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Monday, 27 December 2010
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The Study of Aeronomic Aeropredictions in Aeronautic Aviation and The Future of Aviation in 6th and 7th generation fighters
{precisely known as the ISFAA or International Study -or School- for the Future of Aeronautic Aviation}

Astropredictions of UFOs in astrospace
ufo saucer technology 1st phase generation
air resistance can be heated with laser or ?heat sensor? via satellite. Payload for space ionization saucer or interplanetary travel and future vacuum technology.
Ionization and vacuum technology simplified as Anti-gravity, Magnetism or Methods for Polarization

Note:The alien ufo's are built with the most least resistance for vacuum function to work dubbed vacuum technology. The above videos show that it can be done, except gravitation requires an Ion engine or some sort of prototype to harness the planet's environments. Nasa has already built a working Ion engine for space travel, and Ion engines have already existed in distant times which means its already in use for space exploration. Cloaking in the environment is also a reality for unidentified aircraft, it creates meta-invisibility, and is far beyond science of this day in age.

xf-55 xf-44 is the fx-65 prototype for the nx series. A continuation of the manufactured f-series. new generation stealth (Nr-77a) is
neporium falcon (nx-65 nx-85 prototypes neporium falcon and more advanced remote 'Neporium Eagle 73' nx-73 variant) - turbine effect on center+the ability to hover at great speeds with enormous payloads eg nx-65 is similar to or a copy of the FX-A37 Talon codenamed widowmaker (exceot for the phantom head or 'klingon' warship design) a Northrop Switchblade design or is the next version of it possibly the Morgan adfx-01 (sixth generation planes). Technological but expensive, eg equivalent to f-35 hover technology functions or next phase of hover technology with lightweight functions and/or design of the Sukhoi SU-47. Successors of fifth gen Raptor, Su 30 Flanker/Silent Eagle multi-roll fighter,Bird of Prey, Lightning etc/Hornet strike fighter, Tu-144, Tupolev PAK DA or TU-2000 Hypersonic Bomber and Vulcan bombers. Definition: The term 'Neporium' is derived from the concrete word Neporia, opposition to a communist utopia or interdependent secularism amidst hard times in reference to William S. Burrough's Annexia in his book Naked Lunch in combination with elements of Binai-Jehovah (Saturn), and possibly Dr. Doom's Latvia. Neporia itself means 'sun' or the 'new sun' project.

N-49 airhawk delta aircraft carrier (new design was lost so...basically a 'fat' or thick C-5 Galaxy or C-17 variant, a design with 2-3 story storage compartments.) First in the line of drop ships.

Preliminary schematics
M-48 tank guns superpayload as seen in the following schematics. The black hawk, black bird and new cargo planes are my personal schematics derived from sparrows made in highschool, eg note the blackhawk blackbird 2 'fat' variant payloads with non-aerodynamic design, another design the MR-12 aero-assualt squad-fighter one (see ares jet). The planes themselves do not mimic or reflect the lost Neporium falcon series final schematics college design. Some frontal perspective car, tank and plane drawings may be scanned later for purpose of this preliminary drawing section, since my fond hobby grew for alternative environmental 'free' energies (being an owner of a built from scratch, street-legal electric mini-scooter, pc and aquarium as my new fond hobbies, and a superhero comic enthusiast).
6th Gen Stealth Jet Fighters
e-wing (small-wing aircraft) xr-66 prototype or xr-33 sparrow is named rx-33 and rx 66 part of the RX series or named rotocraft technology (requires unseen wing craft latches and lightweight electronics for descents and climbs via turbine).- turbine effect on wings for air carrier descent and climbs or maneuvering.
the Russian glider is called the AR-77 Phantom Project nicknamed 'Ghost' or Phantom Ghost stealth RX-88 technology similar to its non-stealth British sparrow counterpart in maneuvering yet does not excel in evasion like the sparrow does (spins, evasive in highspeeds able to readjust).
tr-71 (tr-99 prototype) black falcon dive bomber-vertical lift and descent in space@great speeds via turbine effect in center
Secondary Diagrams

Purpose:An interceptor for enhanced maneuvering and stabilization or multi-roll and/or transport space probe interceptor
New Technologies: A mock-up of the Umbrella schematic for future avionics in long range fighters and bombers traveling oceanic distances. Used as a replacement on long range transport, notice the airflow current upon the wingspan creates very little resistance and turbulence. Ideal for vehicle transport and stability. These were done independently, derived from memory after my college studies.
exp. aircraft with e-wing variable
-all crafts are designed for G force resistance? current flow Coanda effect? airflow with least resistance ergo aerodynamic design. Possible ionization can reach sonic or super-sonic speed. The new russian t-50 amd t-70 series as well as the f-22 f-23/f-35 will be going in this direction.
tr-99 is an ionized craft with hover climbing technology. Codenamed project 'the star' is fully named Dassault Mirage 7000 long for Tiger 44. The tiger 44 is fully ionized for space flight and stealth. Continuation of the Rafale or soon to be Rafaleum series. Full design found here.
Top Secret

As for the Top secret crafts, codenamed Area 51's Black Project, could be unmanned uav’s etc. They fall under the unknown. Flight is Highly unlikely to the laws of physics because of its awkward designs. No tail fin suggest otherwise far superior technology of ufos and the tr3b. The Nazi Bell experiment is proof humans have been tampering with yet most likely not fully developed technology, because it would most def. be a standard somehow. Highly unlikely to be Vacuum technology. These are sitings that I have seen and analyzed on youtube and reallife. These are most likely highly advanced for air war or capable of war in space eg space war combat.

