Esoteric Chronology of Events

411 trillion years ago the universe is born.  Since then Neztah in virgo defeats Hod in scorpius of Andromeda. Good vs evil and heaven/hell is deciphered.  It is told this universe is born from the previous universe, one the cancerian sign witnesses.

6 trillion years ago the milky way galaxy is born under cancer and scorpio.  A few tr years ago (approx 12 tr to 12 billion) vulcan in virgo is unleashed from its sister star nibiru in tau.  The primary reason for our species to be reborn, and for suffering aka reincarnation on earth.  Malkuth must have been stars at this time ready to turn to carbon and create old earth.  We think Malkuth had 4 ages or poleshifts even, whilst planets like the moon may have been foreign to this global devolution.  We also think it had an asteroid as a moon, name Nabu after the Babylonian god of wisdom and that malkuth was significantly larger than earth, and more round.  One thing is known, all matter resides under the cancerian body on the border of pisces.  On that border resides Andromeda in pisces.  Andromeda held Heaven and Hell, Netzah and Hod.  When Hod died in Andromeda, the Milky way was not ready to Host life.  It took an unknown amount of time for the over-industrialized Hod under the scorpio spirit to travel to our milky way, and reside in its fallen angel, Fohat.  Andromeda releases Hod for it to enter the body of Cancer.  Only in this way is Pisces older than Cancer where Fohat in Aries is the supposed falllen angel of Tiferat (earth)'s moon Binah-jehovah like Vega is of Da'at.  Both higher and lower races fear this star sign for this reason alone. 

1 trillion years ago old earth is born under mizar, half of it splits via an object in cancer called theia reforms and descends to our sun.  Mizar is aligned with the same tilted galactical plane as our earth naturally, whilst Capella is aligned with the galactical plane itself.  If Castor upon creation were to be regarded as a black magician then Pollux is a white one, therefore it is the first brother as the second whom comes to earth and isn't saved.  Castor is the one whom dies on earth as the second number or star farther from Pollux, yet an inexperienced Pollux sends a messenger or an angel via Jupiter& this may be Jupiter itself upon creation, the last planet from the sun.  Theiea is a rogue moon which collided with malkuth under mizar and a goddess of gold dust under greek astrology, therefore affiliated with a false god.  The world of Malkuth (23x20=40 day months at 460 yet the rotation from mizar after the event to this system was 36hrs as a day) or old earth must have had great magi, giants and dragons or unseen folklore.  Malkuth was formed instantaneously via heat from a collection of stars, like how hot copper cools in water.  Its sister planet of the same twin star, yesod was infact imperial.  It was a planet of the cheribs under the star alcor.  It is believed Yesod went into their sun, however we have yet to speculate its origin and death (malkuth was the greater body of earth).  The african race represents that planet like the greek race represented Malkuth.  However, like their brother planet they were more aryan 4rth race in appearance ie the earth is representated universally to the masters by the asian people.  It was fairly imperial, and the masonic obelisk originates from that region.

33 billion years ago the sun becomes a fixed star via passes by vulcan which draw neptune from orion and uranus (uranus comes first), they intermingle and spread, planets are born and die.  Nibiru must be a dying red star or once companion of vulcan, nemesis&its 4 horsemen or moons must be from a chain of Planets such as Herculobus etc.  The earth is a masculine planet or planets themselves are regarded as moons in the occult.  The sun slows, hence the prophecies are true, leo leaps over taurus to align itself in the zodiac and becomes a fixed star (slows against solar wind which infact carries the galaxy's arm. Infact leo I and II are the closest neighborhood galaxies to our own, proving once more we reside on the border of cancer yet still within it).  The reason why Vulcan entered our system is because it was killed by our sun in a rare direct collision to turn into Mercury and here is occultly why sirius may also be affiliated with Mercury in the far future.  

14 billion years ago, the sun is created.  12-7 billion years ago, saturn arrives then jupiter shortly after 12 billion years vulcan arrives inside the heliosphere to deoxygenate the sun.  It is believed that the oort cloud or the crown of thorns, that jesus wore is created.  The occult speculates the planets to arrive 8-7 billion years ago (This number could also be 10).  The secondary asteroid belt or the outer ring.  The christ spirit as the alpha and the omega.  A secondary asteroid belt that bore and consumed planets under the sun before all else.

8 billion years ago jupiter causes saturn to spin into uranus/neptune.  Jotunheim as Siva must have fell in another system, it must have become Capricorn in this system after outracing Saturn.  It must have gained the fixed cross there hence the blood of Chronos does indeed taint Jesus.  Saint Peter represents the upside down or cardinal cross in Aries, once as a fixed cross via Uranus.  The cross was not upside down, persay, yet simply tilted sideways or it lies on its back as a dead unfertilized body.  The bascillia where he was crucified is pointed at some 90 degrees from the pole representing a tilt by Uranus.  When a planet enters a star it is transmutated via the poles, and the rotation or equator facing its zodiacal counter-part is measured to that corresponding zodiac.

7 billion years ago the sun becomes a fixed star via outside passes by vulcan in virgo, mars becomes first planet under the sun via neptune before all else.  It became the first terrestrial planet under the inner rings when Uranus and Neptune and the Sun were alone.  It was told to be held by both planets with only Neptune briefly.  It was also held by Vulcan briefly.  A key to the occult is Saturn was a part of Vulcan's solar system& Uranus much earlier on along with Mars.  Mars is infact a messenger to Neptune or not Native and part of Vulcan's solar logoi, however it was carried by Neptune to enter the inner rings, an alien planet from orion&before this it attached to Vulcan from Orion itself therefore deemed the most native world or oldest spirit amongst the must have come from the pleiades, basically attaching to the nibiru vulcan system somehow. And before this orion.

4 billion years ago the earth arrives under our sun, the pole stars as the great bear leave upon the first age hence since the dawn of creation, 36 hours has turned into 24 hours and the north pole (once in southern alaska, however alaska was farther in the north at this time) has moved 4 clicks back to its present form, the sidereal at 23 degrees from the tropical (89-66=23 between 23 degrees and 0 there were 4 poleshifts).  It became 24 hours via Vulcan in 47mbce, after withstanding a great ice-age before this that killed life on your planet.  The moon (binah) arrives from Sirius in Libra as a 10 star zodiac and non-sacred planet under Cancer.  The polestar is Capricorn, Tau, Gem etc in intervals with Ursa Major and Capricorn being the last revolution before it became stationary in Mizar/alcor.  Before Earth became slow due to the ice-age (up to 36 hours a day), it was fairly fast.  Before the moon came, the earth was at least 4 hrs in rotation to even faster, in almost a comet phase.  Yet life still bore on it in solid space, microbia (moss can live without oxygen yet dies within a month in water, hence moss needs no water to thrive) from the previous world malkuth (the cancer sign destroys malkuth).  The earth a long time ago took on a lotus form or an oval around the sun temporary in order to align with the sun.  This is the origin of the longest day (dec 22nd) and shortest day on earth.  However it travels in a perfect circle and equator.  The moon, an oval in the lotus form.  A dish is created through contact with our moon and fertilization is made via melting or thawing and minature ice-ages.  We may presume if two golden eggs were to merge in space under our yellow sun (yellow outside the sphere and to the spirit yet when in direct light to its core, white in color within the sphere hence stars are colors), it would be the moon and the earth.  Mars, a perfect circle, slightly oblong or tilted.

