The Study of Aeronomic Aeropredictions in Aeronautic Aviation and The Future of Aviation in 6th and 7th generation fighters
{precisely known as the ISFAA or International Study -or School- for the Future of Aeronautic Aviation}

Astropredictions of UFOs in astrospace
ufo saucer technology 1st phase generation

Ionization and vacuum technology simplified as Anti-gravity, Magnetism or Methods for Polarization

Note:The alien ufo's are built with the most least resistance for vacuum function to work dubbed vacuum technology. The above videos show that it can be done, except gravitation requires an Ion engine or some sort of prototype to harness the planet's environments. Mercury is a metal in form of spheres and electricity via a vacuum which revolves around magnets. Electrogravity is a new concept to this human race past races simply used the brain. Above are great examples of lge engines guided by satellite or used by electro-magnetic propulsion (plasma). The fact is there is magnetism, fusion, plasma and light plasma. Nasa has already built a working Ion engine for space travel, and Ion engines have already existed in distant times which means its already in use for space exploration. Air resistance can be heated with laser or ?heat sensor? via satellite. A Payload for space ionization saucer or interplanetary travel and future vacuum technology. For future jets or jet concepts like these in the following link to be able to fly in space, without regard to fantastical or oblonge sci-fi jet fighter
we see in the movies such as star trek, galactica and star wars or space simulators in games such as starlancer. Photons and beam cannons or lasers become a reality except only for other planetary races. SEG generator simply represents magnetized motor technology. The SEVs are solar powered vehicles. However, here is a video of magnetic technology being incorporated since 1992 in factory machinery aka EBMs. The Su-47 naval fighter is not capable of flying without remote control for stability however. Although it is still manned for targeting and considered the unlimited future of jet fighter technology. Cloaking in the environment is also a reality for unidentified aircraft, it creates meta-invisibility, and is far beyond science of this day in age. In the future, space age travel using hyper-sonic speed is a reality eg newyork to london in an hour.

