty was around before the pole-shift of which raghu and rama was part of. It was asiatic japanese, yet not as ahead as the nara. It was Satyagraha which was part of the ten kings (sephira as a 10 star alignment as opposed to its current 12) or a battle which took place with advanced technology. The leader of their kin was danavas or capricious beings against the indo-aryans of atlantis (daityans, dorians etc also of mizar or a failed°enerated germ eg Australian indians as the arya germ in the west). The Dorians came to being from India and resettled in Western Europe to degenerate after the pole-shift of a few thousand years and from Troy to finally invade israel by the sea (they are co-mingled with the scyth or part of their race it is believed). It is told all races are members of the ark, however the occult states there can be many arks. Mercury is told to be loosened as seventh planet (originally eighth posi with venus prior 18m bce) to go into its outer planets at this time, however aligns incorrectly or on an outer path so briefly intermingles with the planets as moons, unlike venus whom becomes a moon of the large planets for millions of years, mercury is let loose easily (venus is a moon of jupiter here or later mercury completely dodges this planet to go into the inner rings). Man begins their decent into the neanderthal form into europe at this time, whilst advanced man dwell or lay in their civilized worlds and/or civilizations. In particular Daitya was a circumstance of the hindu race becoming neanderthal and later extinct. If the world's north pole moves just a few inches do continents slide across vast oceans and crash into each other, yet first it floods and freezes. Hence ram verifies the impossible eligibilities or susceptibilities (vulnerabilities to criticism) of the zodiac as not present.
A great war in space, Vashistha was their sage, an amphibian from mars with capricious qualities and one eye in its center where Vashistha was of Mizar in origin connected to the 7 rishis (non-human zodiacal signs) and bramic beings of past worlds. Satyagraha began here, it ended with the Battle of the ten kings aka the Titan War around 85k bce with material wars reaching the outer regions of space even. A war against Light was inactuality the start of the Mahabharata, not an end to the Ramayana. In the Ramayana it takes place at its end where all nations fall (similar to the book of jesus also known as the bible a hermit dies, except the hermit is Ram), and before the Mahabharata (the Taraka war or fall of daitya to the Kurukshetra War as a fall of atla much later, daitya disappeared completely around 11k bce or after the deluge whilst atla aka asgard simply moved@85k. Daitya broke apart however around 850kbc, hence it disappeared because of the ocean, yet may have been submerged land due to the ice-age or in the bermuda triangle as early as this 11kbc date or @least before the world was submerged). One thing is known, Taraka is the asian race of the northern himas above nepal, and Ceylon became a chinese province after 85k bce or buddha god of mercury weds chandra (moon). Hence Taraka is Mercury or Gemini as Narayana whom's 'son' as civilization or a clone is Cancer. The Greeks speak of 12 planets whom become chronos (saturn) being sent to tartarus after Zeus (cancer or Jupiter as a human sign) defeats them. These planets are hyperion (scorpio?..son of helios is helios, possibly leo..moon under saturn), crius (leo/scorpio..a puzzle, scorpio resembles the uranian moon of oberon..yet also resembles hyperion, possibly leo in esoteric nature hence neptune only has triton, sao is sun, sabao and satan, or illusion, aka a moon in neptune), oceanus (aquarius or moon under saturn named after dione or diana, a greek atlantean or mother of Aphrodite during troy), coeus (cancer, unfound..uranian? as miranda?), iapetus (libra or moon under saturn), cronos (capricorn, titan under uranus & titania under saturn), thea (taurus..Umbriel?), rhea (virgo? a moon under saturn), mnemosyne (pisces, possibly encleadus), phoebe (sag or remnant moon under saturn), tethys (aries or moon once under uranus in saturn, is ariel arien?) and themis (gemini) all under Saturn (as logoi) after Uranus is scarred by this planet, it turns or tips hence here lies an occultic meaning as to why cronos as a christ or osiris (capricorn) denotes or kills aries (lower nature) as Jesus in Sagittarius had through sorcery or in a feud with him. Hence arise or repeats the ancient union of Gaea (leo as sita) and Uranus (rama as aries). Is the moon Encleadus masquerading as the piscean Mnemosyne? The moons in Saturn and Uranus are ofcourse, the sons of uranus (aries) and gaia (taurus) or the sun itself (leo) as lunar bodies aka mimickers of the 12 lunar logoi (non-solar ie the logoi in the position of the sun is solar see also christ as son of god) whom kronos (saturn) feuds with zeus (jupiter) to try and defeat after scaring their father (uranus). Oceanus must be the Aquarian moon Dion which translates to Diana or an archetypical body of an amazonian princess under aquarius in ancient literature hence it appears to have lines of water unscaved on its bodily floor (a masc titan turned into a female of equal masc perhaps..eg where there is oxygen there was water, and oxygen is indubetly present on this moon). This brings us closer to the mystery of Aquarius as the Uranian moon as personality in another system transfigured into Aries (see also Oberon as Hyperion in Leo, and Titania as Saturn or Capricorn's true consort of Kronos under the same logoi, dividing the myth of Rhea as Kronos to make her Virgo, inactuality affiliated with wheat all together). Hence Auberon or Oberon was a moon of Saturn once. All are condemned to tartarus after the war. A divine family tree of 12 even before the atlantides of Troy is said here, at least 85,000 years in age instead of the mere 6000. 2 Cities of Tritonis and Poseidonis had dwelt under-water even after the continents fell (amazonia is told to be an island of caucus women as part of the cuban chain, once somewhere in the bermudas and invaded by hercules). The war of Taraka is the end of Ramayana as fact of a pole-shift. This atlantean war ends with Kasyapa or the Taraka war in Libra&Cancer during the beg. of the fifth round or end of the 4rth via 85k bce. Basically, these beings were fully aware of the Sephira and its future religion, as well as the fall of Capewa, the planetary war there was going on simultaneously it seems ie the tarakans are buddhistic asiatic slaves or a slave race of atla whom were banished into new lands in order to seek refuge in the himas only to return when civilization fell. Here explains the origin of the asian fifth race aka the chinese or diminished japanese turkish one. Yet they were found even throughout Mayasura (mexico) and are now in their space age. The sons of taraka are reborn as chinese via cancer&libra or are savages (elementary beings) whom collected good karma from the island of Australia actually (hence Tripura devolved to Tripurantaka before total collapse). As well, there were 10 inhabited continents or countries known on earth (1.aethopia, 2.tripura or tripurantaka as 3, 3.ishwaku, 4.narayana, 5.adonis, 6.ayohda, 7.mayasura [not truly counted or agricultural&savage is arica,atlan&mu]&8.sumeria, see nepal map also traditional home of the city of asur, a region whom became Jharkhand in India as the indian heritage to repopulate the world, once more Jharkland is northern india and japanese in origin). Adonis was submerged land that grew into north america. It stretched basically, and rose on the east coast. Aethopia is Titan as Egypt, Tripura is connected to triton whilst adonis is Poseidon&true home to adam or the adami. The Aryans@this time were also Japanese, the greeks were Dorians or arabic hindi whom fell though. The seven sages are geographic continents til this day even or rishis of the 7 sacred logoi. The kingdom of light aka asgard was a world with 7 logoi which is our 7 sacred logos before arrival of earth (ie 3 human libra, virgo-leo, scorpio makes 5 nonhuman to 12 or cancer is considered human but only with form). Asian was the principle language after arabic arya. Daitya was a completely easternized or communistic country & culture in the heart of the atlantic inhabited by a caucus race, so much so their catholic architecture was mostly sanctioned by walls and its environment was rather depressing, similar to that of the eastern bloc countries in our times. However their cities were bronze hence economically, bronze was used more than metal where as in ruta metal was the abundant material. At least this was when the country was degenerated completely with remnant atlanto-tech as useful tools at best. The greek titans must have escaped this environment or island world through reincarnation cycles. Hence they were not really greek yet had mixed gene traits as with red hair or different colored eyes. The atlanto-dorians as degenerates of asia or adonis fought against egypt which was occupied by Himalayan arya blonde-haired blue eyed giants whom defeated them, and the reason why they fell actually was because of the arya greeks or a part of the ishwaku empire uniting with adonis against doria and pakistani africa (the dorians slipped up basically or chose wrong sides, arabic atla, pakistan and asian doria aka daitya went up against the known world and nuclear war happened..based on historical argument, these continents were also wiped off the map or relocated ie the greeks were good, allied with rama or not affiliated with judas as an example of human nature, but yet judah or light of the middle-eastern territories). The house of Sarka fell indeed in reincarnation, the first black magicians here are told to be the Chinese race. The chinese were banished through the deserts and savage lands of atlan and mu&ended up in the red sea through africa and europe, but how they got there was to atlantis via the alaskan strait. Hence the lion is european, yet the sabre-tooth is atlantean or from daitya (sometimes spelled diatya). They were banished to the himas basically, when finally waited in isolation for continents and countries to devour themselves internally. Their home land is actually Australian mu or arctic lemuria where small lands do indeed grow and shorelines increase. The chinese were always considered a savage race or race of indians. The japanese 'tigers' of Narayana was isolated completely or progressed 'too far' and because of this perished without a choice. Ram is known as the first kain or first avatar whom falls via sin (murder, sex, violence). A cromagnum red haired kain from daitya soon followed or regenerated right onto the bible's genesis story itself, however this arabic cain was from poseidonis in unworldly genetics where sin becomes simply moving a branch or causing some archetypical entropy to occur. Jesus must have reincarnated from Daitya, where crucifixion was a method of death in past rounds, and the roman empire reemerged. There are many cains, yet only a few masters whom are cain where as the kumaras are regarded as higher than the hierarchy at times (before the avatars). Rama is an important figure in the occult since he is one of the last avatars before a pole-shift and because of events transpiring the iceage or true end of the 3rd age, not because of the figure itself. The God sign is invoked because there is a cluster of sagittarian stars within Aries near the triangulum hence it gets more complex, zodiacal stars or their lights cross distances or crystallize since the dawn of creation (see also scorpio in virgo) via being aware of a heavenly body or in possession of one. Hence a stomach is indeed a digestive system for the stars or its bowels. The egyptian aryans of atlantis had not degenerated from egypt itself, yet the aquarian did so farther back through the world of asgard itself. The fourth masc age truly began here around 850k bce.
Here one must understand the process of an ice-age for semi-christ level conscious understanding. At this time the continents of ruta, daitya and atla split due to heavy water, however we presume daitya split in two upon the 18million year old pole-shift and sunk during rama's time due to rising waters (18m was the weakest of all poleshifts). However it became the location of cuba much later at the instantaneous pole-shift of 85k bc. Heavy waters ravaged this land and it split in two from its triangular form via 850k bc in particular Daitya (the venezuala, cuba, haitian chain). A ps in metamorphisis phase is so great as to literally destroy all matter. This happened around 1m years ago where egypt fell first or cracked in half before the second age of earth. The process itself, because of the earth being thrown into an ice-age, is nearly 870k yrs long. Devastating Movements so Great as to open up europe and let loose briton occurred here, however this may have been an 18m event where its rocks (Scotland) line norway to pierce its side and let loose ireland around 85k. When an earth is thrown into the ice-age, all activities stop until much later. It takes the earth at least 200,000 years to move into alignment for an ice-age. This first creates heavy currents. Lower-nature would survive these tame climates, however... when the ice-age is finished it will not. The earth shifted 23 some degrees from Russia, Continents were moving via high currents, an ice-age 400,000 years ago. Ruta sank under Greenland or Atla at 270k. Atla kicked greenland and north america around 85k after Gemini let help earth realign itself it seems with asteroids hitting the continental shelf of Canada around these times. This was a part of Gemini or a warming phase which vulcan via virgo helped realign further around 36k. These movements cause massive typhoons on earth, one so massive we named it Horus the fish in the Bermudas, we presume it occurred 74k bce however more time may be needed for an exact date here (Iceland merged out of the waters, upon doing so it caused new berlin or a corner of greenland which broke off to merge within a few thousand years). The other was a storm under aquarius whom fed this massive typhoon around 100k. The Floridian rock (a corner, due to realignment or a counter pole-shift and healing) was not first but last! Heat and heat alone flooded the earth completely less than 11k years ago! Horus is a deity told to be connected to Leo, Pisces and Gemini, yet the christ-like figure is most commonly associated with the sign of pisces the fish under netpune (Nephthys as leo, Isis as Tau, Osiris as Capri, Set as Aries where Anubis is capricious and Thoth Geminian). Shorelines resede and grow, here is an example of the complex north american continent's movement after its eastern plate went around via from greenland to the gulf of mexico as shallow water or a plate on top of a plate (ie florida as a seperate plate). We understand that the nova scotian plate was first, then came the virginian plate from the gulf of mexico, then came the floridian plate which was already collapsed with the virginian plate, 3 plates total, all presumably submerged at one time or another. All 3 sections moved north, however the first section or nova scotian plate moved southwards 18m bce where the maryland juncture is. It may not have been a part of the gulf of mexico. The aryans are important figures in the occult merely because they withstood a civilization or test of time for 700,000 years since 270,000 bce on one of the principle island continents of atla. Daitya falls here after Atla around 870,000 years ago yet Atla survives the elements such as water and thus so does lower-nature. Hence Daitya does not really fall yet splits via heavy waters or what is now venezuala becomes an island continent near spain until around 85k (here we mention more proof that pole-shifts are instantaneous and can happen within a matter of moments or days even, where the magentic flux of the earth can render land thousands of miles apart see also the 85k poleshift). Tritonis above the odin mts of Poseidon merged with Atla aka Asgard. Triton or the atlas mts must be the Great Sea as the Med. around this time yet this event could be as early as 1.7 bce. Greenland must have been in the central atlantic where daitya was and created the bermuda triangle, however this even means the typhoon horus is younger than prev thought where young souls are indeed mentioned as civilization's 'uncentralized' progress made inaccurately until the end (the two greatest pole-shifts are connected to greenland shifting 85k bce and mass evolution of the dinosaurs 47 million years ago to their extinction 18 million years ago...so typhoon set and osiris occurred upon this figure after land settled 47m bce and horus occurred 85k-70k bce). We basically think horus is an offshoot or younger christ child of Set whom truly created the bermuda triangle first in the same area at a time when greenland was rising to up towards the north pole. If their was a recent flood of an astronomical rebirth on earth, then this is undoubtedly true hence Atla's shorelines looked like greenland today infact. All islands or small pieces of land have skeletons however large lands have smoothed out shorelines, unless they have recently merged. Since million years ago the aesir or unworldly interveners of a pure blooded race created a material civilization on this globe which ended precisely 270k bce. The rains of neptune literally drown the 7 dwipas via Neptune itself (1.7-850k bce ie daitya around this time, ruta later@270k become completely submerged) or start to (meaning civilizations are literally washed away). Glaciers literally started melting around 85k so we presume as much. Earth loses its mass or starts to 1.7million years ago, yet the loss of matter was not great enough for a pole-shift. The nara ship on the moon is infact struck by a bombardment of rock from neptune let loose for no particular reason. This is the time where the neptunian storms truly occurred. The Dwipas of the gobi are presumed to be smaller islands of their larger counter-parts with advanced civilizations though ie sri lanka would be a dwipa or colonized city on an island and it is told to be first to drown in rama's time [sri lanka, daitya&ruta as 3, triton, Madagascar or Briton and even japan where the majority of the human race is japanese] are all relatively medium sized islands no longer on earth or greatly changed). They are isles attached to large continents, ie the gobi eye is the ocean of the earth (indian ocean) or sri lanka as the human pupil or the center of the earth, an isle in india so to speak. This much is known, a conjoined Briton/ireland broke from europe, this may have been around this time or much earlier so it is regarded as a principle continent as well. The earth was warming, however the continent of daitya conjoined is more than 850,000 years old!
400,000 years ago the ice-age starts. 850k bce was the start of a new ice-age due to the pole-shift. Unlike the last pole-shift of 18m years ago the typhoon from a tipping pt did not come until 74 bce (only one small typhoon came to create the bermuda current and not two) because the earth froze, however flooding of coastlines due to accumulating ice-sheets do occur. The Sun was defeated in Capricorn during Rama's time. However, later during atlantis there was royal blood and cloning. Advanced beings regarded their race and prosperity with fairly high morals, so high as to put materialism above the human soul. As to where they resided, it was in heaven or far above the sky. Hence the capricious beings of afghanistan is regarded as rama's race genetically. The fact is avatars see what gods see and rama's life can be equal to the life of all the races and events put together on earth (past and future), yet none can remember past civilizations unless he too is a god. He is of the last avatars and 18m yrs leaves a giant void on how civilizations were like or how they were built and/or remembered to the common consciousness. All we know is before satya yuga (306 million years of virgo or life on earth) there was only Mars. The dim star of the two sacred cows in the dipper fail as its head or is never reached. The invaders of the arya scyth whom caused a great chain reaction of events from central asia onward at this time were not necessary indo-arya but yet sidereal arya and also a caucus race of hun whom represent the scottish race is infact the ishwaku dynasty of aryan buddhas. This race inhabited the great continent of atlantis below asgard (now north america) via 18m-1m bce. If the meridian is low oxygen levels due to wind via the equator of the earth, then poseidon is true adam or adonis ie the city of poseidonia was relocated to daitya from north america itself. One thing is known, the advanced civilization of aryan black peoples from a daka gene became the Aborigines of Australia or the true face of a judas is revealed. Poseidonis on Adonis (eg root word is posei-adonis or adonis meaning adam as current origin to north america) is relocated to the daityan continent to become Poseidonia. The region of Atlan or inhabited land area whom originates the african germ of the Morocco mts is discovered to be the true beg of the degeneration of man with the elements or ice age aka the viking age. Africa becomes savage as Australia or Mu once was. Mercury attains position of Saturn at this time, however after 85k it retains its cometary form after being loosened by it. Mars is suggested to be the spirit of aries in the great past. The true cosmic age of Aries is an unknown, or of a taurian nature.
270k years ago, Ruta or Iceland is told to be below Greenland at this time and have sunken under the waters due to Ice sheets ie when there is an ice-age the coastlines of the earth all disappear and small islands sink. Venezuela or half of the triangle is told to be near south america as an island and Cuba above Greenland. The Egyptians recreate the second German race (blue eyed, blonde haired, Latvian, German etc). Ruta is the island of the white sands, home of the nordic sivic being or lower-nature in its glory where autumn would be in the early summer via frost and heavenly winds from the west. This wind no longer occurs in iceland however, it was situated near nova scotia so in ancient times it had. God's angels must have followed a dictator, the sumerians must have broke alliance after the trojan war and created the confederate states of Israel (the true problem with a confederate army is that it never truly wins, because it is smaller than a government..the last time a confederate state won was during the time of ram, or it loses to start over hence confederacy means confined, small or a type of right-wing christianity, a break-away nation if you will). Lucifer must have won against the army of god somehow (government) and created states of karma (lower nature) to spread the human race upon the world in this round (Sumer creates Israel). The word Dog must mean God. Lucifer must be Odin. The lucifer gene or experiment upon egypt failed, it was indeed an experiment to create a sort of astral plane on earth, or an archetypical zion or utopia on earth, however its devotees are deemed to reincarnate into other bodies until they dissipate. A blue-eyed blonde haired people occupied Egypt and Asgard at this time after the Monguls of Nara went extinct via the rama epic. The Egyptian germans had such a high conscious level as to control or widen their cataract inside brama. An Adam and Eve are blindly made or are formed as two different distinct races from lower-side Africa (eve) and the middle-east (adam) creating the third-fourth race giant from its precursor germ, the fourth race supposedly two species of races born under Aries (Ra) or the proof of rudra is infact the germanic race's male dragon (left face, narrow cranium, spirituality, black magi or japanese traits) and human (right face, round cranium, physical matter, white magi or chinese trait) with its female mate collectively of race standing on the left or right side to match (unverified, possible clone or a female left-right clone to its male counter-part as a species of race, hence Adam rejected god, not god adam. The taurian Zoroastrians believe this to be the case. See also adam and eve under libra. However the occult believes it is possible for a union to be remade with different zodiacal signs in the cosmos via light or a cosmic influence of some sort). Eve as a different species or an arabic one alien or native to earth (opposite basically, right side human, left side dragon is unverified or unknown by all races basically). If Aries is infact different, Osiris is the same. Of where the true traits of lemuria are derived. The intelligent martians compete materialistically with their atlanto-human inferiors whom emotionally can't pass the age of 12. At this time the Daka are a super-power on earth. The earth is not intermingled but slightly, nevertheless. The age of Lucifer is said to inhabit egypt at this time. An Adam and Eve clone is created via civilization and fail. The Egyptian empire at this time inhabits moon-colored germanic scyth dakas and is the most technology advanced one that will ever be on earth. A booming metropolis in egypt of which has only been seen by the nara in the middle-east before it. Egypt was indubitably the garden of eden at this time (presumably located in Faiyum, under an isolated oasis directly below egypt, the only province on earth with fertile land {see also iran and the himas} and the intermingling of hybrid&foreign civilizations not of this earth). Both adam and eve are under aries meet to spread the germ but fail (a repeated event which occurred on Mars, a billion years ago..a jealousy towards scorpio or secret merger as adamic betrayer with the serpent & against its own kind works via the mind or the seed becomes a hibernating factor, a cocoon). Adam dies and under-ground cults such as the demiurge are invented. The first adam on earth is infact aries and aries, both the sidereal jews know this and t he semites. Noah also visited the temple mount (aka Ezekiel's temple, a location unknown in israel, possibly even to the occult is located on the desert near the dead sea: 31°31'53.40"N 35°16'39.22"E) however 270k years ago adam was born on the temple mount. The temple mount is the third temple in israel, and adam was of persian ancestry, whilst eve was a half-black german from egypt. In egypt there was a garden named and known by the cult of ra. We presume it to be Faiyum. Eve turns into Lilith. Lilith mates multiple times and the Sephiroth is born. The demiurge or Beelzebub cult turn into the ophites whom sprung the naga (archons, rulers, lineage of david etc eg in hebrew Iaodaboath is called Saklas which turns to the word Saturn which means Samuel, this is how we know Samuel or Seraphiel is Satan connected to Gemini, and how we know Saturn is its future spirit aka horus or siva and fish as future unborn man). These cults keep vital knowledge away from the sophia cristos or maya godhead aka a christ child or the serpent of saboa & the new sun. The new adam and eve does not know about them either, however here is biblical knowledge of how the aquarius sign is vitally tested via karma (a virgo) or race creation recently. With this knowledge one would be able to heal the sick, and give rise to the dead or dying and cure the blind. The Asians repopulate the earth via Egypt to Japan and finally Tibet, later North America. None can Defeat siva, repeat or retrace its cosmic footprints of the past, lest they try and fail (yet chain reactions do occur). A new invention becomes old or first. The Swamp-like Egyptian Arya scythe as mongul half-breeds are connected to the areas of finland and greece today. The Dara or Dakas and Nara are mixed mongul races of asgardians with atlanteans (blonde haired blue eyed peoples) in egypt at this time. They have white pale-skin or moon colored traits with tan red freckles, yellow atlanteans however are pure asgardian blood as are the red-white hindu ones. Arabic indians have been known to penetrate the blood of indian hinduism via buddhism from the deserts of arabia to the southwest tip of india. Most scyth are Dara or have traits of the nara. The human skin has a diamond pattern basically or smooth crystalline structure (basically the germans had a white-purplish skin hence lunar). The Jews are even known to have grey, yellow or red-white skin as well, mostly grey-white though (one thing is known, they are considered herculean beings whom veil the sidereal and are currently under the tropical). The current japanese race of today (the only known race to have been penetrated by the hindi tan pure deva indian gene) may have been tainted with the indian germ as the aryan race was with the mongol nara germ 1.7m-270k bce via ramas time. The Aryan race in human form has lived in a civilization for 700,000 years since this point, the longest civilization known or recorded on earth which is why they are so well noted. The Germans build the first pyramids, or a new technology upon the nara race of spiral structures. Everything must be small, the scyth germans of egypt at this time whom literally looked stupid when seen with this material tech were infact of use with nara technology ie space suits and circuitry to control body temp. Here speaks of legends of the first to ascend via the cardinal cross. They say baldr died young and was crucified to the cross, the first crucifixion before a jesus (0bce), and before kronos (75k) on the earthly plane occurred more than 270,000 years ago on asgard or is unworldly. Asgardian technology lasted for thousands of years or did not faulter. Kronos is infact Hod or a figure whom dies under Gemini as Christ did under Aries and Krishna under or in Virgo. Hod was destroyed at this time or at least entered our systems planets (fohat, hence andromeda acts as the upper bowels and the milky way its lower, if systems are destroyed planets can become comets to reach another system). If Hod existed as Hell or a slave of andromeda, a planet whom resides in fohat, he died that way on another planet against loki, however the germanic legends usually do not affiliate themselves with earth and its zodiac. Through genetics or science africa re-emerges in India, not India in Africa. The Valkyries leave their cities in war and repopulate the human race around 85k however. Earth's Northern star enters Thuban of the Draco chain at this time.
100k years bc (94k bc tpb in aquarius), a giant storm from the pacific called Poseidon drowns greece and the remaining atlantis dwipas briefly in pursuit of the fish man or pisces. The Atlantean continents witness the ice-age, its height is around 200,000 to 400,000 some years when it began due to the 850k event (greenland shifted the americas around this time to 85k when the ice-age began to end and it completely realigned due to melting glaciers). India becomes void of an African nation. Great changes on the earth occur, one notably is the atmosphere, which collects moisture for thousands of years to unleash a world wide flood for 40 whole years in 12,000 bce due to ice glacier collapse all at a simultaneous time (glaciers collapse after thousands of years due to pressure build-up). Greek fables are written. PS: Pakistan must have not fully extended as it did to this day. It must have only been northern india and had invaded indian countries (africans were inhabiting that country, a staunch ally of the aryans whom intermingled their species or became their host, and were told to be another ultimate form of christianity since the extinction of the nara, hence the last of the aryans from greenland are both in africa and pakistan see also the Bhati tribe or what appears to be the so-called fabricated albino genome). The pakis are degenerated aryan greek giants from the greek race (not vice versa). However, the race is connected to the dwarka heavenly beings so it (aryan egypt) has created the dravidians or something new through devolution AND evolution. The cruel fate of reality was africa was in the wrong place at the wrong time, however aryan egypt did not nuke pakistan, but pakistan itself may have (we have sources saying egypt, and others saying india, yet Arya are African and a feminine race like the egyptians). Indian traits can be found deep inside south america even. It would make sense that the Indian Civilization did indeed cause nuclear war against pakistan and not the african isles of asgard. Sometimes countries simply can not coexist or thrive in certain parts of the world and breed, the desert adapted north africans in the hindu valley was not an exception. They go down low to the pits of hell, however indian pakistan was north india at one time where countries were in actuality city-states and race did not intermingle. The indian country most recently extended or took the place of the african civilization that was nuked (ntb confused with the rama epic where rama's country invades india, and pakistan reinvades to defeat it). The Peoples of Daitya has pink or white-orange skin and fair flowing hair of the same color, sometimes blonde whom's enemy was indubitably rama's race of indian pakis as was the african germ to succumb to their fate, yet they were brothers. They were indubitably a catholic race with medievel buildings and high-technology or at least their spanish island was where giants romed spain from its bridge aka venezeula. Note: NTB confused with the morroco or atlas mts whom have already long merged into africa during this time. The reason they nuked the pakistani african germ was due to their unknown alliance with daitya or the french (either they were tricked or a treaty was broken hence one attacks an ally who betrays them from close borders, not from far away lands). If Judas or 'the fish' is regarded as Greece in this round, it was africa in the last. The japanese are fairly technical, where all culture sprung from this branch and so were the hindu dakas of daitya for they held japanese genetics and therefore we presume modernized cities, and even their own medieval age! So is the nature for jude to fail via betrayal and the dangers of upcoming events by the present greek race and past african one against ramas offspring. However even judas as pisces the fish (matsya) does not truly die but is left in the astral plane to reincarnate. One thing is known, the fallen atlanteans of daitya named daityans are french hindi pisceans whom broke off from the aquarian branch, optly named after the fish due to the bermuda triangle and its famed continent breaking up via the great waters. They are degenerated Pagans actually, whom's ego rivals that above the christ even. There are literally pockets of radiation or radiaoactive ground littered all around the deserted indus valley which one speculates was the african race. It is told the african race occupied major portions of sumerian europe at this time (before this pre 1m bce they occupied afro-aryan pakistan of which was a time that their civilization was nuked and a majority of their race depopulated ie asians themselves of all branches are tied well to egypt, esoterically speaking ofcourse). New Berlin is not New Swabia (antarctica) but infact a region of iceland still risen. After Atlantis fell, the residents of new berlin degenerated under Gemini via technological advancements or an unadvanced civilization whom becomes remotely advanced (and dies naturally like worms under a great skin). It merged after the fall within a few thousand years due to the rushing waters of the earth (iceland rose 74k bc). If one goes to the region of dagverdharnes in westfjords they will find grid-like cities within the rock similar to stonehenge here (skeletal remains of perfect geometry which nature alone can not create, however unlike stone-henge the ground is not as skeletal, meaning excavated farmland...which is reasonable since a civilization takes 100s of 1000s of years to leave an imprint&the area is riddled with these markings grooved within its concrete isles amidst prehistoric rock. This can only mean one thing, the area had open land above the waters similar to greece). New Berlin in Gemini was in fact in the same place as asgard, however it was not asgard...it was a city opposite of greenland and the valkyries facing towards europe 85k bce. It was rudra or ruta whom became flooded or sunk into smaller land to rise again prior 270,000 bc. Proof is sunken roads and farmlines which lead or branch directly into the ocean. The Atlanteans knew of the upcoming events by mercury yet miscalculated, the melting glaciers whom impacted Canada diverted water to the east instead of the west causing daitya to fall due to asteroid events in gemini, glaciers were required for an access route to the water yet were evaporated or shattered by impact craters.
*85k bc, Mercury passes through the asteroid belt and devastates the environment under Gemini once again as a lotus formation. The family line of the atlantides Kronos and Rhea begins here, however rhea is told to be a capricious human halfbreed or dravidian ie the aryans truly hate halfbreeds this way, through genetics as would a jew or any race. Mercury pulverized the landscape of earth. Buddhism finally prevails (note: Novasgard, Vangard and Bisgard are capital cities in greenland whom became egypt and degenerated, see also the Valkyries where novasgard or new asgard of the coast was the last city to fall before egypt became capital of the world, then greece could go back as far as 1m yrs etc etc knowledge gained ie the brain is in fact a heart or pulsating light of a sphere as capricious). NTB confused with Mt hermon in israel, mt armon (damavand) is in fact of the same branch where 1-of-3 branches of mts ends up in israel. The White devil means white snow, therefore it is greenland as asgard or will become Persia next. However, its civilization extends to the white island of atlantis aka cuba& the faroe islands or the sakan island whom fell (was demolished). Daitya or Cuba is told to be in a tilted position above the bermuda isle at this time, along side the east coast of americas and above haiti when pyramids were built and mayan/martian cultures thrived in particular for the african race. Haiti is told to be in the position of the bermuda isle or in a non-demolished (a small piece of haiti was alongside cuba) state. Aethiopia is flooded..a principle 4rth race continent of egypt inhabited by hindu greeks@this time. The DR is supposedly in posi of atla in the central atlantic. A typhoon by Horus is released though and moves the continent to its present position. The Aquarian Pole-star aligns with Aries or true Death. The ps causes the north star to change into polaris from the draco star chain (prior to that it was ursa major) of events. Sound vibrations turn into pure light via mediation (speed of sound ie sound bends light) of the lotus. Kronos represents the four-armed lord siva of a great past or another universe. The earth's ray is in Libra however during this time. It is told the eastern coast dislodged from canada because of Greenland tilting in the northern pole and moving to its current location. During the course of 47m yrs to now mercury becomes 8th planet from the sun and a brief moon of Saturn. 10 stars are reverted back to 12 via this fourth age (10 stars have not happened yet, however 10 will happen in the fifth age, 10 stars are briefly reverted via planetary crosses by mars and venus). It then turns loose into a comet and ricochets rock around the asteroid belt. The fifth age or sixth age (most likely sixth) will create stellar pockets of vacuumed space or what scientists would call several ozones all over earth. For this to happen many great bodies must disrupt the rotation of the earth. This is a global devastation which knocks the planet farther into space, it is a catastrophic event by Saklas or Saturn and Mercury in Gemini and a cause for global freezing. Here Mercury represents the outer lotus or a naked planetary moon itself when loose by Saturn and in its transition towards the center (moons go towards the center, some sacred planets however do not, Saturn via 0 bce making a transition of away from the center to towards the center is one example, we have reason to believe Saturn hit a maxim and is either going away or towards the center now). All of greenland moves and kicks rock backwards then upwards to recreate the east coast of america from its flat plains and hilly terrain. However if an object that large hits another at its tilted posi towards north it would def go towards the center due to mass and impact of collision. Menope or Merope is the blind sister in libra yet some speculate gemini (may be wrong), Asterope or Aerope is infact a reincarnated being aka mother of ares in tau therefore also aries yet may be aquarius, Gaia is our sun in leo (not truly counted as the sacred 7, however Taurus on earth or a Greek equivalent to Europa), Maia is veiling it under Pisces. Electra is Tau/Scorpio or Gemini. Alycone is Aquarius or Aries as one whom married their sister, whilst Atlas is Capricorn/virgo and Pleione is sagitti. These pleiades are infact bodies or clones on earth of great beings under the 7 sacred non-human signs in taurus with the exception of leo as our sun connecting it to the number 8 with Taygeta as taurus governing it all. Caleano next to Taygeta is simply Leo mirroring the sun or the lost 8th sister however connected to Poseidon (may be aqua or tau could be a sacred star named gaia within the pleiades hence 18 tau has no name). Rudra is a Kumara (aka son of siva) connected to Aries and Aquarius as a northern continent ie death in a reincarnation cycle or a past sivic being (the kumaras or sons of siva are pisces, aries, tau, gemini in order..cancer is the future 5th age kumara it seems). To be more concise, maia - pisces, electra - gemini, taygete - tau, alcyone - cap, sterope -aries, celaeno - aqua, Peniope/merope - sag/libra. The terrestrial mountains on earth were considered gods therefore heavenly moons upon our solar logos. They say Iran as the sidereal was the human race, to prove of its existence, they say the athenian empire is iran and so is america, however the occult clearly states a fifth race germ as persia or the lands before sumeria itself. Hints are given, Seth and Adam before Cain, the word Nanshi was worded 'Nazi', a depopulated village in Iran before its creation of Sumer. If not for a pole-shift, a great universal intermingled nation would even reside there, the middle-east instead of the west. Some even regard Germania as Iran or in ancient earth, sumeria connects itself with a germ somehow. A great war by sorcerers between countries causes the extinction of atlantis. We would imagine the asgardians would have everything from their own santa claus to even a tooth fairy. At this time earth is depopulated to about a few thousand humans, almost causing global extinction on a massive scale via the pole-shift. The primitive mayan civilization of mars truly begins along these lines of 85,000 years ago to now where man is literally reduced to savagery. This much is known, asteroids pummeled or plummeted to earth at this time. We are going to elaborate upon the fact here that the fourth age began 850k bce during rama's time yet it truly began when asgard fell 100,000 years ago to 85k years ago hence 360m-47m (306?)=1st age (east coast&florida falls from its bank aka the james bay when N.A. is put in position, however its waters in the canadian hudson infact form a curvature underwater after going northwards aka the ugava bay first), 47m-18m=2nd age (eastcoast&florida is situated against the gulf coast, under water..We think this poleshift is floods, or repositioning of land), 18m-1m=3rdage (daitya splits at 850k afterwards florida rises...the west coast must have extended greatly in mass, as well as the east as recent as 1 million years ago, the reason why fossils of the Appalachia are found in the far reaches is when that much mass rises, mud becomes land and brings earth from land) and 850k-now=4rth age (daitya splits, ruta is submerged via 270k, @85k then daitya falls in the location of the cuban chain, proof is greenland turns, only greenland can put the totality of the cuban chain in its current location via 85k bce or the true start of the fourth age...yet greenland didn't move until 85k bce...proof is data from the ice-age itself yet real proof is daitya was only split at 850k bce and still in the center of the atlantis, so florida was on the rise against south america at this time. 85k must have been a great poleshift or second greatest pole-shift ever known, where everything is done via a few thousand years) via the organism on earth (lunar phases are f-m-f-m to current...we are at the end of the fourth age, proof is venus has turned the moon onto its female side as early as the start of kaliyuga). More proof is all the inner planets arrive between 85k and now. If mars and venus came after mercury in a period of a few thousand years this explanation is undoubtedly true. If vulcan is mercury it is even more true in enochian language. Mars is scarred for a second time fairly recently. If aquarius enters initiation here, then taurus enters initiation during the venusian pass, however an occult secret leads Libra-Gemini as Venus in this system early on as being the ultimate initiating signs. The aquarians in libra reconstitute the age of electro-magnetic propulsion, however they do so with the help of the tech of nara much earlier on at an age of 270k years ago from present day. The end of the fourth age truly begins here with the inner planets creating havoc against ours. The main body of Jupiter throwing rock into the inner rings is the cause of this pole-shift. However size the earth grew or reduced its period for life has always been 24 hours (see also 4b to 306m-moon {earth is fertilized through heating and melting cycles, the moons cycle in complete rotation}, 47m-vulcan {earth is displaced via magnetism by vulcan, the moons cycle in the sidereal}, 18m-saturn {earth grows colder, saturn tilts as the sun pulls away from the center, the moons wobble or change direction slightly}, 85k to now-Jupiter {earth is bombarded by rock via mercury and realignment of the pole via venus, inner planets are formed, the moons change face}). If the Pandavas or Capricious beings of adonai were to prevade this reality they could easily do so. However, because the human race does not understand the concept of good and evil, they do not. They are purple beings once from India whom hold the chakra points, and inhabit andromeda. If an alien race were to invade this world they would need rewrite the chakra in brahma or redue reality, this is impossible mostly when ragnorak has already commenced. The Earth is being judged by the heirarchy as well, it is good and in process of being sacred, however it is a non-sacred planet even if at the heart of the sephiroth. Asgard is told to do a 180 turn and tilt to the right (its head goes right) via the alaskan strait. More evidence of this movement is the fact that daitya broke up, it broke into pieces at 85k due to movement of water from asgard, it split at 850k though. Material worlds are like pindrops compared to the concept of heaven (neztah) and hell (hod) in brahma. Jupiter is pulled towards the center (see also natal chart of jesus).