2 billion years ago the moon finishes fertilization, many ice-ages occur. Mars is destroyed by diomedes in sag or a giant rock which creates the helas basin destroying all possibilities of life yet oxygen is still retained.  Presumed to have occurred 1 billion years ago.  At 2 billion bce monerans under the sun undergo photosynthesis and become the first plant life.  This creates high oxygen levels.  The atmosphere is born.  It is presumed earth met the moon one billion years ago in the occult.  The occult presumes fertilization lead lemuria from 3 continents into 4, with the eye of cyclops (west coast america) being an entry and exit wound.  A capricious secret possibly found.

360 million years ago (306 bce) the earth's ice sheets melt via the moon, start of the first age. The lunar age becomes the melting of glaciers eg evolution of land as pangea due to the moon itself creating its tip to indra (orion as mt sumeru) as a southern pole.  NTB confused with the first root moon-colored race.  The first root race appeared on earth at approx 300,000,000 years after the earth fell so to not be able to eat organic matter which grew new to earth hence the caulks (red-yellow race) reside on all planes of existence (hpb sd II).  300,000,000 years of development came to being from the mineral and vegetable ie 300,000m yrs prior to the point of 18million years ago. At around this time life appears in oceans.  The ice-age is still not felt.

220 million years ago life emerges on land.  Here we will elaborate on the trajectory of Mercury.  Mercury takes about 2 months to spin on its axis, however when it was vulcan it only took precisely 3 months.  The sun managed to carry the dying star alone it within its axis.  If one notices Mercury's orbit, it is infact still a wide leafed lotus with 4 points.  That means, it still rotates around the leaf of the lotus which then rotates every 3 months, or infact now 88 days.  What was the lotus is now a dead oval shaped leaf.  Yet today, the oval shape is infact fairly round.  No science can prove this, yet we still conjure the number 3 as important, and the outer ring of the heliosphere as unpenetratable unless a dying star grows much smaller or weaker.  Vulcan must make a transition from 47mbce to 27mbce or it must be a number of the tropical to sidereal 27,000 year cycle hence aligned earth once again into the tropical.  Also the planet as we speak must connect itself to the spirits of aquarius, gemini and virgo.  A lunar poleshift is created at 1mbce due to neptune at 2 degrees.  Vulcan is connected to the number 12 or 12 million as its life cycle or zodiacal pass (ie the sun is 26thousand or 2 thousand years for each zodiac sign). We will presume this to be a fraction of 12million however, vulcan was a dying star. Infact its odd number is only present as 27 and 47mbce because it neared 13million as its life cycle or zodiacal passing.  However the life that appears on land becomes the first to witness a mass extinction event.  The Ice age takes its toll to freeze all life on earth by 47 mbce.  Evolution was too slow.  Today, the sun is in the age of aquarius starting 2,000 ad. Every 2,000 years it passes a sign.  So we can say vulcan was tropical turned into sidereal.

47 million years ago vulcan enters again the solar logos as a comet or large planet and pierces earth into the sidereal start of the second age, typhoons set and osiris are unleashed. The early stages of the triassic period end around 35 million years ago and dinosaurs are told to have gained their highest form.  Dinosaurs are infact large because the atmosphere was thick, the land greater and the earth larger, yet today the atmosphere is larger than before.  Lemurians are also told to have evolved at this point somehow.  Svalbald stayed in position, whilst greenland flipped when in the polar tip.  The Mediterranean sea to the black sea and the Caspian.  Asgard must have shaped alaska itself via Vulcan.  Mercury is Vulcan here, a giant star in our macrocosm.  Start of the 2nd age.  If Vulcan had never come this planet would have been shear ice at 36 hours, evolution would have stagnated (that and salt water does not freeze easily).  36 hours, a time which originated from the planet Malkuth becomes 24 hours. Sidereal earth is born, the earth eliminates the ice-age and gains a path closer to the sun.  The pole star is ursa major as mizar and alcor in aries in possible transition to the next. Although some evidence shows rivers running through north africa, the occult confirms the Sahara was created by Seth, 47 million years ago, and not at any age of the 19mbce extinction event (the extinction event was not a pole shift ie no macrocosmic bodies within the logoi were of influence).