xf-55 xf-44 is the fx-65 prototype for the nx series or Herculium or Herculaneum Sparta craft series. This much is true, this technology is expected and alien visitation by ufo drop ships is a reality. Vibrational instruments use magnetic rotatory gryos. The XB470 Phantom Ray has invisible lift ie magnetic generating ufo tech which uavs also use wrecklessly. This is pleiadian technology, however transportation is limited to the size of the craft. They have the ability to create artificial gravity, which in esoteric science means literally taking away the atmosphere using a force-field. The atlanteans used the same thing for harvesting (powerful aircraft and oceanic vehicles). During their times they had the A.R.P. (Advanced Research Project) known as AIMS (Agricultural Information Management Systems) which was recently reinstituted today, however this system originated in an asiatic chino-aryan greenland more than 85k years ago. Some know it as the cronus effect. Gyroscopes are used to create false light by magnetism and vibration within the field. The cronus device is sphere-like with rings revolving around it atomically as opposed to crystals. The light is compacted somehow via magi or electric ether. However, airships are more primitive, using plasma and mathematics, this is not atlantean technology but nubian or fifth race technology made by the 3rd race Capellans. The V fighter however is strictly a fifth race design. Most jets with unknown or undistributed technology are AFO affiliated or top secret. A continuation of the manufactured f-series. new generation stealth (Nr-77a) is
neporium falcon (nx-65 nx-85 prototypes neporium falcon and more advanced remote 'Neporium Eagle 73' nx-73 variant) - turbine effect on center+the ability to hover at great speeds with enormous payloads eg nx-65 is similar to or a copy of the FX-A37 Talon codenamed widowmaker (except for the phantom head or 'klingon' warship design) a Northrop Switchblade design or is the next version of it possibly the Morgan adfx-01 (sixth generation planes). The mig 103 in 20 yrs will counter the falcon yet the falcon 109 is still the best. These interceptors are a term for future mass-produced cost effective design such as the current F/18 interceptor, can fly into low level space orbit. N7 or Nx6 & Nx7 is Technological but expensive, eg equivalent to f-35 hover technology functions and nano technology for cloaking or next phase of hover technology with lightweight functions and/or design of the Sukhoi SU-47. Successors of fifth gen Raptor, Su 30 Flanker/Silent Eagle multi-roll fighter,Bird of Prey, Lightning etc/Hornet strike fighter, Tu-144, Tupolev PAK DA or TU-2000 Hypersonic Bomber and Vulcan bombers. Astraea is the first pilotless aircraft to navigate into airspace, so autopilot functions will start using a similar system. The SR-72 Darkstar will be released in 2030 where it will reach Mach 6 hypersonic speed. The Delta wing fighter from india called the Teljas will become a standard design for low manufacturing costs and high numbers.Definition: The term 'Neporium' is derived from the concrete word Neporia, opposition to a communist utopia or interdependent secularism amidst hard times in reference to William S. Burrough's Annexia in his book Naked Lunch in combination with elements of Binai-Jehovah (Saturn), and possibly Dr. Doom's Latvia. Neporia itself means 'sun' or the 'new sun' project.
The differences between Ionization, Polarization, and Plasma are explained here. Sound is Plasma, it simply means control of sound (the att gets hot in heated weather, ie gas is heated with electrical currents and ionization via lithium). Here is a difference between a plasma engine and an electromagnetic engine, electromagnetic engines can use pulse circuits and equivalent forms of plasma via ohms, speakers or control of sound, yet because its engine's power source is a battery it differs from plasma. Plasma engines are used via plasmic devices intertwined with fuel, electromagnetic engines are intertwined with electricity, therefore a plasmic load att will still be regarded as electro-magnetic or a precursor to plasma in order to reduce amperage ie plasma=sound (nuclear fusion..further known as ionization), electromagnetic=magnetic (ev is electric, electricity is limited or not fully developed due to drainage, electromagnetism recycles battery life back into the battery..aka polarization or primitive electric such as the ev) and combustion=fuel (economically exploitative, a source of primitive plasma or prometheum tech). Electromagnetic vehicles use variable throttle with capacitors or one button accerelators to limit ac fluxuation (something you see in gas vehicles without the dc battery to sustain a spark). The most primitive crafts are created via the combustion engine, ionization is created via nuclear fusion and is very dangerous for combat (it basically just navigates and is combined with nuclear fusion for limited atmospheric travel via inertia). Basically, one can make anything hover with a simple vacuum engine. They use a phase shifter, just like a gas car uses gears. Nuclear fusion is just ionization of the craft to create lift. However Ufos create a low pressurization of the atmosphere or under high pressure somehow. Every ufo craft has a polarization method which uses the north and south, or simply put magnetic field of a planet. The next is plasma, plasma is stellar or solar travel. Simple electric vehicles which run on batteries are a primitive form of electricity where plasma is the last stage for human progress and development in evolution. Plasma is infact hyper-charged ions therefore very little petroleum or water is needed, however unlike the ionization use of plutonium, the particles are charged via chemical distribution like the traditional gas engine but far more complex. It is combustion with small amounts of energy used using magnetic energy to sustain the power source. It requires no reactor or power source as its engine (in ufos, gyroscopics or form of the plane itself tend to be the engine with the passenger inside it). Polarization differs from it greatly, it is known as the kronos or sivic god effect. It is nuclear fusion used effectively by a chemical process or chain reaction, basically. These crafts can go to other stars given the distance and time frame. A light speed travel of arriving in a few years is considered if the star is close enough (for instance arriving at a parent star, say the distance between mizor and alcor would only take ten years for an advanced civilization if plasma technology reached its full potential of 299 thousand miles per hour or hyperspeed (roughly 299 mps), it would take 3,000 years using combustion technology; however theoretically speaking it would take 10 years if 299k miles is one hyperspeed unit, and lightspeed travel is obtained by the calculation of light ie 60x2 equates to 299 mps or miles-per-second, 1 lightspeed unit is 699 million miles per hour or 186 miles per second). A hyper-drive would probably go up to 1 astronomical lightspeed unit, however if it is hypersonic it would only reach the speed of sound eg petroleum. Subsonic is propeller based or standard for squad or ground engagements below the radar. Transonic speed is not included because it is under 