The Geminian Saka island falls under Libra (by this time germanic tan races aka the french race had to regenerate their gene via the ice-age and neanderthal body where the old gene of cain does so indeed genetically pervade the new gene of the jewish enoch or adam of judeah). New Berlin falls, however the neanderthal gene appeared when daitya fell 1mbce after rama's time. Hence from 78bce (age of gemini) to 74bce (age of aries) does this continent devide from europe to degenerate and merge with iceland or ruta of which rises again during this time (ruta flooded 270k bce under cancer). Human coexisted with neanderthal species during a majority of the ice-age. Human however remained in their advanced cities. Daitya was a circumstance of devolution from europe it seems. 85k is known as the number of vulcan becoming the inner core of its star. It is vulcan in core form ie mercury as the moon. Mercury is launched through the asteroid belt where as venus passes above it. Mercury plays in lotus form with our asteroid belt, launching rock unto earth. This causes mass amounts of atmosphere to disappear and a global flood at 11k (never has this earth seen a global flood but for the near global one of 18m bce). 85k is so great as to be akin to the 47m bc pacific rim second pass by the star vulcan in cometary phase where the continents were to have spread. The Aquarian or Aryan Germans (egyptian dakan arya, not dwarka) at these times could leave and go from world to world (888 fallen angels or sparks caused death of mars 1billion yrs ago). The Cronos effect aka the Kronus mechanism or ufo technology is invented on earth. Colonial cities with Advanced Greek technology, primitive art and architecture invade and create the westernized empires however during this time we will assume Daitya had iron cities and rectangular cars in an communistic industrial age which degenerated from ufos and was akin to the 1980s or 20ce currently but with electromagnetic energy. The Canaanite Viking Sumerians and Africans however at this time well into 12,000 bce upon the invasion by the scyth in ireland are regarded as communistic much like the asians of today are. Human giants such as the Cromagnum start to devolve. Cities isolate themselves as lower species intermingle. Remnance of Atlantis are sunken completely, 7 continents remain. Atlantis falls and slides along with the french hindi indians whom inhabit a part or isle of daitya (venezuala is an isle near south america@this time where french peoples devolved/evolved into Spaniards). Basically, Tripura sinks or are divided even further (land acts like a ship or floating island in the occult). The atlantean master Baal is born, however a first judah or judas of the planet earth as a race is also born where a betrayal is set against indian pakistan behind closed doors. Pakistan, once home to the Indus Valley civilization is depopulated and nuked after extending actually (more evident in this present day) by the giant africans and Indians (rama's race connected to saudi arabia&sir lanka which was conjoined with japan upon asteroid form; india came from arabia basically). This is how Persia or the first intermingled country is created. Other offshoot tribes of Human giants survive radioactive contamination and spawn the Neanderthal whom goes extinct via 24,000 years from the present day and age. Some even become the present species of Gorilla. It is said the third round had Men assimilated into all nations and races segregated where however the fourth is intermingled after 1million years. Here we reveal that Pakistan is depopulated severly with vast deserts protruding from the indus river, all of the country was once as flourished as india, yet now surrounded by a vast desert, a result of war. Man descends into savagery, a cronus figure is crucified. This much is known, around 85k mercury detains itself or detaches from its position with saturn as a spiraling comet, however when it hits the asteroid belt it becomes a lotus form, just like vulcan as a star before it (see 36k bce and creation of our logos). The aryan or aesir race is aryan turned japanese, hence to gain arabic form on earth they must have intermingled with the japanese fourth race. To regain japanese pigmentation the arya must have turned mongol with a red race. Or override genetics, hence an aryan can not bore an indian, however an indian can bore an aryan. Around 18m Venus attains position of Saturn. At 85k it is in Jupiter. A Uriel is born. Sidereal earth is come into fruition and fifth-race man emerges from its island within the evolutionary jungles of Jakarta.
-70k bce the great pyramids in egypt are built by 100 initiates. Giants of Sumeria (Black Africans from Sudan) build the pyramids after the poleshift due to water levels being too high. Water was of abundance and causeways were built, however previous pyramids were built using tracks and cranes by advanced civilizations such as the one of antarctica etc. They simply have the knowledge to cut blocks at a precise precision using basic tools from far away quarries and mines. Combine this with canals that extend around the nile, and you have an advanced civilization building your culture for thousands of years to come. At one time Pyramids powered cities, yet after atlantis fell, the fourth race was reduced into savagery. The last of the fourth race pyramids where geometry is perfection. The Pyramid was rebuilt it seems. This much is known, the great pyramids of giza are aligned in perfect symmetry with the pyramid in antarctica made of metal. They were built 78,000 bce (by the Greek Aryan giants), then rebuilt 28,000 bce (by Sumerian Africans, renovated, see also the sumerian pyramids of meroe) to retain its perfection via canals because egypt was lush with canals during the ice-age, then rebuilt again 10,000 bce (by Sumerian Africans again) using water canals because egypt was effected by the great flood. The pyramids of meroe were flourishing with life, a dried river valley near its region goes far from the mountains into the nile. This notes even the Atlantean Giants using sorcery and precision were in a barbaric state of non-materialism (they used simple tools and math to collectively build it, knowledge attained from advanced civilization). The iconography of giants and egyptians are mere childish drawings in order to depict a havok or interpret a comprehension of the vast universe for young souls. Minor note, there are 4 great pyramids on the four corners of the world during atlantis, each pyramid in each continent of the 4rth age. They say Pusharam (Parashurama) or a reincarnation of rama in tau builds its (the world's cities), before this time however, during 1.7m capri or true son of rama reigned (time of aquarius repeated in 70k or second event after the fish during the 1.7m yr reign). Rare is the Leo avatar or mate of rama. The Rama avatar is enemy of the Atlanto-Aryan hindu peoples. There is stories which arise of the typhoon Horus being unleashed in the age of gemini near florida approx 74bce after small events such as asteroids from the constellation hit ice-sheets and vulcan in 36k bring it (earth) out of the ice-age, creating the bermuda triangular current. Therefore Matsya was a fish in Pisces, first of the avatars. One thing is known, the areas of Mohenjodaro in pakistan and Bombay in india or Rajasthan are nuclear exchange sites whom admit large levels of radiation whilst some spots are still active in the europas and even in North America, carbon dated from 70k to krishna's time only a few thousand years ago (nuclear bombs were far more powerful than today's). Egypt as israel prior to the bible and geographically speaking. America is resettled@70k with pyramids in cuba still risen. The reason they fell into the ocean was because of Venus much later. Venus created such high vibrations as to literally sink large masses of land and shorelines for no reason and randomly (see also, vicinities in egypt, israel&japan). Somalia is infact a 4rth race african country whom's principle continent or population center was mogadishu in pakistan. One thing is known for asians to be in the south american continent an arabic civilization of arya and asiatic (tibetan) would have need be there. Their language is infact tibetan or indian arabic fused with asian as degenerated asian in mexico and its lower principle continents of poseidonis or adonis. The Typhoon Horus is supposedly supposed to be unleashed at this time or around this marker after the great 85k polar-shift. Capricorn and Cancer is known to be the height of advanced civilization where economic communism is truly revealed as an unbreakable sustenance of government and a power source.
36k Mercury is let loose from Saturn, it turns into a cycling comet. As a Vulcanus or smaller vulcan, it repasses earth in its third form (from star to gas planet to comet to moon or vice versa etc), as a small comet mimicking the lotus form until its new orbit as first around the sun is gained. A small shift occurs, this signifies the end of the ice-age and the coming of the new world 25000 year long zodiacal cycle for the fifth race. 26,000 years the hittites build europe via turkey, and 20,000 years ago the ice-age stone settlers from asia find America (russia came from russia/hungary and returned back to russia via the ice-age, they created europe and the Hittite empire to once again move against the world via scythian assyria and persia sources say). However for only 3000 thousand years ago did they kill off their neighbors in syria (persia) and egypt via 1000 bce. An occultly divine secret says slavic europe was created and russia settled via Turkey or a Cain of the past round intermingling within persia and the middle-east which gives the scientists clues as to where the true fifth race adam and eve of this round was made of, branches from an opposing tree, an old and a new or arabic and aryan. Some say they survived the flood by drifting on small floating islands in the south americas, however the hittites (moabites basically, before intermingling with jews or directly intermingling with the uighurs) almost all go extinct or devolve via scientific estimates. The occult notes these neanderthals are connected to lake baikal and the east instead of the west as some scholars perceive, in a clash of matter. Sumerians are evidently related to flat footed creatures or arab giants. Occultly, 37k in libra may be a number of where the bible's adam and eve was born, or the year before a warming trend and return of Vulcanus to its final destination it is in today however we will stick to the 24k or age of the horse figure. One thing is certain, within India the ashuras (human race) were harassing the suras (devas) at this time of 36k upon the vulcan pass. Cain and Abel could be anywhere during a mass fight for survival between the dates 24k and 16k bc eg there must have been only one cain left after many fights for survival or regeneration (cain could live to a few hundred yrs so its direct parents are adam and eve). We think mercury had an inner lotus form which pushed the earth forward, we think it did this constantly as a cycling comet, as did it bombard the asteroid belt in an outer form around 85k via wide and narrow leaves and then small leaves of the lotus. The asteroid belt plays constant 'ping pong' with the earth (see below) before dragging it inside the lotus or away from the ice climate. The Zoroasters or chain of the first of the fifth-race buddhas as initiates are born whom carry the line all the way to the lamas. The fact is sinkholes on earth are a repository of data and evidence of pole-shifts. When a pole-shift happens, the land liquifies and drags large populations of organisms to its center. There are sinkholes on earth with animals (fossils) whom witnessed a poleshift and migrated to the bottom collectively, the latest around 85k (extinction of mammoth) and 36k (extinction of deer). Sinkholes are landslides created by floods and earthquakes which collect mass populations of dead species from varying kinds. Evidence that the continent of america experienced a mighty poleshift fairly recently. Saint Michael's day is September 28th because it is the equinox or aries injunction with libra where all of his planets were in libra via sidereal aries or a christ outside this system ie not born yet (see also jesus' natal chart of the sun&planets as pisces). All of india was inhabited or populated by the muslim religion and worshipped such at this time. This being is connected to Gemini on earth as well (a rising sign or position of planets from earth). Technologies are present late in the vedas as well, we noticed nazi germany as the athenian empire had tanks, however the tanks were not of the triangulum generator, it didn't really use so much energy on one feature such as fire power. These beings from orion or mizar, we believe was the ishwaku empire, had a black tank which would create lots of devastation, the projectile was great yet the propulsion was poor though. They expended too much energy and burnt out. Like how present jets had missiles with fins, that's what the tanks had used except a dozen were launched simultaneously to clear an area like the soviet Katyusha rockets. A missile is simply not complex if ways are known, and can be created by a few to make it seem it is many. Rockets were built. So was the incident of Dwarka, Krishna's royal city, to drive mankind into the ocean. Races were using these weapons for metal objects ie the chariot is infact not only a ufo, but also an advanced tank. They were kept and maintained well into 3102bce. As well were the mayan pyramids of mars in bosnia and the crimean regions of europe yet entropy is able to build up within a thousand years if not conditioned. Yet they were only used by higher races (the 4rth race was considered dominate). The tank used was in the form of an arrow launching device. But they cheated and used nuclear launchers. They speak of Saint Micheal's mount where Michael kills a giant in this time and Arthur of King Arthur's Court follows in its pursuit in a later period of 13,000k bce (Gulliver under Gemini lived around 36k bce, the true aspects of the medieval age under the sidereal is truly infinite whilst the sidereal age in evolution is a mere few thousand years of 3102-0 bce). The Mayan pyramids which date 25k by carbon dating are infact 35,000 years old. The middle-ages reemerged or was stagnated for thousands of years after 85k bc, for when a civilization descends, they simply depopulate&devolve their technology slightly or they do not descend fully, basically (Jack the Giant killer, is infact a story of Saint Michael dating upon the shores of briton anywhere from 36k bce onwards). All of these giant stories (krishna and the Ramakrishna, David and Goliath, etc) happen to be connected to the atlanteans it seems, or their ashura (evil spirit) left on earth. 36,000-24,000 is the true garden of eden. The true garden of eden is stated here, also in turkey...within the same area. Cain and Abel is the descent of mankind via the fourth race. We think that libra cloned the garden after noah's flood. It is possible, if lower nature is abundant enough, for a garden to be made for the regeration of the fourth race prior to 9000 bce and after the warming effect. We think the garden at 9000 bce was just a spawning pt for noah's ark to create civilization by the fifth race and genesis is infact true. We also presume god is enochian or unworldly beings of high caliber and 1000 years is enough for man to pretend to be in a cave dwelling or farming state (to repopulate the earth via early civilization). One thing is certain, Many historians agree a mirage or cycling red star was constantly scene around this period by so-called cave-dwellers or lower man in their sights and historic accounts.
Around 16k earth was in scorpio, and the height of the cold temperatures in the ice-age were in full swing however, Cain in Aries marries his sister under leo and goes west from russia. In the occult earth tends to warm or realign with the sun after a great event. Glaciers would naturally melt, unless a comet such as a vulcan sidereal passes or follows the planet into a cold space then hauls it back into warmer climates as a type of guide. Basically, small objects have the ability to haul earth, Vulcan dragged earth at this time as it was diminishing into a comet phase...it became smaller upon doing so, which is why it is affiliated with Saturn and not Jupiter as Venus is. It went too fast after making an orbit through the asteroid belt around 36k via the inner rings. This creates great momentum and the moon of mercury becomes a small comet which havoks the earth via the inner lotus form, changing its orbit slightly after diving the earth back into a deep ice-age, it started pulling the earth into a warming period. This is how great an ice-age is, the warming period was but the height of karma in cold temperatures for the animal kingdom. Around 85k it was a crosser asteroid via Saturn or the outer planets though. If the island of venezuela was once european daitya & part of atlan, it was in the shape of a copperhead whilst the triangular atlan was the coil. We may assume the piscean atlanteans were indeed cancerian lower-nature&connected to russia therefore a degenerated species where the indian peoples take the crown of the nepalese fifth-race caucus or russki dravidians of the bible. The God Garuda are smaller pakis or pakistani-indians from south east-asia whom now reside in mexico and the latin americas aka the bird people or the heart of lemurians and/or lemurian turks. They simply could not have navigated upon the isles of the great waters without the proper tools. The golden cities of narayana were supposedly the most advanced civilization on earth in egypt, iraq. Their gold spanded upon other civilizations whom used their technology and mastery of the mind. They were the african race of pakistan. They resemble the sudanese or north africans slightly, have aryan features, they took their culture&ways from the mongolese nara. Their golden cities of the indus were fairly remarkable. However, they attained a mastery in electricity from this. Upon the 85k event, this continent esp their capital was nuked numerous times for unknown reasons. Possibly, because of an invasion of india. Then a pole-shift happened. The race is known as old judea or a judas archetype in the astral plane, however they were athiests whom worshipped baal (sons of zeus, non-initiates). When a cycle ends all perish or enter a ragnorak event for a new cycle to emerge. However some speculated how large they were and how they exactly could levitate stone or quarry rock thousands of miles away via the magnetic field itself. These are beings from adonis, and some sites such as stone henge and the megaliths in russia are presumed to be nearly 18million years in age. Every castle has an entrance and frame to hold the rubble structure or small bricks. Stone henge must be 13,000 years old yet the building may be like 18million years old or made with a cheaper material it seems (these formations were damaged heavily by the flood unlike anarta or agartha, baalbek and dwarka built after the flood). They still have symmetry intact and stone henge was exactly that, a stone castle with rock from Wales. With a global flood it would leave a skeleton of the archway to a great castle in a city, it would also leave no other evidence of loose rocks. The site in tiwanaku looks like it 'exploded' this is also evidence of preflood, and even pre-poleshift dates. Some sites look like they are quarried inside the rock like Japan's Anarta, this would be a preflood design, because its only logical for rock to turn into polymers this way. Geopolymers is a form of clay or shale and can be manipulated with basic crafting tools of high calibur. Proof is the catacombs in france and LA (located within the monkey's tail, now silicon valley, a city on a now risen pennisula with what appears to be subways), the indentations at stone henge and groom lake. Even the 1million year old spiral mounds in egypt&iraq are shear dust. The Atlantean catacombs were subway systems where masses of organisms hid under ground after their cities went to war or during a great poleshift (in reality world wars do not destroy certain countries, infact they leave them untouched by devastation esp the winning countries). The narayana had achieved something no other race could, telepathy or being able to read the mind via thought using mastery and control. A Michael or hero of the sidereal is born or reborn during atlantean sidereal times or the warming period.
16000bc, the human zodiac begins under Libra in 13k but truly begins in Scorpio, fifth-fourth race man diminishes in stature evolutionarily and repopulates the globe via the ice-age. Shem, Enos and Seth are Adamic figures or a pure Cain during Atlantis, Shem is Aries with Union of Taurus around 85k. Kenan and Enos may be Aries and Aquarian, this family perished yet Methuselah's family carried on to the events of Noah's ark through reincarnation. This must mean they must have genetically created a new adam and eve within the ice-age. The second family of Adam are direct ancestors during the ice-age under Libra though. Cain and Abel are born under the Mongul race of Giants. An Adam and Eve are also born after this, as far as 24k or another earlier age of libra can this story be told. The True origin of the Genesis hebrew bible is events wedged deeply within the ice-age of decaying civilization. Eden is made via Heaven or a civilization whom has control of a Desert via aquaducts and water canals which belongs to a race of giants via 13000 bce before the flood occurred in Sumerian Persia if Adam is Arabic, and Eve Arya or Egyptian Arya. The tunics sail for sumeria and build Persia, however they or Briton unites against countries (countries were considered the size of states back then) Ireland and Scotland in ancient times. However we turn to Stone henge and the time of Briton built around 20,000k and ended at 13k for an answer. We presume Cain and Abel are born before and after Adam and Eve, but tbp it was directly connected to adam and eve as last becomes first. Cain was a Vulcan worker whom built a city (old cities and sites of delhi aka gamora in india, arkhaim in siberia, and stonehenge in a slavic briton or Britannia, esp the most recent city of rhodes in greece during this round are all connected to caananites or a non-jewish race whom spawned enoch) and had a family, unlike in the bible, was not a total barbarian and may have committed incest to the line of jesus ie Baal or the sons of Zeus as the human fifth race. However, this line to jesus was made via survival, Cain abandons his family and died in isolation where rocks kill him (an avalanche in the americas destroys his house), it is assumed he navigated to the west, possibly even america not east of russia however, this is told to be future cain in gemini (see the next ice-age and complete extinction of the fifth race). If britain in europe this round mimicked a diminished good force from prosperity or peacetime, then france (germany, persia) would be empirical or a sag germ whom mimicks evil and russia a foreign entity or intervener. The fifth asian race (2nd-5th) had eden come from sir lanka (Ceylon) of this round, however its fourth race form came from Sumatra (3rd-4rth). One does not kill, unless instructed. Cain of the bible is infact Taurus and Abel is Aquarius, however there was a story of a failed hermetic Cain in aries and Abel in scorpio upon a state of savagery or non-population (not rebuilding) of civilizations within the ice-age itself. Therefore we give a cain and abel story of 24,000k as well as 36k bce or a type of reincarnation of the form. Precursor Cain, where a Cain ends each round, navigated from west to east into siberia and struggled within the last ice-age.
-During the peak of the Ice-age in 24,000 bce it became hard for survival, by 16,000 bce or horse ages it became deadly. Proof is the icesheets covered the atlantic and were used as an ice-bridge whom extended all the way to virginia&new york state. The earth was healing therefore finally warming though. The age of the horse must have begun 24k, and the creature must have devolved on earth recently. The horse evolved from asia (siberia in particular) as had all things, however asia is connected to the races of egypt and an aryan asgard. The horse will be a victim of the next ice-age. The age of the deer must still be ending as a prerequisite of this ice-age. However in the occult smaller organisms such as ice age horses are a cause of harsh ecosystem and devolution, eg volcanic activity on an island would cause devolution via survival, hence stagnating within an economy causes devolution. The line of Jesus is born, which coincidentally started with Esa as Jesus or Kain (laben and kismet, an ancient word which means orion, esa could represent laben whom turned evil or origin of good and evil as a chain reaction? the lineage to a jesus is told to be along these lines). The fact is there are many cains and abels, as the bible repeats the stories frequently as well. Legends of Atlantis arise here in particular, large humans become small through evolution. Easter isle was once inhabited by germanic indians, in particular Quetzalcoatl is from this isle and came to the shores of mexico after the catastrophe. Rocks are chiseled and moved it seems. Genes overwrite each other (japanese blood was a part of the isle, however the indian gene overcame it), this island was in peace since 85k and proof is the humans were large once, and built large statues. The rock formations on the ground are reminiscent of the base of catholic cathedrals, fairly well formed and linear however turned to dust, which would naturally occur within 85 thousand years. Catholicism or its architecture is supposed to be daityan however. The remnant bases of the catholic buildings or temples are of daityan origin (square), therefore their culture was daitya, however Quetzalcoatl was an atlanto-aryan figure from atla and south america during Noah's time. The daityans either degenerated from sumeria or were most likely there much earlier than this Quetzalcoatl whom turned up in mexico to die off or to spread germanic roots. Germans and what appears to be red indians came from the continent of noah (south america) to only go extinct therefore their are two routes (during the early parts of the 4rth round prior to 85k bce the gypsy pure red arabic indians, now told to be extinct came from the region of austria in europe and repopulated regions of south america to even indonesia, they were told to be a sagittarian germ as well however unlike the germanic race, they are no more or rarely seen in this round to even replaced by the red indians whom were created with their gene in evolution via mayan south america..now the russian germ {tan races of orion or orion bound dutch} is derived from this region of austro-hungary hence they are a unified race whom became turks basically). The Filipino asians turn up in south america. However the indians evolved into a smaller fifth race form and eventually started chiseling smaller statues to take notice. Misconception is made, easter isle was never an island of war, but of peace. Mordred's family is written here, he resides from the kingdom of lothia in ireland. His mother was named Morgaise, and half-sister Nynenne which genetically links them to Arthur in blood via the marriage of cousins. Arthur's age is great, he may have had relations with the mother of Mordred or Medrawt in Celtic sources (meeting Morgana or Morgaine le fey, his half-sister in marriage). Celts are infact buddhistic or buddhist in nature. King Arthur's court, the legends of Salomon's ring, and even Beowulf are all true stories, however they are presumed to have occurred well into the ice-age when Europe was still considered Sumerian, where like the asians in sumatra the form had dwindled down to dwarves in structure (some cases of found neanderthal skeletons in europe are mistaken for primodial beasts, however they are infact midgets and dwarves, neanderthals were infact the demons of mordor, slaves or builders of war whom reigned upon the world during the ice-age). Beowulf seems to be a story of things to come with king arthur's court and european civilization around 13,000 bc therefore it is at least 16,000 years of age. Albeit jesus is connected to a Cain or family of Juda in the occult, he himself is represented as a pure host or abel whom reincarnated from another world. However, Cain is in fact devolutionary or masc (pos as opposed to evo or fem neg, see ages of man, odd numbers are neg or fem ages) trait.
*Minor note: to make things clear, we follow the zodiac for events of the bible or pregenesis via the ice-age eg 36k is a repeat of virgo, 20k is capricorn, 40k scorpio etc. Kain and Abel, and Adam and Eve of the bible must have occurred 24k bce and diminished man under scorpio in 16k (versions of many cains). The Garden of Eden is the 4 rivers of the Bible here whom converge in Mesopotamia before it is drained via the biblical flood. 4 rivers (gibon, euphrates etc, one biblical river which drives met in the south) met and conjoined in one point, only two rivers are present today (it was near Lake Tharthar actually where the waters extended to this point). Cancer sign is reborn via lower nature by Gemini, so we may presume the garden of eden was either in 30k bce (after the 36k virgo age or event) under gemini and once again in 6000 bce under gemini. The ashura is a microbial worm frozen in ice within asgard. A false spirit perhaps. Aquarius is Laben or Abel if this is true, cain is killed under brama in isolation it seems. Although the ice-age falls under 24k in pisces. It heats up 16k to present day. Glaciers are so great that they do not melt, they collapse basically all at the same time (see 12k bce flood effect). Basically, the age of the horse was before the age of the deer. The mongul fourth race creates or interbreeds with the fifth race as human form or not of a lemurian, animal nature via islands in asia and spread into indonesia. Water is love. There is a notch on top of the pyramid and small room, so it was a house for meditation. The blocks of the Pyramids were raised or rebuilt around 13k bce via 3 methods of technology. 1.) ramps and hinges as an internal ramp around the pyramid. 2.) canals with water for moving the blocks via floaters. 3.) tracks and rollers for turning the blocks via Japanese 5th race rulers. However 85k it was built via water only by the 4rth race sudanese mongol sumerians. This restoration happened before the flood. As does rama's bridge become a walkway from its road for technology of cars, did the pyramids degenerate in methods for restoration. We simply do not know the technology they used for anti-matter in the great past. We think an aries married a leo once again in the ice-age, and great events of rama and sita are repeated because leo is the most attractive of all the signs. The only reason the aryan race is emphasized in the occult is because it ruled last round. It also proves the devastation because it has spread all over the globe, however it is still 2nd populated whilst the asian and african race is firstly. Africa though is going to pay for karma, whilst asia is going to gain from it hence africa is 1b strong, eurasia is 2b, asia is 4billion. Beowulf must be a story about wars amongst the danes. Its mother in leo is queen whom ruled foreign lands, betrayed a queen for its king whom competed with another to swim across the danish channel. The oldest written story of your times (Beowulf's mother is undoubtedly the mother of mordred aka morgaine le fay in leo). It is mirrored that many battles upon the founding of england occurred 537 ad, however the occult states it is of sumerian descent at 14-13,000 bce upon the age of libra when the fourth race still reigned (after being depopulated to but a few thousand after the 85k cataclysm). The only proof the occult has is that the jews entered england and split it off from the south at this time. Ireland was well into the dark ages by this recent time because of the pre-flood period (Rome invaded Briton, changing its culture, briton did not invade rome). Its son under Gemini lead an invasion in 1079 ad, however we assume this forgery is during the times of king arthur's court in briton through ireland (the founding of england was with feuds by the saxons and the norwegians, the norwegians were turks whom came into the south, it is impossible to have a record of ireland at this time, yet ireland is told to be the land of mordor where as middle-earth is infact europe inparticular france and germany). The Atlantean city in Briton is Avalon in the name of King arthur, which sides with Laurentia aka Scotland and Catalonia as Spain. Coincidentally, the scots or scientists of your time named Laurentia prehistoric america, which is true however it is a dwindled adonis from atlantean times where its silver city lies upon nevada called abruptly Poseidonis (an asteroid striken area presumably where cain left). During the ice-age it became located in scotland, next to avalonia in briton. The Saxons (Germans & Germanic Jews) never did drive out the Britons (turks ie norwegians aka germans or german scyth with arabic qualities) in 500ad therefore this happened in 13,000 bc. There is no record of beowulf yet there is a record of atlantis. The earth flooded after the battle of Camlann, and Annales. The danes are Germanic descendants of the irish it seems where indian turks and arya settle as far north as norway, and the cheribs or asian race settle south. Beowulf is a retelling of wars against king arthur's court is from feuds during Sumerian times it seems prior 13k bce where small kingdoms in europe rest upon one large one in England and Ireland. The monster represents an invading army of the north into the rest of europe, where a world war occurred by the atlantean sumerians in europe. During the time of heroes under the age of Leo. The tale of the Ring itself is from the same area, its date are marked deeply rooted inside the ice age (85k-13k bce, we presume 24,000 years ago) of sumerian europe where even dwarves had lived in england (the saxons from ireland created the slavic race first it seems). A medieval age is simply a stage on earth of depopulation from great races and minor ones, big and small (the earth would have washed all evidence and metal&structures it seems, not including stone henge). Aries dies, Libra continues within the microcosm where Rama is infact a central figure or offshoot upon many races or phase of change in brahma (see also balarama in libra, parashurama in tau etc as one whom knows its limits) as a true christ. Not all signs are clones of rama due to the fact that it represents lower-nature as a whole and a bramic spirit whom mimicks vishnu (or vice versa). This much is known, the age of judah began 24,000 bce under pisces or judas represents a grecian race whom was good turned evil.
11000bc, Noah's Flood, a world-wide flood occurs, scaling mountain tops, water accumulates in the atmosphere from the precursor pole-shift and melting or end of the ice-age (basically the atmosphere of the earth becomes water or condenses severely due to atmospheric pressure from the poleshift or end of a 26k cycle it seems). Scientists have proof of a global event where a 20 mile crater resides in greenland around 12500 that may have contributed to the global flood or melting caps. If rock of 85k bc was to pummel this world via jupiter, loss of atmosphere would create condensation and pressure, evolution would be started and a global flood would have occurred. The inner earths ice caps would melt and seep through the mantle, via a frozen ocean 3x the oceans size. Not only Noah had knowledge of making a vessel in south america, many babylonian cultures saved themselves with round vessels from europe, which they no doubtebly got from seeing or believing in UFOs, either or fourth race advanced man was indeed grounded. Europe had created vessels which landed from austria onto the lower middle east. And these were red indians, giants of the fourth round. Some climbed mt tops and died on those tops upon escaping the flood where most were considered fourth-fifth race beings ie semi giants or fifth race. Where contraction and expansion of the mesopotamian sea via thousands of years in Mideast Sumeria occurred due to venus as well. They enslaved the human race in babylonia (lower middle east). Yet this global flood is 15,000 years old (from 2k ad) unlike what our scientists understand. Seeds would then be reconstituted. Jupiter during 85k decided to make the earth lies more on its side, basically, via loss of mass ie the beg of the tropical cycles under brahma was 1million years ago making the earth unable to hold its skin and interplanetary bodies to pass it (the inner rings were formed recently). Neptune in psychic thought drowns the seven dwipas or creates severe storms on its planet that reign upon earth (this event transpired around 1.7 million years ago). Glaciers were common on earth since the dawn of time. However we also think the earth's loss of mass is a cause since the time of rama (neptunian rock bombarded the earth to create atmospheric loss of pressure). Hence an ice-age is a temporary death or coma of a planet so it truly occurred 85k and became severe. The fifth race repopulates the earth under Leo-Virgo or emerges in its human form around 16k bc. The great polar shift of 85k is a true cause for atmospheric condensation however, laying waste to a great number of the prehistoric population of mammals. The ark of humanity arrives in the middle-east from Peru after 40 some years. Noah's civilization of Atlanto-turks aka Romani or red-orange arabic beings, farmers known today as gypsies slowly go extinct, slavic culture is born. Although Ireland was once christian, England itself was Buddhaic. Prior to 13,000bce and before the flood, stonehenge sinks, a remnant building of an enormous castle empire in the south of britain. Remnance of a grid-like city whom mimicks a sumerian maze like circle, instead of the present square. Ireland invades Britain and the legends of a Sagittarian King Arthur take place as Sumerian folklore. Above stonehenge there is a dry lake bed, or estuary, two to be precise, this can only mean one thing, the city itself was surrounded by water in low-level land. Off the coast of Spain there is a communistic city named Britannica, Britanija or Britannia as well. This much is known Galicia (the kingdom of Galicia, a province which moved from Austro-Hungary to Spain (hence hunary in this round is established before europe), its antiquity literally driven to the coast by the roman empire) is a province or state of spain which was recolonized first prior to the disappearance of atlantis 9000bce or reemergence of the Gauls in Doria upon this round. Dried river indentations surround the area as well, now spawning groves of trees. Crop circles surround this point, this can only mean one thing, there was an advanced civilization here with high-technology. The castle structure itself was interwoven and spanned at least 2 miles long from its river point or power source of energy as seen here. Basically, Mortyr or Mordor (ireland) and scotland invaded briton. Tartarus of Cain is Nod aka the city of StoneHenge which was built by slaves in a 1000 year old civilization which crumbled through war with the sumerians where good is evil and evil good. However, nothing material comes before the ice-age so they may have been hidden so well as to rebuild via medieval technology and powers where the irish scyth were true nordic descendents or giants of egypt in this 4rth world age. Tribes of Erador from the Cambrian mountains driven all the way to belfast or northern ireland, in the coast of wales, what is now known as the united kingdom. The brits fled up north to rebel and reinvade after generations of poverty&defeat. Mordor had cities which were booming with civilization such as New Grange. This is told to be a thousand year epic told of when atlantis was but small abandoned islands. If closely inspected, remnant structures of disintegrated buildings can be found under the crops akin to the demolished ones of world war 2 (world war 2 is infact world war I extended, the true second world war will be in the 20th ce, infact during ww2 the jews migrated or returned back to israel prematurely to create the Palestinian state only to have it be given back to them 20 years later). Cultic cities&towns of Merlin in Scorpio left forever within time were held on by a great illusion here. Hence Merlin betrays the court by revealing locations to Northern Kingdoms hence the invasion of King Arthur's court came from the north and not south. However, the Roman Mount of Badon was a central battle location. The earliest invasion by the fifth race was supposedly lead by the scythians via 7000 bc. The Draco-dravidian Hittites are offshoots of sumeria or the last civilization of the cheribs around 2000 bc. It ended by the Egyptians. Ganesha in libra>martian mother of siva>siva must bore races of rudra whom bores races of baal or zeus. The pleiadians have been visiting the black forest in zurich for over 13,000 years. Their forefathers ended up using petroleum instead of magic. Man made structures are evident 360 degrees around the sight spanning 6 miles in diameter. The site itself is a complex city structure. A Cain repeats a circle building civilization and finally heads west in this round. One thing is known, after 11k and 85k the world is highly unpopulated by races of all branches.