*18 million years ago lemuria dies, atlanteans gain their highest form.  An asteroid hits the dinosaurian island of the Yucatan pennisula in the then pacific, creating a mass extinction event of the dinosaurs.  Neptune/uranus esp saturn/jupiter unleash asteroid belt rock onto the planet (Saturn may have collided lunar rock or moons with neptune then jupiter).  End of the dinosaurs. Also the fall of alien man.  The moon as androgynous (spinning) and a first eden in sumatra is established.  The sun enters 13 rotations a year instead of 12 (25x13=325 in libra ie the sun now rotates as if its the cancerian polar star to the aquarian one; currently its 364 or 26x14 or increasing basically).  It is said the Dragon's triangle is the dragon's head or upper region of the bracelet which disappeared into time however the occult notes it as the russian region of Sakalin or remnance of the upper portion of the 'S'.  19 million yrs ago bce lemuria dies.  The First true eden on earth in Sumatra after the isolation of Madagascar and creation of Eve is hidden.  There must have been a human species whom devolved on this island from rama's time or a half-man, half simian one, proof is the variety of 100s of monkey species to travel accross a vast ocean is impossible, also the ancient map tells us the island to be split off and isolated against the world since the beginning of time.  Eve was originally the second wife of adam, where the first wife aka lilith or the darkside of the moon is born of jealousy presumably in asia.  An unknown union occurs with the sign of Leo to Cancer (taurus/capricorn as venus or tau/aries maybe unworldly).  Aries however, is connected to a gateway planet or star of Vulcan or similar to vulcan in another galaxy.  A Comet hits earth at the yucatan and kills the dinosaurs at precisely 19 million years.  However the flooding event is evident and smaller asteroid collisions occur on a regular basis due to the outer planets.  The indian craters of lord siva from malkuth should infact be ignored here.  The second age is evidence of asteroid impacts in the oceans, or land has risen as opposed to fell due to evaporating waters (daitya as a triangle, see also the galapogas connected to the yucatan, precise map of data currently not present or missing, however evolution suggests the dimetrodon came into being from that area as the iguana or the Galapagos was truly never isolated as darwin suggests).  The outer planets constantly bombard the earth with rock.  Satan is the first Adam whom falls and kills an empregnated spouse of its cousin within a city of western united states against a royal family, to create the mark of cain.  The polestar is kocab in libra.  Daitya is told to split from its copperhead form, albeit slowly.  It takes nearly until 1million bc for it to completly divide.  The reason being is saturn.  We think Atlantis is infact Asgard or Greenland, and it may have shifted or a much weaker inbalance similar to the 85k event divided the land in the atlantic.  We postulate, the east coast here rose and was put into place before 85k, yet the true factor is atlantis aka asgard shifted (47m-18m years via the dinosaur era, alaska was facing the sun, 18m bce-85k, during the third age it was aligned with the north and from 85kbce to now the sun is facing russia it is presumed).  It was blocking an entry point and creating a great current which became the bermuda triangle.  Daitya splits its triangular form 18m years ago, the reason is asgard or atlantis which shifts a little was blocking a pacific current to the head of the earth.  With this and the alaskan strait blocked, no passage of water into the northern strait could be made.  It cycled greatly in the mid atlantic, and this minute poleshift, or the lesser of the 4 created a shift of daitya in the atlantic.  This current moved the land of daitya upwards over millions of years.  The third poleshift, the one that occurred 18million years ago is the weakest of the 4.  However, it let water cycle around the head of the earth.  This is also reason for the bermuda triangle, and the birth of the typhoons seth (47mbce via vulcan) and later horus (presumed 74k bce).  The occult degenerates science even further by stating the chicxulub crater was not a main reason for this poleshift.  It was influences by saturn and jupiter, towards an alien mind where Neptunian rock reaches earth (1mbce).  Saturn and Jupiter was creating a fairly harsh environment on earth via the asteroid belt whilst Chicxulub was a comet that struck earth from unknown origin.  Some speculate that the third age pole-shift is simply not there, was not supposed to happen or took millions of years do to the intervention of kocab in libra.  Some also notice daitya splits at this time via rock hitting the pacific from these two planets and emassing flood waters on the continent.  Daitya was simply in a really bad position on planet earth, the outer planets were simply aligning itself or its moons and still creating the asteroid belt in its process.  Chicxulub was an unknown from the south, possibly from vulcan itself, yet one does not simply come to an origin.  Raptors start climbing trees in northern china to gain flight.  The archaeopteryx becomes the bird.  4-legged Allosaurs loose teeth in south indonesia and crawl on all fours, the dimetrodon, a tree lizard in darwinian isles.  Where mammals are born to compete hence the power of devolution.  The key note, is the outer planets highly influenced earth upon this age as the inner ones did so the fourth age (moon-1st, vulcan- 2nd, outerplanets- 3rd, innerplanets-4rth, 5th incoming 4 moons, 6th incoming nemesis, 7th incoming atmospheric collapse &death eg the moon hits the earth and splits in two).  Briton was simply inside the body of europe at this time, and drifted away.  A comet strikes earth.  Continental drift theory becomes of importance for small land masses.  Start of the third age.

10 million years ago is theoretically when the ice-age starts or when mammalian evolution begins.  Humans were absent during the eocene. It took 1 million years for the lemurian gene to evolve in the fourth, via an extinction event placed 19million years ago.  This was the ultimate 4rth race form, in poseidonis amidst the now nevada desert.  As do trees die within 100 years, so does the landscape become unrecognizable.  The iceage may have started 18million years ago yet we use the term 10 million years of mammals loosely.  Hence, it doesn't become threatening until after the rama event.  It takes 8 million years for the dinosaurs to complete extinction, and for birds and mammals to dominate the earth, not through a poleshift directly, but through the natural polar cycles of the earth, through periodical 26,000 year polar tilts and cold tempatures.  However, the occult does not state the earth simply moved backwards, it stayed in position, and the poles moved indirectly.  The planet also moved or tilted eventually downwards.  A few degrees backwards or forwards would lead to mass extinction on a planetary scale for the environment, esp for the environment on the ground.  Tempatures would fluctuate or become simply too unbearable.  However even if the earth is moving away from the sun, it does not change its degree.  It stays in position through magnetism or a magnetic lock within the solar kingdom of god.  For the earth to move away the magnetic field would have to diminish or die.  However, the earth does just that, and it moves in an oval, unnoticeable elements within the hierarchy.  The eocene period or age of mammals begins where as moderate cooling of the earth via its natural 26k poleshifts take notice.  The Ice age extremities begin 85k bce after a major poleshift.  The ice-age itself begins upon the rama event of 1mbce where neptune strikes the earth.  Earth simply cools and becomes hostile (1mbce) to extremly hostile (85k bce) where a majority of its surface was indeed iced.

1 million years ago neptune bombards our moon with rock killing the space-age nara. Start of the first ice-age.  Ocean water rises drastically.  Scientists have found hominids in mass droves at the bottom of caves in south africa, which indicate water and Neptunian rock hitting earth 1.2 million years ago.  The Ark of eden, a space shuttle lands on the moon.  Mass entropy and bombardment by Neptune against the moon occur.  Civilization returns to its roots.  The pole-star is thuban.  Two interstellar leaders whom were beings of the Triangulum nebula and the Greater Magellanic Cloud settle on earth after a great flooding period and a total descent of material civilizations.  Water on land via rain creates mass entropy on earth to all its material civilizations.  The nara must have had sex with africans before they had sex with the germans, therefore the germans not only carry a gene of the nara, but a hidden gene of the african and indian as well.  The Dwarpa yuga under taurus begins at precisly 864k bce, and ramayana takes place just before the treta ends.  The rama epic commences@precisely 879,000 years ago when advanced civilizations once again show their primordial forms.  However the figure itself reincarnates in the periods of 1.2m bce before the nara were born in egypt at 1.7m bce.  1mbce-700,000=near 270,000 when Ruta sank (their silver city located at lake viti near the volcano askja, is a giant crater from old earth aka malkuth).  At 870k Laxman instigates a rebellion by cutting off the nose of Supunakha in Pisces and during battle killing an atlantean general and brother whom was named Khara in Cancer (khara died by an arrow shot by laxman, arrows were around even 1 million years ago, primitive weapons infact rise when civilizations fall...this can happen before a civilization progresses or after one falls, and in most cases under the occult it happens after one falls).  Hence pisces is closest proximity to the personality dwarf star which mimicks our sun, van maanen.  Laxman in scorpio defeats Indrajit in Libra (NTB confused with Khara, another general in Cancer), a military commander to ravana's army, by dying in the process.  Rama also fights Kumbhakarna, a being in taurus whom gains immortality and wins.  Gurada in this epic is infact the 'eagle-like' japanese race of buddha in gemini and aquarius related to the star aquila.  The polestar is still Thuban under Cancer or transitions from Kocab in Libra to Draco in Cancer in order to create the ice-age and fall of man via 85k bce.  Pherkad fails as a north star at 1 million years ago, during the age of ram.  Like how Pluto is Pisces with terrestrial attributes of Scorpio, Neptune is Leo with attributes of Pisces (the eye of horus) and Aries (the eye of Ra).