1000mph, therefore a safe travel for commercial airliners and not a major threat factor in a cold war space race, however it is only used in wars to bomb targets. The plasma ships of orion could not reach light speed but hyper-drive, hyperspeed is a speed near lightspeed. At lightspeed it would take a few seconds to get from here to the moon and back as opposed to 3-6 days with combustion technology (roughly est of 6000 mph as opposed to a hyper-drive, which would take a few hours). To reach the following: supersonic speed using combustion via speed of sound (to break the sound barrier is roughly 1000k mph or simply 1k)=10k mph(top speed of 150k mph), hypersonic speed via hyper-drive with plasma as fuel source=299k mph(top speed of 5 million mph), lightspeed=699mil mph (top speed=infinite or simply warp speed). Cold fusion is nuclear or primitive plasma. Here are some 5 sec slide pics of back engineered ufos or ifos made and developed in the 20th century by humanity via technology around since the 1940s. These links are broken, but you can find the images in this small collection or database of pics (aliens part 1, 2, 3 (deleted!?!), 4). The Geobat is a petroleum based propeller aircraft whom could replace conventional 2 seater planes. It is a ufo design and the first of many, proven to be safer, but unfortunately not built or taken full notice. However, basic it would indubitably be faster than a helicopter. The fact is the IFOs which travel through the atmosphere (i still hold the theory they do have a working avrocar, hence if the turbine moves in two or more directions then it will fly see also the williams x jet or flying platform eg the avrocar and every other conventional ufo will not fly because the turbines aren't moving in two directions) such as Haunabau or solar ufos are told to run off of plasma. The reason why they can't put bullets or guns on the aircraft is fear of combustion. Electromagnetism via a nuclear reactor will easily combust, so they avoided to put any sort of spark igniting machinery on the craft. EMV overheats fairly easily as well (it needs an on/off spark switch basically or it will charge forever via a grid system, however grid systems are required to condition the battery or cell of a craft eg fears of dry cycle etc), with this fear only laser technology can run on the machine. They run off of 6 BMW engines using nuclear fusion or a primitive form of a plasma motor. An EMV has an electrical system, so Evs heat up much more easily (emv is 100amps to 12vac, ev is 500amps to 120vac at least). Emvs are more 'shocky' whilst evs burn more easily, as if made incorrectly or forgetting a crucial and incorrect part for backfeeding. However, my hybrid only does, it creates a backfeed on the surge protector if not used for some one week. The backfeed occurs only in emvs, it just means a right signal won't turn on, or the moped won't start. Its alleviated by surpassing the surge protector with a small contact wire of thin gauge. 2015 tests: Here are the results to the (12.95vt battery or 13.85 on ct tests ends when dips below 12.25 off grid or 13.35 on grid and ct motor...I realized the brake was locked. On 1.17.15 at 35 degrees it was 12.54 when I left and 12.82 when I returned) moped tests: Emv-3 week no voltage loss method: 'pulse circuit' direct ev with just ct ie natural induction method: parallel circuit start time-6.16.15 end time-6.20.15 voltage loss 10.20 ct ev with trickle charge system ie transformers, coil etc (you know, induction boards, solar panels, atts) method: trickle charge with parallel circuit start time-6.15.15 about .40 a day end time 6.15.15 voltage loss with ct is 11.90 both ridiculously low. Pulse circuits are not parallel circuits they are controlled pos-pos neg-neg circuits via motor, transformer, coils etc (to the main battery itself not to a secondary system like lights and radio). Here is a link with explanation of how an EMV works. This is unconventional in electromagnetic devices with one motor such as cars (emvs use a capsule to contain heat made by the transformer in a joint where the sulfation or heat is apparent in order to trap the electromagnetic field), however, if the energy is directed towards a rod in the center it would loss that unconventionality. Emvs require a surge motor or relay and pulse circuit, arc transistor, insulation coil not just a pulse circuit or just a surge relay. The center acts as a rocket, however it is a disc form because of electromagnetic induction currents, giant coils within the craft create heat which is converted to electromagnetism or electricity. However, the avrocar runs off of what one says is petroleum based engines, which is why it didn't work, because petroleum means heat or a jet aircraft's engine is always at high temperatures, you can not have a petroleum based engine in a ufo because too much heat is created and electromagnetic induction will not eliminate this intense heat. Plasma is EMV, its basically rerouting the voltage in a circle back into the battery. If there were ways or designs given, it could be possible, eg air holes or equally spaced chambers from its center jet turbine to outer turbines (see diagram). Basically, we presume they did get an avrocar to function using petroleum only, however it is much speculated as to how they would eliminate the heat without plasma, electromagnetism or nuclear fusion, hence a jet engine is also a motor. The magnetism surrounds the craft, but does very little in terms of function. Unless they made an on-off switch, no projectile can be fired from these things and they can only go as far as maybe mars. The reason why its not a rocket, or jet is because there is no way to fit that many jet engines on a craft without a cylindrical or flat dish-like shape. The avrocar (not hanabau) didn't even have inverted fans on their engine it seems (see also flying platform). Ifos are simple, its a form of Vtol (hence the TR-75, Vtol is simply not built yet for passenger jets, slower with less people yet saves money?!? &air traffic ct private owned vtol would excel in areas such as paris-to-london, moscow-to-europe or texas-to-california like hoverplanes may excel in lakes, yet oddly so, passenger vtol jets do not exist, only transport military ones do such as the osprey due to sound in the cabin being uncomfortable, yet the osprey works?!? heck, even hover planes are extremly rare yet extremely effecient or good ideas) the fans need to be going in opposite directions. Actually these heliplanes would infact work if they had the osprey design with oddities such as mufflers for passengers upon take off and land. They are infact called paraplanes or propellar aircraft ie paralines in the future. Not only that, they need their own scattered platform airports in idk farmland eg no one will find use of a privately owned jet with low range distance, slower speeds and few passengers unless the location bares fruit. For instance if you go to scattered farm land (atleast .34 miles away from civilization) without much residence, the airport would infact work. It would be the greyhound of the skies so to speak. No, Ufos do not need to spin like in clique science fiction film. Interstellar travel can also be atmospheric even. Ufo sightings of pods, spheres & rods seem to have this capability.