Two or Three races land in ships via a global poleshift and created havok during the Egyptian dynasties of 2000 bce. Burial Mounds riddled on earth are housed skeletons of the giants such as the one by Goliath in Golgatha or Shephelah after 1000 bce (some say mount lebanon, the initiating mt is a portion of the golan heights and connected to this giant). The semi-giants of the rephium were with Noah and his sons. They are also with the dorians, for they occupied the worlds once and ruled over men in biblical times. However, there was a Giant race of Orinids whom landed on Malta, proof is the megalithic structures. They are connected to Nimrod in the bible, the Nephilim and most recently Sargon and the Giant farmers or Red Sumerians of Orion whom defeated the human race. Or it is Orion then Hercules then Zeus interms of the spread of civilization. Sargon 'the terrible' however was Sudanese african in appearance or infact egypto-african and sudanese, therefore connected to pakistan. A giant farmer whom created a great army and invaded turkey or spread the gene under the name of orion. He is an important figure because he is akin to alexander the great in terms of world achievements after the fall of troy via 5000-4000 bce. However the atlantean kin were red in appearance. They are the descendants of Seth and Cain. Cain here is of Orion and the word Nephilium means the constellation of Orion. They are responsible for the wars in the middle-east and subjecting mankind to slavery. A small group of Giants pervades the human race and Jews interbreed in Saudi Arabia through this line (they intermingled with Noah's race but earth is a lot smaller and that's how they became smaller within a few thousand years! Noah's race intermingles with smaller humans such as the Dorians and British sumerians. The Giants are too large to interbreed though. Therefore the Canaanites of Malta choose to die out) by consciousness or through thought (a tribe of warriors or humans land and intermingle with the giants whom are already diminished via the dorians and noah but not by the orinids themselves). The Dorians and Orinids however represent the earthly races, so the jews were not truly large creatures actually. They were probably 8 ft tall or average human height. A giant can interbreed with an average human species to get a giant (eg a tiger interbreeds with a lion to get a liger, old gene traits of the sabretooth re-emerge). There were giants, semi-giants and giant humans as early as 8000 bce! They lived in egypt together in world society around 1300bc with the arc actually (ark of covenant). This covenant was a battery that rested in the giza pyramids to power the city with lights. The pyramids after the flood even had water around the plateau. The Cap is gold (see gallery) and resides in a museum, where as the golden arc itself is lost. Lightning would be dispensed into the atmosphere through antennas lying around the city and the plato. After the fall, it was dispensed into the atmosphere by the pyramid itself. The pyramid itself collected plasma to do this much like the tesla att except towers were littered around cities to expand the range. The Dorians or sea people land (basically, the scythians of european sumeria are the famed sea people of the bible during david's time are dorians whom raided the hindu kush much earlier, around 7000bce from eastern russia hence they came from the ark or turkey to the east first then norway via old land, however during this round they settled in russia first then persia and finally western europe or may have some sort of split caste system with the gauls ie dorians are greek gauls, scythians are persians or the first to use the seas before the 'invention' of the medieval pagan christian vikings) off of Crete from Briton and invade or repopulate the world. Noah's Ark (ship) lands in turkey, red indian farmers, daka etc repopulate the globe, conflicts and escapades in the middle-east are started, the true origin of the lunarian Greeks lies here. Genetics can be carried not only cross-country but cross-race as well. Even the Jews may as well be tropical beings (ie jesus as capricorn instead of sag, or peter as taurus instead of aries etc) or mutates of the sidereal zodiac! Esp in Pisces or the youngest of all the zodiacal signs where elemental forces do indeed exist or have existed (once again going back to a being with two souls or two bodies, a heavenly body and a human body). Most advanced civilizations are known to have cheated the flood and emerged in Asia and India somehow.
*The fourth-fifth race (the elohim are offspring of the enoch) whom spread the second via 16000 bce did so in scorpio, their female species of Gautama's race landed a ufo on an beachhead or descended from heaven. The Asian Mongul race is known to harbor such tech and sorcery for they are the oldest race on earth. The third race is gemini, the fourth aquarius and the fifth libra, whilst the second was virgo and the first cancer. The fourth race had ufos and they also intermingled with simians or degenerated beings. The events that took place in the gobi caused an island to float in the east during the flood. The island was the cause for the fifth race asian race we have today. The Mongul Giants and Asian giants did not intermingle heavily with other races during the ice-age until maybe presently. These races are different than the european races due to lack of intermingling on earth, ever..however the orinids of Kain (meaning dead or dying races) were a small group of Maltese Giants whom died out in middle-eastern sumeria after ruling with an iron fist due to their extreme size. The Jews have the Blood of Cain, but it is not direct or directly descended by them. It is the Viking Dorians whom are descended from the Giants of Cain or Orion whom tried to kill your species with wars. They represented farmers whom spawned into warriors and non could defeat them. The Epic of Gilgamesh is just an acknowledgement of superiority and knowledge as to how none can surpass the race of Orion (Kain means Orion, or height of achievement therefore Greek with Farmer or Warrior race). Noah's ark harbored a race of peruvian farmers and giant dakas whom intermingled with dorians (samaritans, etc) whom then intermingled with jews in the himas, basically. Proof is the reintegration or repopulation of the incan asians (non-japanese dakan farmers) from the southern americas well into indonesia in this round. The Christian arya spread deep into Russia in fears of a god's return. Both russian (germanic) and egyptian (incan, basically) civilization have the highest morals of purity on this planet. The Orinids were never defeated yet ended up fighting each other for territory and rule (every being on the planet feared the cosmos, mars and venus in particular had passed 3102 and 900bce, a world flood had ended 9000 bce recently and vulcan passed to turn into mercury 36,000 bc). The 4rth-5th race is told to still appear, they are beings whom achieved evolution of the form and are told to be of the fifth race. These beings achieve permanent evolution. They are basically the final product of genetics via gemini once again. Yet they are similar to degenerated 4rth race beings of today (4rth race beings with fifth race features) yet hairless. The fifth race is told to look like arabic fourth race beings basically. They could change so much in evolution as to have their eyes spread out even further away than the jewish hybrid beings of today. Their hands are told to be large like the enoch. They are not the sixth race of monguls whom will become the number one species on the planet after they go extinct in the ice-age, but are of a domesticated breed (as are all races, but tools or experiments put together from a greater formless body). The 4rth-5th race is enoch whom appeared in this round to represent the height of evolution in all the races. They are not seen because they are lunarian beings whom supposedly went extinct (are not seen, do not trifle with lower planes). They appeared amongst all the races, from indian to caucasian to african. They are highly advanced and hairless. They can take extreme temperatures and have cosmic awareness. They are greater than all the hybrids and are told to represent the fifth race asian germ at its height (hence we are already 5th race beings with 4rth race features). They went extinct basically. Time warps are possible, as Albert Einstein experimented on such technology. If David were to truly live around 3025 bce then Abraham must have cloned himself from the root word Ab'ram from 8000 bc into a human via 2000 bce to penetrate the bible it seems (Jews were in India since 8000 bc). Hence Sumeria (Elam, Goiim, Babylon and Ellaser as Judea, Baalbek/Lebanon, Baghdad and Aleppo or Sumer, Akkad, Assyria, Babylonia and Chaldea) during the times of 2000 bce invade the arab states (sodom, gomarah, admah, zeboiim and bela speculated to be present day amman/Al Zarqah, Irbid, karaq, Al Mazrah, Safi/Hakkir) to truly create israel, where a confederate army or outside nation defeats the nation Jordan and creates Israel. Babylon however is most likely Sumerian and no pure greek or aryan states seem to be truly present here hence the jews did not get far from their root, saudi arabia (goiim is Hittite territory, Chaldea is Babylon, Elam is Israel/Sumer, Elaser is Syria). Elam translates to Edom in Moabite territory which becomes the word Elah as the sumerian ruler from Mesopotamian. Sumeria became Samaria in Persia, Baghdad was Babylon in Egypt, and Elam Israel of the moabites from europe. There is only perfect history in israel via the bible and scientific evidence...hence the 10 dead kings are the 10 states of sumeria aka the sephira or the human race as the coming number of 10 (fifth poleshift where the fourth race extends into israel or connects themselves to akkad, sumer, elam and assur as the number 4 ie babylonia aka chaldea extends its branch). The giants as jews went through afghanistan, iran and south africa from india and to get to saudi arabia or to spread the seed. The Sumerians invaded Palestine from all sides, even from Israel itself. Halfbred gods reigned down the principle human kingdoms after the hittites invaded egypt and egypt, turkey. The Isaac and abraham to even Hagar story or stories after Pre-Genesis must be human inventions at best, or stories of cloned entropic events (exoteric) in nature. Could Nimrod had killed Abraham for the murder of Isaac to burn his body on mount tabor where generations later Jesus and Peter mention it in conversation at the site? Where after the flood cains line gets eliminated by the flood itself? Adam (Dorians related to Sakas) and Eve (Feminine Arya Daka of Noah's ark) are told to be mirrors of two races whom intermingled even during atlantis, yet it is the smaller human whom intermingled to create Jerusalem and the lineage of David and Jesus via 7000bce by an unknown lunar or etheric race of jews whom have knowledge of a great past.
-9000 bce the city of Jericho or first human civilization inhabited by giants emerges. A sumerian town whoms name is derived of a palm tree turns into Jerusalem, a booming metropolis meaning 'city of the moon' which creates civilized culture and suburban circular garden environments amidst decaying maze-like sumerian cities and urban environments. A paradise full of palm trees hundreds of years before the emergence of athens. The flood waters completely recede. Music is invented here later by the jews around 4000 bc hence if Jerusalem is the city of David (human tribes in mts even before jericho? Jerusalem is made or taken by Cain), across from it is Jericho or an older province whom are told to arrive on earth around this time (they could have been here as far back 8000 bce it is presumed) as an isolated nationalistic tribe of semi-giants. Hence these are Hybrids like atlanteans and humans are hybrids, jews and humans are hybrids as well. Karttikeya is the famed god of war and represents not the pleiades but mars, yet he is merely a clone or offspring of rudra whom is son of siva therefore not represented in the past rounds of civilization from ruta, etc but only for a personality or 'divine' gift of inexperience, however like a child born under any sign or race it is a 'son'. The gods were atlantides whom had citizens or half-breeds even before atlantis as large humans whom were degenerated ie human half-breeds or large man fused with other cultures (aryans are dravidian as well, eg germanic is usually mongul nara and pure blood arya today&85k yrs ago, see also the african race for pure lineage or collective lineage of purity ie Hercules is a hybrid possibly if discluded along with Hades as a figure or atlantide of some royal orinid family of non-initiating masters whom branched out of sumeria to govern the human kingdoms, see also 12 zodiacal olympides as tribes during the span of the last ice-age & 10 tribes of jehovah as jews or the sephiric sidereal zodiacs in this round) hence they themselves may have even been clones. The Lunarians occupied israel for a short time, went to war and even built its city walls whom still stand using methods of magnetism via levitation and gravitational pull. They could master space and time as well or understand it to say the least. The Aether and alike were so advanced&respected in the universe as to have head dress that the catholic ones had used except in god-fearing 'red' narrow and very tall form. Hence to make a toy out of a god himself in its equator through intruistic invention not intention. The mts would disappear and the sun would fade. In the occult Israel seems to be a break away nation from all the others, a confederacy whom won against a great government (Sumeria) or a province of hell that victored against the angels in heaven (won against a dictatorship..they rebelled and defeated Sumeria..a little later defeated Persia). Sir Lanka was the same, therefore its bible is written a long time ago, after their great or fruitful times instead of before. Recently if the Greeks or 4rth race won Troy upon this round, the Humans or 5th race would naturally win Israel with the help of Sumerian hybrids. However, Troy heavily depopulated the atlantides and repopulated the human race (they left the earth depopulated, with only the human species). Here we speak of Gabriel as a central figure or illusion, eg light reveals past selves or lives one may have relived. Magi and Sorcery are from the line of Sargon (Nimrod's kingdom) invading Turkey before its (Israel's) creation. The Red Farmers or Giants (black and red sumerians) of Akkad came from the Ark itself. Israel is infact refuted in their bible (moses and joshua invade israel, however jericho turns to Jerusalem which turns to sodom for the human race. Minor linguistic note: the daityans had indian names similar to that of the sumerians, rakta, masha (silent 'a' is emphasized) etc equates to indian therefore its gene spread from their southern provinces, Akkadian however is somewhat alien with the vowels 'i' and 'u' emphasized. Aramaic or English emphasizes all the vowels from all the western languages (african? in origin), therefore the most complex or confusing of the languages to learn. It is Canaan or invaded by Cain until Joshua reconquers the city. Some presume this date to be the accurate time of the fifth race's eden in turkey and northern iraq, however the occult states 7000 bce is the accurate date. Academic sources state 9000 bce (turkey), both are true and all races belong to turkey. The 9000 bc was when two races merged, and 7000 bce was when the scyth invaded india or the two major races on earth split and invaded the hindu kush around 7000 bc (iran). The occult states the garden of eden in turkey upon the ark of noah is a reborn fourth race eden which failed via a reborn cain and abel, and the one in Iran is the biblical fifth race eden in Libra which suceeded in bringing two beings into heaven, however the occult takes it further and states a constant failure upon the garden of eden within the ice-age itself and with many 'cains and abels'. It is possible the 4 rivers started in sumerian iraq, and ended in turkey, iran therefore the Iranian garden and Turkish garden are but the same story and the basin is where the whores of babylon fled or were sold into slavery for cities to reemerge. Right now we know of 3 major gardens of eden, sumatra (1mbce as the indian and asian race's beg or end of the 2nd race&restart in some cases from 18million years..hence beg of the 4rth-5th races), egypt (270kbce as the african and arab race's beg or end of the 3rd) and turkey (24kbce as the caucasian race's beg, or end of the fourth race&restart of the 5th race). The sixth-root race of Australia will begin in north america, perhaps a new garden will arise there as well (BLV source). There is also a garden of eden in Madagascar for the animal kindgom or some sort of timeless isolated environment Pls note the 4rth and 5th race's garden coincides in Sumatra (Ceylon to Jakarta), in particular the indian-asian garden. If this Garden of Eden is indeed true, the python is in sagitti or a sivic being within the animal kingdom whom does not truly resemble satan (siva in gemini) but siva in sagitti. The fourth-fifth race then is simply the fourth race and fifth race combined or a hybrid race of the present fifth race (fifth race beings with 4rth race features, whilst the fourth race remains extinct like the dinosaurs). Basically, there is a 4rth-5th hybrid race as well as a 4rth and coming 5th race. This can only mean one thing, Greece had Jerusalem as a farming community well before the spread of the sidereal jew. Göbekli Tepe was indubetly the site of a fourth race city aka paradise city and the garden of eden after the ark landed, however the garden naturally spreads to (comes from? or is isolated into valley territory from the silicon valley of the middle-east, mesopatmia) lake van itself in iran. However this story spreads through way into 24,000 bce and deeply situated inside the ice-age (in the same area, turkey). The site itself is a garden, where adam and eve entered to steal genetically grown fruit being harvested by the fourth race for the repopulation of the earth ie the branch of life spreads from Sumeria into Israel where the fifth race of this round emerge (during the ice-age many failures resulted in the deaths of the collective fifth race, however they were created or became smaller naturally after the 85k pole-shift event..and even then the fourth race too was small in physical height). Hence Jericho was inhabited by Caananites before it was inhabited (destroyed) by Jews via 1000 bce. If one wants to find the perfect city in the heart of the biblical famed eden or within its valley in maya, one would go to Elazig in turkey, situated at the very end of the euphrates are mountains crystallized in holy light from its divine spirit. The fact is an isolated lake of green water resides in Elazig, thousands of years later sucked dry into the soil of the farm land. 9000-7000 is not a garden but a reinstitution of civilization by the fifth race from its spawning point of noah's ark. 8000 bce (rise of neolothic man in europe aka rise of the fifth race) is infact a clone of the garden of eden in 24,000k or when the importance of cain is reinsituted (god liked cain), and he went into eastern russia..to come back and build civilizations. The illusion here is Sumeria is both Persia, Troy and Greece. Sumeria however could have started degeneration well into the ice-age, of course. It could have also been established in europe from russia by cain unless everything goes into(from?) the center from eden (baalbek etc, are all fourth race structures..in the occult we presume eden was first). Civilization of the fifth race is born. Gabriel unites Israel. Art and architecture spreads.
8000bc buddhism thrives in Europe or is spread via small asiatic tribes. The Jews are born as a small tribe in India, they are but a sub-race whilst the Aryan Hindu are the major Semite race of the globe, spanning to about 1million years in age, however both are Arya in design. The buddhistic principles of asia comeforth to eliminate catholicism and the christian code or sphere. A conflict breaks out between the two and they are driven back to the east. Here is a time when buddhism becomes evident in Europe or replaces a catholic ideology which was implanted in the island of daitya via its culture. Literally, a thousand years of silence from war is held yet the 800 some buddhists whom travel from india to propagate it disappear completely or silently. Some may say they were even murdered, through just cause for change. The Muslims are not evil persay but hold a secret or psychic cause with its christian mind. Religion is not a factor, but extinction a cause for evolution ie the Hittites were once in turkey, now they inhabit regions of southern russia. Ashoka's race migrated in just a few hundred years to thailand where war rapidly spreads the germ..but eliminates its numbers also. An occult secret lies here about civilization, Adam and Set of Persia came before Cain of Sumeria in this round or as of recent. They say at this time the scythian vikings reconquered egypt and left the elemental gene in nature untouched before all else. Even before Troy, and the Hittite invasion, where great karma presides in their germanic blood hence the germans truly died up to 270 years ago where at this time to about 1.2 m bce their blood became unpure with the mongolian host or the nara gene. Even the African in pakistan was an advanced race with material technology far above the fifth hence one learns from karma via sound or lower nature wanting it to return&turn back. Yet the fifth race egyptians has obtained much progress, not through israel but through egypt itself as would any feminine society be the most advanced in the material world (they developed schools, built pyramids and transitioned through multiple governments in a course of 100 years before all else as if they knew...ie a perception of 80,000 years even elementally felt, truly is great). The persian chariot or bronze horse if you will, although likened by the egyptians through war are of troy or the upper regions of russia. It is told the fifth race egyptian gene is some 1million years old, they say it is infact south african currently, however it is mixed with the north african and/or pakistani caananite tribes of israel during biblical times. The south africans must have progressed nature so quickly as to degenerate and migrate within a few hundred years (as with ashoka's race). Something stopped their progress before it started and we speculate it was a viking invasion during this time. Some speculate this invention (the horse drawn chariot) was around 2,000 bce yet it is atlantean and came here at least during this time from northern china&russia near alaska by the germanic race of scyth (phillistines, sea peoples or early greeks were infact european spanish latin Phoenician and caulk scyths, in this doctrine minoans or creators of rome in spain are the asiatic sixth race fused from the second, whilst the phoenician is the spaniard) where the sumerians even reconquered these far away regions by this time. Hence it was introduced to this world by the atlantean greeks after troy or 4000 bce (the moabite farmers or caucus japanese hybrids, technically enemies of the scythe, went back into germany via the slavic states, they then trickled into israel to interbreed or spread the germ from turkey in a path originally from the ark itself). This invention was far well known in india for having its own unrecorded chariot age, which krishna himself used during the major pole-shift or venusian pass. The iron chariots of the bible are ufos (see the pakistani race as 4rth race canaanites whom inhabited these vehicles as well, the jews alone had 900 chariots or golden merkabahs in the bible during the times of judah as early as 500 bce). They still obtain these vehicles, yet only for divine sects and unworldly races whom do not bother with this world or lower astral forms. Even the fifth race had developed these chariots after the industrial ages, albeit low in number and not capable of trans-dimensional travel (travel strictly restricted through the solar logoi, they have a basic uninterest of inter-dimensional travel or elementary knowledge of plasma&sorcery, see also the nara race). They care not for divine knowledge or the arcane ways of divinity. Ufos for all races universal are known to be the height of achievement in race and knowledge (engineering). Rome is infact an extension of Iran or Northern India via the degeneration of the hindu people (see also 5 tribes of Iran). One thing is known, Babylon can be anywhere from Saudi Arabia to Ethopia to Iran. Mankind is a universal species or host of multiple worlds. Whilst some say a nuclear exchange between the civilization of Harrapa in India (indian race) and Mohenjo-Daro (african race) occurred during this time, it truly occurred 85,000 years ago. Harrapa is a part of the indus, so it may have been a blow or elimination to (or of) the african race from pakistan itself, a principle city of atlantis. Hence, the one whom creates nuclear war does not win, nor do or countries side with an exchange (a complete exchange of nuclear weapons throughout the world is unrealistic, it would only humiliate civilizations, for the globe is so great that it would be like a prick or a combustion of gas in certain areas). A nuclear exchange would only happen by one or two cities upon threat of invasion by weapons. And the side whom invades would lose (see also hiroshima) by the host whom strikes first (pakistan was attacked in these two areas it seems, by india 85,000 years ago). These sites were vitrified, albeit much earlier than 3,000 bce (this event is not taken from the Mahabharata, yet the end of the Ramayana, hence india-pakistan represents the younger brothers of rama or Ayodha whom gain experience against its enemies and over-achieve what rama has accomplished). proof being that radiation when emmitted is permanent, it will never seize in detection, there can be radiation from prehistory even contaminating certain areas). The orionids of babylon created baalbek and ruled the earth after a few thousand years of progress, something the fifth race was only able to do in 6,000 years (progress lost in time such is the fate of sumerian avalon in southern briton as well). They were well into the roman era in terms of masonic design for at least 4,000 years with two world governments in egypt and later sumeria however their governments were isolated and they obtained unworldly help (ufos or vimanas as conventional technology with a very masonic classical art-style which is also perfected and possibly machined or cut with highdensity lasers, however we speculated kilns for casting and mixing stone cement). By 0 bce our world was supposedly stagnate still or shear farmland, even with marvels in troy, their world was more microeconomical and efficient (albeit isolated) then ours (their 0 bce was possibly equivalent to our 12th century ad in architecture). In turkey (phrygia and galacia) there is evidence of tracks formed by machines on the concrete (wheels that level themselves through concrete rock). They turned the gear in a circle, and the simple machine worked like a bicycle except in the form of a train trolley for hands. The earth was wet during noah's time, and concrete soft and they (the giants) used a wheel within a wheel or gear pulley to trolley stone. Troy stampeded their progress and they fell into middle-eastern territory after venus passed (their government was far more masonic then ours currently and had at least 5,000 years to progress before the fall of troy, they were technologically behind the fifth race yet spiritually ahead ie our masonic architecture today is akin to their 'middle-age' of so-called 'roman' progress). One thing is known, Persia (currently america) was buddhistic turned muslim and so Europe also became that way.
7000bce the fifth race is formed and interbred by the Sumerians via the age of Cancer or the great mother, hence Capricorn acknowledges itself as the dominate or superior race on the earth. The garden of eden is told to be relocated in Adam's rib or within the country of Iran (Lake Urmia of where the pomegranate is cherished and economy born, the stone apple and the snake is prob an ice-age or preflood era survival story if not under sagitti or with its elements in nature, the snake could infact be Geminian as a sivic being). The fourth race intermingles with the fifth in the age of Cancer-to-Gemini. A new Sagittarian Adam eats from the stone tree or tree of knowledge in Sumeria. Eve hides or steals the forbidden fruit from a master's garden. The Arabic Germanic or/and Russian Sumerians populate greece and interbreed into Russia. Eve is the Farmer race of Noah, whilst Adam is the Warrior race of Gauls and Hun. However Cain and Abel are from the time of 16,000 bce. Cain is Jesus and Abel is Jacob (in hebrew, the old messiah is in leo), in the time of the savages, where Jacob denies Jesus of food in the verge of starvation during the ice-age. Cain as Jesus under Scorpio kills Abel and goes extinct in the process. At a young age, via sorcery jesus causes a child under aries to die of which some are witness to (jesus is still considered the master of masters in physical form or ultimate sivic being as father of its son because he has the ability to take and gain life via sorcery, this is actually a 9ad story; what really happened was when jesus was 8 years of age, a neighborhood child had a heart attack in his presence of where some were of witness to). The planet of Hodor or Hell kills Baldr. The Nephilium were larger human, yet very human to the ways and culture of the poor today. The egoistic teacher of the jews was tested by asiatic scyth, in a crucial attack by karma within the young child's life (he is only regarded as the jewish messiah because he was a genetic jew however if christ were born in the tropical or on this earth without the intrusion of venus or a pole-shift, or if venus remained 5th planet he would have been born approx on november 30th and mars would still be oxygenated). Childish elemental acts by elementary beings whom devolved their third eye are infact witness to it (elemental souls exist in the occult, however in a non-dream eg masters are allowed to kill, commit sorcery or even destroy the form if wanted to in the occult by unearthly means). Another Jacob under Scorpio is psychically aware of this event and survives to spread the human population via war. This royal blood is carried on through the david line and onto another Isa or Jesus. This story is repeated with a Jacob as well. We think Elijah or Jacob is from this time. The secret line before Abraham and all its prophets begins here. If there is any race whom hates another race, it is not the arya but the jews. The jews hate the russians because their nations were destroyed when they established colonization in that period recently around expansion time of the bible or time of gog and shem (aka ham in the bible). Siberia was Nod. The tatars or turks enslaved the polish cossacks aka jews until 1200 ad or most recently which is why a first world country like germany invaded in the past 100 years hence japan invades china because of territorial expansion and nation building was actually an attempt to free china from slavery by nation building and government creation hence reunification. When the Cossacks as Jews invaded all the countries world powers, they did so in a scale similar to the mongols and the hittites, except for one thing, they massacred the germanic race in genocidal numbers ranging well into the millions (2 million germans were killed during their thousand year occupation of this planet, however we presume they massacred well over 10 million all the way into the recent great purge era created by serbian jews, and the reason was a war or intervention on another planet, mainly during the fall of capewa, german colonials were inhabitation there..yet we think they were at war since the dawn of rama's time or fall of atlantis via 85k bce during the 10 kings era). However Troy before this was regarded as a world war of the planet for thousands of years, or fairly difficult to finish. The jews did not know they were aliens, they thought themselves initiates or some divine entity with foreign purpose, they did not know they were jews when they arrived to earth. If Jews were to enslave the persians, they (persians) would only expand and enslave the jews as a result. One thing is known, karma or your soul leaves the body in ash, regardless of what or who you are. The Slavic turks and aryan Uighurs of the caucus are created via the fertile crescent. The human race leaves india. Lilith is reborn. Adam and eve in Libra (via the hebrew bible's date of 3000 bce during the venusian pass?) are also reborn as the fifth race germ or germ from the ark hence the world population of 11,000 bce is 100,000 people, in 85k only a few thousand. Economy is created in this round. The scythe invade india as the fourth race before all fifth race wars, spreading the germ from norway to persia and to the indus itself literally intermingling with cherib blood much before the asian mongols ever did so, where small tribal factions create war with each other for the first time. The 10 jewish tribes of india are weeded out at this time or escape india to saudi arabia and hence they build jericho (to move along into other civilizations such as greece, and hungary or to regenerate the gene or soul with karma) after arriving from another planet hence the turks are aryan in descent or have african blood, whilst the scyth do not where all have blood of the nara. The holders of the arch are known as the saka race or the race of true evil& the ones whom hold or attained elemental powers. All are hindu mongol but for hidden aspects of the egyptian race (second race) which coins the term for the origin of the turks aka cain in vedic literature. The scythians are direct descendents of asgard itself which comes even before sumerian europe as the fourth race. They are an extra-terristrial species connected to the aesir or a chinese aryan race so-to-speak. A new indus valley civilization emerges from its bloom and it is the competition of the fifth race germ in its material or constructive nature which becomes microcosmic or uncrystallized nature.
*The Trojan war lasts for thousands of years, begins around 7000 bce and ends near 6000bce. It degenerated from western sumeria (france) via 85kbce to the russian lands of the east (proof is the crimea, greece and great architecture found in russia being relevant archaeologically). It ends finally from Babylon into India alongside Kurukshetra in 1000 bce via India within the Mahabharatan or Great War against the Moon. Indian civilization is pakistani or giants in maya (the colonization of latin america by the fourth fifth-race via migration through alaska). They simply colonized areas of dead city at a time when chinese culture was created. The Caucus Greeks are from the Himas as the old world middle east, yet we actually mean an island of atlantis known as a hybrid or domesticated species of ruta and daitya, now greenland & the cuban chain. Whilst the Gauls are Dravidians from Doria or an isolated split grouping of Sumerians with unique gene traits whom occupied the Islands of Greece first in this round, the Greeks are pure bred aryan arabs ie atlantean descendants of hidden bloodlines. Animals must evolve small and die out or turn domesticated in egyptian economic cultures alone. The Dravidians of Europe win against the Greek cheribs in troy where they (the greeks) repeat cosmic steps in the middle-east or the jews intermingle with an Israeli Greece &much recently with europeans (2012). The Line of Yeshua and Navab is to start in history from Egypt and the middle-eastern territories via intermingling with a line of sumerians or indian cheribs (worshipers of Baal, beings from svata or the deva race), before this or during the times of baalbek fascist classical art and greek high-culture was rampant throughout northern israel to later spread into europe (around 4000-1000 bce athens becomes relocated in greece and after the venusian pass). 4000 bce is a time where Jews are recognized as a human race in Israel and on earth in general therefore the cheribs are greek hindi humans or 'large man' and jews an unknown from southern india. The Trojans of Troy are western european in ancestry, and also known as the atlantean race whom occupied deep inside western europa where til this day, graves won't be found for cities are built upon the dead. The Greeks won the Trojan war however it is said they lost Europe and won the middle-eastern territories..hence Rome was created directly through them and a migration or sack by the Gauls coincidentally at the time of a war with the giants in japan named Kurukshetra where Japan as a nation invaded southern india via the sea. Oenone was a hittite wife of Paris under sagitti whom committed suicide, this was what truly sparked the trojan war eg imagine a lead figure of a country becoming defiled through a heinous act of adultery and murder then imagine the adulterous, a political representative of a westernized grecian country at a time of unrest. Uprisings would take center stage & war would be unleashed with the atlanteans even involved hence the atlanteans inhabited well into europe, the cities of paris and troy before or during the creation of the slavic states during this round&the hittite empire was regarded as the first true spawn of the fifth race along with Persia or before all of Israel. They (the atlanteans) were the sea peoples of the scythe and raided Egypt from the far northern territories or unexplored lands hence their tribes representative twelve as did the Sumerian tribes after it (they came originally from italy, spain and even greece as early as 1000 bce driven into devolution by the trojan war to finally invade israel, however russia and norway through uighur territory {not the slavic states} since the time of Noah is their true path this round). The Giants of Titan are no longer giants but migrating beings or it was the hittites whom sparked an invasion of the world to progress mankind from savagery. This reason and this reason alone is why celtic assyrians from the line of jesus later appeared on the verge of extinction as small tribes in the far northern territories of europe from its origin deep within the middle east. The hittites invade the middle-eastern world powers in a scale similar to that of the mongols. America is truly born during the age or times of abraham. The christian Chaldeans at these times also invaded India from the mideast babylonian empire to punish buddhism. The establishment of lower-nature is this fact, the trojans were regarded as black magicians to the greeks, however the human race is composed of parliamentary beings or elementals whom have not yet learned control therefore the greeks themselves were limited in initiation. 3 Great super-powers literally invaded each other simultaneously during Troy it seems. For Agamemnon and the southern greek nations of Turkey (Achaeans) to invade Troy he would have to do it by a mass invasion via the black sea&to its ports in Crimea, from Odessa onwards (the amazonians were in crimea or landed there during troy). To besiege a city as far as france, he would have to invade all of europe, and besiege the city (go from city to city via turkey to ukraine and finally to western europe by land, with mass invasion by sea) that way in a 10 year feud to finally have the Trojan capital of france fall via the trojan horse theory. Therefore Odessa where the Oddesey is sparked after troy, and pillars of hercules discovered, as well as Lybia, was infact the heart or origin of western civilization. This much is known the west during the times of Sumer onward was considered the east, or had easternized (asiatic) culture. Hence the French are the true Russians of the last round. Its (the great war) true end however are european skirmishes and repeated events which leads to the viking colonization and discoveries of the Latin Americas.