850k bce daitya floods its triangle form of a copperhead off the coast of spain, the globe's shores flood due to melting ice-sheets. The West is truly born here.  The reason being is waters from the south rise north, however the occult states it splits 18million years ago, not 1million.  The daityans spoke a form of the greek alphabet or greek Cyrillic, they were regarded as a eastern Asiatic culture in what is regarded as the west now (23 degree tilt).  Rama commits suicide in the Ganges under Aries hightide or upon a great storm under instructions by the masters.  Its said he spent the rest of his days praying for forgiveness in killing ravana under sagitti.  We speculate Rama drowned in Dibrugarh, in a town near the upper ganges.  Ancient Daitya floods, ie in history this cursed continent had a reputation for killing humans via games rather than in wars or through mass executions in order to control population growth.  The white race must have ruled the planet in population at one time or another hence midgets in europe (yet one gives way to speculation when its 4-to-1 in the millions with the asian's favor).  Now during the late fourth round it is the asian race whom rules.  One thing is known, flood waters alone can devolve the human species into hominids within a few thousand years.  The reason we can’t find bones of these civilizations is because the earth had preserved the dinosaur bones fairly well.  The earths ecology is too difficult for even occultists to fully comprehend.

270k the first human eden in egypt (see also aries with aries under rudra-siva), ruta is completely underwater due to rising waters on earth.  The incan inscriptions and rock cut by a city that went under the ocean is infact from Noah's civilization.  We approximate it to be at least one million years old and its lines made by cold fusion via cut limerock.  What was once a globe for giants is no more.  The atlanteans settled in Incan peru 1 million years ago, and built diverse cultures without sin and with high morality.  They traveled via 13,000k bce to turkey from this location of Sacsayhuaman after the 85,000 bce event and dozens of years of degeneration.  Egypt is Atlantean, first the Chinese settled it, and before that the Arya and the Nara.  We presume the greek legend of cepheus and cassiopeia appears at this time, with a minor typhoon causing damage to egypt off the coast of africa.  With lack of evidence of it occuring in the ice-age after horus (approx 36k or 24kbc), this may infact be true.  If a typhoon were to occur after horus of remote signifcance on this planet, it would have infact destroyed the pyramids hence horus is marked to be that event of this round.  However, for ruta to be destroyed a typhoon would have occured there as well.  Hence Seth in aries tries to wed capricorn.  There is no site as of yet, for this typhoon and for the flood waters to overrun ruta and take egypt.  Although the sphinx was destroyed by rain, this rain came from the flood itself in 13k bce.  Thuban in Cancer changes to polaris in aquarius.  This is also evidence that pole-stars may infact transition before an actual pole-shift.  Noah's germanic civilization of Atlantides had there own routes (pyramids are covered to the tips in regions of earth such as the crimea). 

*85k the ice age is in full swing, mercury enters the inner rings and like a ping pong devastates the planet's ice-sheets under the lotus form, the fourth age begins.  The poles move a few degrees permanently via bombardment by mercury.  Evidence shows the icesheets are devastated in canada. The slight shift causes all the continents, including greenland and daitya to literally break apart.  The greatest technological war is achieved by the fourth race.  Sutr in the age of virgo decides to destroy asgard around 87,000 bc. The war of the 10 kings, a space war taken into space ends.  Asgard falls, where 100 winters (100 years) becomes the greatest extremities of the ice-age ever known.  Typhoon horus is unleashed.  74k bce Adonis (america) becomes larger.  The pole-star is polaris.  Aquarius is the age of 85k bce, however the occult translates it to the start of the fifth race via god.  The masculine planet is no longer first under the sun.   Asgard was known as a masculine continent turned into a feminine one. The first greatest poleshift since vulcan 47m bce due to the cycle of inner planets against the sun is start of the fourth age.  Asgard as Greenland must not have had ice yet, until 85kbce.  The old germ is truly revealed, daitya (the pentagram) is infact turned because of asgard aka greenland today and aka the heart of atlantis itself.  However, one speculates it would have ice in winter during or after 1mbce when the ice age truly began.  Ireland becomes the only continent on earth during sumerian times to do a complete 360 and turn upside down upon the last pole-shift.  The constellation Gemini is at fault as it was at fault for the death of the Jewish homeworld within Capella.  Daitya is completly underwater during this time to resubmerge as the haitian/cuban chain of isles.  The polestar here is polaris.

36k bce vulcan passes the inner rings as mercury and becomes a planet.  The Mahabharata is read backwards from 1040 bce to 36k bc however karna and arjuna are somehow constantly reborn (see also first appearances of the figures of the Mahabharata as karna - book 8-10, kartikeya - book 7, krishna and the venusian pass - book 5, major global flood - book 3, arjuna - book 1; kuru race is a race of virgo, bharata race is a race of tau).  It speaks that a man whom owns a dog will never enter heaven, therefore all is nature.  The Satya yuga however is only 1.7 million years of age.  Rama must have reincarnated during these periods of 1.7-870k bce via the end of the treta.  Hence the Satya yuga 3.9 million years ago is when the ice-age truly begins and is the first age of earthly man (begins 3.9 bce=satya yuga, 2.2 bce treta and 870k bce begins the dwarpa).  The ice-age however began in the occult 18 million years ago, when the earth started getting cooler via the jurassic extinction event.  We even note he may be another arien being named kamsa in the region or island of balirama as well (if balarama sees krishna, then siva sees rama; however kamsa was a being similar to christ born a virgin birth within the womb, yet regarded as evil).  Kamsa ruled Mahatra in India at the time and too reentered heaven upon death (was born a virgin? possibly born via an unknown person or demon eg liquor {banned in mahatra or maghada} may have caused Ugrasena to mate before her meeting; however in the past this is impossible because kings and queens are in union since childhood).  Leo is the buddhist sign turned muslim or has innate qualities of virgo hence Krishna as leo.  Was kamsa an archetype of Balarama under Libra?  Hence we think Kamsa died in Aries or during Mesha.  The Mahabharata truly commences during these times, however its figures span from 3102 bce to 1040 bc in exoteric order.