Weapons: IL-76 has the A-60 laser attached to it, therefore a similar type will be incorporated in the new aircraft for shooting down missiles or deactivating them. The main target is its standard lock on features and guns. Lasers are useless with a long distance and tend to expel too much energy. The UAVs would have double gats attached to each sidearm for 360 quick maneuverability in the heli designs (The helix, and choppers are only effective in bombardments, rarely ever in scouting and dropoffs and/or pickups like ufos can be, being easily targeted). There would be a rerouting intense missile heat signature developed to be precise as well as blinding solar flares and intense heat flares (and an automatic eject system to boot). You can expect this technology as early as 2030. The Weapon Systems will most likely be developed in Israel aka the company 'Weapons Systems' WSA (Weapons Systems in Avionics_) for the FX-60 in a slow modifications to the current weapons because, as you know missile and weapons system can be little improved. The planes would most likely incorporate satellite technology for its target accuracy.

Hypothetical Aircraft: Affordable designs stabilization and function of new technology for 21st ce are Jet propulsion and Ufo technology. Aeronomics wont change much significantly anymore in terms of jet propulsion and aerodynamics or force against force. I believe in the future of aeronautics in unmanned vehicles except for the fact they will have circuit failures, electronic inaccurate results, and a virtual reality simulator to be remotely effective against missles and jet interceptors with similar technology or like uavs made only effective for close range ground targets eg proning to target militia. Basically, the designs are manned Russian and American aircraft. The unmanned Mig scat aka Manta-Ray, X projects x-45A Phantom (Boeing Bird of Prey) and SR-91, Dassault Neuron or Pegasus are unmanned and specified for bombing targeted use not payload transfer or heavy fire low-altitude evasion in missiles or 'risky' scenario with substantial payloads such as small army drop-offs as the american tr-71, french ti-44 (super-stealth eg Nighthawk designed codenamed tiger is a cont. of the dassault mirage 7000 series) or russian (mig scat 2) ar77 is. Here are some future advancements of the sixth generation fighters proposed by Boeing and other leading manufacturers. These external links include the Suzumi Sparrow Multi-role tactical fighter called the TF-62, Hayac c34, modern A 12 and the Boeing Faxx concept which I found intriguing.

NEW DESIGNS: What you are looking at are newer designs or possible designs inconjunction with today's technology/aka majority of planes and shuttles are of the 6th generation. The 7th gen designs are found here. Although, the nasa generation of modern fighters could bring about low cost 'snowspeeder-like' or imperial fighters (from starwars). Such an example as the ares 'mudfighter' (a great idea for seaborn operations and/or rare low flight targets in non-combat areas or bumpy terrain eg close air support...army aircrafts, fixed wing attack aircrafts, good for dodging ground tank squad fire and reconnaissance, strategic planning, supply depot destruction aka guerrilla tactics in groundwarefare, now known as manned uavs eg 20 or so squad-fighters, air-to-ground soft-target ships, would have a devastating effect against a ground invasion force),or trainer jet called the boeing skyfox and a-4 skyhawk. Everyone knows the soviet migs during the sovjet union take this portion of the cake in innovation. You need a mobile enemy just as powerful to disrupt their supplies or catch them off guard for these so called short distanced 'tanks-in-the-sky' or group squad attacks to happen. Naval warfare is a given for island territory, and useful to long range european squad bombers and fighters of course (I particularly like the eurofighter typhoon air-to-sea design and payload, albeit the germans with the asians still excel over the british and french in this area, the f2, tornado, saab, F-15SE, f-16, su35, Gripen, E555 as opposed to the f4 phantom, av-88 aka harrier II which is just a modified but expensive series of squad fighters with armor resistance and heavy payload etc being proof). Britain's cooperation with america (f35 modern fighter aircraft for instance) only give it an edge in weaponry and armory over other jet fighters. African Hawk, and Atlas make good squad fighters in an AOD scenario given the lack of usefulness in ever-changing continents with multiple countries in large territories over land. Therefore these governments esp would benefit off of the rare use or events of squad-fighting (over which the Falklands was the only pivotal war that took place with these or this technology). Well-designed, maneuverable, sleek and easily manufactured. Citation on Original schematics: Actual completed schematics were developed and lost (created during college or actually in one hour) do to lack of privacy. The Haj tejas is a unnamed successor (precursor) to the vimina designs. In point-to-point transportation for heavy populated areas (the atlantean center to leave and return from it, see precursor to swasi flag) The metro car is good with automatic electric on-off function for ground transportation although the avrocar's ion engines are far more superior.