In hyper-drive astronomical units. Below a hyperdrive equation to reach 4.24 light years or the nearest star of proxima centauri is super-sonic speed after hypersonic.

19k yrs=150k mph
8k yrs=299k mph
3000 yrs=600k mph
1500 yrs=900k mph
700 yrs=1.2 mph
300 yrs=1.5 mph

150 yrs=1.9 mph
70 yrs=2.2 mph
30 yrs=2.5 mph
15 yrs=2.9 mph
7 yrs=3.1 mph
3 yrs=3.3 mph

Humanity would need an engine which reaches 3,300,000 mph to reach other stars in a single life-time. The Orinids had a star named Mizor and Alcor which was .04 light years, not even half a light year across so their plasma technology probably reached barely 1 million miles (per hour) or 3.3/4=800k miles in just under 3 yrs. The fuel of plasma is petrol or star fuel, however at small quantities. Light Plasma is in fact Light and not totally confined to fusion (gas and electricity) as shown here (full video of inside of unit with lenses taken down by the gov). Fusion is but primitive plasma technology and it is a proven fact motors run off of shear light without an energy source, basically lenses are used by the atlanteans which can somehow manipulate matter to pull. Even magnetism can run without energy as is the case of Magnetic trains where as promethium tech is just built upon steam or weaker elements and into gas. Here is a simple diagram for free energy through vibrational radiation or a generator as an att which gets volts from the magneto-sphere. Both of these devices are key functions of hidden atlantean technology which could have been used today. If the human race reared towards plasma, not only would maintenance be less extensive, but icing would not occur on their airliners (the number one cause of plane fatality is engine failure, this is naturally caused by icing and leaks or engine fires). Given the nature of plasma at a top speed of 6 million they could reach there in a few months.

The final phase of ufo technology is vacuum polarization which creates a worm-hole effect. This technology condenses space somehow. Very little is known about how it is managed or created. However, space can be warped through time somehow. This method of travel is capable for the craft to go into light speeds or other stars, however the speed of light through immense space would look relatively slow. To more primitive races, astral images of these crafts are fairly common.

-An astral image is an illusion of where the craft was once in time and space. The human brain will often see an astral image because of its conscious limitations, unawakened, undeveloped or devolved memory lapses. It is similar to seeing illusions in space, it is called the kronos effect or the bending of light waves into a cone formation via breaking the sound barrier. Their (5th race's) third eye is highly undeveloped or has become so due to micro-evolution within the macro-universe..however they just improve on technology within different fields. Related to how The jinn or dead spirits of lesser races will see images or illusions that they want to see in order to comprehend reality (see occult sections). They work on both fields of technology, advanced or high-tech and promethean, basically.