24k bce the bible starts, adam and eve is reborn as the fifth race in turkey.  Cain must have lived in the dark ages of earth.  Hence the human race built Baalbek as a world gov in sumeria (present day lebanon) and Etemenanki as a cloned tower of Baalbek in babylonia (present day Iraq).  There may be evidence of present day Babylon (sumeria) with a tower built in a similar fashion to the nara yet no evidence remains of it.  This could have been anywhere from 85kbce-13kbce.  Only their world capital in Baalbek near Israel remains (Baalbek was not built by the romans, proof is its pillars alone is .02 miles in height.  The white house is .03 miles long, the pentagon is .23 miles, baalbek is .17 miles.  However the pentagon's height is fairly small compared to its standing base.  The base alone is .01 miles.  Add .02 and its structure without roof and floors is higher than the pentagon with its length nearly as large.  Vatican city is .04 miles in height and .12 miles long. Still nowhere near baalbek in size).  In Israel lied a city worshiped to the sag god dionysus (named Olympia after a grecian city with cult-like games), not far from there in lebanon lied the world capital, baalbek aka Heliopolis, the city of the sun (under leo).  Babylonia in the middle-east had a tower which rivals our own in shear size and height (under virgo).  A world where all worshipped chronos.  After the flood Heliopolis was moved to egypt, which is why its remnances are so well perserved.  The civilization of sumeria must have drasitically progressed from the pts of 13k-11kbce where the flood came at a year in 11kbce.  The capital building survived the flood, and crumbled more upon the venusian pass.  Yet continious flooding on land occurred after and before this year.  However, the occult still states spiral mounds are evident across the deserts of Iraq and it is truly associated with the nara during the time of ram.  The tower of babel to be built around or before 3102bce was infact after the flood.  Adam and Eve of this round are libra.  The apple story must be when Eve commits adultery, she sins against nature through pleasure.  The apple resembles the fruit being born of man, and nutured by man.  The snake in the garden is gemini, or the one whom coerces eve to reproduce with other mates hence man himself is a serpent.  The third temple mount is where adam is created and noah in aries bought an offering, however the occult knows not which adam and may refer this adam to the aries one 270k years ago, where eve resided in egypt instead of the turkish libran ones.  Lilith, also in libra, must have commanded the snake to have Eve sin.  Eve must mean the spread of the human race somehow.  Both 36k bce and 16k bce are Libran ages, if we are to estimate both numbers to be correct, the garden in elazig occurs or is created inbetween these times alone.  Babylonia itself is relocated from Egypt to Iraq and far into israel.

13k bce christian Ireland (Mortr with the vicinities of Lothia and Scotland at the time) allys with a Scotlandish muslim area and invades buddhaic europe or old sumeria.  Even Noah was regarded as some sort of Cain for accepting some and rejecting others.  The Epic of Gilgamesh with Utnapishtim that landed in Sri Lanka was an indian flood legend of the cherib race (non-harassing angels of the fourth round or more emotional fourth race).  The indian and african race also survived the flood this way, through a master.  Their craft was smaller yet technically more superior.  They left southern india.  They also landed in turkey and are responsible for creating eden.  The ancient tracks in the Phrygia Valley are theirs of the cherub race, and so is the construction of the garden of eden before the flood (see also the whereabouts of the Altar of Zeus in Agora now Bergama, Turkey built by Rome and Virgin Mary's house in izmir, also in Turkey or  37°54'44.79"N  27°19'57.63"E).  The globe floods and condenses for precisely 40 days (the atmosphere finally collapses basically, from the pole-shift and glaciers and clouds cover the whole globe as well), however rains or unusually weather occur throughout thousands of years.   Presumably, the world started flooding via heavy rains between 13k-9k bce where it diminished completly.  Yet the year the flood occurred was 11k bce.  Mountain tops are covered with water.  Stone henge was a castle of king arthur around 13kbce, and it is clearly eroded by the flood, taking the scientific carbon dating theory of 3000 bce as a fundamental lie of atleast 10,000 years.  There is a bridge over an indentation of a river, and a large mountain, in that flat area of England (where the last battle of king arthur occurred?).  Due to the nature of the last poleshift, the atmosphere condensed and created a world flood by that approx date.  Clouds were in effect, ice was melting and this condensation can take thousands upon thousands of years.  Before this time, Anatolia was in Ireland and Assyria was the country of Britain under sumerian rule where Ebla was Scottland.  The fourth race and the ark land in turkey from the isle of the sun.  Neandarthals help regenerate the fifth race gene, via escaping on one of the 7 floating isles of the gobi named Lake Alakol. Other royal races escape via UFO. 11k bce a global flood due to the last poleshift is evident.  
7000bc The greatest war on our planet begins and greece invades the odessa to troy (paris, france) to even departing rule from the slavic states.  the trojan war must have prevaded a capital in the east in russia, after the trojans (sumerians) populated areas all around greece via Turkey from the east, to have the greeks invade by traveling by boat to the crimea, then russia.  We know the city of Argos lies in Greece.  A great descent by the oldest continent on earth and the one most susceptible to black magic, Europa.  Hence Nimrod and the Sumerians are residents of europe and are evident to have transmigrated into the middle east since the times of the bible.  Many civilizations, even the god-like sumerians had vessels for this flood.  It was not only strictly by Noah.  Hence any anthropologist will state nordic blood in northern america, near greenland, of which nordic vikings had settled there.  This can be only traced as far as 13,000 bce, rather than 34,000 bce as they state.

6000bce venus passes mars and destroys it, oxygen escapes, its magnetic field lies dormant.  Carbon deprives the earth of atmosphere during the Red sea event of 900bc and a plate in the Mediterranean collapses.  Destroying Mayan and Egyptian civilizations in it's wake.  Rerouting the Suez canal into the Nile.  The Jews arrive on earth into india from their home planet of Capella.  They return with great karma, after the execution of 10million germans and extinction (around 60 million in total) of their race from the jewish homeworld where their planet dies into vega.  They descend into the middle east from lake bakal in russia through afghanistan/iran towards the west.  Their origin is india, there evidence of culture lies in nepal.  One thing is known, Venus around Saturn must have been a planet under tau, it must have turned into Phaeton in leo or a comet in comet phase around jupiter ie christianity is truly born here, and something above christianity resides here amidst the occult as well.  One thing is known, here is where the trojan war of the feminized spartans in turkey was created.  A female race of spartan giants led a war against european sumeria to degenerate it thousands of years later into the middle-east of today, intermingling cultures from greece into biblical israel by the hand of Gog.  Nimrod invaded both the middle-east and greece after troy.  It was considered the last 4rth race government.  However, they were from Austria, and they infact were a part of europe.  Troy which is Paris is obliverated.  At 5000bce the trojan war ends.  The greeks both kill 4rth race sumerians, and their fifth race counterparts upon the upcoming events with venus and the arrival of its martian strike which created the valis marinis. The fourth race goes completely extinct here.