6000bc the Mayan civilization begins its fall upon the height where Mars passes the venusian comet at this time. Mayan culture or an archetype of ancient atlanteanism thrived in south america. However, there downfall was seclusion from the rest of the world, and technological stagnation. The Bible warns us of these catastrophes where a civilization is inexperienced, hence this civilization was regarded as an unknown babylon or sodom of the bible which was once mighty and due to sin and sorcery (the regenerating germ, the populace became too lazy or exploited maya in illusion, however power was their downfall where as the origin of native american culture in this round and previous rounds truly lies in these asiatic roots) went under. Hence unlike the sumerians, they had thriving economies and suburbs even yet all fell due to limitations of their empire exploring and conquering the rest of the world, in other words they were good farmers yet not good fisher's of men. However so, they were the first known race or civilization to whom alien intervention was common (a pure race to have asian, african-sumerian and aryan cultures combined is also a race ravaged by the nords). 4000 bce is the end of the trojan war, however it began in 6000 bc, supposedly the largest war ever created on earth, ousting the ramayana even. The Trojan War as a new world is started via feuds with Troy and Paris where the Trojans (hittites, gauls or Solutreans ie Daniel's race) wage world war against Grecian civilization and all its colonies. A Lightning bolt strikes mars (the shock literally wraps around the planet) from venus to create the Valles Marineris and other canyons (creation of the hellas basin occurred more than 1 billion years ago!..however it did not destroy the planet but yet aligned it and even created life on it, once again the hellas basin is connected to a movement of sagitti whilst the Valles Marineris is Capricious in manner..eventhough science til this day negates the fact of valleys and streams on mars, or even life, they do have data on it more so than even the planet earth. Mayan civilizations begin there downfall or spiral downwards do to heavy rains consuming corn and wheat via mars. Their dynasty and kings lasted thousands of years and consisted of every race, turks, chinese and even japanese in particular since the times of atlantis (advanced races can indeed become native). The mayan civilization are asiatic culture and the last worshipers of indra in north america (civilization can not sustain itself, they fall). One fact namely is in the region of promethei near helas basin, another olympus mons surrounded by an ancient oceanic floor bed). Lightning bolts are often branches, however so are rivers. Due to the nature of lightning strikes never becoming concave from a streamed line force (unless becoming an electrical build up?), martian streams may have existed and entered the agyre crater in particular and even briefly entered the valles marines and volcanic regions. It almost seems like there are no rivers on mars, only lightning strikes all connected to a giant juncture in the northern ice cap. The region forms a lightning bolt chain that is not the valles, however strewn water must have escaped into the hellas basin at an phenomenally quick paste for its sands say otherwise. Proving the region was not a miniature oceanic dwelling, but a mighty desert before 6000bce as well as a crater (half of mars was ocean, all of the north, yet this region was a lake). The event is notably capricious however aquarian static and meteor fallout is also presumed, the meteors may have hit early on alongside diomedes because its riddled on one side of the planet, and around the basin itself (the male side, the asteroid shot up rock in one direction basically when it crashed). On the opposite of the basin is a slightly smaller (yet still massively great) and aquarian impact crater (below the volcano itself and below the canyon) is called argyre planitia in science (argyre is named after an atlantean city of silver on the isle of ruta aka iceland, the sands of agyre on mars indicate a region of a possible lake above a great ocean prior 6000 bce). Science abruptly names this area hellas basin, however disinformation is great given the map is infact in that region (see sumerian map). Venus passes Mars and strikes it, basically as a comet. The true origins of the Aryan invasion of india is here, the gauls invaded india to spread the human race it seems. Basically, its leaders betray Assyria, Babylon and Egypt for Europe. They even say Helen may have been an unworldly presidential canditate from another planet come to earth to foresee events which unfold (If Helen mirrors Aphrodite or Venus, then there were 2 figures of political stature at this time, Aphrodite in libra and Helen of Sparta in leo hence Hera in tau, Athena in Cap/Virgo and Aphrodite in Libra, not only as people but as countries were judged). Helen has parents which are gods in history, so such is the case for merope and other unknown grecian pleiadian figures of the past. The french dorians masquerade as atlanteans of daitya, they migrated to the continent of india at this time. However they repenetrated grecian egypt much earlier on from the ark and possibly asia to create most of the celtic human race. At the time Helen of Troy (in Leo with Aphrodite in Libra, some speculate not a leo, however Helen is venus injunction with earth via athena of Triton or the triton sea, therefore divine in that regard or the french gallic race is leo&hagar's race in the bible as well..however libra is venus...hence leo is hierarchy or hierarchical consciousness in brama and capricorn is its head in evolution eg venus turns into a comet in leo) is abducted by Paris (of troy or a french western persia in the europas is virgo whom weds possibly a grecian aristocrat in Leo whom joined another army or wed their leader in France under virgo where Athena is Leo/Capricorn via ether or jupiter&mars/ares whom was transmuted into Minerva in Libra via roman sources). Upon historical accuracy, there are only two main mother rivers in europe whom make up the totality of all the rivers, they are the Danube and the Dnieper rivers, where Troy is infact inbetween these rivers conjoined into smaller streams within the location of Paris and its blood goes into England even to split it off. Minor note the Atlantean hybrids or semi-giants were from western europe, or aka trojans, a whole society of atlanteans, the greeks were not considered atlantean, but may have had atlantean blood or a few atlanteans. The heart of the Danube goes from italy and stretches way through france unto spain, the Dnieper however, splits through the ukraine. Both of these rivers have really great wide bodies or are main branches, which indicate where the battle of troy took place, and stretched all the way to the black sea itself. Helen of Troy is a satellite of the moon or known to be in Leo (ntb confused with athena in cap or aphrodite in libra or Paris in Virgo). Doria is in actuality the copperhead shaped island formation of venezuala aka daitya of atlantis where the snake as well was relocated. Therefore if Seth is the Cobra, Cain is a rattlesnake of many forms or Abel has somehow turned into Cain. The King Snake of Osiris is Capricious in that manner. A Raphael from atlantis reemerges and starts a massive war. War emerges with the Giant hindi race, grecian atlanteans invade the major world countries and kill off their species with primitive technology such as the chariot, shield and sword. They also carried golden armor and spear. Tritonis of Triton was a sea of greece, however it was also a city in lemuria's greenland and relocated to ruta hence the son of athena (which colerates with the atlantic ocean) and poseidon (pacific) gives birth to this city, another clue is Oceanus (pacific) and Tethys (indian ocean or antarctic) gives birth to this city of Limnaee or Bolbe by Hercules (Cepheus&Lycabas, even Pallas from Lybian folklore draws into these legends...as did most of the sea nymphs of atla/daitya fall so did Limnaee fall ie the Nereids are connected to Neptune or Neptunian rock). If one piece of greenland is alta as the height of atlantis or asgard, the other piece is triton aka lemuria above adonis or the roman city-states of Slavia produced were come from (invented by) the Czech republic itself. An occultic secret tells us the world capital of troy was not outlying settlements in turkey but yet a chain of settlements which lead to what is now known as the city of Paris, France. Greece itself existed at this time, however it was not europe nor turkey but yet the middle-eastern territory of what is now Israel&Egypt or civilization directly connected to the Hindi mts. Tombs of many dead residence lies within and under the city of Paris. There are aqueducts and tunnels in these locations (LA, Paris to name a few) with mass graves of skeletons as if a pole-shift occurred and populations were driven under ground or in an archetypical subway system of their times (atlanteans had mass commute and travel) it seems. However these events are presumed to be much earlier on, around atleast 85k bce or paris troy holds an occultic secret as to why it was built there. Maze-like cities were to have existed as an remnance of old Sumeria itself...of where the greeks turned civilization into the more advanced ages ie the circle. Ancient Sumeria pre-85k was a sphere or spherical cities of advanced design, turned into a square. Malkuth retained the square with spherical buildings it seems. Asgard was the city of gold on top of the world, and universe (the cities of gold-atla, bronze-daitya, silver-ruta). The Isle of the Nymphs is told to be Tritonian. 6 million bodies are riddled in the catacombs below Paris, indicating an advanced civilization had perished. They say when the Jews arrived on earth they massacred the germanic race in a great genocide throughout the globe. Some however equate paris to being tartarus or a great city during atlantis in the continent of sumeria. One thing is known, the slavic states adapted the cyrillic alphabet or mimicked it via the french of troy. Half of Troy allies with Greece and invades the Major middle-eastern territories such as buddhistic Persia or Babylon and the Assyrian Empire (dysentery of jesus) at the time.
-Sixth race beings which resemble the last of the second-third or fourth race mongolese neptunians emerge off the coast of spain via Minoan culture but go extinct through volcanic activity sometime around 9000bce. Where as Phoenicians or Arabic Phillistines thrive (jews are arya hindi as well, however more similar to arabs then hindu). Volcanic activity was in the rise before the start of kali due to glacier melting and cooling factors (water can never enter fire or the cooling core, which inturn causes mass release of volcanic gas via periods of condensation so to speak). The trojan war has a victor or outcome, they say the french or dravidian franco peoples (lower-nature) won against higher nature (the greeks & turks). A Caucus Cain navigates from algeria to israel to make its way across the western united states, it is proven in the bible that this round's cain does not take the path directly from europe, because the ice-age was too great and too cold. Cain is told to come from africa itself whether by ocean or by land, however before god destroyed earth (around 11k) he made his journey from spain into africa via 24,000 bce. During Troy around 6000 bce this region was active for the mythology of Ares and the Golden fleece came from the coastline of Georgia called Colchis now Roman Lasica (the european country in slavia, not the american province) itself where these 'giants' in mythology whom hated humans were literally citizens of the world it seems (ie the cultic 12 olympians are zodiacal Zeus is Cancer, Hera is Tau, Poseidon is aqua, Athena is Cap, Apollo is Leo, Hermes is Gemini, Hestia/dionysus is Sag {coincedentally a grecian branch of diatya or what some say is the island of Udhal as the hindi copperhead snake's 'head' whom arose with the halfblood of a sag jesus}, Aphrodite is Libra, Hephaestus is Virgo, Ares is Aries, Artemis is Pisces, Demeter is Scorp not in order). Hephaestus or the 'ugly' one is known as the son of vulcan or ares as an atlantean born reincarnating in times of 85k-6000 bce. Hephaestus may infact be aquarius at present day, hence there is an occult secret between vulcan and its son in this particular system. Some would confuse these gabriel signs such as Demeter as Piscean, and Artemis is Scorpius however it explains the latter is a universal giver whilst Artemis is indeed a hunter ie winter starts and ends. Diana is also noted as being a mythological figure or Atlantide in Aquarius rather than Pisces (Dyaus Pita in Gemini is the bramic god Dayus meaning Jupiter or Deus hence a 'cosmic being'), however not part of the 12 or a perfect family lineage and/or branch. These lines are told to be far older than previous thought it seems. The fourth race cities of Gigantia in Greece reveal this fact, the war of the titans (titania and gigantia or war of the kings, at the height of civilization are infact a war of planets whilst the olympiads were of genesis or a descent from atlantis by consciousness and criminal behavoir via 11k bce to 6000k or a repopulation and reintervention of greece by the 4rth race..before degenerating into sumer or a nightmarish labyrinth in every child's imagination so to speak). The Titanomachy and Gigantomachy state the battle of the 10 kings in 85k bce lasted 10 years, if war were to be unleashed at the height of civilization to make it fall completly, ten years is a good figure yet this number 10 can also be of 10 nations or countries whom fell as well as 10 as a feminine number towards the sephirothical alignment in hebrew which will occur in the future or during the fifth age so-to-speak. The 12 zodiacs here also coincide with the 12 sons of Uranus and Gaia as lunar and planetary bodies, however the olympiads reveal themselves to be interplanetary to even stellar moreso than lunar initiates as clones under kronos or its sons (ares as mars, etc see also fertilization of saturn and death of uranus from the beg of time itself). The sons of Uranus and Gaia are affiliated with the Sun, Uranus and Saturn, whilst the 12 Olympiads are affiliated with the moons of Jupiter (false gods, mortals and/or non-sacred entities dividing themselves from non-human signs) and Neptune stands alone eg Lysithea in Jupiter may be Demeter in Scorpio, or the moons&planets at present condition (feminized) ie oceanus as poseidon, Callisto as capricious, io as virgoan or sagitti, europa as hera?, mars as aries, apollo as the sun, hermes as mercury, athena as venus or phaeton etc (when phaeton had passed earth it made a transition from leo to capricorn in evolution, however the planet itself made a transition from taurus to leo, the golden god, when it had stricken mars). These Jupiterian bodies are known as medician to thoth or able to heal the spirit. Hence Ganymede affiliated with Aphrodite, cupid or 'love' in libra has an ocean of saltwater under its rockbed. There are only 4 moons of jupiter whom command the 4rth race, however these moons are not affiliated with the childish olympiads but with the number 4 or alchemy. Hence Uranus, like your world is shear dust. All 12 of these titans are infact giants or giant humans as citizens from atlantis whom ruled the human world, if not from 85k when their family lineages of the hindi is told to be reborn from older civilizations or to most recent times (ie the nonhuman sign of a Capricious Athena turns into a virgoan-leo cusp via a cycling moon of venus from Saturn/Jupiter changing into apollo or phaeton and back aka a fifth planet in the great past or holds dead qualities of Cap in Gemini as its son). As for the olympiads there were giants and semi-giants or half-humans in those days prior 85k bc to the times of noah and some speculate the olympiads as semi giants whom descended into tartarus (france). The Giants were infact poorer nations against the olympiads or richer nations&therefore regarded as good against the evil one or entity (hence nukes went off around 85k bc and devestated civilizations, a poor nation can build nukes...one example is india against the sudanese african race situated in pakistan whom was regarded as the world's judea at the time..germania, judeah to even asgard took this path of superiority upon other nations to inflict woe within a sort of microcosm etc, except germania was dravidian like daitya yet supposedly evil and not good..which may be contradictory because it gave the world its place in technology). The Dravidians in the occult or upon this world are usually looked upon as a good natured race until recent times (ww1&ww2). Capricorn is the loyalist sign to hold trivial topics of change in the zodiac, such as Pisces onto form etc. via reincarnation or death via evolution and struggle through unity, aka the god sign even if child-like deva or elemental substance tends to penetrate it or to paraphrase that they are not god but yet soon will be. It is told Capricorn and Pisces are the Sumerian Cheribs whom hold deva substance and magi of a greater dead being. During the Trojan war era, we assume the greeks aligned with Persia against a european troy. Odessa, Ukraine, once Turkey aka Syria or Edessa of where the bloodline of Jesus and an old line of grecian Daitya emerge, was the shipping hub of the known ancient world where the legends of the Odyssey truly took place (literally the creation of the west or a reemergence of catholicism in europe before christianity emerged pls note catholicism is more akin to buddhism or decadence, we say reemergence because europe has traits of greek diatyan culture even though it was a christian civilization and catholicism never truly existed as a muslim faith...its buddhism basically or never admitting a belief of the one internal god). An event which transpired after the trojan war to the island of Ithaca is infact from areas of present day Ithaca, Odessa, and even the Pillars of Hercules off of the coast of Spain. Tartaris of this round must have been in the Crimea, hence if tartaris was constantinople, it will soon become ukraine. It was a castle of which saint peter ruled his land in (he was the first in the line of catholic buddhaic popes til this day). Before Khazaria there was Arabic Tartaris (turkish tatar or indian regions), Khazaria (aryan & jewish cossack region) was created 500 years ago, or a jewish land in slavia created 200 years before america, hence the jews are late, even when repopulation of earth by large masses commences. The Aryan-like Ashkenazi jews repopulate america however as early as the 1700s. Hence the kingdoms of Eastern Slavia is infact Western Europe. If the city of constantinople can be relocated to kiev during the christ era, this would undoubtedly be true (the asteroid of christ passes around 500 ad and causes a magnetic effect on earth via this time, killing 40 percent of its population). One can form an atlantean body or turn 60 feet tall so-to-speak. The Tartars were trade routes, the Karzar were economy. Odessa is from the origin of the Odessey or sea ports in western ukraine where oddeseus gained a vessel. If the isle of Ithaca in greece is still present, so are the pillars of hercules off the coast of spain for search of the missing continent of atlantis once known as daitya. Horus is the egyptian fifth race of this round therefore piscean and may be connected a whirlpool of the bermuda triangle somehow where Knowledge in Gemini (loki) and Scorpio (hades) are kept secret via the baltic river aka Eridanos or..a frozen marsh land in time infinite now herculean ireland and briton.
4000 bce an 'ark' arrives from space via Capella after a cosmic wave recently devastated their homeworld, Da'at or Alfheim. They are told to be totally integrated on earth at this time. They were carried here unwillingly it seems (the planet earth was realigning far before the venusian pass, actually, it misaligned into the sidereal from 85k bce's north where the jews were truly alien in design or not of this reality yet, the venusian pass must have polarized the planet actually). The Jewish civilization become a hybrid species in Southern India, intermingle in the middle-east and spreading their germ into Saudi Arabia creating all the major world religions and interbreeding with other races or simply put, regenerating the human fifth-race germ via the powers of hercules or Cancer and Sagitti. A new fifth-race civilization emerges and interbreeds with its precursor, accidentally creating major wars and conflicts with its enemies by progressing too quickly and finally regressing. Old genes are become new again. Remnance of a larger earth is seen in its Fallen angel, the star Vega. Fallen Angels are now regarded as stars that hold many dead worlds or waste and matter around their sphere of influence due to their inclined orbit. It becomes apparent now that, Our fallen angel Fomalhaut or the star Meru to the Atlanteans awaits our arrival. A small war in Europe against Buddhism around 8000 bc takes place see also feuds against slavery and minor figures such as Ruth the Moabite, a semite whom sprung david or tainted and penetrated newly royal blood. Albeit david lived 300 years@around 3025 and died in Jerusalem or Jericho around 700 bce, normal humans whom devolved from giants had a much shorter lifespan. Buddhism rises and creates a war in India unto Europe. Progress is literally halted. The family of david is born in Europe, the African Moabites and Persian Mebes enslave the Greek races. If Kain was Lemurian, Lamech was Atlantean where Kain lives but dies of old age and Lamech or Abel spiritually progresses. Asians are told to have regenerated the gene around 85k whilst the jews around 6000 bce (cheribs around 8000) yet some speculate martians were also involved via the african race much earlier as well eg the world perished around this time and its remnance inhabit the globe vega (a ring of dust resides in vega and in Fomalhaut...one is alfheim, the other hod). The jewish world is infact destroyed by Gemini, or they settled earth maybe around 4000 bce cosmically speaking (clues about this foreign ark or evidence of a space craft are still being researched, however we speculate if a sky ship or type of cellular eden like the lunar one were to land in saltwater there would literally be none). One thing is known, Indra is connected to the Japanese culture and its race whom invented muslimhood. The Aquarian monad and all its glory arrives in elemental form somehow as a 'solar entity' where the stars themselves are considered dead or lifeless gods of a past memory gone dim, banished&forgotten in time. The giants of Titan are completely ethereal and elemental where its energies are collected off the jungle coasts of a once grecian africa in the vicinity of egypt. What happened was it was a city of atlantean hybrids (troy or time of the trojan war) or half-humans around 6000-5000 bce after the great flood (atlantean settlements at this time numbered this much, a few thousand per city or cain goes in a circle before he travels westward), Oenone wife of paris committed suicide under sagitti, the city rebelled when they got a greek aristocrat to form a new government. A war broke out and greece expanded into europe&extended well into asia to around 1000bce, however we presume to present day (see kurukshetra around the 1000bce era). Hittite&Gallic fortifications of the square are remnance of lost cities from atlanteans, or give suggestion that these lost cities would become the square in form. Here lies the true colonization of the new world from an older, greater government. The athenian empire (5th race) is infact a part of the Germanic empire therefore a branch which is not only persian but yet even greco-sumerian in origin. Here is the creation of the fifth race after the 1000 year war of troy in europe and the slavic states with the atlanteans (or spread of the feminine germ). Ramses (son of ra) cleansed the middle-east which was invaded by the turkish hittites or creators of war (if the egyptian africans had not invaded the middle-east, let alone created the world governments for the fifth race upon the first round, not only would they still be in africa, they would still be in egypt before moses and before the philistines as a world power, hence ultimate proof war devastates economy). After they invaded israel, they recreated persia and became weak, then egypt invaded the human race. These principle invasions had spread the fifth race germ entirely for the coming of thousands of years, principally and politically egypt is south africa or the race of muslims (satan) as lower nature. Russia is a hidden cause, comprised of all nations&races it seems. One thing is known, in the occult the trojan war (Mahabharata) is the greatest war in history or on earth, overtaking even the Ramayana and all its subwars throughout its lifespan by literally being thousands of years long ie the horse and chariot or Hindi race reigned in India and Europe from greece itself. The world truly began on earth at this time where the chronology of the hebrew bible takes place. The Sagittarian seed becomes evident on earth.
Mayan civilization thrives under Gemini where natives inhabit islands of cuba from asia or the filipines. The world repopulates within a few hundred years by the fifth race. Mars is stricken by the Hand of Athena in Capricorn (and Leo as head of evolution or the makara) and sends a lightning bolt to shatter the planet at this time. Between these times (around 6000 bce or the start of troy) Venus crosses paths with Mars, creating a large canyon crater around the planet due to its proximity where an electric bolt surrounds the planet. Diomedes or a human Zeus shoots a rock 1 billion years ago, however Athena spears (scars) the planet under Capricorn and Leo. Life in Cancer being killed via Aquarius&Sagitti injunction with Mars may be a 1 billion year old event we presume. Hence a giant rock is hurled, earlier the asteroid belt goes into mars because of Jupiter around 1 billion years ago. Since this recent time is Venus we assume Athena destroys the planet under Capricorn and devastates earth in Leo. When a planet is close enough a large lightning bolt is unleashed around that planet (Zeus as Diomedes or a Jewish god hurls a boulder and scars Ares see also the legend of Athena strikes lighting recently, Sag diomedes hurls a rock at Mars 1 billion bce where aquarius as its mother kills the cancerian germ..note here aquarius and gemini hold some influence to the creation of the cancerian monad). In the occult however, we equate past Zeus to the Sagittarian sign and not the Cancerian one. We assume a large body or quantity of mass overtakes a small one where one is destroyed or they both repel each other. Venus flips completely at a 177 degree turn, therefore it literally takes our moon around 3000bce. Around 5076 bce the Rama setu bridge, remnance of 1 million years ago finally reemerges after the flood. The bridge itself is represented as sidereal Capricorn or Setu as a civilization of capricorn. Many reincarnation cycles after the end of the world (during the nara times great networks were evident on earth around 1.7mbc), Ram rebuilds a bridge with floating stones, this is proven however he simply built upon an advanced civilization which totally disintegrated during his time therefore devolution can come prior to a christ. Civilization of the remaining Piscean Rephium or rephaim start to vanquish, they are considered the survivors of this upcoming war (war with troy) but are infact driven out due to change and over-population by the lower races. Here we will trace the lineage of the ordained asgardians whom are infact hindi scyth in legend. They are a part of an old gene whom turned up in central asia whom were invaded after the raman empire (india was considered the west at the time) and all of earth fell. The ishkwaku or Ikshvaku empire in india whom invaded them were given treasures and 'gifts' from the west which at the time was egypt. The Chinese race was still in asian china, however, they betrayed the world into siding with their enemies, the races of ram upon the end of the world (circa 260k-85k bce germanic egypt was in a space-age..along with african pakistan, hence the east was considered evil, and africa deemed its border or judea at the time of nukes and space flight). Here is why the arabic scyth invaded the territories of israel, because they likened it to egypt or mimicked the invaders of the hindi kush ie india of where they mimicked a movement which occurred maybe 1.2 million-850k years ago (movements of whom the monguls mimicked later 1200 ad). The arabic greeks as caucus giants however are from Elam in ancient sumeria whom are also connected to egypt and baalbek yet most notably atlantis's daityan continent or directly derived from the feminine germ, therefore they are from the mt territory of the himas prior 1.7m bce. There seems a hidden christ whom mimicked the cancer sign was present on this fallen continent (see also seas.gif). The fall of maya sparks the hindu athenian civilizations of which are not strictly germanic or greek in origin but yet known to be israeli in biblical times and even american as are the irish now russian in descent. The Amalekites however are indeed black egyptian thieves, they were regarded as a youthful branch whom were victim of the russian onslaught created by the hittites&scyth during biblical times. In the Eddas the planet is optly named Niflheim (planet of mist, however it is of orion and has its mark...it is infact the eye of fohat whom commands the animal kingdom on this planet, the masters mistaken it for god or the red planet ohm in the centre milky way galaxy), and in the coming sephiroth of the fifth world, it is named Gevurah. Mars is responsible for life and suffering on earth. It is infact a germ whom was unleashed and reborn on earth. Genesis in Gemini and Aquarius or the origin of human life is taught.
-To not confuse scientists and alike, the Polynesians and Hawaiians of the fifth race were established on these islands via asia minor and its outlying islands (hence hawaii was colonized and owned by the japanese far before it was by the turks themselves or native outlying tribes est mayan times to recolonization by the 5th race&was a valid reason for their civilization to attack america after it annexed it until 1959). They jumped from island to island via canoe, the reason they had made their selves known is because each island has a current of wind, and by shear luck had navigated to polynesia from the Philippines. However, atlanteans established themselves on these island much earlier on. Blavatsky herself states they were much older than thought, coming from the southern currents to the island early on. They however, went extinct after fleeing from war. When continents shift, cities are ravaged and brought back into the stone age instantaneously. The colonial cities of Atla in Peru were in chaos come 70,000 years ago of where tiki and enki or Quetzalcoatl in maya are from. They were going from the great continent of south america to the asia minors and is why some fifth-race tribes recognize these mystical figures to date. The flood is not a part of this epic for it occurred 70,000 years ago by red indian giants with white beards whom resembled arabs. The filipino asians were not of these islands but of the southern asia minor, the atlanteans from peru. Much earlier on, these were sumerian times, and the 4rth race Noah is of this race. Leaders inhabited great lands and at the end they too fell in scripture to their companions or brain-washed the population into a falsehood of seeing a god or their god before them. The fifth-race red-farmer austrians simply tried to be known to its great past by repeating these steps via Vietnam, of which they too became extinct in asia during this round. We may even presume they were not surivivors of the flood like the supposed north american 'viking' Australians of the ice-ages. However, if one can navigate inbetween worlds, one can even achieve these acts of true light. One thing is known all of latin america by the fifth race wanted to fight god. They fought god by occupying shorelines via the ice-age all the way to cuba and south america where if one follows a shoreline, one can go anywhere on earth. Gurada represents lower-races, ashuras or lower-gods however it is infact a simple lemurian germ as a whole or a one god whom unites thousands via karma and experience. The Atlanteans were wanted criminals of their race in this round after the 85k bce event or beg of the 4rth world. At the time of the start of Troy (6000 bce), Venus electrocutes Mars in a cometary form to create the Marines Valley. It then heads for earth and stops it completely from South to North at a whopping 177 degree turn to turn into a cosmic bull, or a horned dragon of fire. Earth does a mere 23 degrees by 85k bce, however it has done 3 of these turns in the great past or upon every pole-shift, meaning the ecliptic was in russia once at a whopping 40 degrees from its current point. To simplify this concept, we will state that before the sun's rays or north were close to greenland, and today they are close to russia. The atlanteans went east, the humans went west in the great pacific.
*3102 bce Venus in Capricorn (& Leo) passes the Earth and halts the moon nearly killing all life around late February in the beg of Pisces for 3 or so days stilling the rotation and creating the leap year. When a Comet this large passes by earth, night turns into day and a darkness eclipses the earth (see following paragraphs). Ambrosia hits our planet due to lower organisms being vibrated into heaven, which includes insects, flowers and seeds. The axis or axle is felt by high vibration but protected by our shield or magnetic field. However the moon is not so lucky. The moon turns face unto its feminine side by losing its orbit to gain it once more presumably in pisces. To do so without being lost in space, it would detach from our body within those 3 days of darkness and light to finally reattach unto earth. The moon enters venus's orbit basically. Earth's Northern star leaves Polaris and reenters Draco to realign into polaris once more for thousands of years to come. The distance from Ursa Major becomes major evidence that the sun is traveling through space, yet the constellations and galaxy itself are turning much faster at greater speeds. Knowledge is gained. Around this age, Sodom is also incinerated by an asteroid where up to 1000 years after this date or early on prior to it reaching mars, it reaches earth (venus lets loose an enormous asteroid from its, the asteroid belt's chain). The fact is an asteroid hit and glassed the suburbs of Jericho, Sodom was located south of the bank (south of the dead sea as El gedi or north as Tall-el-Hammam) and the brimstone and fire of the asteroid destroyed sodom. It was not exactly jericho, yet a newly made Jericho. As did Sodom have alcohol and sex, Gomorrah had Crime and Murder (Gomorrah was more north in Tall Kafrein as the archeologists dispute, yet Al Mazraa looks like a significant site via present day culture, eg we note cities can move with its bloodlines to present day locations). However these events occurred 2000 bce because asteroids are slower than planets when needed to reach earth. The Chariot is infact not only a UFO, and car in the occult but a modern tank or its ultimate form takes to the skies so to speak. Board games are invented. Krishna in Leo or a precursor christ figure somehow enters Virgo. It is told Babylon as Baalbek or the human tower of Babel falls, a giant capital city within the middle-eastern territories crumbles under the might of venus (venus causes a world quake to happen, however no civilization notices because it was a phenomenon or a very high-vibration). The female side of the moon emerges in for the immaculate virgin or the upcoming materialistic 5th feminine age from its current 12 star fourth masculine one. Arjuna's son in Leo or reincarnate of krishna dies. Karna is defeated by Arjuna in Scorpio (or vice versa) and the Mahabharata war ends via 1000bce, a smaller portion or end of a world wide trojan war is the Kurukshetra War. These times embarrass the annunaki or sumerian gods. The Battle of the Ten Kings however is the 12,000bce event of ireland and england, whilst the war of light against darkness is 85k yrs old. If Mahabharata is the Trojan war which lasted for generations, the Asgard epic or fall of atlantis is told to be a part of Ramayana or heightened glamorization from the failure of buddhism. Kurukshetra (taurian karna falls in cancer) is the end of that war where 1million men on both sides lose their lives, occultly connected to sunken lemurian sites of indra off the coast of japan. Karna is an important figure within the Babylonian empire whom situated Gomara (delhi) as its capital against the world and expanded well into the middle-east in attempts to conquer the world as the monguls in 12ad did, to finally be reduced to a city state in southern india. The Chaldeans (karna's race) accomplished into conquering a world capital, Baalbek is known to be greek in origin, however no recorded history is said to be attained because of the venusian pole-pass completly crumbling the capital city via high vibrations and ambrosia. There has never been an indo-japanese caulk race, however we presume the japanese race is of daitya, hence during kurukeshatra all of japan invaded this territory from sir lanka via ships and failed or freckles are like birthmarks, genetic indicators for old blood on earth. If a new species taints the blood, it will most likely not be intermingled or over-written, unless that species reemerges upon another round of earth. Here is why the cherib races are more pure than its brethren, because the race of caulks are unworldly (interveners of the asian race on earth or of the ice-world asgard, hence the chinese had their own biblical times upon crossing the red sea from slavery or atlantis through europe &africa. They are more than a million years old in lineage). Karna's race is of the atlanto-supermen aryan giants or hindi pure breds, however they lost against an offshoot race of rama in a war ending in northern india because this dravidian race was against it with another, economically speaking..the japanese occupied sir lanka during this time. All used Chariot, Spear and Sword, however...technologies from other worlds may have been still used such as the arrow shaped missile much earlier on when krishna lived. Hence Karna lived around 1080 bce, and Krishna was alive around 3102 bce. Before the Venusian pass, technologies more great then the present were around it seems...and during the war with krishna it had to be available because it is impossible for an invading army to drive all of their occupants or a whole country into the sea without force or some technological superiority or outside intervention of the unknown and unexplainable. If it were Venus or a pole-shift alone, a nation would naturally flee inland therefore cosmic fire was an attribute or precursor cause to destroy the coastal cities first or before the shift. One thing was known, Arjuna is Indo-arya, however Krishna was of the Naga race or Arabic unknown as capricious where some accounts say purple-skinned beings with yellow eyes had lived in india's northern region (a rarity in genetics but true nonetheless, rama's blue or krishna's purplish pigmented skin features have been found in some scythian tribes to this day). Tibet is the Japanese race in northern India&egypt to china then indonesia aka humans in evolution turned into the Chimera or mt monkey since rama's time of 1m yrs or before it (18m yrs ago-to now). The Sudarshana chakra is a spinning disc, ultimate weapon or super nova unleashed at this time, the lotus form is revealed is dominate to lower nature, or a higher nature of lord siva which is usually affiliated with nirvana or a satan so to speak or vishnu wields the ultimate weapon. Krishna and his army literally drove 30,000 (presumed up to 70,000) people into the sea via horse and chariot. Yet he scared them first with missiles, discs and/or other super-weapons of a divine caliber. The height of the Trojan war occurs here in India, under Mahabarata where the maximum deathtoll on earth are made of a whopping 70,000 alone die during the invasion of the gulf of kutsch (during this time, that number of deaths is somewhat great on earth seeing how the planet was not repopulated as of yet). The moon is told to travel around the earth at an opposite direction at this time or venus takes it, and flings it in an opposite direction, however much is speculated about this divine movement hence krishna has 30 wives or is regarded dead (venus could have taken the moon around 5000 years ago yet in 1.7bc-85k the pole-shift could have caused it to wobble upon the epsilon or center). This war of agamemnon known as troy was to make WW2 meager (a war that lasts a thousand years will outweigh the death ratio of the greatest technological wars of your time), if one were to arm a nation from india to the slavic states extending well into paris (even in ancient times, we could say the atlantean fourth race was greater in size and number...proof is the hidden germ throughout history disappearing, yet skeletons can decay to dust within a few thousand years due to climate and hot temperatures), where every civilian is enrolled in the army this may have been the case after nation building and the complete destruction of the fourth race to degenerate into sumeria (science proves within 300 years, bodies outside a coffin can be reduced to dust). The atlanteans must have numbered earth greatly prior to 6000 bce as large human and the greatest world war in earth's history known as the trojan war must have truly occurred. This much is known, the moon travels from East to West however it orbits from West to East. The Hebrew Calendar notes flooding waters have diminished by this time of 2187 bce (their non-enochian dates seem to not be under sumeria somehow or they seem to count humanly ie its not possible for noah to live in 2458 bce or adam and eve were never around at 4115 bce, hence this was the dawn of their 'supposed' creation..a global flood amidst thriving minoan culture, yet abraham lives in 2000 bce, and so does the dates of moses and david correspond with historical events). Tools and bronze age culture would not be able to be found if a flood of that caliber happened this early on (the bible presumes the flood occurred anywhere from the age of taurus to the age of gemini). This could not be possible, we give a 13k bce figure because of the shear mass of earth, and land may not possibly cover all areas ie the fourth race could have ruled on land whilst the flood was commencing, yet sumerian tablets say the same (the hebrew bible may be correct or concise from a human perspective if areas of the earth were not to be completely flooded due to glacier meltage and/or atmospheric condensation from the 85k bce event). The jewish hebrew calendar is false before Abraham in chronology for simple understanding and nationalistic tendencies to govern the earth. Glaciers would melt within the atmosphere in a course of dozens of thousands of years, not a few thousands yet fault zones can come and go or repeat themselves precisely every 26,000 years. They not only try to fit a timeframe of 12,000 years within 6,000 years, but even greater, a timeframe of 24,000 years in genesis alone to leave great gaps and restraints within the borders of the middle-east, either or they needed to mathematically adjust it for the age of gemini (abraham) only (the jews have a different time frame system) upon arrival on earth against its previous destroyer. In fact it makes perfect sense, to denote the figure of abraham for obtaining buddhism and vying for christianity because under that particular age of creation 6,000bc is the tropical zodiac sign of gemini (and as is aries buddhaic, hermes would be primarily christian upon non-initiation&vice versa upon initiation). However, given the spirit of the earth alone being geminian or sivic this is presumed wise. We extend the genesis timeline to 24,000 years due to aspects of reincarnation. It literally takes thousands of years for a global flood to become atmosphere again due to horus or matsya the fish via the typhoon of 74kbce destroying the totality of fourth race civilization and its growth to its regrowth. Leo manages to defeat the aries and virgo signs. Under the age of Taurus, Krishna drives its army into the sea around 3060bce at the peak of Mahabharata, afterwhich Kali-Yuga commences.
-Krishna was born on july 21st 3227bce and died upon the venusian pass on 3102 bce in virgo. However, he was regarded higher than christ and higher than guatama buddha due to evolution. Therefore gets away with the murder of 60,000 dwarkan citizens driven into the sea on the date 18-02-3102 BC. He drove the citizens into the sea when venus lit the night sky and passed your planet. He also spoke to arjuna in scorpio thousands of years later. Many natal charts say krishna is a cancer. This is untrue, he is a leo with the sidereal moon in aries. The natal charts are wrong because the planet was aligned differently ie jesus was born on dec 25th yet was still a sagittarius. The planet can still be aligned differently with the zodiac in position. Venus had moved your planet before it passed in 3102 bce yet far after it struck mars in 6000bce. We presume 4000 bce the planet entered the sidereal, infact slowing it then speeding it. Therefore leaving astronomers boggled about its north star until the birth of jesus. Yet the occult stands by the fact that the north star was polaris in aquarius for 85k years to thuban in cancer prior that date to about rama's time (1bce-870k) or the great fall and start of the ice age due to neptunian rock hitting your moon. On a sidenote: In feb of 3102 bce venus lights the sky, taking the moon, for 3 days we see constant daylight. In august krishna attacks the city of dwarka with his army driving it into the sea due to high vibrations. In September he is killed by a reincarnate of rama the aries sign, which some legends associate with Vali, a half-monkey whom reincarnated into Jara, somewhere in south india. Where a hunter kills him by mistaking him for a deer.