UFO Sightings
Here I will personally describe my own sightings and theories. UFOs are actually using air current above our cities. The UFO sightings I made are of a natural event. Whilst I have no cable for my cell phone (some over the head flybys were shot, you know caught or cot) which have the most close footage ever found of ufo sightings in miami florida (I stood feet away from an invisible craft in traffic). I do have a camera which depicts how ufos work from a far distant. The apartment complex shows that an air current different from plane traffic, possibly for the government, coincidentally near its district in miami florida, show ufos using it. Blending in with air traffic, frequently. They use an unknown air current when available and are very common. They also cloak and sometimes use silent sound technology, unknown to us. There are red, black and possibly dark red people among us. Disclosure:: Here in Miami Fl, Helicopters do rarely levitate at high altitudes, as do jet fighters make no sound at that speed. Ion technology at its best. here i will unveil Ufo449. My proof of sound, space, and travel is The daylight caption is at the same distance and descending at a similar rate to the night silent ufo one. This will be my personal ufo video listings. Here you will see an invisible air current, possibly etheric compared to the speed of the common fossil fuel plane technology.


My Views: These aircraft are made as a new generation of fighters. From my Research, They most likely won't be made unless world war VI comes around, or a few campaigns of enormous magnitude. I noticed unmanned aircraft technology are gradually declining the use of fighter aircraft. This is proportionate to what each country excels in and its customers. I will include the economically powerful ones of this genre. For instance, Japan and America excels in Power, payload, propulsion and electronics Europe in maneuvering, and handling over sea forces and Russia in targeting systems. Now these aircraft will have to be made if we tend to use any of the latter for defense (not offense) against any foreign attack from a smaller organization or weak government. Faults with aeronautic designs: The tail in the f-series (eg an f-16 with tornado wings would be a good maneuverable 'irish' fighter with heavy payloads) usually is never tilted upwards in a high position. Slanted tail fins insure a better climb for modern aircraft. As well India has the AMCA in development as the fifth generation multi-roll fighter of choice (a great contender in modern aircraft, the Hal or Haj tejas being creatively unique in its design). The higher the climb the easier the target becomes. These craft have no TVC (thrust vector Control) or AOA (Area of Attack) in avionics for air operational areas (aoa air traffic in aviation) limits to worry about as well. f-8 german uav is found here. Timeships, beamships (flying discs), starfighters (n-t-b-c with the f104), starships and ufos, if they exist, have unknown technology compared to the aero and spaceships in development.

Copyright Information and Publication

Copyright information may change. For instance the term TR-99 is available as a tractor and in aeronautics as a missile therefore may comply with TR-99c etc of the aurora tr series (TR-55, T87m, TF112 etc). F-74c is a battleship therefore may comply with outdated models of the f-15 series in the future. This evolution of aircraft is available for use to any government, military or public entity as an experimental byproduct without needed additional credit, or without the use of law such as copyright infringement or dislawful intent. The availability of the technology can be used for defensive measures and/or government related technological advancement. It is condemned, or not condoned to use against civilians or to discredit civilizations and/or attack other entities. The technology is current and therefore available eg reduction of harmful emissions in nature. The goal is to militarily decline the use of fossil fuel and avoid the benefit of war by foreign governments and advance the age of technology for environmental-friendly benefits. It does not include the ionized b-2 bomber or SR-71 variants (developed from Nazi Germany's Horton 229), the experimental secret nasa x-planes (Modern X-32 VTOL or 35s, top secret x-36, X-20, XF-V12, X-43A, Pegasus X-47a & b, X-38, X-45 bird of prey spaceshuttles and scramjets,x-40 & x-37a spaceplanes safe re-entry, x-15 rocket plane, x-50 dragonfly uav, x-49 helicopter, xb-70 codename: valkyrie, Aurora stealth project, GFL ships, Chinese stealth H-8 bomber, and American Dark Star UAV or RU Mig Skat/scat, PLAAF bomber, Dragonfly, Skymaster counter-insurgent squadfighters (skyfighters actually is a better term for sea-based squadfighters), Phantom Ray, Dassault nEUROn, Boeing Bird of Prey, YF-23, EADs Barracuda, Dark Sword UCAV British Ark-9 etc.) or the tr3b and the designs are not affiliated with craft such as the FA-37 Talon stealth fighter, Firefox Interceptor or F-19 space shuttle as seen in fictional aircraft. As for progress and future planning, the HAL Tejas is a fourth generation fighter being released in 2010 so there is no real timeline. The f18e aircraft's maneuverable 'air' design was aided by the sovjets early migs. The aircraft are designed to avoid current anti-air guns and missiles such as the s300. Development and planning for Nasa Ames Research Center in California. Minor Note: The owner of this website has no experience in engineering planes. Only experience in electronic battery equipment (basically, rerouting electric currents from chargers so batteries run without being charged frequently eg pos neg and back) and/or handling pressurized brake systems used for electric scooters and bikes such as having 2 pressures on the same suspension for safety and grip on the road.

Posted by electrostuff1980 at 6:38 PM EST

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