4000 bce the mahabaratan war, in india commences.  Soon after the christian sumerians (buddhistic turned christian) reunite a religion or country under israel.  Old blood or the atlantean form due to mars interacting with venus becomes race against race as sex against sex.  The lost lands of Atlantis in america are sought, a holocaust of over 10 million indians die and a feud with siva begins.  Sodom&Gomorrah was an asteroid let loose by Venus through the asteroid belt that never landed.  Earthquakes (a mixture of sedimentary rings) every few hundred years after the venusian pass became evident, esp in Israeli geological rock formations.  This number over a time became 70 million.  There is infact a temple to Zeus at Olympus, in the center of Olympiada, Greece a city aka to Hera as one of the ancient 7 wonders of the world (as 7 incorrect zodiac signs see also Hanging Gardens of Aphrodite as Libra or a garden to Hera in Tau, Zeus as Sag/Cancer in the city of Hera in Tau, Temple of Artemis as Pisces, Mousoleum of Hercules as Aries, Colossus of Rhodes as Leo/Virgo, Lighthouse of Alexandria as Aquarius, Giza Pyramids as Gemini/Capricorn of whom were human gods as well hence these are false structures or what the bible calls false idols hence they worshipped the human signs).  Olympiada is infact a trojan forth race city called Olympus whom was capital of greece at the base of the mountain.  It is known for after the world fell.  The army in troy or what is now paris, france to have descended from troy and to have failed in penetrating its walls, in particular, Nimrod (a red indian from Austria) and his brother Otus whom settled in the lower banks of Babylonia and was introduced to Abraham with words spurned by Jesus and St Peter themselves.  Peter was not a fisher man or company owner, but merely briefly comingled with them.  The capital of greece was simply then moved to Athens, before during Troy it was here and before the venusian pass it was in Egypt and Baalbek.  Some say it was in Baalbek prior 3102 bce and Egypt prior 85k bce.  During troy, the Gallic Dorians were left untouched with genetic code from India once more being traced back to its root continent of Daitya.  However, they were quickly destroyed by the grecian invasion of Europe.  They (the Sumerians) overran Olympia yet failed at Athens to quickly resettle in Babylonia and create Israel.  Hence this event was named 'the Storming of the Gates at Olympus' after the venusian pass came of whence even governments fall.  The events before and after Troy are a great descent and freezing, they are aka Dante's Inferno (a subtle descent into the icey heart of Pluto) to events leading to the soul of Satan himself.  

*3102 bce venus finally enters as second planet precisely around feb/march to create the leap year. It vibrates the earth's poles and tilts it slightly for thousands of years. This creates a 26k backwards polar movement for approx one tropical year at 1080 bce the pole reverts or beings its turn back into the tropical. Krishna is born and drives its army of india into the oceans. Arjuna&Karna in a war of the initiates is a war against the feminine moon whom's turns face to its female side for the coming fifth age. Arjuna is similar to Laxman in that they were both in Scorpio and both gave up their family and lives for a greater good. The fifth race begins to rule the planet from this point. Island nations such as Crete experience tsunamis. Thera in greece is the last remnance of atlantis whom becomes rome via the red minoans or what became the etruscan bloodline. The vibrations cause the ice-glaciers to melt rapidly and the races of man mistaken this event for a global flood. The nations of earth's shores reduce or change. The sumerians come to earth and develop its own silicon valley for the human race, they harvest potatos, rice and corn. They invent alcohol. They nourish the human race. They are red-indian farmers from orion yet they came from the previous age, the age of atlantis. Venus comes, and is replaced in the bible for the 13,000k bce flood myth. Baalbek is destroyed. Of greek origin, as was Egypt at the time. Both capitals were demolished by the hand of venus. As did Abraham burn by fire and survive, so does the aquarian Rasputin. Parliamentary tricks under the eye of god (Nimrod, whom indirectly creates Israel). All of the caucasian race after the flood infact came from europe, not russia. Earth retains its masculinity as a planet under gemini.

2000bce through 0 bce the earth realigns. The Exodus is proof of the Bible's false chronology in order to control the mass eg it claims the jews were semites whom built the cities or sites of Ramses I, however they arrived in egypt hundreds of years later via Joseph under Leo (his tomb lies in 32°12'47.70"N 35.28 E). However, science is also untrue because Ramses the first lived well into or from 2000bce. The atlanteans resided just outside egypt in squared suburbs. They settled there for thousands of years and built their cities. Proof is there are many reincarnation cycles, where the atlantides could do both good and evil, not by the judgement or aknowledgement of any child where these suburb walled cities vanished. More proof is the israelites had syrian architecture, they were fairly new to egypt. Before Syria, the Israelites (semi-giant hybrids from Capewa, alien to this earth) traveled through Egypt via Saudi Arabia in the deep south (see abraham and isaac's misfortune). However, they infact never arrived or settled in egypt. They settled in Ur and intermingled. Murder of a child from its own race and blood, and having children with other wives through the occult is regarded as a great fall from heaven. Abraham departed from the 12 tribes of India from Nepal, after their ark from space sank off the coast of the Indian ocean. They settled in Nepal and disapeared. Only Abraham remained to spread it (the human race's) germ (in karma), he traveled through Saudi Arabia to do this and ended up in Ur. From there he traveled through Israel to Hebron to meet up with his 'old friend' ie nimrod, and have his family killed by their government. Some occultists may say Abraham met Nimrod in Ur first, upon a fastly dying civilization to meet him again in the golan heights. Nimrod was considered atlanto-hybrid or an equivalent to the 900 year old demons of atlantis in reincarnation, however due to his sins against Troy&Greece he descended. Hence Jacob's 12 sons are ancestors of the great 12 tribes of the zodiac whom decided earth was not fit. The jews were not slaves to egypt, just settlers. They supplied the grains to egypt as the bible states, hence the bible is more literay accurate then science but for the 4000bce era which indicates a flood. As early as 4000 bce, an egyptian fifth race government is established after the fall of baalbek and the fourth. However, it soon crumbles after a few thousand years by campaigning and war against winning an invasion with the Russian hittites in the middle-east. If Ramses I was born as an unknown of prior 1600 bce or an atlantean whom lived 900 years, Ramses II (Ozymandias, aka Pi-Ramses) would have lived between 1200-900bce or during Moses' lifetime. He would have lead armies against the hitittes and would have gotten karma for exterminating them (those who live by the sword die by the sword). Yet he would have also controlled egypt after it was built by Ramses I (an unknown whom lived 1290bce in science to much earlier in the occult via atlantean bloodlines eg Rameses I-V Seti and are unknowns all the way down to Amenhotep/Amun as Adam, Thutmose IV as Thoth in Gemini, Nefertiti in Libra, Akhenaten whom invented political wars and campaigns to even Seth/Horus and Osiris whom were supposed gods). Sobekemsaf as Sobek the alligator whom killed him in a civilization whom's roots intermingle deeply&openly by the 4rth and 5th race to invent the politics/laws still used by modern day. Egyptian society is Thoth and Osiris as the Pyramids and a feminine germ or a star on fire gained fruition by its mother. One thing is known in the occult, the once fifth-race Egyptians, now South African, are the fastest race to progress (ascend/ descend) in this round. Before this are countless of names hidden in history which come from an asiatic mongolese tongue of the nara tracing to the 7th ray as Ophiuchus scorpii (see alice bailey's esoteric astrology). Pithom is the site Telas aka the Grecian Herotropolis or Heliopolis as the capital city of Ramses or central government which is near the pyramids and spec to be dated far more than 70,000 years. Basically Herotropolis relocated from the bank of the nile to near the pyramids after the date of Venus in 3102 bce because of costal flooding (Heracleion which standes for Hercules was near Alexandria and flooded completly). More interestingly enough, these were grecian 4rth race intermingled caulk/sumerian cities connected to the seas peoples whom ruled turkey and europe. The worshippers of IO and their feminine germ. This is in the realm of 12,000 bce and is there not for propaganda purposes of controlling a race but for purposes of understanding eg If the ground is soft and wet, it can be molded and carved through (see also the chariot carts from noah's ark). The Jews however landed in the gobi sea or what is remnance of it, just above nepal are bodies of water which must have been present as a large lake there thousands of years before its arrival due to the global flood itself. If this region were salt water, any material remnance of a ship or space craft would sieze to exist.