3000-2000 bce The fifth-race egyptian empire is colonized during Sumerian times competing alongside with other races however these are african races whom command the jinn against good. They create their own governments, where politics and the first governments of this round arise. The Jews enter the indian continent in chase with the human race or old germ, hence they are considered 3rd-5th race indian hybrids of a divine nature. However the past races enter conflict and invade europe. Sargon, a red-black indian giant whom came from an unknown branch enslaves the African nation and the family of giant farmers from Orion become war mongers. He makes it evident that none will surpass them by making a mockery of the empires surrounding him. The Orinids establish their unearthly presence on earth. The Egyptian caucasian Greeks aka blue eyed giants or initiates come directly from Egypt somehow. 2780 bce the sphinx is built as a lion by the sixth-2nd race civilization of hybrids (after which it is weathered by rain from mars then rebuilt by egypt and restored by rome). It is known as the heart of the sphinx or the secret of the sphinx in Leo. Abram, ancestor of Noah creates or founds Israel, an adamite and Saudi-Israeli hybrid giant, connected to 10 small unknown pockets of civilization within India at the time sacrificing his own son in nature for survival or to survive whilst doing so. If Diomedes is not lower nature or Cancerian on the planet mars, his spirit is Sagittarius. However, we say cancer to affiliate mars with the zodiac in union with the physical and material world. Its true, venusians or pleiadians come to earth to choose a perfect mate for elementals and emotion or gestures are their consciousness. Athena as Venus must be Capricious if non-human or Leo injunction with grecian civilization taming the lion. Samuel in persia beheads the first criminal of this round, the last ruler of egypt whom takes the thrown is japanese. The Greeks themselves are actually aryan egyptians in this round, however carry genetics from ruta and daitya. A global ice-age prevented them to evolve or devolve on still earth to change their appearance when they went south it seems. Isaac is the Ram or Aries whom was killed by Abraham in Gemini on Mt moriah (an abandoned still unnamed mt across from mt nebo in Hebron or on the mt of the now relocated Salem was once thriving woodland which they tried to tame. Many scholars mistaken mt mary aka the word moriah for the hill of the virgin mother of jesus whom was sacrificed on, albeit this is true Israel was untamed in 2000bce and we have an unrevealed map where Salem was in the south. King David is buried in a castle on top of Mount Zion, however neither is this mt moriah or possibly Mizpah. The occult only follows lives of initiates.) or the first sacrifice was due to 'a man turned into a boy' or simple miscalculation and error or a plot whom became deadly (sarai bore Isaac somehow even though she was not able to be pregnant and jealousy was involved it seems..however it may be because of a sickness or wound in the wilderness where he may have even ate him for survival..it is said he visited the kingdom of Ur next...one can not simply become a christ or break off from the human branch without practice or guidance of the spirit). When gods sin, heavens crumble cities and one's life is in chaos yet god himself is coerced to act before an exoteric event. This event however, was not sin but yet a plan or lower-nature coerced higher nature to sin via a clash with matter. If Isaac were to deny Abraham his water and food, Abraham would have collapsed due to heat exhaustion, so abraham murdered him in his sleep or repeated the steps of Cain in order to survive or to get to Ur, a nearby civilization (which infact started a war with Mesopotamia later of which he commanded&defeated, see also the battle of Siddim dated around 2000-1000bce as is the asteroid date or incineration of sodom, far after the venusian pass actually). The dominance of the fifth race comes to fruition via past-future events&reincarnation becomes a fallacy. Abraham killing isaac and his accounts with meeting Nimrod son of Noah in the Golan Heights, a capricious sumerian king (all under ?Aries?) are made. Hence Abraham was cast into the fire or banished by god somehow through some sort of 'divine' experience. Proof the Japanese left Egypt and Europe is its last king khufu whom was of Japanese or Chinese origin. Cain is limited to this date of the middle east in the bible via the jews, however he is a being from the continent Adonis aka North America currently to make a journey building civilizations from east to west and back to east again via the middle-east (see nepalese map). The age of 4rth race giants come to an end or are extinct via war with its occupants in Troy. They finally dwindle or go extinct whilst the fifth-race is no longer on the sidelines so to speak. The Slavic vulcanized turks known as the fifth-race Russian Hittites invade all the world powers first (egypt, syria and israel) before all else and are hated for centuries on end. They dominate art and architecture, have knowledge in sorcery, mostly ability of the old ways or to transform matter into liquid (liquidize metal) ie wooden pipes create hollow points through concrete via friction. The atlantean cities of the fourth world changed from a sphere pertruding outwards to a square of the fourth race (see masonic patterns of paris france as troy). However, troy itself must be degenerated into a square, where the greek race retained the sphere in agriculture and architecture. Chaldea is also known as Babylon or a diminished sumerian branch from Europe. The persian acts of rape are still committed& the cruelty of the europeans revealed. The european moabites colonize Israel and give birth to it from Europe, naming the country after Jacob (Israel) in Leo&aquarius (europeans degenerate into the middle-east see also the quick degeneration of sumeria prior to these events, hence to this day we humans regard the lands of sumer and any likeness to it as true hell). It (the bible) further complicates lineage in this manner, the africans were in europe at this time and infact enslaved the caulks or mixed breeds (birds intermingle with birds to create new species etc). The age of Abraham springs forth around his lifetime of 2000bce where uprisings by the first world government takes place near mts hebron and hermon. The Fifth race is born. The New Age of the Chariot is also born.
-Between 3102-1200 Samaria and Judea were a great country called Israel whom were destroyed by war with Israel at a time of Sodom and Gomorrah when they fought the european samsonites. Gomorrah is to learn, therefore a civilization whom moved too fast and decipated from india against nature as early as 1200bce to repopulate persia then the rest of the world (first persia then russia&finally rome). However, Gomorrah was before Israel, therefore it was a city of 2600 bc whom fell slowly (aka Delhi in Isreal eg Sodom was Jericho or Rome is infact the land of Spain) due to corruption and greed or enforced the creation of rome itself. Occultly, these two cities spread the human race and regenerate the germ, they do not infact confine it. From the egyptian germanic race which holds the nara gene to the Spanish hindi American arab whom turned up in the west. If Jerusalem was a human city struggling with Delhi or Gomorrah (persia or a great city in india or southern israel?!? surrounded by mountains whom was destroyed by natural causes and relocated after the collapse from the venusian pass..hence Samara in Russia upon the Volga aka the Black river in ancient times flows like a snake through this region as does the Amur through China and the Yellow naga river through its gobi or the hidden country of Tibet itself) during the ancient times and before the venusian pass, we may only assume there was one, Jericho now known as Jerusalem is also Sodom before 3123 bce (venus or mars during 6000 bc caused an asteroid to become released from the asteroid belt..most likely venus sent mars or neared the belt since mars had a temp oblong orbit and neared the earth {around 1000-900bce} after the lightning scar or recent creation of the Valles Marineris..the asteroid of black metal was a moon released from mars whom hit asia, we speculate 70k-85k some years ago though). If Samara (Samsara or Delusion eg Satan as Gemini) in Russia was an extension of Israel, we presume it originated first possible before Israel through Sumeria itself to create the fifth race (fifth race beings with fourth race features). Sodom is Jerusalem, yet Samaria is a human Samara of this round whom relocated to Iraq (relocated upon the grounds of Old Sumeria) and finally Russia. A city rebuilt from nothing was incinerated completely by an asteroid after descending into savagery and sin (economy and religion basically, some presume the anatolian hittites spread their germ this way via this event or accidental extinction of their race and city, once Jerusalem is now known as Jericho, hence jeremiah was the weeping prophet in ?leo?). We mentioned a city connected to Baalbek, however Sodom was not Baalbek (baalbek was destroyed by heavy vibrations like the pyramids of egypt) because its capital still stands (it was just Jerusalem degenerated after a few thousand years, a human 5th race branch from baalbek or a 4rth race branch of giants). It was a city in the place of jericho and it moved to its present position after being reduced to ash. Humans had two population centers before 3102 bce whilst the rest of the world had many. The dead sea must have extended, like California's silicon valley and ancient Mesopotamia in sumeria, lakes whom dry turned into civilization or economic centers (israelites get themselves confused with being directly connected to these heavenly beings, because the land is so similar...however jereseleum near the dead sea is glass or desert now and its sea diminished not via the ocean). Sodom is home to the Hittite people aka the holy spirit on earth, is Cain or rise of the Canaanites however even the nepalese jews know of its residence (jericho north of the dead sea was international and mainly corporate, however we presume Sodom was a part of Jericho and Gomorrah connected to its root in the south dead sea). Gomarah or present day india and persia itself is connected to the golan heights as northern israel or baalbek. We still assume Gomorrah as Delhi, in India and Sodom Jericho (we assume sodom and Gomorrah is referred to the bible as both cities in one aka jericho). We assume only two cities were known on earth as 'human' during these times. The Golan heights above Capernaum was also known as the land of the giants therefore not affiliated directly with these human cities (albeit moreso with persia and Lebanon). If one goes to Jericho in present day, one will notice the sand is like glass. They will notice from space that the city forms inside a crater-like asteroid and is flat. They will also notice that half of jericho is missing, and this branch leads to the mountains on both sides which is namely two cities of Jerusalem or the house of david. This is not to be confused with Sumeria. It is Sodom in the bible whom city was glassed by an asteroid where its suburbs lie desolate to this day. It is not part of the river bed but a crater unconnected to the extension of the dead sea itself (usually, valleys inbetween or near mountains would thrive in civilization due to resources and position, however jericho is still missing...see also the californian valley as a thriving economy). When the asteroid (connected to venus? eg sulfur) hit the city, it is possible for the body to turn into ash within its vicinity, if one were to heat the body at temperatures so high as the sun within a few seconds, that effect would occur. The Samaritans ended up migrating into Russia of which created the kulaks and established jewish countries by the cossacks due to the Martian catastrophe that dried the crops and created deserts in the regions of Israel (Israel-to-Turkey-to-Western Europe via Russia not directly through Greece or the athenian empire spawns where all centers meet in turkey). Ash is a form of sulfur and/or salt when caught in its blast radius, can turn any human body in that substance. The Persians only recently held Russia during the invasions of the Monguls in 12th ce bc but they like the moors were first in europe, whilst the arabic livonians were last (in russia). The creation of russia was infact due to unworldly jewish intervention of the jewish cossacks, grecian kulaks from grecian civilization, or a nun-like race of cronus whom coincidentally were killed off by the Turkish Tatars. Libra as the human race sacrifices itself or moves to Scorpio in similar steps of Capricorn it seems. Russians are half-black europeans so an occult significance tells us of the Cherib race coming from Africa directly into Greece; see also the start of the night of the crusades. What happened was they thought they were monkeys or small animals of a divine nature. Hence the Elemental or dead spirits of ashuras live in tunnels or mine for the sake of organization til this day. This is a time when floods and heavy rains swept into India and caused civilizations there to migrate, these biblical events were not of god but natural causes and a time before Moses led its armies against the remaining giants whom fled into america. The scientists think troy is greece, however the greek settlements discovered are circles so it is Grecian expansion and/or degeneration from the middle-east into Turkey, troy was Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible and it was the square or paris at the time going into the middle-east from europe. The taurian continent of daitya before the elemental jews as initiates. Remember, Greenland was gold, its bridge to atlantis is the aurora as the magnetic field disturbed. Khemitians are egyptians from the 4rth world, with liability to machine or have access to machinery, therefore there were capitals in egypt, sumeria, europe and maya being built in under a few thousand years before venus. The bronze age (age of taurus) truly means daitya or the copperhead continent off the coast of europe, the silver city is ruta or the cities of siva's son (see earlier posts on asgard).
*Here we will touch upon the movements of Venus via the nebra skydisc of 1810 bce. The disc shows in 1810 bce that venus made a wobble of a single 26,000 year old turn to reposition it. The two horns on the disc is venus in the sky transiting into capricorn, the alignment is the earth moving its poles in a perfect circle via a 26,000 year old cycle. What happened was great vibrations occurred for thousands of years, when the vibrations stopped the earth turned in a single circle (no one knows as of yet how long the turn occurred, it could have been days or months yet we speculate a single year in movement during the sidereal eg 1810 is an important figure in the occult). The vibrations of venus buried all evidence of troy and atlantis. When venus crossed the earth what happened was it took the moon for a few lunar rotations, in order to do this its rotation have slowed down greatly or its bull form must have dissipated (formed? it must have formed into a bull or comet after taking the moon briefly..a true reason for its slow clockwise rotation) into planetary phase whilst the earth must have vibrated greatly. More research is needed here, however we think venus went the opposite direction from the south of the earth to finally slow and go into a cool path around the sun or basically (it went ahead of the earth at a fairly far distance, due to the magnetic field, it could take the moon though and cause astronomic phenomenon), libra is left and aries right in brahma. We think it crossed earth's path via the south and front then slowed in front of the sun. Heaven ignites a sleep state or delusion on earth. Venus literally tried to kill our earth or create mass extinction, one presumes if it came in front from the south to get to a northern position in Capricorn from Taurus (is ignited in Taurus by CHI to go into Capricorn or upper heaven) this may be true. This is the presumption we will make hence if venus comes from the north it will tip the planet, if it comes from the south it will vibrate it (see also Velikovsky refs). It came from the North because of the contact, Mars vibrated it up to 747bce and Venus caused astronomic results or fairly low vibrations. However, Venus had caused mars to vibrate the earth's poles heavily, so our theory truly is it skimmed the earth and stopped, outracing it even as a cometary body. First in Taurus it is told to tip and burn out before passing the moon (taurus is released from saturn, however many see accounts of a bull with two horns over earth which may have reoccurred after the martian pass eg tau-leo-cap is moon-comet-planet), then in leo it becomes a comet phase to finally cool down (destroys mars) and enter Capricorn (tips) as second planet from the sun via a 'sickle' like formation over the earth. Hence Venus's horns grow longer after it runs into mars and becomes a 'golden cow' or the leo sign as phaeton or a comet coming from taurus (in taurus before it hit mars or was released from saturn the horns were short). 6 days of darkness take place (BLV sources the leap year in late feb as 3 days of light and 2 days of darkness, tbr). Mudslides occur or 'melt' on a global scale, intense heat occurs (vel ref). Like Neptune, it was first in front of the sun at a time therefore considered leo or it was in comet phase as a star phaeton in leo since mercury had already arrived by then hence capricorn instigates evolution through leo, eso speaking. The sixth sun's age ending must be infact the 7th age, or a future movement ready to occur on earth (365 days becomes 360 days and then goes back to 365 via 0 bce). The trumpets (sounds in the atmosphere of magnetic field bends as well occurred later during Sodom aka Jericho) in the magnetic field rose as earth's bowels were displaced. Ambrosia occurs due to electrical discharges and close proximity, dew, snow and carbon accumulate (in nirvana one is awake, in manvantara one simply sleeps). 12 stars become 13 (oph is included) at this time which is the jewish zodiacal rays (which is why jews have sidereal traits yet remain tropical but for a few thousand years within venus's cycle) for a short period and currently our zodiac as well. Cancer also Follows Leo as a Zeusian figure. Venus burned out or tipped completely upon the earth pass from moon to planet on fire (bull horn). The sun alone stops this planet in an opposite path to create the slow rotation. During a 52-year cycle this body had taken the moon, however this was 3102bc-2500 bce where it interacted with the earth's same sky. The body could have outraced earth in some regards and taken the moon. Venus takes the moon, however its sphere of influence does this. however it must have vibrated the earth at a microscopic level or caused some type of planetary environment which was not likened). The Bull (planet, moon in tau), turns into a golden bull (comet phase in leo), then sickle (planet in capricorn), however to do this it grows its horns. Gemini is Capricorn or the son of Capricorn and aka an archetype (clone) of that sign via siva. Venus is the holy ghost hence Gemini initiates via this planet however when it arrived in this planet clues are given as to it being 5th connected to the number 5 or a Libran-Geminian entity. Hence the start of the 5th race athenian empire and end of the Hittite 4rth race empires is aprox at the beg of kali or age of virgo.
1300 bce an arien siddhartha buddha is born and competes in southwestern territories against the dravidian empires. Games are invented and turn into human athletic competition for actual survival. His kingdom is overthrown and destroyed after winning major competitions (the Olympic games themselves were of many sports but for germanic or Gaelic football or rugby aka handball which was rejected from europe in particular by the czech after the recent World wars or Rome and accepted in north america much earlier on due to its evolution). He is driven into isolation by his tribes (presumed to be overthrown by the pagan piscean tribes of the burmese dravidians at that time living in india and reason of their spread into its present country) and gains enlightenment by doing so. A chain of wars inside asia are made into reality against the dutch samaritans or sumerian turks (red indians) of northern indonesia where the line or lineage of asian buddhism truly occurs (is revealed) to keep peace within humanity via the lamas. The Phoenician lands (assyrian ntb confused with minoan or asian connected to the second & sixth race) are populated via south america in this round for the asians, where one notices the japanese truly did come from the west. Thai language and its buddhistic nature however, is and always has originated from the muslim religion...proof is japanese was an abundant language in indonesia prior to this era and before the indian language of asgard or the middle east (persian-algeria) was instituted. We may have even go as far as his 'would-be' wife being an adulteress, traitor or betrayer under the sun sign of pisces, is indeed an asiatic dravidian. In egypt, a 4rth race buddha (a time traveler named Magog whom resembled a scythian prince (in pisces?!) and helped build baalbek, a then super-capital of the world) from another world visits our kingdoms and sits on the stone of destiny, a chair made of gold, wars end and kingdoms crumble. The Libran Akhenaten's escapades before david fails humanity (his ventures of land & conquering) and the chariot age comes to a close (naturally, eg a primitive tank is a square moving fortress, a car also a chariot, so technological progress is halted). Moses and the jews split from humanity out of jealousy, yet one says he is defeated via the martian pass of 900bc along with the indo-asian empires situated in maya. Feuds for land and territory begin. If Nara-Nara or Nara-Narayana was a reincarnation of buddha (Gotama) as part of the nara race in gemini over 1.7m yrs ago (see also a complete list of avatars) whom had a twin sister with the same name then we may assume Prithu afterwhich is a fat buddha in cancer and/or regarded as a kumara possibly at a time when Cancer becomes the alien kumara of the 5th. The soul must somehow freeze in order to reincarnate we presume. From the legends of Atlantis 85k to the present times of israel in 2000 bce, the black magi or black magicians split from the white in the end, the Ashuras try to become 'Suras' or try to split themselves from humanity somehow yet fail. Sid himself had never truly meditated. There must have been 3 Jesus births. He must be a 800bc Muslim or in kashmir, 400bc buddhist and 0bc a christian life, hence was not jew in his last life. David was probably born 1400bc. Narada Muni is regarded as a reincarnation of Siddhartha buddha. He is found dead against a tree.
-1000 bc the family and house of david create empires in the middle-east hence the Mediterranean worker is named by the Phoenicians david 'son of capewa' or the King of kings (the planetary star of capella) and identified as a foreign being to this sun or earth (this lotus). The persian empire extends itself drastically. Sumerian art and architecture is born, music is made in Jerusalem of judea. A Europe is repopulated via the ten tribes of israel whom colonized itself on earth (not to be confused with the last tenth 'jewish-moslem' tribe of mohamet, however the initiate mohamet and instigator of 100s of years of wars lost by the byzantine empire was an african semite 4rth race being with stature of such peoples from the times of troy nothing more, nothing less). David kills a giant, was born a clone of April 4rth 1040 bce under the tropical (May 10th in the sidereal, some say born twice via the astral form of saint michael) is the father of jesus and steps into the shadow of Michael (see a 3025 bc figure of the slaves in europe&slavia). Coincidentally, 1000 bce is the year of which the sidereal realign against the tropical to its present position. David was a figure whom hid behind large armies whom created countries or city states (to even a capital, hence he recreated israel or started some archetypical government along side other nations after the mulekytes (ukrainians in appearance or germanic giants of sumeria) aka hybrid muscovites or hittites destroyed the village of Jerusalem and/or babylonia [see balbek or a capital near the golan heights]&ended up in the americas during the venusian pole-shift) in israel. They spread the french seed into central america. David makes the mistake of enslaving the sumerian blacks (in the book of mormon, the Mulekites are moscovites or russian vikings & caulks, possibly uighurs, neanderthal cromagnums or hybrids...new fifth race dravidians...the gene destroyed and regenerated to human form) whilst the nephites are aryan black vikings, the book itself glorifies a history after 3102 upon the repopulation of the globe by the 5th race which is similar to the present-day settlements, however it is important to note that the americas were resettled by small tribes from Jerusalem or the country of judah long before the middle-ages of europe. The cromagnums must have defeated and killed off the aesir or germanic race to start such a strong cycle of karma. Also note that the chronology of earth is written accurately, so ref are made to the pole shift in 34 ad for 3 hrs (a storm, the ps via an asteroid occurred during the fall of Constantinople around 500ad) after the death of christ etc..the height of the roman empire is emphasized in this book alongside britain, spain and turkey..with colonies all the way to southwest india..which is true during the life of christ, rome was indeed at war with germania). Lake Tritonis is a dried lake bed in africa connected to lybia and the triton sea now known as the Mediterranean sea (27° 1'55.79"N 17°36'40.96"E) of whom inhabited two islands with population centers as early as troy, however a more recent dried lakebed is from the more recent greek city of argo which resided here ( 33°40'10.92"N, 8°22'39.25"E) eg the country of Iberia became Libya or relocated itself from the middle-east when the italian country of Colchis of the black sea or home of a grecian ares before Israel was fresh farmland with seasonal tornados and lush green flora (these massive city-states then became the slavic countries of the known world ie Galatea, Thrace etc of whom sprouted the esoteric raphael figure see creation of the greek 12 olympiads via this timeline in 4000 bce). Madaba is Moab or an african city-state and countryside in Israel near arabia directly connected to Europe. Chaldea is destroyed and abandoned at this time and so is Akkad, Ninevah falls soon after. Ethiopia is the center of agriculture, connected to the last civilization in sumeria aka Chaldea to once again become a fifth-race Egypt where the first fifth race step-stone pyramids as mere fixed structures are built to mimick its predecessors whom used the elements. All of the world's harvests are exploited in this region at this time ie coffee is harvested from all over the world into one location. It is told a taurian Goliath of the philistines (now medes) are killed under the month of cancer (see also rama's event with the nagas, however this place may be research in the valley of elah, in the town of Azekah, coincidentally near the dead sea where the rashudin caliph of the muslim sunni religion 500 years later diminished the byzantine empire with a cavalry of 500 against 50,000 in the battle of Battle of Ajnadayn it is believed, however mohamet initiated these wars or lead the Battle of Tabouk). The feud between David and Goliath is there in Ellah Valley 31°40′24.6″N 35°0′27.35″E. One thing is known, the piscean Keruvim (cheribs from india) overshadow the now Cancerian Jews whom are initiates without ability to evolve their consciousness (eg failed races from other globes are most likely cursed or deemed lower nature see also the egyptian or amalekite races of Cain in occupation with Israel or Moab where Balaam was not balaak but yet the god baal aka beezlebub or its capital as baalbek, note israeli statues are misrepresented eg the sumerian ahab will be historically written&displayed as David however david was half-japanese or it was infact from Ahab and the line of cheribs). The Last Kings. David (baal) goes to war with the pagan ammonites or sons of Malek, or chooses the winning side of the human race. The last remaining sumerian giants situated in the mts of Northern Iran. They managed to fight these giants with tactics of weakness eg they were already dying from the environment because the earth's atmosphere became too weak and their ribcages were fairly fragile or easily punctured and exploded via an arrow. Also their heads were fragile because with the lack of blood flow from their lunges via oxygen, their heads had very difficulty in maintaining thought (lack of blood creates headaches, blood is created via oxygen &the brain needs blood to keep conscious ie after the flood or chain reaction event of 850 bce to 85k the atmosphere was greatly diminished). A branch of Jerusalem from the west leads into the eastern banks in growth towards the sea itself (david came from the west), however it grew from the dead sea or east and from it sprung the suburbs of jericho (via 9000 bce) and was established 6000 bce. It (jericho) was incinerated by an asteroid around 2000 bce, yet progress was already made in the city in order to turn it into Jerusalem. What happened was the arabic cities of Sumeria moved up or were placed on the dead sea (2 of 5, Sodom and Gomorrah were incinerated by fire from the asteroid which did not infact land on jericho yet shot rock through the atmosphere in different directions) moved upwards along the plain. Jericho itself seems to have a light indentation or mirror of an asteroid as well as other regions around the southern portion of the dead sea (the asteroid may have been much smaller than presumed, or atleast incinerated before hitting land, however we still think the asteroid to be macrocosmic in illusion, and to have incinerated two arabic cities, due to the venusian pass and mega-earthquake). Gomarrah ( 31°26'18.10"N 35°50'29.55"E is the origin of the mudslide, present-day Al Mazraa was the one of the two largest arab cities) was on the southern edge of the dead sea facing near persia and it was consumed by an earthquake to finally fall around 600 bc, sodom (present day Ein gedi {a sanctuary} is where sulfur inhabits the landscape or the asteroid had not made landfall, however the arab city of Safi is Sodom if not Tall-el-Hammam in the north) on the other side was consumed by fire (coincidentally on the faultline, some excavaters&researchers may confuse the two). Pulling the bible in the occult or something which is cultic is fairly difficult. Sodom however is mentioned as being here (31°49'51.75"N, 35°39'53.78"E) in Tall-el-Hammam and Gomarrah in present day Al Mazraa. Safi looks like a boulder large enough and believable enough, not jericho however we say jericho because we don't know the exact asteroid strike location (the asteroid strike came 2500 bce where 2-of-5 human cities fell, the result of the impact crater itself indicates this knowledge has been barred from lower nature). Craters need flat plains, Safi is flat, as do cities need collective attributes near bodies of water. Albeit David came from Jerusalem, this is but an illusion (see following paragraph).
Minor Cites:In Hebrew Ahab and Nadab means 'Abe' or 'Dave' and 'David' in english, however Nadab was the king David not Ahab where in those days sumerian kings ruled Israel and were simply 'half human' ie Nadab and Baasha translates to David and Bathsheba or Saul the Semite (under Gemini) as Jeroboam translates to Jehovah or an archetype of christ, basically atlantean reincarnates, descendants or ascendants of their human counter-parts). The kingdom of sumeran is told to be unworldly as well or inhabit other globes. After Absalom and Rehoboam there was the fifth-race genetics taking over where all Jews are in fact half-sumerian and reincarnation a fact. More proof Jews are aliens or non-sumerian interveners is David's name was different or of a different line..which in hebrew translates to Ish-Bostheth..a clone or competitor at the time and his hebrew name of which was judean was Melekeh Ben Yeshay. As did the Chinese immigrate into asgard in its latter day via struggle, so did the african into the americas (today china makes 1-3 percent of the population outside their country, whilst other races like african turk make 10-20 percent). His father..jesse..was a Moabite semite Slav or immigrant from Western Europe possibly under leo whom descended from giants in that way, not through the sumerians whom literally gave them (david to jesus) their 'non-human' powers via genetics. It was not sumerian and an unknown (which is coincidentally Ahab and Jeshoba or Jezebol where in english its Isabelle, here a non-jew and jewish gene directly bore jesus through two lines or branches). These are indian names of hindu sumerian giants twined with greek hebrew or a catholic hebrew germ. Hebrew is a contender to Asian, continentally speaking the third race came to saudi arabia (heart of economy) after the fourth or Japanese and even in lineage. Galicia was in present-day Turkey before it was in Europe, However this goes beyond the times of ancient troy or during the reoccupation and after the flood. Northern Kingdoms were ruled by non-jews or semites of sumerian culture which helped divide israel even further through their movements with orion. The Sumerians created a provincial government in Israel aka the 12 states which coincided with the zodiac in Hebron, the same region as David. However they were well known as a confederate army or a force from the south (sumeria). Jews near this time could get to an age of nearly 200 years old, however the giants of orion were near 1000 years or earth days (tropical years) of age! Persia and Israel are divided. The Lunarians themselves are described as 'old men' more then they were off-world aliens. The 12 tribes of Sumeria (not Israel but royal families within israel) won a civil war, and created a country at this time it seems. One thing is known, the Sumerians in Israel defeated the Persian army and broke free from its grip (a rarity for a more powerful gov to be defeated, a rarity in terms of history actually happened eg in troy the persians of western europe or what became its abrahamic empires lost against a more powerful greece before this event or what caused the hittites to invade the middle-eastern world powers as the mongols once did was infact remnance of troy). Sumerians ruled the continent as Muslims or in Muslim garb. He or They will never reign again due to bloodshed, political fervor and campaigns for war which follow his line.
Elijah, a miracle worker and prophet lives during this time and was born under the sun of leo. None may repeat the movements of Hercules without repercussion of karma, yet none surpass the children of hercules either. A Samaritan whom descends from a crashed UFO via a tornado, is told to be a master. None is greater than him except for possibly Jesus, the jewish messiah (disputed, jesus had its traits and failures, as did elijah son of the elohim, however elijah is an unknown or masked entity whom did not benefit mankind as jesus did eg a chain reaction occurs, a tornado is made or a pole-shift is passed for one to be born..in the occult we assume sagitti is siva or in actuality, the 'master killer' in opposition to brahma or jesus was a master on this world and only this world). The word Esau sounds like Israel so Jacob is an aquarian from this time. The story of Isaac is very similar to that of Jacob. This much is known, if Judah is small tribes in leo, Israel is born under Aquarius. Joseph however lived in 1000 bc (in 7 years when egypt was a great booming economy, def before the martian crosser) or afterwards to give 'birth' to jesus. Issai is connected to persia and russia of enochian descent from the sidereal, the father of david begins civilization in the east. The pale blue-white skinned asians whom 'follow' Gautama are from the east as well. 2 branches whom originated in the west (ireland and south asia/america) prior 12bce are devolved aspects of the sidereal. Elijah as Jacob lived 7000 bce, however in Leo. The Jew Abraham must have come around 2018 bce in Gemini, after the jews arrived on earth via transmutation of consciousness or unknown and illegal use of anti-matter technology from Da'at presumed to be the merkaba or a ufo of shear light however we speculate it was some archetypical ark. Insignificant material achievement by an unworldly race. The vanir are a greek feminine race connected to the male whom turns into a female after it dies. Although they are masc at first they become feminine ie the grecian 4rth race is in actuality the 5th race. The aesir are of alien descent, connected to the germanic race, the vanir is of the native world on malkuth or old earth, another solar system or a greater body of the earth under mizar in the great past. The cheribs were under alcor on a world called yesod or svat and were considered fairly masculine or gods whom did not give up there freedoms (they had an imperial system of some kind, the monolith is their invention). They say their planet fell into the sun, however remnant rock may be detected with the right telescope. The jews of daat are infact a new race of androgynous beings whom are the most alien to earth and penetrated it with culture, however they are not connected to the 5th-4rth race like the greeks, or the 3rd-4rth race like the cheribs, or even 2nd-4rth race like the germans but the 3rd-5th race ie muslim. The asians&africans are the 2nd-5th race or 4rth-5th race as well as some aryan greeks. The arabs are known to be of the 2nd-3rd race, for none can be the first race unless in different form than human. We will cont. to concentrate on the spread of the caulcus race and their mixed genes, albeit this world is mostly asian, the caulks are genetically unworldly or have unworldly roots&traits (aesir, vanir) from a prev globe or are simply known as the oldest of the genes on this planet. Briton was slavic cain once or unchanged for aeons. The naga of europe are from its principle continent of daitya, however they or their mongol blood is now in southern france to even the slavic states. Around 5000-6000 bce began the age of gemini or started the age of abraham, however they are insignificant Mayan dates of peacetime.
-The Kurukshetra war or final phases of Troy end here aka the Mahabharata during 1080bc. The female face whom turns male-to-female after 3102 bce finally remain female, under Krisna's direction Arjuna defeats Karna in India and Japan. The war of initiates for 100 days by 1 million men however take place in India and everyone dies. Japan begins a hidden war, and the island sinks due to a flood. The sumerians are so great as to spread from Europe or Troy and penetrate sumerian culture in japan (Hokkaido), they remain even til this day as native tribes in an isle in northern japan. Wide spread floods by Venus cause an isle in southern japan (Taiwan) to sink. The moon's rotation from male to female after intermingling with venus during 3102 finally stop and slow to its female side. The Scorpio sign bests Aquarius and Taurus as the human race against Zeus and Orion. However, the Male side of the moon vanishes forever or stops being seen. If Krisna were to live in maya, it is fairly possible to give direction to lower nature. If karna lifts or fixes a chariot wheel which was broken, then krishna would have told Arjuna to kill karna or the dravidians would have once again won somehow (dravidians never win against higher nature, it is a cause of nature for them to do so or make such a feat). The Christian states of Chaldea witness the destruction of Baalbek for instance (the hindi man alone is at least 1million years in development of the mind ie karna means radiancy or sun-born man). Soma is infact a war against the moon. However Karna forges an alliance against karma. If statues of Adam are far beneath the ocean, a quake would have hit the temple and completely submerged it beneath the ocean, it could have even slid due to land fall or driven its occupants up north and created a hidden war in Japan. What your government hides is that the 'Yonaguni' temple is falsely made by nature, however they fail to explain diamond patterns, an carved feature of a crab and even a carved statuesque face of 'adam' which is hidden from the public. The scorpius sign is known to be a masculine one proving indubitably isles do fall into the ocean without trace. Although this occurred 2500 bce, we may presume it flooded recently to fall. However the monument itself dates back to the dwarka period after the treta yuga ended around 250,000 years ago. The monument was known to be capital of Anarta at the time (the entry pt of the gobi or underwater isle off the coast of japan flooded by venus). If Bimini road and the cuban pyramids in the atlantic can be submerged off a coast line, there must be a link to its true location. If a captial city were to be on a small island it would not make sense, if this island were to be Taiwan or a larger isle it would. The 85k pole-shift was great so great as to split the isles. Anarta off the coast of Japan, Heraculiun off the coast of egypt, Dvarka off India, Mayan Pyramids in Cuba, Baalbek and Lake Titicaca (pre-poleshift) and are all results of showlines being changed, not only by glaciers and a global flood, but also by venus and high vibrations therefore they do not date a preflood period like stone henge does due to symmetrical design and erosion still intact. Even the Giant Causeway in Ireland is of Atlantean Origin, it is a bridge which connects ireland to Scotland. Giants are able to build matter within no matter, meaning they knew of kilns and there were many ice-ages. However it submerged recently via the venusian pass. The capital of Anarka was Taiwan and the megalith is speculated as to where they locate the 'Yonaguni' monument itself due to false direction and error of tampering by young souls. The monument is built by and connected to the atlantean buddhas Narada and Ashuramaya of the golden Eagle race (Gautama's race eg there is a city-state in northern india with the name ashur, the term also turns up in chaldea as ashur, north africa as ashurae and again in mexico city, during atlantis mexico city is an important site or region for this term, and it holds great importance to the true location of Ashur City 85+ years ago, remaining again isolated in iran as assur or assyr hence assyria-into-syria hence the city of asur is technologically the greatest cities of japan currently). Gautama was born in Kushwati, in a city-state now called Kushinagar within Uttar Pradesh where the previous buddha, Siddartha died a thousand years earlier against a tree. Rome is indeed from India within a northern city of Romaka-pura, however it expanded into italy and was renamed Romaka-sitra (sivana? romakapatta, visaya etc all in maya..more evidence of where the 5th human race spread from india as one united peoples in race and color) or one becomes 5 colonies in Italy later (hence china, egypt and rome are the world's true 5th race ruled empires or slavic rome is Mexico from the latin era of troy). Manasaputra or the etheric mana of the universe is truly invisible. However 5 turn into 7 in maya hence 7 gods are the 7 cities of Votan (an archetype of Odin ie Aquarian) in Mexico situated in 7 caves which are connected to heroes whom escaped the deluge (7 germanic families or 7 is a sacred number whilst 10 becomes perfect, again a blv source). Hence developed man may even comprehend newly sought logos being formed. One thing is known, the trojan war aka Kurukshetra in Mahabharata (karna falls against arjuna in what is now deemed Japan, of where the war of initiates started in India it ended here) truly ends in asia around this time of 2000-1080bc (est 1080bce BLV source, corrections will follow). A sivic comet off the coast of Madagascar creates wide spread devastation on the planet and one in egypt as well. We believe the human race goes from Libra into Scorpius by will of the masters themselves at this time.