N-49 airhawk delta aircraft carrier (new design was lost so...basically a 'fat' bulky or thick C-5 Galaxy or C-17 variant, a design with 2-3 story storage compartments) ala Me323. These would carry shuttles such as the atonov an 225 or 'hercules' the biggest plane in the world. Like the B36, these bombers would have atomic engines or a primitive form of plasma for continental travel without delay or air refueling capabilities. The atomic powered X-6 is not actually cancelled, it is a completed nuclear bomber in storage in case a second cold war arises or nuclear threats of one. These would be atomic bombers are the first heavy cargo lifters. In an atmospheric level there is aerospace (atmosphere or air travel), orbital space (outer space or lunar travel), cosmic space (solar travel), and galactic space (dimensional travel). The atomic and nuclear fusion reactors as well as plasma are capable of orbital travel which is required to reach mach 2.4 (to break the sound barrier). EMPs (electro-magnetic pulses) are invisible fields of energy which act as a shield to stop incoming projectiles. Its magnetism combined with electricity. The electricity if plasma or another source such as magnetism will create a hover like effect, no external turbine needed (fusion is an internal turbine which converts radiation into electricity basically, with enough power this can levitate a craft and even make it possible to go through the vacuum of space, the f22 & x470b has fusion yet it is unrevealed or disclosed, plasma however is more powerful then fusion because the engine is external therefore bigger and faster). Fusion is basically what the nazi ufos used ie uranium or thorium (radioactive elements whom can run light bulbs for thousands of years) etc. Fusion engines is a weak form of space travel within the vicinity of the inner planets yet very powerful. Convert radiation into magnetism and you get fusion then electricity...radiation>magnetism>electricity. Scramjets (gun armed only jets) and flying fortresses would use fusion or hover capability, all planes would given the direct understanding by the law of physics. First in the line of drop ships.

Preliminary schematics
M-48 tank guns superpayload as seen in the following schematics. The black hawk, black bird and new cargo planes are my personal schematics derived from sparrows made in highschool, eg note the blackhawk blackbird 2 'fat' variant payloads with non-aerodynamic design, ala ac-130ish, another design the MR-12 aero-assault squad-fighter one (see ares jet). The sr-71 Blackbird are a series of jets from this era like the scanner or the a3 intruder or va21 defender . The planes themselves do not mimic or reflect the lost Neporium falcon series final schematics college design. Some frontal perspective car, tank and plane drawings may be scanned later for purpose of this preliminary drawing section, since my fond hobby grew for alternative environmental 'free' energies (being an owner of a built from scratch EV, a street-legal electric mini-scooter enthusiast). The Mig 308 is the russian Firefox aircraft from the future along with the E-29 or I-29 (continuation of the i-15 series). However we presume it is called the already built ATN-51 (alt. named the AN-51 and AN-58), an aircraft so advanced it puts the b2 bomber to shame. Even more so the H-10 is a diamond shaped ifo (advanced form of the B2) from area 51 that the us government keeps under its carpet. It can navigate in space around earth within a few hours and has principles of plasma technology. However, Russia also has an area 51, aptly named D6 of which one knows nothing about. Emv's require neodymium to work accurately, however they really require a secondary power source, whether this be a motor or a battery, it needs to be secondary (tertiary actually, if you count the primary motor's natural yet brief induction). Alternatives are MHDs or magnetic hydro propulsion which uses water, gas or air+mageto-electric or nuclear drives (with microwave weapons) as a fuel source eg a vertical solar panel alignment structure to power certain cities and civilization. Airships (LTAs) and Hovercrafts (ACVs) use air or helium as levitation, whilst helis use propellers, both of which technology is oudated. The Avs or AAvp (avp for short)is named the amphibious anti-tank assault vehicle or aerial assault vehicle; which then takes off from its platform. Robotic Tanks and trucks (armored vehicles such as the israeli Guardium) are useful for urban modern warfare yet easily destroyed, hence mountain terrain long-range sentry mechs, standard mech suits (vbx systems instead of space or weather suits) or mech-tanks to replace them. Cargo bays, human vehicle transports, and ships are often seen in science-fiction. See also star trek, halo, japanime or Terminator films.
6th Gen Stealth Jet Fighters
e-wing (small-wing aircraft) xr-66 prototype or xr-33 sparrow is named rx-33 and rx 66 part of the RX series or named rotocraft technology (requires unseen wing craft latches and lightweight electronics for descents and climbs via turbine).- turbine effect on wings for air carrier descent and climbs or maneuvering. They would be using guided rtx missiles or missiles whom are guided and exploded via real-time cam. The E-28 is future-tech UAV. More advanced than homing heat signatures.
the Russian glider is called the AR-77 Phantom Project nicknamed 'Ghost' or Phantom Ghost stealth RX-88 technology similar to its non-stealth British sparrow counterpart in maneuvering yet does not excel in evasion like the sparrow does (spins, evasive in highspeeds able to readjust) eg the GEVs. Most craft have mastered to trap wind from tidal forces in this solar system or from past solar wars.
tr-71 (tr-99 prototype) black falcon dive bomber-vertical lift and descent in space@great speeds via turbine effect in center. See also the Ares star-striker. Most starships are often sited yet could be a mind trick or illusion of the mind such as the following...
Secondary Diagrams
more 1 2 3 4 5