0 bce christ is born, the poles revert completely back into the tropical (if Jesus were born in the tropical it would be Dec 1st 9 days after November 22nd, like ram was born on April 1st). The Sagittarian quarrels with the archangel Samuel, another traveler in the desert in a dispute before his death (march 5th 33ad). In 500 bce, the sumerian king, Neb's New city was destroyed and the temple of Solomon ravaged. The temple of Solomon is the location of the christ's cross, today known as the Holy Sepulchre (a hill, where yeshua was most likely facing north, towards the temple mount and olives). Jesus on the cross must have been facing the garden of olives North or northeast (facing the gobi eye), it is speculated. Herod and Pilate become friends. Satan is aka Samuel or the blind god whom resides in the 7th and 5th heaven (presumably ages of earth) under Gemini. A friend of christ& a hermit tries to convince him to eat in fear of his passing whilst in the desert. Jesus as Jehovah is martyred. Jupiter begins its rotation against the sun. Scholars say Menelik I was ruler of ethiopia, whom is connected to jesus via solomon's affair and child. Where Nathan is connected to the virgin mary via davids line, Jospeh is there via Solomon's line whom was Davids son. Some speculate Nathan as a mere representation of Virgo to Mohamet ending its line. Jesus ascends from Mt tabor, a mountain of transfiguration, and has a conversation with Peter on Mt hermon as did Abraham with Nimrod thousands of years prior. However, although almost dying from starvation, jesus had not eaten for over 40 years. The greatest naga to have known to live on earth and to have manipulated the electro-magnetic field in such a way as to rise humans completly from the dead. He surpasses all nagas and their arcane magic in this way. The ones whom follow undisciplinary paths are infact the devs, that's right devolutionaries or complete humans. They left this magic or its ways in their past lives or a long time ago to reproduce and die. However, Nagas are not demons or do not follow deceiving spirits, they follow the one true spirit and its god. Jesus was the same way. Only that his body undertook a lot of energy exerted in the desert. The reason jesus is so important is because he was already dead. Jesus states, to follow man is useless for men too are useless. It is possible his quest was to ask humanity if they need leave the barren kingdom. In 70ad, the second temple is destroyed. It was created prior for King Herod. Like how Kamsa (in libra) feared Krishna would be born. King Herod in Aquarius feared Jesus Christ or this unknown being whom lived in Nazareth. The temple itself was marred by fire during a riot in 33ad. It was later destroyed completly. The first temple in front of the dome of the rock in Jeresuleam where Judas hung himself. The Dome itself was the famed Garden of Olives (garden of Gethsemane) where jesus after his death met his disciples. Some equate the dome to be not Herod's temple but the house of david (see also king david, a giant whom is acredited with the armenians and creation of israel through war; inventor of medieval music and the harp), located on mount zion pointed east. The start of Israel, where music originated from ntbc with the expansion of his kingdom, a small fort named the city of david, just above the christ's cross and garden of olives. Hadrian's wall just near the skull of the rock is libra. Within Herod's temple walls (judas's hanging) is the garden itself, still here til this day. Herod's second temple aquarius and the first of Soloman is Sag. Roman law takes 12 days for enactment. Judas and Jesus fled or did not go to trial. Judas may have been harrassed by the residence for jesus' conviction. Jesus wandered the desert for 40 days. The first temple is the Temple of Solomon. Judas ignored trial and finally gave in under roman soldiers pervading his door& mass instigation. He fled and committed suicide. In law to this day, one will not abide to criminal acitivity unless being charged. Judas and Jesus were well known in that area. Two capricious sumerian semites were murderers whom were crucified for the killing of a roman soldier during the riot so they made an example of a riot leader or someone the populace knew well (jesus christ). The israelites called jesus a traitor when he agreed to unify&expand israel's temple, or to side with the roman army however it was burned and he was killed. If there are 8 laws with one as banishment then jesus must have been banished then put to death. They helped instigate a riot basically or were simply in its crowd that threatened to burn down all of jerusalem.

500 ad the aquarian mohamet invades the world with its armies way into the medieval ages.  The black death plague kills 25 million people driving more wars in asia (700 million people or just about 10 percent of the world's population hence ww2 was only 2 percent).  Mohamet attacks a jewish colony in Khaybar and is poisoned.  The poles realign after a great cleansing in pisces or during the age of pisces.  The comets and poles help realign the earth back into position, inturn creating solar darkness and a small ice-age, however the pole was already realigned under the christ, it just had to tilt back into the tropical, all because of venus.  Presumably either 200bc or 200 ad, shakiyamuni buddha was born.  The occult states 200ad because tibet was infact recently established as a governing nation by at least 500 ad.  Born under the Leo sun, this aspirant must have died in tibet by heart failure from over-exertion ie traveling from Tibet to India and vice versa.  A great asteroid within the christ spirit passes earth at this time and shakes it.  3 days of darkness reside on earth upon his death.  Mohamet and his wife is buried in his house within Medina aka the green tomb in Aquarius.  Mohamet is buried alongside Aisha in aquarius at their house in a location of medina.