*900 bce Mars causes earth to shake and becomes known to world civilizations. The planet follows venus after being struck in 6000 bce and finally crosses or effects the earth's magnetic field causing it to wobble. The rays of the zodiac realign into the tropical. Egypt is left in chaos. India tilts or slightly compacts (sea levels rise on one side and fall on the other), a new coast is formed. Rama's bridge reemerges. As for the red sea crossing, it looks like land broke apart and let water inside the gulf of aqaba, it looks like saudi arabia was connected to egypt this way once. It looks like the gulf of suez had rains whom were forced through the med sea into the red sea, whom then forced water into this bank. What appears to be a river became a sea. Although prior to 85k bce sumeria was called Nod or Golam as the Land of the Giants, it was neither russia during the ice age or Israel's Golan Heights region most recently. It was infact the whole of Europe (spain, briton, and france) connected or intertwined unto the bridge of atlantis. On a minor note, if Nimrod was Aries or Libra as a brahmic figure, then Darius was veiled as Sagitti (or piscean possibly) via one whom resembled this orinid being in its ancient iconography. Hence a repopulation of the major cities of the world is started via small villages and primitive cities amidst small groups or numbers of souls. It is estimated by psychics that 600,000 jews were systematically exterminated during these times minor note: africans are regarded as turks during the fifth age in this doctrine ie scattered races or arabic races whom degenerated or equate to the semite and non-semite half-breeds (see also unknown civilian genocides of the africans, turks via wars&migration etc eg 6million died in the holocaust, it was est only 3m were turks or persian half-breeds also the armenian genocide is looked the same way with 1-2 m systematic deaths or genocides regarded as systematic or planned civilian deaths&extermination for industry, experience or so-called 'progress'). Within Da'at, 600 million germans were exterminated resulting in mass extinction of the germanic race on that planet and full re-integration of the hindi jewish germ. It is told the sumerian cheribs from Orion are familiar with this planet. The jews entered saudi arabia in the same manner as the greeks, however the greeks of the 4rth round entered via the horn of africa and not the famed egyptian nile as one presumes prior to 85k as giants back then whom degenerated unto regions in Thailand. The Land of Titan is abandoned. Daniel's race in Persian Menes of the Mennonites was fused with the Russian Hittites&Moab at this time (around 600-700 bce up to around darius's invasion of Israel in 500-400bc). For races to be great they must inhabit one part of the globe, yet the caucasian race inahabits all parts, proving a great devastation occurred and is still dwarfed by the asian one. It may have been great last round, but future rounds will leave the asian race in dominance or inheritance of the earth. An occult secret says Africa is Fairly nationalistic, every small country has its own states. This can only mean one thing. The country itself is establishing itself from a feud with degeneration as Australia once did or it coexists with savagery in a nationalistic democracy ie separatism is the last stages of democracy. In reality this is how the world is modernized through the third worlds becoming first world countries or vice versa ie they claim falsehoods in their names, religions and culture. The race was humiliated, basically. It being sad through torment of experience with the soul or entering upon it. The Chaldeans from a ruined Sumerian government or judicial system in Chaldea (the vicinity of the village of Nanshi) are last to leave its roots where Jerusalem does indeed become poor. In Hebrew the first born fasted from march 25th to april 14th during passover, this inturn saved their children's lives for the farm harvest was tainted with a deadly disease immune to adults. The moses time was a pole-shift for at least 3 days, proof is the weird effects which went on during the egyptian empire. However, the Red Sea was parted and dried by a tsunami in 1400bce, and swallowed when he crossed it around this time of 900bce (via mount etna? A large eruption caused a plate shift). The infamous plague event itself started for 90 days during spring of that year (900bce) due to a magnetic field disturbance with Mars (the earthquake rivaled around 12 magnitude throughout israel and egypt). The tsunami though actually occurred much earlier around 1400bce as a chain event from its 3102 date as a high vibration from venus. Mars disturbs the magnetic field of earth. In a pole-shift or tsunami lots of fish can die, even if minor and turn the water red. The Red sea was already occupied by the asians before the jews during atlantean times (after the nara, nords and greeks) or in a plight or retreat from slavery. Proof a great 4rth race was destroyed is Tanis in egypt went under as early as 1000-900bce from the venusian and martian pass. They (asians) must have reclaimed asia and repopulated the species in this fashion. Through evolution and devolution. Moses divides humanity.
-To the north, the atlantic plates condense and collide. They shoot ammonia into the atmosphere, causing the extinction of numerous ice-age species such as the wooly mammoth and most Australian wild life causing it to devolve into the elephant. The Sabre-tooth devolves into the lion and tiger species. The epic of Gilgamesh interprets these events or tells of future events. A poisonous gas is shot into space. The Giants and Atlanto-hybrids as remnance of the most advanced civilization on earth aka Sumerians of Saudi Arabia and the Middle-east perish completely. Africa divides from a middle-east or is split from its continent even further. The fifth-race Jews spread into the world. Fires are ignited in the equator, particularly across the south american continents due to a carbon change in the atmosphere and dry weather air. This marks the declination of the atlanto-aztec civilizations which are run by martians and other worldly beings. Human slavery is abolished and its peoples are set free or no longer useful. A sivic being is born, the turks of india whoms fathers were sumerian vikings are recognized. 600 bce remembers the rise of india and the Mahajanapadas (pandavas or those connected to kronos whom fell from the sky via a body from andromeda whom decided to sacrifice themselves in service towards mankind) or great ones whom represent the number 12 as individuals with sorcery above all others (ages are from abundant resources of minerals on the planet, ie aries is the iron age for 2000 years or a repeated age of dust from an ancient wind where the human race does indeed steal elemental powers and unknown sorcery from these beings usually for evil intention at a time where no land was ruled by no man and purpose a random trait or elemental action of movement). The Taurian age is copper or resource and materialism fulfilled. Far above then even the jews, sorcery and hidden families come from these beings within the human race. The martian race were tan skinned chaldeans with thin red hair and large 'oval-like' craniums. They merged with the african races here. The french gallic race however were swept away in venezuela much early on around 270k when iceland went under water (silver cities akin to the cities of today must have also dissolved). The Jews are burning karma in this round or making up for a devolved consciousness, however. Around these times Babylon, (once Sumeria after Eden in Persia of this round) is abandoned completely or turned into desert, the giants are relocated in northern israel. The golem is a powerful ashura relived in the imagination or protector of its cities. Colonial Jews are killed in the americas, in particular the french laminates are killed by indian turks setting off a great karmic reaction and recolonization of america begins only to end by the europeans via the indian massacres or genocidal acts (6m turks were killed when the americas was populated by some 50 million tribal indians, ie karma against turks from the hittite invasions of the middle-east where some unrecorded 2million persians died and later the armenian genocide occurs to boot). Nanshi (lilith, nazi, pisces) is the last fourth race government of the sumerians or located in Chaldea before creating the 12 states of Israel or spreading the human germ (world repopulation grows, basically). The nephites or atlanto viking peoples retaliate and thor's hammer is reconstituted. Turkey are known as the first slavic lands of europe, also regarded as Soma or the first Tartarus in this round of where an archetype for a fifth race cain is derived, hence kain is last for repopulation of a species or reestablishment of civilization. However, America itself remains as a japanese atlantean ecosystem from the traditional eastern sea dwipa or a diminished Lemurian continent of Poseidon whom grows its eastern coastal waters.
400bc An Asiatic Giant known as Gautama buddha whom's sun was under gemini, another disciple not as high as a christ achieves enlightenment. If Sid buddha traveled from Northern india to burmese territory in the south, gautama did so from northern india into Nepal itself to die or 'retire'. Hence the burmese are of 'Indian' origin and ancestory. A remnant being of the fourth race and a yellow gold giant whom represents the Japanese race (arabic asian) does this in isolation within a cave for many years after which he weds and before was brought up via royalty. He dies in an urban environment after accidentally consuming meat in the north-eastern territories. Some may go as far as him being assassinated (poisoned albeit before he ironically mentions or predicts that he can not die..which is true in a way) for depraving the human race in his sutra or speech to a crowd, so much so as to say they (all of the human race but for his disciple or chosen one) are perverted, suffering and in pain (inexperienced) during a time of war and mobilization. Much later around 200bce a Leon Shakyamuni buddha is born and represents the fifth race. He penetrates the North-western territories of Nepal, Burma. Buddhas come roughly every 1000 years and are sometimes mistaken for disciples or christs evry 10,000 (100,000 to 10,000 etc) yrs and during a pole shift unless of alien origin (see below). Shari-putra (shari hotsu), a rogue muslim buddha born under libra and adamic figure tries to kill buddha and possibly prevails, setting off a chain reaction. He dies under brama in a village in india albeit some regard him as a sacrificial figure. Here he is also the first to create the buddhistic schools or schools of this round in general. A chain of Asian Lamas from the Mongol empire is also told to be born around this time...a school of false christs or muslims (kings basically, or ancient blood lines)..however this line spands back into the Zoroasters and the austrian empire well into Thailand via 1200 bce from the triple root (tripura or atlantis basically). The word Shari-hotsu in the lotus sutra or translation of the buddha during a crowd was indeed him choosing his assassin or one whom tried to kill him via psychic thought, shariputra or Shari Hostu. Japanese Buddhism comes to Sir Lanka around this time at 400 bce via the turks though. An asiatic young government such as india, rome and china feud for land and territory, most notably driving the nagas and visigoths in europe away by force sparking unrest way into the times of jesus. The result of war is more suffering eg the Ayodha region or Akosha's race in India around 400 bce is now an Indonesian Thailand/Cambodian race and indonesia is no longer sumerian or its prize lost. Empires of Ashoka and Alexander the Great conquer territory. The Greeks divide to create Rome where one side is Athens (presumed to be a rebirth of Catholicism or buddhism in europe, however this true birth happened 8000bce when buddhism was not known) and the other Sparta (presumed to be a muslim region in greece). The Hun (greeks and arabs) make themselves known to the world, they come from the regions of kronos itself (eastern russia). This territorial gain could have started way into 800 bc. Governments and their germ has to get smaller, it is all a natural order it seems. However, we know he (shaki) is arabic and his body dies erroneously in a desert hike to and fro Tibet in failure of propagating buddhism in a time when world governments in asia and rome are created.
Some say Shaki is an initiate or possibly an aspirant, little is known about this being (examples in history of masters and initiates such as paul and elijah are alien in origin, one connected to the first race on earth; saint peter himself is told to be reborn a master on another world, krishna was the last of earth's master whom evolved specifically on earth however the aquarian Nichiren must be an aspirant whom turned into an initiate if anything since he propagates buddha in all living things, he is propagating a form of dharma or earthly spirit, in christianity the piscean judas is also an initiate and grecian figures such as plato and Pythagoras as well hence Judas writes the bible in nepal, proving the jews as a superior race or soul with divine future movement whom already conquered the world). The Gnostic Nestorians are also buddhistic aspirants higher than non-initiates. However, gnostic figures such as the sidereal arien anarchist Guy fawkes of the victorian age during the 18th ce are non-initiates or aspirants mistaken to be initiates as well. Leonardo would be a better example of an aspirant or non-initiate due to his tampering with earthly affairs, one can only spread art and architecture so far, as to make it useful for future generations however the material used is unconventional such as skin from the sacred cows etc. Here tells of the differences between historical figures because Christs are common upon a polar-shift or new age hence the promethean age of virgo (a mere 5,000 years of age). This would also make St. Mary as a master, however we assume she was equivalent to a disciple or buddha figure eg masters>buddha>initiate>aspirant>non-initiate and not of jewish royalty (a master only in the occult), connected to the tropical zodiac (genetic genes can leap, a womb can be used eg if one has a great grand mother whom is jewish, her ancestor can bore a christ child esp if the father jacob is a jew, a buddha is a high initiate achieving the ranks of a master). During these times what sparked the wars in grecian sparta is infact war against lower-nature, the spartan wars were infact caused by inflation or a monetary system involving gold, the country lacked this gold exchanging debt and went to war with persia ie the more gold is spent, the faster a country crumbles. The Jews were the first cause of a country to fall here. The more sin envoked by the few elite, the faster a change is created. Rome was created, most of India since the Ramayana (which can be traced to 1million years ago) stayed civilized through its ice-age settlements of 7000 bce. The Nile has Papremis, the West has Ares to Mars. Once again, the 'gay one' clothed in feminine attributes, or the mallard as a specimen above its feminine form. A tropical curse from the jungles of Nepal in Asia is born. All have Beezlebub. Jews have the powers which semite half-breeds lack, which is to see past future events.
*Up to around 200 bce Darius I (darius the mede in the bible was a chaldean king and son of a jewish father and chaldean mother whom was sent to the lions) was another arien being and aspirant whom mimicked Ra born on april 4rth which completely neglected greece at a crucial point in history (the zodiacal days are solar or monadic via no bodily spirit or magnetic pull ie april 15th is the fast of the first born or christ child in hebrew or a christ before the sidereal, one is born when a distant star's light hits the earth..or reborn, or reincarnated even because light pierces all matter). The Medes or Mebes are now Persian-Jews (germanic jews whom resemble philistines yet are not), however Darius brings back the old ways and ignores the spiritual progress of the West, once again completely. The etruscans and most interbred races of rome seem to have a very microcosmic offshoot culture of their racial counter-part, similar to the chinese. Some speculate this being or its twins are aries or piscean cheribs (cyrus is also capricious/pisces, darius may be arien or mimic the capricious cobra set) ie cheribs and angelic-like figures whom control elemental forces such as lilith or astarte are remarkably connected to capricious grecian origins&culture. An Ayran baal of greenland as opposed to the african one from pakistan was a master whom ruled astarte in sumeria. A city named after Venus to about this time. However, all of the known world was in a cultivation period since 7000bce when repopulation emerged. Medes must be half-bred persian jews or new races below the jews, chaldeans and persians whom went extinct or made it into Europe. They must have come directly from the hidden line of Sargon or alien Orinids as well. Saint Peter is also of a hindi race via genetics onto the himas by the jews themselves, so the latvians do indeed come. However, they were connected to Orion (as is every thing in the world) or the farmer's ark (eve), instead of the Sumerian ships of Adami. If this is true, the non-initiated Xerxes was a being born of August 22nd in Leo for only a herculean figure would know to 'wip the helspont' by building pontoon bridges to unite carthage so to speak. Xerxes invades Greece. 246 bc had a small aftershock as a result of Mars which crumbled the rhodes statue in sumeria's Canaanite viking greek city near turkey (places anywhere near egypt would create aftershocks for hundreds of years to come, burying islands in greece and the rest of minoan 6th race civilization, the isle of Santorini is one example of aftershocks connected to the venusian poleshift after the fall of troy). Israel mimicks the future worlds european races but for a few. The Phoenicians (asians, red or yellow) not the minoans (moon-colored arabs) occupy egypt as of late, most likely during the end of biblical times (minoans and phoenicians occupied spain during the ice-age, so to not be confused upon references they are often regarded as the same race. As a result gave birth to a sixth race civilization which perished before 900bce and after 3102 during high rise of volcanic activity). The line of Jesus is told to be Assyrian or Persian in descent. Buddhism fails in Greece and Israel, as Darius (an arien or capricious being under sagitti? piscean possibly) tries to reunite the empires. Shaki also lived during these times. The Julian calendar is invented here or around 400 bce by the roman empire, however The Julian calendar is false and always has been due to the venusian alignment as a sidereal clock or disorder of the planets. Around this era the Colossus of Rhodes was completed&destroyed (a sculpture of Helios built by an army of Cain, larger than the statue of liberty in new york...give or take the arm which extends outwards by some 30 meters&toppled by an earthquake), one of the 7 wonders (sculpture of zeus is Cancerian, statue of helios in leo, mausoleum of hercules in aries, lighthouse of Poseidon in aquarius, artificial eden or the hanging Gardens of Aphrodite...Innana or a Lilith in Libra...however we connect it to Marduk and the sacred 7, therefore Gemini or Tau, hence Eve is Tau, the Temple of Artemis and/or Diana in Pisces&Aquarius, Pyramids of Giza or Ra...a greek or capricious god?..Osiris is a nonhuman Orion figure in capricorn/tau if this be true...all gods..however the pyramids stood upon flooded ocean floor seabed...Ra means 'God' or the Sun, therefore it is the first wonder) of the world. One thing is known, if Diana in Aqua is the equivalent to Artemis in Pisces then Zeus in Cancer is indubitably Jupiter in Sag, Athena in Capricorn is Minerva in Virgo and the Roman Gods are not clones but yet extensions of these mighty Atlanto-grecian figures. The 7 wonders may be shear idol worship or shear cult because of these signs envoked, Leo, Cancer and Libra with Taurus, Sag and Gemini left out it seems (unless zeus is sag or god made man, innana or the hanging gardens as Hera or Tau, and Helios as an Apollo or geminian). Even though no actual history can be taught from daitya, the continent of europe, one thing is known it was a christian civilization whom bore buddhaic catholicism. The occult speculates the latter where Zeus is a past Sag entity, and Apollo is a future unknown Sun, Hera as Eve or god of architecture, relating to the 7 sacred signs. Disciples can be buddhas or initiating buddhas.
0 bc the Jewish Messiah as Christ is born, the Age of Aries and Abrahamic religion passes, the age of pisces and Christianity reforms and is a hidden cause for progress and all the world wars. Hence Jesus may really not be Jewish or be a being of the Tropical yet have Jewish sidereal traits in evolution, however the occult states he is jewish hence one can not be reborn again and again or takes the concept of rebirth under a new zodiacal sign away from its equation. The cross overlooked a valley and pointed southeast? Northeast (true north via sun/zodiac ) at the sepulchre. He was a Jew(or semite), yet he was also a buddhist monk. Samuel loses a dozen wars during abrahamic biblical times. Satan is the loser of the zodiac, or the one whom enters buddhism from christianity itself. The three wise men are initiates, white magicians whom followed a ufo however the occult speculates that polaris was aligned as the true north star, yet in the middle-east only vega would appear to be so realigning via venus. Vega was the fallen star of the jewish home world in capewa or its sirius and/or meru, whilst Hercules was its northern one, yet it was rising so the star was Capella which fell into dawn and was aligned with the moon. The star of vega itself holds the dead body of this particular world as opposed to the dark energies of fohat or Fomalhaut in science. Saint Anne and Joachim whom's line came from europe via the moabites and slavs to southern israel (land of Moab) intermingled with the Jews to carry a chosen host. A body semite non-jew (mary) whom's pure karma and clean spirit hosts the christ without a mate hence the jews of austro-hungary (cossacks of russia? may indeed be saudi arabian indians) migrates from israel (4000 bce india?) to Italy after a world government is established, most notably during the September month of that year (0bce). In those days, and even in days of atlantis, royal blood and family ruled countries, not individual men from downcast poverty for countries can only be governed by status and higher races had this status with superior conscious level. The family of David to Jesus and the latter Jews penetrated this royal blood where superior semite clones of david reigned over the lands before him and Greece was united (isolated?!) in egypt and then the middle-east due to the fall of troy until it became athens, greece. Hence, the virgin mary or holy spirit is chosen amidst a secret order upon hundreds of their kin where the christ's birth was indeed known and vied for in succession or to kill. The North Star is Lyra or Vega in the middle-east, yet Capewa in the northern portions of earth. However the white magi followed vega and not capewa for its light rises and falls just above the horizon ie capella falls, vega rises or Capella rises and falls with the moon on this day or rises during the day, then falls to dawn. Yet the Star of Bethlehem is Capella falling (alongside the moon whom was rising) because the wise magi would not be able to see vega the fallen angel rising from dawn, hence a minor pole shift may have also occurred 0 bce in the month of early november where christ's natal chart was only all pisces from the sun or his triple chakra as sephir, where the Sun was in Capricorn or Sag on his homeworld and this earth's future sephir. However Jupiter was in Virgo/Libra from earth&Saturn in Gemini whilst mars&uranus was Pisces/Aries?, Neptune Scorpius...Sag, Moon in Tau, Pluto Libra, Mercury in Capri &Venus speculated to be aquarius via the tropical or the center of the earth where light which hits these planets travel to from its respected zodiacal signs (wip correct calculations due upon more research). These minor ps can not be proven though because they are star realignments, adjustments or mere static to keep up with the gregorian calendar so no ps occurred in 0bce, the static involved is due to a large event it seems like the 3102 bce one where cygnus was above the sun. Hence the Atom or Soleid of the earth is the center where light is calculated through physical matter not of the surface itself. From the sun as the sun of god, all the planets were in pisces however. The true natal chart of jesus is here. For Jesus doth belong to the Celtic human race whom populated europe through turkey and almost went extinct doing so. The Dravidian jews of Europe are also revealed as merely Siberian semites or hybrids of the Jews themselves (boyers as scyth-scotts from a chain of central asian descent ie the aryans of the western atlantis dwipas@the time of ram). To not confuse the reader, Ram's natal chart has been calculated in capricorn&christ's in virgo, however they are calculating the time the sun entered these constellations via a simpler algorithm ie the sun is virgo and capricorn? It is infact always leo in cancer though, it absorbs radiation from the logo (or radiation goes through it), or does not carry its foreign light (regarded as plasma or the sun is not the will of the soul) to earth as the fantasists may want you to believe. These beings are infact aries&capricorn. However, Capewa died so Christ is infact a Sagittarian Jew or its sun is Sag. A race whom penetrated earth or a future zodiacal race whom mimicks the movement of Capricorn is a Kronos in russia (kronos dies in Sakha which translates to Saka, hence russia itself is of ten autoanomous republics, giving suggestion to its degeneration or relation to the 10 atlantean countries of 85k bce whom ruled the world&further proving a medieval age can come before and after the height of a civilization falls) perhaps ie there are many so-called 'israels' and unworldly civilizations with their own histories in the great past, yet none were able to penetrate another star system as of recent. All of persia must have been literally wallowing in their own waste whilst this figure visited each and every continent, studying its secrets more so than they had have ever done only to repay the white magi in kind upon possessing his body on this physical plane. The powers of jesus come from the sumerian cheribs themselves whom penetrated the masters bloodline (for where he went the great spirit went also). The Roman empire of Constantinople falls (its pennisula literally crumbles or a great storm washes and floods it) and their people move to the east or first in Kiev (christianity is created, persia as america fails via wars since israel continuously) then moscow via a pole-shift, however gog will always be the west and magog the east of which hints at prophecy or the end times. The Russians do not pay kind to Peter in this regard, the turkish peninsula literally fell into the ocean (an earthquake occurred and demolished constantinople). Judas infact did betray jesus for gold, however he did so unwillingly or committed a sort of suicide with the elementals via magic trickery, and is still regarded as one of the 12th disciples or the human race becomes more jealous it seems. One thing is known, the Semites are able to breed via far away distances with psychic thought (via the etheric grid or sofia christos), which is an inherently good quality and fault to their race, if two or three lovers are made with one (in thought ie materialization or physical contact), they will stay with one only for the remainder of their life, neglecting the others whom were poisoned, and eventually killing their spirits. Ten of Seven tribes disappear from the sidereal. If Syria was Odessa aka Edessa (Greece in the location of Syria next to Israel was once Egypt and became Athens or moved up Northwards after a great descent from Troy, a sumerian europe, connected to Arthur etc, after the vulgate ages or prior to Noah's flood was the times of the sidereal eg Michael is David's hidden city of Urantia connected to the 7th ray in russia and Saul a mere contender via reincarnation at the time) at the time of Jesus, Jesus was infact a lineage of Greece, which follows King Arthur's round table (Arthur was a geminian in race, yet sagittarian or a sivic being) prior to 11k bce and even Daitya 1million years ago. Europe during this time was medieval and populated though it seems, particular sources say mary and jesus were in france, egypt and briton. The leader of a rebellion against Rome was of Royalty. Yus Asaf or Issa is the same in afghanistan, he may have been in two places at the same time or died of crucifix suffocation somehow, his body was stolen and transfered back to india, then it burned&was buried as an empty sarcophagus under a church. He is pointed out by a young soldier in aquarius via judas in pisces. Jesus dies by the hand of the french hittites (persian slavs) themselves for reasons unknown, however we presume he dies upon a tree in india under realization of the infinite universe.
His astral spirit left earth after 18 months, his monad left earth at the age of 37. Christ is told to ascend in May 16th under tau, however if he is jewish his ascension is merely a discension unto our world. However he ascends 3 days after his death on april 6th. The april 2nd and March 27th figure of 6 or 7 bce was when Peter was born (april 28th under the sidereal tbp). The jewish fallen angel is vega and also a north star of capella and speculated to be a north star of earth by scientists (the problem with astronomical data is the stars are aligned wrong due to lack of polar shifts, if a globe were to turn on its axis it would still be situated north due to the proximity of the star's distance). In the occult though, it is not affiliated with earth's history as a north star, past or future and is totally foreign (unlike science). He is known as The first king and the first known human being ever to transfigure himself into pure light. Our star of Bethlehem is the brightest star in the night sky, especially the northern night sky. The Saturnian planet enters its extremities eg it starts its revolution towards the earth after the great collision with uranus, and its days start getting shorter from the number 30. The moon circles the zodiac at precisely 2.5 years to days. It does not rotate, its called a synchronous formation of a dead body (however esoteric thought inhibits one to speculate it rotates exoterically at an unknown factor which would literally take thousands of years yet is reset esoterically). It rotated before 1.7m bce then it moved against the earth to 85k (on its male face) then it wobbled after 85k bce. Then finally at 3102 bc venus arrived and changed its direction completely so that it travels with the earth on its female face. Yet it rotated in the distant past, it had a rotation away from the center before ram's time, and was a male sided moon after the 85k poleshift. These decimal pts are an unknown factor only for masters to understand. It is simply proven, because the 'triangle' constellation of Lyra in the northern hemisphere is clearly visible during summer, it is clearly visible in the south during winter. Some speculate he lived 100 bce which may have been the case for fantastical theosophists, given the cycle of initiation with the equinox he lived from the year 1 to the year 33. It is proven simply because he died 4.3.33@3.33pm and the bible was written after these dates because of him, therefore the number 0 still seizes to exist. This Christ is in fact regarded as a sagittarian star whom entered virgo and perished. It is possible for a shell to be conceived differently than the rest given the nature of a super consciousness. Jesus shows the illusion or ability to kill and outsmart its teachers (see 7000bce story ref.) at an early age. However, he was so skilled and intelligent of a mathematician that he calculated his death with precision and ease, he also calculated his natal chart, which all aligned under pisces under the sun or its center eg every planet aligned at an exact point of time, that is why he regarded himself a god (his father's house was indeed virgo and not aries). If the spirit is born at that exact time, it can simply grow in a womb. Yet 7 bce is a figure of the christ equation without leap years via the Gregorian calendar. He was born in or before 1 AD in a large family of children (we presume josef had 7 or 8 children) and has nothing to do with Saturn, other than the fact that it enters a maxim at that point in time via pisces. He is not Cap but Sag, Kronus, whom causes his death however is. It is rare for natal charts to do this yet it is possible. Just around april 19th 2011 recently, all our planets and sun were in pisces and aries but for saturn in libra and pluto capricorn (except for the sidereal effect by the planets via 2011 or end of the tropical, the rays must still be present here). Natal charts work like this, on april 30-31st 2011, all six planets were under aries yet the sun was tau through some sort of emotional spectrum or light of the 7 rays. However, a few days earlier on april 19th 4 planets were under aries not including the sun. The christ spirit would have had all its planets under pisces, if it were the sun itself or from the point of the sun. If this happened on earth (which is fairly impossible to rare for the planet, hence the earth is slower then our sun or the point would have been recognized by astrological research within history), the coincedence would elaborate on this fact. An elemental spirit would have the earth as a zodiacal point. These revolutions depict the accurate dates. The sidereal hasn't really arrived on earth as of yet with the occult, only the tropical hence the tropical was in pisces in the great past and moves slowly forward into taurus through aries (it takes 4 days for the tropical to move forward in 4 billion years, basically..where sidereal means backwards...the only possible way for this to happen is the 26k yr realignment under a massive pole-shift where the atmosphere or shield of the earth fail..and life on other globes are considered) where the upcoming sidereal of it moving backwards is actually the fifth age of earth which has yet to arrive. If jesus dies, he must be aware of the andromeda collision or a colliding maneuver with andromeda, the triangulum and our milkway to create a larger andromeda galaxy...as ours was recreated with sagitti, we may even go as far as he must be a monadic star or his soul as a star in sagitti entering virgo or his father's house so to speak. If adam is a clone whom jesus himself rejects for entry into heaven then saudi arabia itself and all the riches of heaven must not really exist. The russian insignia when it split from the ukraine during the times of old (a migration traditionally from israel to turkey) is fairly buddhistic as opposed to christian, therefore the roman empire did indeed split from kiev into two directions during the fall of constantinople & the catholic empire itself is regarded as fairly buddhistic or centralized in religion and culture or once a long time ago on daitya it was christianized-catholic hence the old ways are never truly put into motion. It is called the city of Fatih in Instanbol today, however long ago it was created to be the heart of the Roman empire. It was a city renamed by Fatima or the daughter of the Caliph mohamet (prophet mohamet's wife is aisha a japanese descendent, mohamet only had one wife, yet gained many via war). Aisha (a muslim armenian slav under aquarius) lost the middle eastern civil war when she tried to lead armies as mohamet did against a taurian caliphate and a caliphate under virgo (the sunni religion is born). Mohamet is born under Arabia in Mecca, yet some exclaim he is jewish. We consider him semite through interlocking branches of hidden royal family connected to jesus. The Hebrew religion itself, is riddled with the continuation of the germ, it is fairly muslim christian or is christian turned muslim with feminine attributes eg the buddhistic cities of asgard had turned pagan earlier on earth it seems. Saint Peter must have become a friend or acquaintance of jesus after he committed these so called miracles or used magic tricks to awe the human race so to speak. He cuts the ear of a roman soldier (in sagitti? or leo). Jesus must have stopped doing magic all together. The parliamentary tricks he (jesus) made in egypt must have been to trick the human mind in general. It seems as if the enochian races of the bible sprung from ireland, a majority of the fifth race in the farthest reaches of europe. As if all were european semite or old blood from enoch. A secret human race branch of jews whom mimick the past races is integrated fully, but is different slightly and only genetically pervades the Himas from the country of Judea to now.
-64 ad, St Peter is martyred or dies on a Cross in Rome upside down under Libra (he was born in Bethsaida, Syria &lived in Capernaum, a wealthy land owner whom simply decided to move on whilst just a mere half-mile away is where jesus had preached on a mound of which he may have been spectacle in and later to meet the figure crossing its waters from a coastal shipping village. Near Anmon there is a baptising water hole by St john that which is full to this day). Saint Peter is connected to the Latvians, however the true latvians are the blonde haired blue eyed, German second race of Egypt and Asgard via 270k. We presume he lived in a town within istanbuhl ( 41° 1'28.08"N, 28°58'22.40"E) where first century houses still stand. Saint Peter and Paul were both told to be Masters or initiating beings from the Jewish homeworld. He was lead to Italy following a mass migration on a boat where large populations had to be exterminated by the government which was then considered the church of state. Andrew died in archaea under the cross of jesus (which was transported there by coincedence). He died upon request at 60ad before peter. The cross was an X, and was bound. Saint James was told to be the true Judah or Judas under Gemini whom volunteered to be beheaded amongst a crowd of onlookers during a riot in Antioch (basically, there were two st james...here he is in actuality an Abel under Sagitti, it was the one whom beheaded another soldier as St. James under Gemini) and after a small aftershock of an earthquake near christ's death. Therefore russians follow the future christ reincarnated on his birthday of January the 6th (a kronos?!? the tropical moves a day forward every thousand or so years via the universe hence the asteroid whom passed earth must have been so great as to cause after shocks for hundreds of years to follow well into mohamet's time causing earth to finally realign into the tropical via 1600 ad upon the great comet pass). Born 7 bc&his clones maybe 7ad with venus in aries& jupiter in aquarius, peter's natal chart begins on the year 28 of april, however one considers planetary positions are never perfect under the tropical ie a planet in pisces would be actually in the next constellation due to distance of the object (see stellarium). Also planets were in the sidereal, therefore all of lower-nature, interplanetary or native will be born this way. Peter is told to have lived til 67, 3 months after the roman fire (a siege by the gov because the christians stole money from the treasury and it or the religion was at cause) on 64ad which was thought to be the cause of his death along with many others. He died under Libra on october 13th before entering scorpio and is presumed to have walked the desert or fasted like christ did sometime the same year ie geminian planets were in the natal chart prior to his death. Saint Paul in gemini also died presumably beheaded in Rome during july of 64ad after the fire occurred (however this date is nt verified). Here is how jesus and peter really died, they spoke on sacred ground in hebron within the land of the giants, under a fig tree..the ground of nimrod and upset the dead spirits there. Peter was completely aware of this Nimrod character, a cherib from sumer whom became a dictator as an arien equal it seems or the first foolish uprisings against the government occur here. We speculate their governments were similar to the navajo indians, or a medieval way of life fused with culture was invented with little economy where the indians themselves originated from india. The Mayan starter culture is literally hundreds of thousands of years older than its (the caulks) pagan one dating back to rama's time even. The fact is, a connection is made, when Nimrod spoke to abraham it was in the same manner, to find out if abraham had sinned to survive this journey to sumeria where abraham had said he has by killing isaac. The black magi are revealed to infact be rejects of lower-nature here, rebels or deformities without cause and effect. Their conversation upset the ancestors of Sumer greatly it seems or repeated some type of events on asgard, the ice world whom collapsed, for the caulks to inhabit this globe. Meru is Hercules or an Arien star in Pisces whom falls to aquarius (near the capricious void or capricorn-goes-to-aries esoterically speaking) named after such monuments and esoteric stars, Mt everest and Fohat (fomahault in science), the divine energy of Brahma which judas hides so well. However Sagitti is an external smaller alien galaxy upon the fringes of our milky way, or a host feeding it if you will. The jews are shear sidereal beings, or born in matter prematurely via venus and other macrocosmic events it seems. The areas of Yalova and Sogakak in turkey are inactuality constantinople and its pennisula reformed, its tip though is Orgahnganzi. Stitches verify that mud locks the land or a wet climate of some sort. Proof is it reformed greatly, however unbelievable, christ did cause a poleshift, and land was let loose from its hinges (see also Kamchatka). This theory verifies that land slams against other pieces at rapid speeds, and does not necessary sink unless already sunken (see florida movement). It also proves flat land can be uplifted greatly and a massive earthquake did appear around 37ad to 500ad it seems. Judas had died in a ditch near a field in persia near a temple (a persian temple in israel? Aceldama the field of blood is infact a christian church of somesort, and home of iscariot ie mary died as royalty near the death site hence they presume he was a thief whom stole money from the church to build his own, however never did they confront the individual). Judas may infact have stolen from jesus and built his church whom should have been the christian church, however the christian church was an organization whom valued money greatly and there are many jesus's whom can walk on water so to speak or he simply gains property in Jerusalem from judea, everything accomplished at a ripe age of 30 ( 31°47'4.29"N 35°13'51.73"E outside hadrian's wall and beyond the christian sect is his tomb, golgatha or place of the skull is near the holy sepulchral, the building is infact only a place of his cross&from this building one can see the mount of olives). Hence Judas may have worked for the military at some point earlier on to gain his riches and not share them or aid the church (he aided the capture of jesus unknowingly, whilst judas died in a ditch near this site north of mount zion next to the temple mount itself, his body then thrown in the ditch just below it). Coincidentally near the city of david itself, beyond the eastern wall, is the western one. In society, if one steals its not as just as one whom breaks the law itself see also the constitution and the continued progress of business owned property ie jesus broke the law and judas stole from the law in return yet the church of Christianity still runs til this day? for sorcery or elementary acts of sorcery it seems) via pisces just before the christ. 33 ad was the death of jesus, when a massive asteroid passed earth&it quaked central turkey, yet this can not be proven until 500 ad where 40 percent of the inhabitants die in constantinople, and leave its city. However, some speculate the blood of kronos intruded out of jealousy and killed the sivic being of zeus. He was told to live to 37 but died prematurely.