*Next Month: Asia and Israel Part 6 air tech collage coming soon!

Purpose: An interceptor for enhanced maneuvering and stabilization or multi-roll and/or transport space probe interceptor or simple known as an anti-gravity IFO

New Technologies: A mock-up of the Umbrella schematic for future avionics in long range fighters and bombers traveling oceanic distances. Used as a replacement on long range transport, notice the airflow current upon the wingspan creates very little resistance and turbulence. Ufos has the advantages of turbine chambers with mercury lightning rods to guide it or distort matter. Ideal for vehicle transport and stability. The craft uses a corona effect, a a fusion reactor whom levitates the craft 'upside down' It is a simple lifter. A primitive form of ionization out-performs the diesel combustion engines. The first form of anti-gravity propulsion and secrets of the bell experiment. The avro car however is required to have three more engines and vacuums or secondary engines to counter their weight. An air capacitor is either a second engine or a spark accelerator in cars. Primitive vacuum technology similar to the conventional vacuum cleaners used in homes. In the future, spark accelerators will be replaced by magnetic motors. These were done independently, derived from memory after my college studies see also the exp aircraft with e-wing pr tilted wing variable.

-all crafts are designed for G force resistance? current flow Coanda effect? airflow with least resistance ergo aerodynamic design. Possible ionization can reach sonic or super-sonic speed. The new russian t-50 amd t-70 series as well as the jap/american coop f-22 f-23/f-35. The f-5 is the first of jets in a series whom can brake the sound barrier upon lift. The f-18, and Fucrom can go into space though, a dassault stealth nEURON ucav will be going in this direction.
tr-99 is an ionized craft with hover climbing technology. Codenamed project 'the star' is fully named Dassault Mirage 7000 long for Tiger 44. The tiger 44 is fully ionized for space flight and stealth. It would be a jet combat plane with capabilities of the U-2 or high up in the atmosphere travel and brief space travel, a petroleum based craft. Continuation of the Rafale or soon to be Rafaleum series. Full design found here.
Top Secret

As for the Top secret crafts, codenamed Area 51's Black Project, could be unmanned uav’s etc. They fall under the unknown. Flight is Highly unlikely to the laws of physics because of its awkward designs. No tail fin suggest otherwise far superior technology of ufos, ifos and the tr3b. The Nazi Bell experiment is proof humans have been tampering with yet most likely not fully developed technology, because it would most def. be a standard somehow. Highly unlikely to be Vacuum technology hence molecular fusion. These are sitings that I have seen and analyzed on youtube and reallife. Defence of the F14 Eagle's advanced capabilities in maneuvering. These are most likely highly advanced for air war or capable of war in space eg space war combat or use of cainutronite [the unknown element or more powerful precursor to nuclear power]. High frequency microwave emitters are currently ground based or for gw (gev) vehicles where as it is proven starwars lasers do not truly exist in this universe for lack of spirit, ether and energy compulsion eg nitrous burns too much fuel therefore its fuel-cells are obsolete..basically star fighters will not exist, ever. Flying saucers however will. The airdrives which the capellans are lqb plasma driven by air and immense motors however the vacuum technology of the pleiadians are used with crystal diamonds as a sort of light reflector, the more light reflected, the longer the battery (batteries are a source of compact fuel for future civilizations), if this battery were a clock, one would have the ultimate technology of space time continuum, the warp drive through the space vacuum itself which also means brief time travel. Capellens had developed rocket technology though because they are masters of the craft. All the space crafts in nasa was credited by the Americans whom were jewish immigrants in particular. The Black triangle is two versions, the astra tr3b (project trinity or tr-3b astra) and black manta tr3a spyplane or RLVs. If they do they have already as Vimanas or ovni designed by more intelligent races whom probably live up to 3000 years of age in one lifespan. The reasons why it is wise for mankind to experiment on ufos even if its petroleum based (in ex the geobat) is because they don't use runways and incorporate hover technology.