The Crab Nebula is born in 1054 ad under the star of taurus, earthquakes reach earth by 1930 and forever double in size yearly.  A world war is brought and the black age of metallurgy ends in pisces.  The war is sought by mars and a balance attained from the animal kingdom.  The human kingdom had collected in sin against them throughout the ages and had to be punished by the karmic lords.  Dharma was driven out and karma was instigated through progress.  Thanksgiving and the landing of Plymouth was a lie, the Indians had been killed by the millions because of their fairly close extermination of the puritans settlers during the Human Middle Ages.  Humanity as the 5th race was here as far as Scorpio in the ice age of 24k nice, whilst Adam emerged around 16k bce.  That’s 26000 years equal to the tropical.

2000 ad ragnorak commences, downfall of civilization under aquarius. They say the prophecies are true about the fall of Damascus and the Evil Syrian empire.  They say after the 4 blood moons which occurred (sept 28th, 2015), Ragnorak will commence.  A world war will destroy its civilizations and the peoples of europe come the beg of 2016 (as of 2015 continental warfare already arose, the rumors of wars to come and the nordic folklore depicting fernir the wolf as ukraine had infact became true.  Israel is already at nuclear war by 2011-13, and Turkey will be invaded come late 2015-16, however the occult states the war has commenced it does not state as to when, 2017-2020 could result in nuclear war, or it could be in 100 years if small wars do not finish.  A scenario more dangerous than the last world war where economic development on first world militaries takes on a war against each other for iron and ore.  India and Africa will be conquered by China.  Chemical war in Europe.  Russia will come from the north via Sweden and later as a 3 headed dragon.  Yellow mountain tops coated in sulfur gas.  Nuclear war against America and the Anti-christ will conjur an attack by Canada. They say a blood moon will occur in september, then a small war in november which turns into a big war in the beg of 2016.  Uncontrollable hurricanes.  Damascus falls, Gog (Western Europe) and Magog (Eastern Europe) invades the middle east.  We may assume Israel may infact burn Damascus with nuclear weapons. The Return of Christ.  We know of 1000 years of peace after this event.  They say the world will go up against the christ (Israel?), yet the christ will prevail.  Hence in Psalms there is evidence of a tremor that will rock the globe.  This could be the kepler supernova in 1604 (or another one named sgr 1806 in sagittarius via 2004) reaching earth from the sign ophidicius (the serpent's sign and true revelation of the christ).  Hence by late 2016 magog (russia) and gog (turkey) has reached well into syria.  If they were to go south and overrun israel, it may be by force that they unleash a nuke on damascus.  Israel may infact launch a nuke.  Babylon (United states) may fall under an EMP weapon.  The world may infact be shaken by this tremor.  One thing is known, mt meru is death or fohat, the star meru or folmahaut in aquarius originated in aries, also revealed in scripture to be the himalayan chain.  Corona virus may indeed be tied into these events somehow.

2160 nibiru's jupiterian planet arrives swinging the earth into another ice-age for 1 million years, the fifth age commences.  The planet itself will enter the logoi's outer-rings around 5000 ad.  Nibiru must hold Nemesis (some say Nemesis resides outside our system as the star HD37784 on google sky near taurus hence the twin horns indicate a fast moving planet, this may be revealed to the mass by only the masters themselves.  Nemesis is infact the 10nth jupiterian planet heading towards our system of which holds 4 moons).  Nemesis is presumed to be the death planet whom travels alone.  Nibiru is presumed to hold the four horsemen.  The four horsemen are presumed to be let go and pierce our system before Nemesis arrives.  How this infact works is by mass.  The larger the star the faster and Nibiru is far larger than Nemesis (Nemesis is a planet).  The dwarf star nibiru, however in Orion is confirmed).  We think the fifth pole-shift whether its now or 20,000 years from now will be a circle formation of land instead of the traditional square.  Like how Geminian asteroids were the destroyer of sag da'at, and sephir in tau the destroyer of asgard, and the moon theia in Cancer a destroyer of Malkuth in Gemini, so will the destroyer of earth in gemini be Nemesis, a jupiterian planet in Virgo. 

5000 ad the fifth age commences with the arrival of nibiru's jupiterian planet nemesis in virgo of orion.  The polestar is Cepheus.  One thing is known, the moon was bombarded by neptunian rock approx 1m years ago where it stopped its tropical rotation.  It gained a wobble around 4k bce upon the arrival of venus.  The cross and nibiru's 'many' moons might have a meaning or a fix position of the poles, or the fixed cross could relate to the past, where earth is fixed in order to go to into the sidereal.  Pluto then Mercury is the highest planet in our solar logoi followed by Mars, with venus and neptune being the lowest and lower than earth (Neptune's eccentricity or deviation from the plane is .009 whilst venus is the lowest at .007).  Mercury is known to cast a spell, it is relatively Gemini at 85kbce and afterwards, yet was aquarius when it came to this system.  We presume it was a cycling moon, yet a dying star can be a fast comet.  This would put mercury at odds with entering our system and staying there.  It was a cycling moon in aquarius to become a first planet in Gemini. Relatively speaking though the planets are all on the same plane.

Around 25k ad a seventh subrace will finally emerge.  16,000 years to 1 million ad the extinction of man and fall of europe.  The sixth age commences around 20,000 years from present day to truly begin in a few million years.  The one million year ice-age will be the fifth age to the sixth age.  The timeframe to this ice-age can be verified or speculated yet in the occult we say Nemesis arrives first hence a large body arrives before the small 4 moons or naturally travels faster in order to enter this system. However, a giant typhoon named Seth II under Gemini is supposed to occur.  There is speculation the sixth and seventh age polestar could be anything from Vega to Hercules.  The 10 vortices on present earth via the feminine sephiroth may infact be dislodged.  Around 428ad is the arrival of the outer moons of Nemesis ie the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.  In 1 million ad the sixth age arrives.  The prophet mohamet sees the moon split in two and enter fohat.

*7 million ad the seventh age commences and crystallizes earth into gemini.  Earth will have left our system for Gemini.  Jupiter will be the only planet left burning under the sun to finally depart into Orion.  The Sun will leave the planet and become a cycling comet, of where the milky way galaxy will also perish.  The cancerian moon enters fohat, an arien fallen angel under pisces&aquarius along with Hod in a similar fate of Alfheim&Capella with Vega in libra.  Meru means death or the name of the star folmahaut along with the hindi mt of everest.  Mohamet states he saw the moon split in two.  Therefore judgement is made.  Christ mentions 5 stars devouring 6, therefore a total of eleven stars in our system is plausible hence in the occult planets are stars.  From the beg of creation to the end there would be a total of 11 stars that may devour planets which include external planets such as vulcan and nemesis.  However, Christ may have simply mentioned creation itself, where Vulcan had shot planets into the sun of where the 5 stars would clearly be uranus, neptune, jupiter, our sun and saturn. It may also mean a zodiacal affiliation of its signs or monadic affiliation with creation of the galaxy or universe.  The sun under leo becomes a comet and creates an invisible path around the galaxy.

-see also esoteric timeline and estoeric for a full synopsis