*Here explains cosmic geneticism. One must say your natal chart is the north, however like right now its in the sidereal yet it is not for it takes 100 years for the rays of the sidereal to reach earth. The equation is that it stays born through the tropical, light which travels through space from other stars is a factor, and light from our star is the major component. The other problem we have is jews born under the sidereal sun are effected by the sidereal, however non-jews are not because their gene is not new (both jews and nonjews were sidereal when earth was sidereal). If you are born under the sidereal as a non-jew your genes are probably infiltrated with old genes. Technically, if the sun turns sidereal in a cosmic event, one would assume as much, but jews are a new genetic makeup then non-jews. The sidereal is as the tropical until maybe 500 ad (however we presume 0ad or upon the birth of christ it instantaneously transitioned after the planets realigned completely), stars and even planets are like spaced atoms to a master. There is a male and a female species, however the zodiac leaves its fingerprint or traits upon the physical planes or globes. In the occult, jesus is thought to be another master followed by rama, with 'cain' like attributes. The so-called criminals whom were crucified with jesus did not know whom christ was...like a child almost or protecting one. Christ literally came from another galaxy before this one. The problem with the jews is that from Jesus' christ's time or from about 0 bce onwards, the 3102 event may have realigned into the tropical, esp venus, therefore any jew whom represents the fifth race born after that time (0bce) may be a tropical sign. This research is still needed because jews represent the fifth race or a new genetic make up of some sort. If white magicians ascended he (jesus) must have transcended. One would need read auras to comprehend cosmic geneticism completely. One thing is known, the Jews have the innate qualities of Brahma. The conclusion is before 0 bce jews were in the sidereal as giants, therefore jews have sidereal traits yet remain as tropical beings. This brings us to the fact that all of lower-nature must have entered the sidereal from 3123-0ad via its rays which contact the earth after traveling from its parent logoi within 100 years. The Jews via the solar rays have come from the sidereal after 0bce into the tropical, however they were tropical before the venusian event or possibly sidereal from their own star, Capella. As there have been other worlds so will new worlds come and flourish. As for the escapades of religion, we can decipher his death. The holy sephulcre is the cross, golgatha the tomb. The talpiot tomb was a buddhistic reincarnation of this figure via descent, hence joseph, jesus, mariame and mary are all of the same royal family here however reborn later from the year 500 bce, and the sagittarian mariame of this jewish royalty in genetics is infact Herod's wife here during 0 bce. As is the bascilla in rome where peter's cross upside lied, so did the christ body naturally burn via the sun (the roman empire wanted to progress into the middle-east from turkey, here in rome you find a genocide had occurred and saint peter to be riddled with thousands of others including farm animals on its cross and grave itself, where they finally found the location of the so-called saint to have been mistakenly exterminated). Basically the roman treasury was missing and the fire began, however elementally one can change something in reality which they do not wish, whilst other things of need remain the same (to a young soul this magi alone becomes a nuisance, however to christianity it becomes vital evidence of the perpetrator, hence the sikhs are christian as is the byzantine empire under Constantinople, a region supposedly magnetically shaken by a great asteroid passing earth around 500 ad, 40 percent of its population died, hence the asteroid passes 100s of years after his death through the christ spirit). One thing is to be known, around the 1950s the Jews of Europe repopulated Israel, an old land slowly depopulated by their race for 1000s of years. Beware the Son of Man for he cometh with False Prophets, where those whom worship and die for these prophets will also die in return (burn in cold fire or reincarnate) & its heaven is internal, not external.
500 ad, a great asteroid from christ passes near the planet, a minute pole-shift is felt, the Aquarian African Egyptian by the name of Mohamet unites the middle-east and overthrows the Roman empire. The prophet is the first well-established initiate of humanity leads its armies against the westernized byzantine empire. Poseidonis is a grecian city whom was relocated from continent to continent (from megalithic blue beaming megatowers in Adonis aka America to classical architecture in Daitya aka venezuela to Egypt and finally became farmland on an island of a Fascist Greece...however it is mere government therefore non-material..the pleiadians also have this form of free government where the primitive are centered upon or surrounded by the technologically advanced societies where some may even say they are confederations of planets amidst civilizations, however materially they have possibly gone too far), and upon doing so degenerated severly giving fascist discriminative beliefs to classical art and architecture. The genetic links to jewish-alien hybrids and the christ-child are vanished completely. The new religion of Islam is created. All races populate the north african coasts. Mayan or Indian civilization is witnessing decline however...they ultimately fail against buddhism (whom epic-ally failed in rama's time against christianity) for the first time since asgard around 15ce when a new european civilization is integrated. The Sumatran earthquake would be dwarfed ten fold compared to the ones experienced during the times of jesus&mohamet, its causes were most notably from venus, asteroids and realignments. Comets due to realignment were here every few hundred years. High levels of ammonia are associated with impact zones. When civilizations are buried by earthquakes and fragmentary comets, the seas&rivers are tainted red with blood (this has been recorded since the time of moses). A Cometary impact in the atlantic, most notably made landfall and a great tsunami akin to the recent one around 1014 ad or upon the great chain and mini-iceage realignments where comets are still frequented or frequent earth. Remnance from space hit england and new york. Just above a prehistoric golden horn lies a secret, Solkoy, Fengarie and Ugula are Remanence of this christian constantinople capital of whom god embarrassed the human race with by demolishing it...however this was upon creation or a flood of the grecian civilization 85,000 years ago to maybe 900 bce during the times of Moses hence the pennisula of Solkoy slid downwards and mud drove it into the ocean. Solkoy is Gallopi or a pennisulan land reformed into a desert-like beach. The other movements were millions of years ago though (see eurasia map). Constantinople had not changed, however the area itself must have been quaked or demolished somehow. Albeit, the world and its elements are balanced so much so as to be an infinite resource with ramifications only towards the animal body. The arch of the covenant was transpired by the atlanteans themselves and handled by the phillistines (germanic scythe). Not only did the atlanteans get rid of karma, but they must somehow be aware of a material civilization a long time ago via an elite conscious memory. Atlanteans had built antigravitational technology and used it. It belonged to Mohamet, however Mohamet was not greater than jesus for jesus died on earth and mohamet returned to his reincarnation cycle or the great spirit. To die and not reincarnate on earth is a true pheat, and deemed impossible by many. To die in brahma is yet given a consciousness of a mere 100 years. To die in fohat much greater. However, to die in another star system as light or a star is deemed impossible by many but for the christ. Krisna too was told to die in non-elemental form. The coming of Mohamet is infact the start of an ice-age. From 582-1812 the earth is sprung into a miniature ice-age (science denotes it in history this early for they have no records!). The black death also starts at these times. The kabala in mecca is a giant ufo. Before the flood kali swept them under the rug, during the ice-age they froze...their mistake was to return to their known farm lands only to have it reinhabited by foreign nations.
1200 ad, a false christ is born. Asia is ridden by famine and disease, in particular by pockets of small tribes whom pillage and plunder villages to retain their barbarous ways. The Monguls defeat the Jinn or Sin in China as well (the white dynasty was mere Jinn or shadow wealth&corruption in the 12th ce), to modernize asia economically as the sakas of 7000 bce did via horseback well into the hun era of 400 bc in russia to create rome (hence the hun of 400 bce whom are namely germanic or norwegian, come deeply within eastern russia via sumeria itself, the hunnic empires comprised of hungary and rome before they became europe, however they are aptly known as the arabic sumerians from the middle-eastern regions of earth and the reason why the term of kamel people or old frog face, double chin is aptly known, the regions of siberia greatly batter the body in evolution). Unification of the asian empires begin and ends for a thousand years. The monguls conquer the most territory within the 1000 years. A massacre of a dozen buddhists in japan takes place. However they (monguls) are defeated in Japan by a tsunami (see crab nebula). When the christianized Monguls invaded Japan a silent or psychological civil war by the samurais began hundreds of years later though (through karma, entropy & humiliating the buddhistic religion), creating a chain of events which spanned the medieval period of wealth and culture in europe (christianity thrived in europe, buddhism began in japan, yet both retain muslim catholic garb). The black death under pisces takes its toll well into the middle ages from islam in those years killing more than 25 million people on earth (700 million in total, 25 million in mongol asia alone due to darkness or lack of sunlight). During 1400ad Dayus the unrevealed god(s) comes to earth and earth leaves its (the sun's orbit), it flickers out and a mini ice-age is created. Most notably earth realigns during the pass of the great comet via the 1800s (there were many great comets between these times because of realignment, actually). The crab nebula is born. A giant vibration in Taurus creates a wave which incinerates the mongul invasion into Japan. Within a few hundred years later, the russian empires fight back against their captures where the Night of the Cheribs (crusades) are truly born via karma from this epic event into or from the bloodline of christ himself. Prior to this the Russians were humiliated by the mongols and created a slavic empire (persecution of jewish cossacks mainly by the spread of the Tatars or Turks..the planned city of Moscow by the draco dravidians or greek scyth aka camel people..they are dorians basically..was not built quickly enough or progress halted) which extended way into the west which in turn started a chain reaction to kill off jews via a mini-sidereal period or event. This is the true origin of the night of the cheribs aka the crusades where 800 jews died in Bethlehem where Jesus was born (TBP in 31°42'15.61"N 35°12'23.73"E there is a well-known byzantine church or a bascilla where in olden days churches acted as hospitals), however during the aquarian king herod's time it is told a holocaust of male children was committed to enforce control with the slaves against the propaganda of a fabricated messiah. Genghis khan is told to be a buddhaic figure (he in actuality had only one wife, Boerte where in asia its custom is to be married at a young age, history says he had many consorts yet this is a lie..like mohamet before him, one takes its enemies wives and uses them as slaves after their husbands die in war). Atilia the hun was destroyed or rerouted into the south by europeans from the crusade whom wanted revenge against his empire, yet ghengis khan lost to succession. Since the beg of time, the germans and britons were in a race for industry. Pisces-Leo-Capricorn started the world wars on this globe and great progress was achieved, connected to the largest signs of the zodiac of which most influences this planet. The Germans to higher races were considered as 'good' and invasion by the pleiadians after ww2 was considered. However, if the americans did not stop japan's military with a nuclear device, it would have carried out to be the most technologically superior race on the planet. Some speculate a few hundred dozen jews (est near 100) died during the start of the crusades however the catholic church states near 1000. The american government is only 200 years old, however it is possible the atlanteans had governments of over 100s of thousands of years old. Here we will mention the tibetan race is ancient with roots all over the world, and their asiatic language (tibetan) once degenerated into indian as well, the tibetans even borrow languages, not only customs (they are the only asian race to be connected to an arabic muslim indian language which they so very well hide, therefore the oldest line of atlantean degenerates on the planet ie the muslim religion). This is also where the indian language was derived here on earth, from the complete and total 18 million year degeneration of an asiatic one. Albeit still considered one of the major atlantean races, they are connected to the lemurian races and martian ones in its guise. There has never been a religious war in caucus territory as of recent, however, the Circassians (sunni) prove of such theory as wrong. They are sunni islams whom destabilized their state or were reduced to secrecy within russia. It is infact the fifth race as well hence slavic russia was once called a country named Circassia, a religion which that resembles a great circle or the 'T' symbol is infact the luciferian russian state whom re-established the slavic countries of today dating all the way back to the baltic coastlines of a stone-age Phanagoria in greece is where a 4rth race Aphrodite was judged during the trojan war (some say paris under leo was judged as political ruler or leadership of that country, however, it was indeed an atlantide). Life is not a curse but yet a gift. With Ganesha in Libra, and Arjuna in Scorpio, this event was a chain reaction off an island in japan, which sparked the japanese civil war then the mongolese invasions of the world in order to kill the other races, however its true origin dates from the times of india in kurukshetra (3102 bce). From this point foreign governments are burned and pillaged for resources. Therefore not deemed to be a true feud against buddhism. Martians have the ability to transfer consciousness to a lower-plane or for an organism of a lower caliber. Here we present a problem, pyramids in crimea buried knee deep high in dirt are found, this notes the power of a pole-shift being able to completely bury a building and proves the origins of troy or atlantis. These martian (yellow, tan races of human turned african and german all the way into the age of nara 1 million years ago) pyramids from eastern europe such as the one in Bosnia are infact 25,000 years in age, however they may be occupied and used as little as 6,000 years ago. Moscow is created for internationalism of all the races after Khan ravages Kiev or the center of christianity for europe (killing 10 percent of the world's population, 7 percent in russia {under gemini}, at a time when russia was the untamed land of the rus') and rules it for 200 years under the golden horde. The Mexican lands in America are part of the lost lands of Atlantis, therefore a feud with siva began. The old mongol nara gene is reborn or reintegrated via karma amongst all of the human races. Evil is lost however, the blood of Genghis khan (monguls) has ravaged millions and has repopulated the world with the old nara gene as a kurse of future and past karma under libra.
2000 ad, the aquarian age is now apparently arrived in full swing where microshifts are taking its toll since the 1970s and progress becomes unhalting. Antares arrives in Scorpius or center of the galaxy with Aldebaran in Taurus, along with Arcturus in pisces creating light of an unknown speed to hit the sun via fractured light from Saturn hitting (an unknown being absorbed by) the sun. Instantaneous results occur, a massive sun flare hits earth during a tsunami creating light on earth and devastating the land. Let sinners be warned, the sun no longer shines upon silicon valley's west coast, but yet clouds no longer dissipate above its paradise, rainy days are now seen under cover, earth no longer holds the tropical but yet now the sidereal. A chain reaction from its previous point occurred. The bermuda triangle is indeed a tsunami inducing point on earth in its great past yet the last great polar tsunami named 'horus' was born here (pls note:one can not live where the sun or jinn truly live, in light or below the so-called elemental kingdoms of man, esp not prematurely unless he is enoch himself or can somehow find this pindrop we call earth). The light endows the sun with strength, however we will assume the tsunamis and earth quakes on earth are from the planet entering a magnetic field disturbance after the 26,000 year cycle ending. The moon aligns differently. The sun also aligns differently from earth. Weather has changed into the sidereal 13 star zodiac. A shift of a mere few cms on the north has devastating results for the future. The polar vortex of unusual weather must mean the magnetic field is bending or getting ready to snap. The next pole-shift is underway (more research on time of a critical event needed ie we wouldn't be surprised if it happened on pisces 2014 or a few years from the unusual occurrences such as ison hitting the sun to signify a timelaps of 3 days in darkness). However, to avoid fear mongering we will explain, the outer lotus is an invincible shield of the earth or primary magnetic field as a spirit, the inner lotus however is the bud and can transmute, it is infact going to the center or soleid of the earth. If it is in chaos it would be as if a greater body briefly bent its back, or stretched. Once again, if one is with god they will realize its polarization is the spirit, not emotion and feeling (pain, death, fear). War in the middle-east is unleashed in a massive chain reaction since 1980 (1940s actually, via a boom of the industry or a chain reaction which can not be stopped or undone) without stopping. The world war in 1940 creates a devastating result of atomic weaponry weakening the planet's atmosphere. Over 30,000 weapons were used and a chain reaction of the misuse of petroleum replaced with fuel by primitive fossil fuel technology. The tropical goes into the sidereal, intense light from the center of the milky way galaxy hits earth. Earthquakes are on the steady rise since the maxim year or 26k interval point of 1887, deforestation by mankind only speeds up the process. Over population is also a factor. In a small war in Northern Kashmir during 1999 depopulation almost became reality when pakistan was seconds away from launching a nuclear warhead into india yet do to diplomatic talks, it was negated. The devolutionized state of mankind is very apparent. So starts the Promethean age of virgo where the future dead son of aries becomes evident through karma by the human race. The prophecy of David's kingdom prevailing (the west) may be a truth upon another nuclear age by the messiah of kings or destruction of Lebanon (the doctrine states david's kingdom is an extension of europe, however persia is an extension of iran therefore deemed evil ie in sumer the right side of israel was persia, its left the west). The dead sea scrolls speak of the war of light against darkness occurring 85,000 years ago though with the sons of light or judah prevailing, however this time sides will change. Changes by the decimal can be crucial upon how a planet functions. Hence Nazi Germany lost by crucial key points, such as an attack on greece and stalingrad first, and japan losing naval engagements due to bombers arriving late by the second. If Israel were to seize middle-eastern interests in saudi arabia and the ports to the straits of lebanon, they would enact world war 3, yet at the same time take control of the world's economy and in particular oil supply (ww3 or a true secondary war may infact be a lie or way for fanatics to fuel fanaticism ie even the most pure creatures of heart and beliefs, if fanatic and oppose these beliefs against nature will be shot down). Many countries will have their 'reich' (industrial ages or reunification in german) in many times and even they will come and go. They say the cancerian comet ison in sagitti will create 3 days of darkness (eclipses?) in dec late 2013 to jan 2014 when all the planets are in cancer...however this is a prediction by the aspirant nostradamus (pls note one must understand prophecy correctly or decipher it accurately to understand the occult eg Nostradamus predicts in the 7th month a great terror will arise. 7 months from the year 1999 is a total eclipse, the antichrist event where he exclaims is the rise of russia and the great king of the mongols {evil? or good? hence mars is mentioned in the quatrain} is the russian president vladimir putin rising to power, nostradamus regards him as the anti-christ because of the malaysian plane event being shot down by russia which is infact similar to his 9/11 prophecies of which he uses the same terminology. Hence one could interpret that quatrain with osama bin laden and 9-11, yet he speaks of another quatrain mentioning the term 'new city' several times hence Putin becomes president of russia (prime minister) in the year 1999, a total eclipse occurs 7 months later under Cancer. The New City is 45 degrees from the ecliptic therefore considered as prophecy. He also speaks of 300 years of prosperity with England as the central empire of earth (this coincides with another prophecy of prosperity on earth by baba vanga and a few others..hence 'no more sweet mana will pull forth'). 4 assasination plots on heads of state mark her warning. 1.) Kim Jong Un 2.) Yanukovych {Andrei Karlov is techically not head-of-a-state} 3.) Qaddafi 4.) Erdogan where a chemical war will lead to a nuclear one for 27 years as ww3 in which the koreas will merge in 2017 alone and a presidential candidate named moon jae-in will lead south korea to victory during ww3. On May 13th North korea had launched a missile thats the farthest and largest yet as a response to Moon jae-in, the christ-like prophet whom will save the nation during or after the war. Mabus (Ray Mabus, head of the USS Navy?) is another anti-christ whom is the last american president whom retaliates in a third world war after New York is nuked. When he mentioned two towers, and one stricken by lightning whilst the other fell he meant the empire state building and how it was a contender to new york's wtc yet left unscathed (yet this is a prediction not cited&a falsified quatrain often read by enthusiasts). Mabus means Ray Mabus, secretary of the US Navy. On mid-april of 2017 or the year 7 they devestated a syrian/russian airbase which many consider an act of war. Barak obama (a nationalist) or the last sitting president whilst King of the Mongols is Vladimir Putin. Soon after red and white ones will march against Israel (eg west and eastern europe). The figure himself (nostradamus) is a glorified aspirant or teacher at best whom equates certain phrases like Aquilon god of the wind with wars. However the occult does not say he is an anti-christ yet simply a historical catalytic figure like hister or hitler) and therefore uncredible albeit possible (the three days of darkness could be an atmospheric phenomenon from nuclear winter or a lunar cycle or eclipse that happened consecutively which has passed, however in exodus it is a dark cloud or weather related via mars, the event is supposedly supposed to return in prophecy). The Blue Star Kachina as comet ison (which means destruction in hebrew) is repeated in reverse of the cepheus legend (hence ison has 6 tales however we are not here to judge), where aquarius lops the head off of cancer and a world cataclysm occurs by cancer repeating or mimicking this event in turn. Asteroids are under-appreciated by science hence between 2000-2013 67 asteroid strikes or impacts into the ocean occurred (were detected) around the 600 kiloton range (an atomic bomb is 15 kilotons) where the core of the earth or its blue globe in general acts as a magnetic draw, vacuum or alien consciousness somehow. Even a 50 mile object like ison will not effect the earth because it will go under it, however may cause chaos...or to a christ all the planets including jupiter will be in cancer from the sun's core. Antiphus (a term similiar to antioch, antiochus) is son of hercolubus or Hercules in this system therefore Cancerian. When an object passes by the magnetic field it will condense the earth and great cloud cover will occur, however the prophecies are formentioned without truly knowing. Rocket tech at this time in its previous decade is rediscovered by non-other than the jews. On Jan 3rd-4rth 3 days of darkness will occur where as the comet will pass and the sun's magnetic field will flip. If Odin occupies the Caucus region upon this round, the Don River and/or Volga in Russia is occupied by the Vanir or female race (the human germ is evident in western and eastern europe). The nords speak of the wolf fenrir whom bites odin, prophets say a man and woman will divide europe. There will be wars and there will be rumors of wars. Many prophets equate New York city to be the target of a nuclear weapon. Under Libra the scales of power will unleash a full-fledged world war with economy and machine come Sep 26th of 2014, ragnorak occurred in late feb of the same year where chemical weapons were used (feb 28th is the day of blood in the quran, There may even be a nuclear attack on saudi arabia by iran to begin the war..hence another misinterpretation perhaps). If a nuclear attack or war broke out, lower nature could still thrive and heal, so is the case of hiroshima, no evidence of radiation exist there but for a few burnt trees. Sin may become rampant once more, humans will live as they did in the predates of Noah's time. Murder, greed, crime, adultery will become a common place within the house. They say Egypt will attack Israel and Babylon (USA as holder of the golden cup) will smite Egypt&Russia (China may abandon Russia for this to happen or for David's kingdom to win). These sayings spurn nuclear war or annihilation of the species to some extent, however lower-nature can never be annihilated by man, for god and the globe are too great. The governments involved here are a democratic republic one (america, a republic or democracy with a 3 branch republican judicial state system whilst russia is a social republic or monarchy) entering the war against a democratic socialist government (Russia, a gov turned from communism into socialism yet still a monarchy or with a monarchical body ie communism>socialism>democracy where christian full-republics just seem to fail in the occult due to deemed militaristic powers and use of resources hence even nazi germany was not fully republic, it was deemed democratic socialism turned into national socialist or a full blown dictatorship due to its superior organization of the state). The Egoistic Capellans had this type of fairly systematic government as well. The danger here is kiev has turned into a democracy as well&since the world wars an economical first world country has not been in direct conflict with another first world power. There has never been technological warfare on its own terms and technology progressed far too much within the last 100 years hence Japan was a full blown democratic government and remains to be one. The Christian city of Kiev seems to be a liberal democracy or a breakaway democracy with democratic values therefore it will take republic help from christian countries with open arms. The puppet government involved since the last world war here is infact kiev, a newly appointed democratic government and this is important because it is the start of Ragnarok. So speaks the prophets of Islam. This much is known, ww3 as ragnorak is told to start as a silent war.
This may or may not be true, depending on the time ie 2012 is the galactic center, however light would reach us in 2050-2060 where the comet ison can and will return & it running in the sun on 2013 is a mere sign of upcoming future events for this sungrazing comet. It will have time to collect debris and gas (and size) in our oort cloud which in actuality is a halo. The Aquarian star is just below aries in Cephus of where Sidereal aries mimicks this godless or faceless aquarian being throughout macrocosmic and microcosmic time. If the earth were to be hit by a destroyer comet such as ison, it would only pass through its debris field which is invisible. This field would be billions of miles long and radioactive. The earth's shield or magnetic field (which is currently in chaos), would fail and radiation from the sun would bombard all life on the planet. If the magnetic field temp fails, the earth would also stop rotating. The inner magnetic field, which you call gravity would condensed or collapse. One side of the earth, the one which is under the sun would destroy all organisms. Their livers would melt and they would burn alive. debris would shower the sky. The dark side would remain dark for three days until it comes out of the debris field, the vacuum of space would reacivate the two magnetic fields on earth and the earth would rotate once more. Like a ball rotating down a hill, the ball will hit a bump to roll over it. Due to stress by the motion of the earth, it would only occur temp like a radio signal with a bad transmission. However ridiculous, the prophecy of nostradamus must be considered due to the mayan dates also coinciding with this event of three days of darkness. A hexagram will align with all the planets (earth will pass through its path during jan 11-14th via 2014, this line is proven). Planes will fall from the sky. The heavens would shake, meaning waves would climb to the sky for these days. The magnetic field's north steadily going to Siberia would not protect anything but yet fail. Also we noticed the comet is not what your scientists say, it is many pieces and brighter than mercury at a farther epsilon. Had the Atlanteans burned or will they yet Burn? A comet that bright would not be visible hitting the sun, unless it was infact hundreds of miles long. We noticed a severe uplift in climate change since the year 1980 of the summer. They say trumpets will be heard or atmospheric pressure upon the planet (in virgo-aquarius?!?) be sounded ie the lamb of god in tau brings evidence of minor disturbances?! More research needed. They say the nordic legends of ragnorak are true, they say the wolf of fernir (ukraine) defeats odin (russia) and ragnorak commences on feb 22nd (overthrown republic government with a newly elected democratic one, protests) and a year later on feb 28th all is bathed in blood (another world war?). If this be true, prepare theyself. The earth will cool due to atomic winters and nuclear attacks, all of europe will be silent, the middleastern people will inhabit this land. These sources are lead by baba vanga, the mayan dates, 3 days of darkness by ison, legends of ragnorak or the fall of man in this cycle and even nostradamus. The race of Judas betrays the world esp russia or the great bear of odin, the west is embarassed. World war 3 is commencing come march 16th, and like a storm, war can not be stopped. However, as with fear mongering comes evidence, if one finds a black sheep, one needs the evidence and only god judges that which is good and evil left behind. The planet is weak and its atmosphere no longer sustainable for these cycles creating a future tipping point with minor poleshifts via the tectonic plates becoming common in 2015, 2011, 2010 etc. Inbetween four blood moons during this time is an solar eclipse which may or may not condone prophecy of the new testament (We know there is a blood moon on Sep 28th of a deep red color, during the year 2015 and it is the most evident one yet). The only evidence we have is the tropic of cancer and capricorn has moved a few inches currently, compared to the years of 2000, 1990,1970 etc they were the same, or the earth was not in the sidereal (ie 23.14" was 23.22"..tbp tropic of cancer was 23° 26′ 14 and is somewhere around 23° 26′ 26 to 23° 26′ 22 north of the equator now, we know the earth is in a sidereal state basically). Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn both move down basically by at least the year of 2007, where as it lied in the same degree since the beg of its recorded time or creation, 100s of years ago. Hence when one crosses a line between tropic of capricorn, the compass needle changes direction from north to south, or the water spins a different direction. A Greek Tartarus is to be made upon the coming war of world war 3 (in Ukraine?! the tartar region in atlantean times was western europe, hence pits of darkness or constant war with or without material aid may be given here). Even their scientists have admitted carbon levels rose by 1 percent, and the last time it was at that level was 800,000 years ago or the beg of the ice-age during rama's period eg great floods, chaotic weather patterns and destructive storms have already emerged. Water (oxygen) is cold which rises, carbon (clouds) however is heat which sinks. Carbon levels jumped drastically then, and the increase is back now via a sidereal poleshift (a minute shift that misaligns the pole by the degree). We presumed a sidereal poleshift happened during rama's time and the fall of daitya as well (2012 is a sidereal date, another ice-age is then expected). Jupiter loses its rings here, Saturn gains shape upon the coming pole-shift. Here reveals the true nature of an unclean spirit. Indra however can not be verified as the primary cause of this disturbance from so-called heaven, much is to be learned about younger and older souls. In the revelation (st john's prophecy of 1000 years from a biblical era) of Ezekiel 38 there is mention of an army of gog and magog in future times to invade israel, this can only mean one thing...the armies of Germany and Russia during end times or the last world war. Ezekiel is an angelic being under taurus. A third world war is told to occur. This war will last 40 years with it ending around 2040 before Nemesis and its moons, it will be similar to the 30 years war (however Poland failed on invading russia via many wars lasting 60 years), with Russia prevailing over Europe in a proxy war or incursion due to fears of nuclear fallout (wars are now in a state of incursion for fears of intercontinental warfare). In March 2014 a silent war will begin, america will go up against Isis (sunni terrorists of the middle-east or instigate conflict in Syria) much later and Russia will create incursions against Europe between these dates. On December 10, ww3 will begin with intercontinental warfare (astrological sight of the black moon allying with Uranus during the Japanese earthquake of 2011 etc). A group of psychics in an article from 2011 about the crimean invasion in 2013 exclaimed, "Terrorists will plant a bomb in the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo of December 10 it seems" (source russian astrologist Pavel Globa pls note: there has been an assassination attempt of Malala Yousafzai in 2012, however it was not during the nobel peace prize ceremony, what's more interesting is the assassination attempt occurred October 9, one day after the grant for a nobel peace prize, which coincides every year on december the 10nth). There is yet to be evidence made of ragnorak via 20th ce wars, there is also yet to be evidence of the sidereal effecting earth in its weather (see also california silicon valley el nino/la nina is infact only happens every few years), however if a poleshift were to occur, earth would infact act differently (hence the sidereal effects are infact evident in california). To human science and the human eye, the fifth poleshift is not present, there is no evidence of a poleshift coming, even if earth were to move microcosmically via recent plate-shifts such as sumatra (in 2004, a plate collapsed in the ocean floor and the polar region shifted by the microcosmic degree it is presumed, because of the ripple effect the fatality rate ranged in the high 300,000), no true evidence of the earth forming differently is apparent (the silicon valley gets but a few clouds, the tempature change may extend and retract differently via the jetstream). The byzantine empire (russia) must have created lots of good karma since the fall of kiev. One thing is known, first comes the fall of man then comes the fall of nature upon this round.
2087 is supposedly the bhutan dates of the true Mayan Calendar or some macrocosmic event to turn the fourth age into the fifth one. 2012-2160, a pole shift is expected to rock the continents however it is speculated to be started around 2087 and end around 2160 via 26k cycles. 2160 ad to 5000 ad is speculated to be nemesis entering our logoi as a large jupiterian planet. 2012 is supposedly the Mayan dates where a great change happened in the galaxy on Dec 21st 2012, an alignment with the galaxy, an event unnoticed on earth. This number is also relevant to the masters for they say 100 years or so pass the rays unto the sidereal after the globe changes ie 2012 is 2087 or in krisna's time 3123 is 3102 bc (krishna was born 3122 or 3123 it is presumed before venus arrived on July the 26th or 27th, however when Venus came it misaligned the planet's pole and it was presumed to be July the 18th hence he died 3122 and was born on 3228, Venus came on 3102 bce). He is recognized in Mahatra to being born the 26th of july. The sun enters capricorn (coincidentally at exactly 7am standard time, 12am universal time, maybe a dark wind was felt or some alignment of the macrocosmos occurred however it is a total invisible number). Fireballs from heaven are now presently frequently seen devastating cities and causing mass chaos within your media (they are unreported basically, and best of all exaggerated claims). Wars are using chemical weapons (libya and syria has been proven). They say New York will be nuked, yet in the east, the prophets also exclaim Damascus will be nuked (civilizations will nuke one another when the conflict rises, however it is impossible for a race to become so immature and young minded as to not make an example of other races but to nuke them numerously and constantly for a long period of time, even with nukes it would take a very long period of time for them to destroy a peoples completely with the exception of not being stopped themselves so is what happened in capewa (a world under the star capewa in hebrew was heaven, Da'at or Alfheim the world of the elves can not have pole-shifts due to their mass being much greater than earth and their sky or atmosphere thicker), their underground races nuked each other constantly for years on end until the atmosphere gave way and races lived underground in high-tech tunnels, concrete chambers and technical labs or were reduced to doing so...also their sun in their atmosphere became red, due to the atmosphere's high volume of poisonous nitrodoxide or rise of nitrogen and secretion of oxygen concentration, so was the fate of the true jews or the children of light on another planet ie nitrogen is 78 percent, however it is infact an ammonia which also means a poisonous gas that if risen too high will destroy all life&this can happen if the physical plane has unknown radiation levels to live or be on land where as the sky will still be light, whilst the land will become shrouded in darkness. Their sky turned a dim yellow color yet their star ironically appeared red to them, which ironically is the color of vega, their fallen angel. Their balanced planet seemed to not be able to heal itself&soon later joined the vegan radiation belt. Hence the jews are falsely deemed brahmic or are at best known to be sagittarian sivic beings of some sort. This statements also gives evidence of certain prophecy coming true). The american cia organized the failed coupe it seems. During January 11, 2014 our planets will enter the dust field of ison and a rare hexagon will occur with Sirius..this may be 3 days of darkness or a forseeing of future events around 2160 (lovejoy, ikeda seka, great comets of 1800s etc are all of the ison 6 star chain). Ison's core may hit the earth, come 2014..unless it goes under or a greater comet comes later from its 6 cometary or star chain. Hence images show Comet Ison is slightly bigger than jupiter. The 2013 pole-shift is actually expected to happen in 2015, however only cities on fault-lines are expected to be damaged. The fifth age is told to begin anywhere from 2087 to 2160 ad. This pole-shift in 3102 is a realignment of the earth's axis which already started in aquarius 2,000 ad. It may even happen in 2022 or on some other invisible date, however the numbers of 2087 (mayan) and 2160 (catastrophic or solar geocentric or end of the tropical) are researched. This pole-shift will be minor, it will just cause a magnetic realignment due to the finishing of a 26,000 year tropical cycle...milankovitch cycles in science (in the occult its 25,7--k). The fifth race is told to exist for 20,000 years only since the start of Kali in 3102 bc. We may presume that 20,000 is a number in gemini therefore there is psychic cause to assume nemesis will arrive as early as this number and nibiru itself will arrive at the 486k ad number whilst the moons of nemesis will be fairly close to 2012. This movement was known by the atlanteans and not too destructive, actually it was a silent movement. However, within kali yuga the cycle is now deadly because the planet is weak. It is told to happen at the end of kali (432,000 years from 3102 bc would probably be the end of mankind, however 16k ad is the fall of europe). 4,982 from Kali yuga is the beg of aquarius cosmically speaking and end of the 26,000 year cycle and polar traveled path of earth (aka the hindu year 1887). Hence the lunar maria is already at a female sided rotational period. It does not have a thick atmosphere any longer to hold its place. The power of a pole-shift under kronus transitioning into the fifth age is violent indeed (yet not present or felt on earth, because it is so balanced even a small tilt of a few degrees will cause wide spread panic) for it will arrive for the fifth age and is equal to the realization of the seventh ray. Planes will fall from the heavens in winter as stated by Mathew in prophecy, kronus will carry out karma on the physical plane. The dark age of Kali where Krishna returns to cleanse the world of sin must be somewhere inbetween poleshifts of either the 4rth to 5th or 5th to 6th. Til this day their are regions of sacred uninhabitable oxygenated worlds in the pleiades whom nature rule, yet the germ can not reach. The Pleiadians are simply royal families of earth whom can infact reach these worlds of abundant life. This much is known, upon the sixth age from the fifth another ice-age will occur and the earth will be flung into the asteroid belt by Nibiru, a jupiter-like planet with its own moons will enter our orbit in the far yet limited future.
Cepheus is told to become a north star until the sixth age arrives where Draconus becomes a north star once more. Then the sixth age is told to occur, where the second age neptunians will return. When Magnets heat up, the pole travels faster and faster. Magnets seem to lose their shields or sustenance under heat, if the poles move (towards siberia) its because the magnet of the earth loses its sustenance. This can happen at the most in 2061 where in biblical text they say the earth will heat up hence when a magnetic field fails it will heat the planet greatly as it is doing currently, failing. The fallen ones will be burned by fire or the earth will be scorched it seems..hell has been taken. This could be in 5078 or 2612, given the time it takes for a 1 million year ice-age to freeze the planet, it appears to be a close number due to the ages speeding up and becoming closer together. Upon the next pole-shift, christianity will reveal its true power in karma and prevail from it. This heat is caused by non other than the end of a 26,000 year tropical period. Because the atmosphere on the earth which we regarded as the heart of the universe was deteriorated via wars recently, and in its great past, via wars also we may conclude that the earth can no longer handle this periodical cycle and is the reason for the 400,000 year old ice-age. Nostrodamus is infact a mirror or false prophet whom deciphers the teachings of saint john. Prophecies become true, China enters the space age out-competing every nation in sustainable energy consumption. A polar vortex of the magnetic north on the north american continent is expected. The Mayan were accurate before upon 1014 ad, and may be accurate again for comet ison is a chain of fire (in May 2013 it appeared as many rocks of fire) or a chain of comets and invisible rock which broke up and are the size of a moon which may hit us in 2013 or in 2060 where the grey ones are told to appear and even attempt invasions such as the pleiadians had considered in the 1940s. A jupiterian sized Ison belt or path of debris went below the earth's pole or equator recently so another piece aka the sixth piece is missing and may impact earth within 100 years eg lovejoy, iseka or ikeya, the great comets etc are all sungrazers told to be connected to the 6 piece ison chain dating as far back as the 1800s. However, Ison in Cancer is prophetic or much larger than should be displayed. Only time will tell. For reasons unknown or uncertainties by psychics, the occult can state mayan dates as being up to a year off in exact predictions of time for events ie 2012 is or can be 2013 due to the mayans including the number '13' as 13 months or one month upon each zodiac, etc or if a prediction isn't accurate it may be a few years off with a margin of error. A 6-star'd hexagram or devil's triangle with the planets is told to form or will be formed via jan 2014..hence 2014 is also presumed as intervention of mankind (mayans say 2012-14&2087 are important). The three days of darkness may be three years upon the return of a christ or a consecutive solar eclipse. However, mankind's fifth race will be exterminated within the ice-age in mass via 5078ad and not via wars...they will last for struggle until 16,000 ad, the power of an ice-age at full swing. They are known as the angry untamed child (human race) whom's attitude worsened. They are sometimes like mice to the mind. They speak of an apocalyptic prophecy of ragnorak or the end of days (a new cycle to earth basically via the human kingdom), they say the wolf fernir (ukraine or judas the betrayer) defeats odin (aquarius) under pisces, coincidentally on 2014 of feb after ison, the region of crimea is invaded by russia in repeated events akin to nazi germany's occupation of the rhineland prior world war 2&after the olympics. This may be prophetic or ancient text misinterpreted. If this be true, god doth judge good and evil accordingly in manner of left from right. Another world war scenario can destroy planets and even cause nuclear fallout or this famed 3 days of darkness (a severe drop in cold temperatures) prophecy given by ison. Ison was already established as a result of a prophetic logoi alignment and collision. Life does never end but always begin. Adonis fell and soon so will your false empires and legacies of lies also fall. This much is known, the Jews are a sidereal 10 star sephirotic species from the future. The prophecies may be true, ukraine will be judah or judas...whilst magog and gog will join hands or russia and germany tbp. However, Persia (america) will prevail through humiliation. The world as an overpopulated figure in nature. Syria is regarded as the vestige of Babylon during this round or spark of a real great nuclear war. These war scenarios are hypothetical and may not occur in nature if found or nature is not proven to even exist. It may have existed at one time or another, yet much is speculated hence its not proven or assured to guarantee its cont. existence. So the sidereal is actually many events (in particular, the rama event of 1m bce, a 36k mercury pass, and 3102 venusian pass) and light of the sidereal would maybe take 100s of years. It is considered happening currently because the north is not aligned with the zodiac, whenever the north is misaligned the planet is either entering a sidereal phase of the zodiac where one god inhabits the 12, or the sidereal light will enter in a few hundred years. We basically don't know when the next ps will happen but we presume around 2160. One is not rec to fall into karma via the microsystem, nor is one rec to live with another as a star so-to-speak, but to see reality as a whole. During the tribulation period (end of the world ie a pole-shift) there will be an era of peace (presumed to be 2012-2160 or after the war of gog and magog, before the pole-shift, one thousand years will reign of prosperity where the 4 angels are inactuality four moons of Nemesis in our system or the apocalyptic horsemen in order conquest, war, famine death in a planetary scale..2087 must be the end of a world war or start of an era of peace for one thousand years therefore ison may pass within 3 days of darkness upon the end of the world ie 2012 can occur around 2160 or the occult has reason to believe ison as prophetic see also the book of the 7 seals, 2087 is when 3 moons arrive during 3 consecutive total eclipses). The Jews are told to occupy every nation, this means only the 4 moons will arrive at 2160 and it also means the Jews are reason for the regeneration of the microbial germ this round or are infact sidereal beings turned into tropical ones via the venusian pass hence Nemesis will throw its globes upon arrival at the end of Kali which can literally be around 400,000 years from now (once again, moons are light matter, therefore can turn into comets or travel much faster then jupiterian planets through the vacuum of space, see also the creation of our solar logoi). Here we will divulge the sixth race which was present on the island of minoa for a short period of time then went extinct. The sixth race are asiatic beings whom resemble the nara, they will be as powerful as the nara. They are a hive of short asians whom will be present in the north americas. The fifth race however is an old germ told to perish sometime in Kali, and Europe will sink with old land of the Azores risen.
*20,000 ad starts the fifth-age onto the sixth one. Set II, a hurricane in gemini during the next pole shift. If there was one in aquarius, a great storm ravaging atlantis 85,000 years ago then there will be one in gemini. Here we reveal the fact that pole-shifts take thousands of years. Gemini and Aries in form repeat the steps for survival of Leo and Aries from the previous ice-age. The next age of gemini is 20,000 ad, its previous age is 6000 bc. A storm ravaged atlantis in aquarius via 94,000 bce. This age will have a great pole-shift as a hurricane, it will be the fifth age upon the sixth. This pole-shift will be so great as to actually align the planet near the asteroid belt. This planet will become frozen in an ice-age for approx 1 million years. In 16k ad europe will fall into the ocean due to ice-caps completely melting. Mankind will perish completely in another ice-age during or at the end of Kali. However, what needs create a hurricane is not a pole-shift or other planet but yet a total and inevitable collapse of the magnetic field due to movement of our sun. Yet this will not be the start of the 6th age or even regarded as a pole-shift or change but a sign of where a majority of the fifth race do indeed perish or go extinct (european civilization is told to perish around 16,000 ad and its continents to go under water, this may or may not be with an ice-age). The day of brama will end to restart once more possibly on another world, not this one. The ice age however will last much longer and go past kali to the death of this planetary ecosystem for another day of brahma to randomly restart, revealing to us Dayus as the false bramic god or death completely into gemini for the earth, a death of siva or a sivic being basically. The earth's life is great for the microbe. After the first ice age, its (movement and magnetic field of the earth or inner&outer forms of the lotus) weakening or cooling. Mankind had depleted, lacking knowledge upon this progress due to over-population, pollution and energy consumption such as deforestation. Now it can no longer withstand cosmic forces such as it did before when the poles circulated backwards. All matter is told to collapse and realign after a certain point (see fifth-age) eg if there is a weak atmosphere the globe is more susceptible to tilt or the atmosphere holds it in place basically while it goes up and down every tropical cycle. So this may signify the start of the 6th age, and orion the end, however the 4rth age's start was metamorphosis via the earth's rotational path changing via venus coming in second or mankind's influence (3rd age was influenced by saturn or change of the sun, the 1st by the moon, and 2nd by vulcan ie the 7th age's rotation must be so pure as to have a diminished atmosphere similar to ursa major and earth's fall). It is told the north star will someday become Cepheus from Polaris at this time. A solar flare from the weak magnetic field is told to cripple life on earth via radiation levels. Here is a known fact, venus will give chase to earth. Karma from the betrayal by lord siva is felt from his loyal mate. The universal imperialists are so great as to have an army which can outmatch any nation as internationalists above governments. However, when one wins constantly...they do so to lose or one can not stop winning unless they are losing. Virgo is infact a part of the chain of fire or the taurus twin star system of where vulcan came from, vulcan in its form is virgo. Nemesis is infact a jupiterian system whom will hit us in the future also under virgo, however nibiru or the dwarf star whom holds nemesis was vulcan's twin sister planet under taurus, therefore it is taurus and will not effect this system, but will let loose nemesis. Nemesis (sometimes mistaken for Nibiru) is also told to cross paths with the inner planets before this time as the main cause.
-This phase of earth is told to actually sink large masses of land completely and create island chains, or new mountains in the americas as opposed to dislocate them meaning only one thing, the mass of the water and its atmosphere will stay the same but the mass of the earth will get smaller or erode quickly and atomic matter will go into space via a great wind. The fifth age will end when Nibiru of Orion (Nemesis, a dark angel under virgo whilst Nibiru is a dwarf or dying star with the jupiter-like planet akin to two jupiters is a twin star of vulcan where one is flung into our system to create woe then much later the other sends its planet) comes into our logos and causes a massive 1million year old ice age though. One thing is known, the star Nemesis in Virgo&Orion is told to bring a planet akin to Hercules as a jupiter-like planet to devastate this system. They say Nibiru was the companion star to Vulcan a long time ago upon the beg of creation and is why the two stars met to create karma, where one was let lose and the other one was to die via a two star system in taurus and virgo. Vulcan created its own solar system to bring some planets in our system, whilst Nemesis was let lose to die or fall in the far future, which is why this star vulcan had a destructive oblong orbit which diminished it into Mercury. It is because Vulcan was a companion star to a double star solar system cycling our system or a rarity in cosmology, to see a double star system is virtually non-existent but for mizar&alcor (alcor and mizar are love and marriage or connection as a male and reception as a female whilst da'at is wisdom or unselfishness). The foreign moon of Neptune, Triton in Leo was possibly once a jupiterian body of fire (now a core) whom belonged to this system as was Saturn. Nemesis must have carried the four horsemen of the apoc via Taurus and Virgo. Nemesis aka planet to Nibiru is infact a solar system, and the 4 horsemen are signs of the largest zodiacs (pisces, leo & capricorn), pisces is famine, capri is death, leo is conquest to start pestilence where the 4rth sign is hercules aka herculeam or coincidentally aries or the ram as a war bringer or harbinger whom carries war is also the jupiterian planet to hit our system. He is watcher of the 7th ray and holder or gate keeper of the 7 seals. The lamb of god is a carrier of sin, therefore virgo is nemesis currently or taurus as the star vulcan with its dark angel as virgo turned into its daughter gemini (vulcan turns into a comet then into gemini in the great past from stars to solar systems) via a 2 star system. The sixth age will come with heavy floods and in the seventh age the moon will leave the earth and the earth will burn under virgo. Some speculate the arrival of the star Nibiru in Tau before Andromeda (leo unites with taurus). In 500,000 ad the human race will perish completely. The messiah of kings is the height of mankind where the west of judah is humiliated by the east via nuclear war where the young society achieves a skill or recognition, an unskilled carpenter gains magical traits, a mastery of carpentry or height of their particular evolution, however this is told to happen much earlier than anticipated, probably around 2086. If there were to be even a minor pole-shift, it would be biblical and of prophecy. It would be on a scale of total devastation for the human race. The weight of the world would destroy mankind, yet its structures would remain. Changing temperatures and an ultimate cleansing would be regarded as a form of first experience eg palm trees would liter neighborhoods within a 100 years and species of unknown origins would reign upon the landscapes. If the race of the atlanteans were aquarian turned libran on this planet, the fifth race would be regarded as geminian in evolution or during these times. The temperatures would reemerge in the tropical if not for centuries then for a dozen lifetimes, yet reptilians or evolutionary races would not because they take millions of years to emerge as masters of the earth. The material world would vanish and a prehistoric one would be evident, even upon present times total isolation would reign. It is told a Geminian Jehova will be born under this sun, a christ-like master connected to Russia and the Camel race in egypt after man descends into savagery and reemerges from another ice-age, his kind is also the flood survivor in a future aryan ark, here is where the travels of Gulliver take place (a reign of Catholicism? in the far future) and as well where the primitive aspect of life or actual events is repeated as a smaller event.
428,000 ad the 4 moons of Nemesis is told to enter our system here as venus once entered upon the inner planets. The fifth age ends and the 6th age begins with an enormous ice-age to rival our previous one. This number is told to calculate the end of gemini not counting the tropical of 100 extra years (ie 2000 in religion or 2100 via its rays to miss the earth or arrive at our sun is a full cycle of the zodiac which ends 24,000 ad aka the end of aries as 0 bce and 24,000 bce so gemini is also 20,000ad....the number 2100 is a scam or false lie by the scientists of the tropical, it only takes the extra 100 years for rays to go from our sun past the earth and through our solar system!). Rays are not the sun's light but radiation from the logos going through our sun, therefore it travels much slower than light. 1 million years of cold will engulf the planet upon the arrival of the 7th age or ascent of the holy spirit. However, the Jupiterian planet Nemesis whom accompanies Nibiru and once Vulcan, a twin star system much like Mizar and Alcor was, is told to create havoc akin to never before in our system. Where the heavens are truly unreachable. Mars will leave for orion here, venus will chase the earth. Venus will gain rotation around our globe in its position (may or may not be accurate). The Death star of Orion is named Tyche in science as well ntb confused with Vulcan turned into Mercury is Virgo, such like venus being capricorn and taurus also being vulcan in the occult. A dwarf star with its own system. Betelgeuse explodes however this event is told to transpire much earlier around 20,000 ad. Some say this is the seventh age, whilst 5078 is the sixth age eg in the future, the polar ice-caps will melt and reenforce the atmosphere for hundreds of years prosperity will rise, cloning will occur, and the third world war will last for 20 years before this period. The wave may effect a type of release upon Nemesis in orion whom cycles our sun instead of the milky way galaxy in the first place. Capricorn as Osiris in the great past is Orion, and so is Lepus as Aries. If Virgo is a star or dark angel as companion of a Vulcan aka Nemesis then Nibiru is Taurus, a dwarf star whom holds a jupiter-like planet in orion and is aka the lamb of god or companion of a once great vulcan in the past (soul wise the dinosaur age and human age would be in difference to how the sun travels by maybe an inch). This dwarf star is told to have the lamb release Nemesis whom will enter our system with four moons carrying it (war as aries, pestilence as pisces, conquest as leo and capricorn as death or the old will return for the new) and bring the earth into an ice age. This means only another heavenly body can influence a pole-shift or change the earth's path. If the earth's path were to change just a little, the processes to get it back to its position would not only be crucial but may be fatal for a planet (outside influences of the 1st age-moon est 1b-360m, 2nd age-vulcan est 47m, 3rd age-saturn/jupiter/neptune est 18m 4rth age mercury/venus est 85k). In this doctrine, the phases of the earth are mentioned to not be from macrocosmical sources sometimes (ie 85k can be 850k or 18m can be 850k etc). Typhoons or atmospheric phenomenon are not included in polar shifts. However, when Nibiru via vulcanus or herculeam as Nemesis (2 dwarf stars as vulcan/herculeam within our system's lifespan is vulcan/nemesis or athena as virgo in orion holds hercules as a moon in aries within these two stars...athena in venus is regarded as Capricorn though@least when it gained second position ie a dark angel named Nemesis is true mother of troy, and Leda is merely a counterpart in Libra or its human mother where once again the Genesis {origin of life, big bang in science} in aquarius is hidden) arrives it will be the 4 horsemen (4 moons around a red jupiterian-like planet of fire) ie Hercules and the 7th ray (see ras al getti as the pole star). Hercolubus (Gliese 623) in hercules as 2 red dwarfs or dying stars is a mirror of nemesis, however nemesis is aligned with Orion currently via V838 Monocerotis in astronomy. The moons are supposedly supposed to contact our inner logoi via a slanted position and literally skip the outer planets however the planet itself will push venus onto mars so that it can leave your system. Here we have the present orbit of mars however it will swing into the asteroid belt. Take heed on these words, first comes ison with world wars (2012) then 3 days of darkness (2087) then 1000 years of peace until the end of the fourth age where the 4 moons arrive in your system (2160) and finally the end of the fifth age (428,000) where the sixth age will be a spirit whom lost its form and the 7th age formlessness. This one pass will even create such havoc as to fling earth into the asteroid belt temporary or be the cause for the 1 million year ice age, technically the 3rd ice age on earth, yet the 2nd with organisms.
5 million ad the earth is expected to leave the sun. 1 million ad life is expected to perish completely, the environment will be too hostile for earth (the earth will fail to go to hercules or the Great globular cluster in hercules (M13) as the north star, it will enter death upon reaching Ophiuchus or the 7th ray). Mercury will become a Geminian entity or logoi under the libran star sirius. Vega will not be a northern pole star (yet will be a far north one, or in the northern head) of this system either for it is totally alien. 3 million ad life becomes uninhabitable, 3 million ad humans go extinct, in 1 million of those years, possibly 1 million ad life goes into the third ice-age or asteroid belt. Rock is expected to liquify and turn into frozen magma with an asteroid purple and black-like appearance or environment. The rock itself will return to or make a voyage into Gemini, the moon however will be a part of the asteroid belt, which means it will go into Fomalhaut, Meru the fallen angel in atlantean scripture. 10 million ad The sun is expected to turn into a comet and die or disappear into the galactic spiral, it will finish its journey or loop from whence it came, its manas or spirit will return to leo. Many ozone holes are told to arrive. The sun turns on its poles every 2000 so years. However, it rotates every 28 days. Its tropical cycle is now 13 months which is an ancient sidereal date that spanned millions of years ago. Earth is 4 minutes faster now. Millions of years ago, a month was a zodiacal sign. The fact is, earth got faster through space then millions of years ago. It also has 12 zodiac signs now. The earth had 6 & 12 months in a year in traveling from ursa major millions of years ago. Only Now it has 13 months, just like the sun. The 4 poleshifts aren't calculations. They are but factors of realignment. Before it had 4, 7, 12 and 13 months. The future ages (5th, 6th&7th) or ecliptic may hold 9 zodiac signs, 11 or 13, one does not yet know (wip). The sun got much faster, yet its rotation slowed down. We would expect the earth is just following suit. This is told to be a shift via the dry age or 7th sun. The polestars aligned with ages are none linear before the moon as '0' (ursa major), alkaid (capricorn), kochab (libra), thuban (aries), polaris (aquarius), errai (gemini), Ras Al Gethi in hercules (none), none or sivic death. Hercules is a Saturnian system (Ras al getti, a saturnian system is held here which represents death), if the great globular cluster is a nebular whom originated a star or arien monad that entered our milky way to collide with a star from leo, we may assume hercules to be the last pole-star. However Taurus or the Krittika represent the perfect number of 10. The moon is infact going to fohat to become dust. The last pole shift of earth will be caused by a simple tipping due to no atmosphere. However, crystallized earth is a permanent 7th ray energy hence it will become a sacred planet or transmute into one upon the 7th age. The fact is with materialism or not, even with the powers to manipulate and create matter from nothing, the human race and its scientists have 18 million years of missing evolution to contend or deal with. Nibiru is told to come in tau to return as eve, the four winds are moons. The moon itself will be cracked severly. The seventh age of Capricorn ends along with its race.
7 billion ad marks the supposed collision of andromeda albeit scientists say 5 billion yet these galaxies will last for trillions of more years. The final numbers of the ages are 12-7 (1st age earth/fem), 13 (2nd age/masc), 10 (3rd age/fem), 12 (current 4rth age/masc) and 10 (5th age/fem) again. The 5th, 6th and 7th ages are 10, 9&11. These zodiacal stars are not present fully as of yet, the only proof we have is the current transition from 12 to 13 and the female side of the moon coming into play via 3102 bce. The pole shift however will change it to 10. The pole-shift of 5100 ad is told to be a simple shift of the magnetic field from its 26,000 year cycles. The earth does not change polestars as most have thought. It is thought to effect the earth this time, do to the loss of atmosphere. The center of our galaxy enters Pisces, the christ child's prophecies all come into fruition. They say the eighth root race will last until 8 million years as primates, connected to the chimpanzee, however little is known about this evolutionary scheme. It is told the earth and mercury will follow an orbit into another logos in gemini. It is also said Mercury will become one of many moons from that world or the next logoi, as our world is made up of many moons from past systems, particularly vulcan and once a tri-star system of malkuth aka ursa major. The constellations move towards the east in a clockwards pattern to retain its posi because they are in fact moving downwards, this can only mean one thing, they do not significantly change in the thousands of years up to 90000 ad stars in cetus will be in aquarius ie gemini is the father of aquarius&virgo its burden (ie Eridanus is Tau in Orion whom connects itself to the whale fish or Cetus however scriptures say Gemini is the famed being of Orion), however it is not proven that stars will be in chaos, therefore only one thing can occur, a pole-shift or new age is imminent before this date. Hence Orion defeats the Lion or Leo as Hercules did or Orion is infact the 3 fathered philosophical child as the god Dayus or Leo (apollo or the sun), Taurus (vulcan) and the gates of Gemini (mercury). The halo or zodiacal ring will continue an atomically slanted route. It is the cross to the galactic belt. Hercules is Cancer when a Cancerian monad was the center of the zodiac meaning on malkuth and not this world ie bootes as virgo/aquarius (aries even then still retains its form when these zodiacal stars are or were in chaos) in the distant past where light travels at a certain speed. Sirius was in Cancer and Gemini in the year 85,000 bce, Rama's time indicates a big jump or skip of the planets however (via stellarium). The tick loses control and goes forwards or no longer resets upon another pole-shift or age even. These ages mean that the earth resets its zodiacal stars or constellations in a way (ie a dead star not of the zodiac becomes libra or libra becomes virgo, yet when none enter another zodiac from its zodiac is when the zodiac itself is reformed by the gods themselves or only dead stars outside the zodiac may enter it to reform it). Perseus frees&marries Andromeda (a galaxy which holds piscean-virgoan-geminian rays) or destroys a sea monster (aquarius-virgo) hence a Piscean being is freed by cancer or dies with it in the far future from its enemies as the parents or destroyers, Cassiopeia in aries and Cepheus in Gemini (birth and death as one, or death as a birth of somesort). Libra meets Sirius upon the far southern oceans of time. Scorpius is Lupus in the far future. The halo goes left whilst the globe turns right. The tick is the earth gaining momentum in sagitti every 4 years. The dark side of earth has magnetism, the light of the zodiac is infact magnetic light whom pushes forward the stars. The ring going to the right is infact the sun traveling forward, evident not in the 100s of years, but in the tens of 1000s! The fact is Pisces and Cancer is often described as the veiling signs of the zodiac. The stars of orion will hold the sun around 30,000 ad. This much is known, the earth rock will become a moon on another world in gemini under the 7th sun or monad in our galaxy. The moon (or earth, we may speculate earth will go into fohat and the moon to gemini, however we are but limited in this area where spheres become globular or uniformed rocks) will go into Fohat, the divine energy source. We presume the 4 moons will throw our planet into an ice-age, and nemesis would enter our system upon the sixth age to throw it into an asteroid belt, the 7th age will be nibiru contacting our star in a few million years. It will nurture the seed, and grow life on another planet similar to earth.
5 trillion years marks a new from the beg. Within 5 trillion years marks a creation of a new planetary system near our region which we will aptly name as a future solar system in Gemini where karma will retake its place. A solar system within a solar system will be created in a world similar to ours in Gemini. This world will be in the other side of the milky way and naturally be more advanced. The moon splits in two and enters fohat, this can happen if the body is thrown against the earth. There is to be a solar system in Gemini whom will give life to organisms as this one did so in Cancer. It is said the spirit of the soul will reside in each living creature with its own corresponding zodiac as this world and worlds after it gave life. The closest galaxy to form will probably be in gemini. By now remnance of a dead earth will be lost in 'water' or the vacuum of space. We presume andromeda will collide and have a zodiacal power of 4 with Libra and one of the main or large logoi (currently its pisces-virgo-gemini and in this system its leo-pisces-capricorn as the largest of the logos). Another interesting fact is andromeda holds 7 logos whilst our planet does 12, or will hold 10? or 7 becomes 8? or 9? We only know the 7 sacred logos are connected to andromeda for only a master could be able to travel there and divulge such occultic information. This can only mean one thing, Andromeda will become bigger or will deflect the masculinated triangulum galaxy somehow (it has been already proven in science, galaxies become bigger when they merge with other galaxies, if triangulum merges with this though it will be too small and on its outer banks, like sagitti is to our own). The souls of this world will be carried on to the next to finish or complete its forms. Here occult secrets will be taught to man. So if the masters revere the lotus, it means they revere sirius and what mercury will become because mercury is the lotus form in this system, therefore they even sacrifice (take direction) themselves for a higher being or a being whom understand christ even more. Hence the lotus is the cycling atom.67 trillion years from now It is said the universe will die, however we presume it to be 100 trillion years until a new universe is created where the movement of the zodiac signs (soul wise) will last until this universe ends. Christianity is harder spiritually than buddhism because one does not reincarnate, therefore follows a greater being, with buddhism one is able to return to the earth. Afterwhich the milky way will enter a black hole via its total lifespan of 3 trillion years (disputed against science, it is told galaxies can only sustain life in the beg, as it rotates the stars gain momentum and become unbearable for them to lock and hold planets, they become too small for trillions of years basically...our galaxy is considered young, the older the galaxy the more advanced). Something moved, a seed was born, one must be aware of this fact. Reality is indeed a seed or flower of nature where earth represents the 8 wide-leaf lotus. If Andromeda collides to grow bigger, other galaxies can reform (be born and die) via age and entropy eg 1 trillion is just a small portion or percentage of 6 trillion years of age. It may end in 7 trillion years where the milkyway will outlast it even. Even by this time of more than 411 trillion will the universe survive. Ragnorak is told to end all reality where baldr (aries) dies by a female sagitti named the giantess Rindr and Váli (sag) prevails in our world. Rindr, appropriately named baldr's nightmare or an archetype&intervener of lilith. On another topic we will include andromeda even, for it is what will collide with our galaxy to become bigger. Its zodiac is going to be libra-virgo-pisces-gem as our largest are capricorn-leo-pisces...some say its still connected to the sacred 7. Triangulum as a masc entity will prevail in its outer banks here. Here we will divulge the ultimate secret, the universe's lifespan via quasars. Quasars (the brightest light in the known universe) are black holes or the end of a previous universe. They are heavy matter so they were drawn away from the center. They are connected to monadic activity or the super soul of the last universe. They are so great in distance, that if its light were to reach a reincarnating body it would take trillions of years ie the secret of reincarnation is the creator's light will reach it in trillions of years, if this creator is sinful it will be cut off early like a thoughtform or a shadow. The creator is of a master level...the super soul is so great as to be the only black holes in the universe. When our universe enters ragnorak or a black hole of intense light at high speeds, all the galaxies will do so. So black holes do not exist but for in quasars, they are trillions of lightyears away, the galaxy is so great it can devour other galaxies and give birth to them before this conspicuous event. Even then, the quasar which is a black hole, would be one of many million quasars to the prev universe and if a galaxy were to become this black hole, so to speak, it would be a vacuum, however a galaxies vacuum is infact a collapsed star...so what does that mean? The galaxy can end and leave no trace to leave many dwarf stars or nebulas. That means when a galaxy ends it is born or reborn again (regenerated constantly). The andromeda galaxy can only get bigger! Ragnorak will happen in possibly 111 trillion years! And even then their will be a greater being then yourself or a master whom can comprehend the andromeda galaxy and even travel to it. One thing is known black holes are a fabrication made up by science to enlighten the mass. We will move with the elements when our time passes to also be reborn. Galaxies will not die but be reborn in its previous state for within their microbial habitats or warming zones of the elements or our souls are much like the elements...limited yet free to do what we will. More research here may be needed.111 trillion years a new universe is born from its old radiation and the cosmic ether is then decided as god. God becomes a new zodiacal pattern of light. We presume the number 3 may be 3 universes until creation ultimately can not create, however one only knows with experience. Worlds will live and die and die again. Ragnarok commences or andromeda collides with the milky way in a few trillion it is presumed..creating the first of many quasars in this universe or first black holes (the quasars of the last universe are the only known active black holes) or indicating a universal change into the 3rd phase (becoming bigger). Quasars or black holes aren't really present in the present state of the universe, they are regarded as the brightest, largest and farthest known objects in science, however the monads whom through galaxies into empty godless space far exceed them (even quasars are atoms to these unknown gods of light from the last universe). The legends of Mizar in Andromeda gain momentum or the Triangulum galaxy as Aries or the race of Ram also creates the fathomization of a black hole by navigating around andromeda (or andromeda gets bigger?). It is possible, even then there would be life though, hence the universe ends simultaneously as a chain reaction or through a section of the zodiacal gate (ie 12 becomes a different number, later..or if its possible to fathom a 4 minute change since the beg of the zodiac, it may go a few minutes forward even more!). Because the shear size of the universe outweighs the milky way galaxy's light, this following sentence is probably the case...a continuation of the present universe and shear disappearance of these bodies or the galactical black holes which will become present are known to cause disappearance, they are not big enough in the present universe to create an end persay. They are not monadic either, which is interesting because they are shear infinite light, yet if many galaxies can create a vortex of some sort like a galaxy does to stars, you will see a new quasar for the next universe. Interesting enough, only a quasar would have this ability to close in so to speak into another quasar? Much questions and little answers are known about the end of a universe or even its creation (creator? yes, stars leave an aura or magnetic pocket when they collapse into light, however this is not a vacuum but a temporary one, a magentic trail, memory or brief spirit) or the first is always the last etc etc. If one was creator, one would be questioned about reincarnation. By the time you reach them (radiation from the light of a prev universe) you would have become a shear shadow or thoughtform, even without ye sin do they cometh. Souls will live as stars to relive again and again as well. Magic will be abundant and ambrosia (darma) will become the lights of all light. One must even ask the question as to what if these quasars or nearest forms of monad as material energy or most intense light in the universe are many? To even be a devil is a great gift, for man has to work for him and he gets freed the labor or control by its peoples from its coils. Aliens or higher species curse us this way, in order to punish elementary forces with plagues and diseases. One will not be found, but only god will find him. The ocean does not sleep yet it does not take heed or notice either. You will live in a dream and be reborn again and again in one universe until the time is to come. To understand the macrocosm one must neglect the microcosm or submit to fact upon doing so. Realization of the Aquarian truth or God as light in our present galaxy has been written about since the times of Israel, however it is still not fully known or talked about. The Piscean entity turns into Deva substance, a cycling atom, galactical rotation or a Demonic Siva (Giant Demon) of some sort in evolutionary standards. If the galaxies were to truly end, then it will be much later, much much later than the andromeda collision. When the universe is in that state, it will presume this much, the stars will move in the speed of light towards a center. They will move so fast as to create this fabricational disbelieving black hole of theirs, however every galaxy in every known portion of the universe would need have to be in this state of intense light travel for it to occur (eg what are quasars? really fast light. Are they many? yes however they are distant apart. Are black holes the end? No and yes, the universe enters a state of light becoming really fast in the end, or galaxies collapse and are reborn somehow& possibly there is a beg or a 3rd aspect of the universe..they look like great stars or monads from [unto our? an explosion away from the center] another universe actually, too many questions can be sought here so black holes do not truly exist in the occult). Here we will divulge upon the ultimate secret of creation, quasars are remnances of a monad which is also known as unreachable light of the previous universe. Therefore there are many quasars and our universe is the center of creation. The monads revolved around the center and went outwards leaving destruction, they inturn were black holes or really fast unknown light. When they left the center they left many black holes or stars as fast light. The stars of this great body are many, and number in the millions from each monad ie a quasar is created from friction of atoms or nothingness as the ultimate magi or there was no true big bang in the universe but possibly a split from the source so-to-speak. When the vacuum gets too fast it becomes light, not inter-dimensional space. The center is the universe, so describes the 12 gates. Each gate is radiation of unknown light from quasars eg a monad is light of all lights, a quasar however is dying light or a type of friction or black hole as vacuum and light from this great body or previous universe aka creation...then there is the universe in the center where the monads left off. The population of asgard in Greenland was materially overpopulated like the Sichuan pennisula of today in China. Hence we are like children to greater beings anyways. The stars, albeit slow even they move too quickly. It is fairly difficult to defeat Maya. One can not defeat (start) it unless one is regarded as god. The Christ spirit can literally see the globe changing colors and form from fall to spring to winter in color or green to yellow (in ground level or maybe like mountain tops will shine and glare for him during the winters) etc. One notes the morning light as opposed to the evening and dawn are what changes around the globe, whether clouds and humidity refract the light or not may be a factor though. As well is the color of nature to change because of this light almost daily due to the rotation of the earth around our sun. Jesus Christ is the light of all lights, hence he sows the morning dawn, like you knit a sweater, he knits or has strewn the sky. His halo was so immense and strong, when it rained water would not hit him. The Christ spirit never changes eg Cuba, once known as Daitya is similar to the coastal areas of australia. Hence under Gemini the earth is aligned with the sun's light, eg farthest from the sun. However God is immaculate or never (forever) proven. Virgo is shear elemental. The rejected father is indeed capricious and they reject him for unknown means. Florida's space geography is slightly muddier or grey so-to-speak. In every version, in every aspect and in every reality, atlantis is regarded as a rich nation by default. When the poles were misaligned by venus recently, not only the jews but yet all of lower-nature under the sun was in the sidereal for a few thousand years. Upon judgement a young child will be equivalent to an older one, a woman to a man and an adult to an old man. To return to the source so to speak, or have the source return to you (we recommend the programs of celestia or stellarium to verify cosmological errors). Even the devil looks, however there is no heaven or hell, only middle heaven (capewa as the home world of jesus christ under sagitti and capricorn), cold hell (malkuth, presumed to be old earth), hot hell (hod which resides in fohat as aries in pisces, once aquarius is infact a planet under scorpio), upper heaven (netzah, a sky planet in virgo presumed to be scorched by fire), lower heaven (venus under libra as the fifth star) and middle earth or the way to dharma. The scriptures confuse the mass, hence upper or higher heaven is neztah of virgo, high heaven is da'at of sagitti, middle heaven is earth of gemini, lower heaven is chesed or venus of libra (however some regard lower heaven higher than earth hence the sky is god) and hot hell is hod of scorpio whilst cold hell is malkuth also of gemini. The planet itself experiences 23 months in a year. Explosion might be creation, implosion might be infact a form of destruction ie the blackhole is not a powerful vacuum that can suck up stars but where stars are born. This central point is infact an atomic exchange. Its basically the gaseous light of dead stars, ie dead light particles circling in a central point. Galaxies turn into dust at different intervals yet are material atoms (stars) upon creation. Lower-nature is barred from Higher heaven, basically. God is the one therefore he decides what will become of the spirit and soul.
*see also Esoteric Chronology for a shorter summary of these events