Ground based vehicles and Naval technologies: Ground based vehicles such as tanks and such would require plasma motors. The mech would be possible for high mountainous advantages. A mech would be possible technology of the future. However, only if they are used for terrain in mts like naval ships. A battle would be much like the ones by naval ships in oceans. This broad section will be skipped for further research because they have no relation to air or flight.

Future Concepts: With flying cars the population and height or close object indicators such as a radar tower would be taken into consideration. Mostly, since humans have no control over their elemental bodies. They are easily controlled and devolved so much that they can not program flying planes easily let alone land based cars. The flying platform aka flying manpad, 'wasp' airlift or turbine skylift is infact george orwellian in nature, a helicopter rotary system which goes two directions for one person travel. It would save costs in travel, and pollute the environment much less. The X-jet would need some sort of radar to avoid collisions, and ofcourse a parachute instead of airbag. You could have 10000 per state with 100 per county, and a license outside the state would be subject to the law. This still does not prevent air traffic congestion, ie 500 in one area. Therefore height regulations or a 'heighto-meter' would even lessen greatly sky traffic congestion or crash with up/down signals instead of left/right and speed regulations would prevent crashes (under say airspace of 1000 ft you could have 20 foot regulatory formations for 50 in one area, if more than 50 are in a county they are subject to the law eg bean poles with red/green lights within the area). If these become legal, so will jet packs even. However, some speculate that they are too dangerous, even with a grate over the fan chamber...and like the car crashing, failure in the motor would result in untimely death, or a possible deathrate eg parking zones would need be made or created. One would actually only need a pilot license and landing pad zones (squares at gas stations) because not many people would afford this product. A radar for high traffic and sensor, or if it gets affordable. On top of that it would require limited travel or a flightless mode for gas station rooftops. The fact is it is extremely easy to fly, and cuts down the law of travel. Yet a civilization would still need new laws and licenses to obtain this technology. They are also brain washed with the belief of a utopia or a type of immortal city within a city dream ie a city is confined to the ego, not the world or a population in one part of the world is different evolutionarily to one on another side of the world which is untrue, but it is a basis for science fiction writers. These cars would be limited to 1000 per capita of a pop. with 65,000 and most likely would need parking lots with rooftops to land. In a dystopia, flying cars would be common. The truth of the matter of the fact is fossil fuels create carbon rise (carbon turns to methane a poisonous gas with heat in the upper atmosphere, which infact can be dangerous for the planet, or feed the already created ozone), 1 percent was increased via 1 hundred years alone, at 3 percent the planet's shorelines will dissolve and its cities lie under water. However, the world is already a dystopia & to control the elements is elemental behavior from which pagan moslems spark the old ways of ideology and religious fanaticism or something which is not there like a christ child. It would not be like star wars, but an unpopulated or unrevised edition of star wars to have this type of technology in the imagination. Utopian cities however are proven in Japan til this day. Without runways, crafts can land almost anyway in any given situation. Actually Hover cars (hover vehicles, vehicles such as the russian ekranoplane or standard acvs are infact too low for terrain capabilities, hover cars and bikes would eliminate the only water inabilities) would be a more practical use than flying cars because less power is required, ie more mass equals more movement or inertia as speed or the smaller the weight, the less room for power unless an engine is able to fully undertake the effects of plasma which may take a few thousand years in progress. Hover cars at this time are practical albeit slow, if one were to travel over a lake or large body of water, one would use a hover vehicle, where as if a boat is faster, it can not take the road or go over snowy&icy terrain or deserts let alone flooded areas with rapid currents. The aero-x set for 2017 seems to be close in that regard, however it is limited. And the electromagnetic EVR 111b tank seems to be even closer. Turbines would boost its height (enclosed wind currents), and even larger blades. A hover vehicle may even go over trees and up rivers given time for its evolutionary progress.NEVs NEMV, NM are Near-range vehicles that are not highway capable such as mopeds, etc. aka neighborhood electric vehicles such as e-cars, golfcarts, go-karts and so on (which for some reason are not always lawful due to the field of view or some strange low emiter on the person's sight, yet even a duck can fly faster then most cars from one pt to the next). After building a prototype electro-magnetic vehicle using a standard 36v scooter sold on the market, one has to open the motor to put iridium inside it and outside of it. They then have to put iridium within the controller's insulators itself to insulate energy. However all these manufacturing touch up techniques are not required hence the charger reads pos, and an att via the dc (or ac even) port of the charger can as well (see following). DC is basically just a neg current therefore dangerous to any external device (including basic converters for lights), even when coupled with a pos, idk 2 acs worked. The prototype was so complex as to have points which read 25 volts (to att) and -13 volts (to motor) on the same point of the battery. Atts have a distinct advantage over the competition, it uses an electrostatic current invisible in the atmosphere, almost etheric whilst electricity uses large dangerous power sources which need to be diminished greatly. The points should read the following, all 0s with 1 entry point of pos, or all pos with dif voltage readings (may fluctuate to neg@times), or all pos with the same voltage reading. Homemade EVM:

Common electric scooter Mod hacking trick (cont.): One then makes the wires to the battery very short and thin like television cable att wires from the 80s which do not melt or break. One then uses thick wire to the battery (neg sparks easily) and thin wire to the pos (pos tends to melt). However, to prevent explosions of the pos, use normal wire and a case cover to protect it (a protector becus it easily melts in hot weather, like a film cap). I had no problems in the rain with the vehicle, because a plastic cover protects it. Rubber tubing taped to the open connectors on the battery itself insulate energy or prevent explosions (the wires are thin yet laced with thick 'cable-like' bendable plastic). If say there is a stop and go situation in a congested city such as a metropolis, you are not going to have flowers in the city for trucks, unless the trucks run on electro-magnetic functions. Gas brakes and mufflers for engines are not wise, because proof of oil slicks are that the engine distributes the most carbon monoxide whilst at at stand still. Flowers don't die however certain flowers will not grow unless micromanaged fairly well (electric cars just mean less slavery, however they will get stuck and towed if the battery drains eg no second solutions like walking for gas available). Flowers MAY not grow inbetween large urban sprawls with high rise buildings because the carbon creates a poisonous situation where high heat is involved with gas. For example San Fran may be too congested. In reality vehicles don't need fuses, yet they prevent burns. One should use magnets to slow down currents on circuit boards, as well as use magnetic brakes. One should also use cotton to prevent pins from vibrating so air does not escape or use nitrogen in their wheels. The fuse is either cut and twined or replaced with a substitute metal rod because fuses tend to blow (fuses are useless they only prevent sparks&dont drain battery life). The pulse charge frequency from the att works as an oscillator to a small lightbulb hence the second heart&large rectifier (bulbs act as capacitors, or flattens out currents basically). The scooter itself goes 6+ miles on a charge of only an hour, proof is recently made, on May 31 2014 it managed 5 miles or so and I timed it to recharge at exactly half an hour (give or take I caught it timed at 1.5 hrs fully recharged when it should be 4-to-6 ie i know because after 10 min a scooter's red light will also be 4-6 sec however this one is only 1sec via infinite time unplugged). Plumbers heat resistant gel usually prevents meltage and burns of circuitry, fuses will melt, connectors as well because the current is going back and forth, however my system prevents burns whilst it takes the electricity in an opposite direction whilst cycling the battery (common evs just go from battery to motor and that's it, my emv goes from battery to battery, then to motor and back into the battery). I retested my emv (emv moped) monday june 16th of 2014 and it went up to 6 miles and back with a recharge at 2 hours (recorded). On 8/30 I did 7 miles just as I did it 2 months earlier with a recharge of 2 hrs and no battery degradation, however burns do turn up if I don't notice the system come loose (The tests are still incomplete, or not tested to its fullest potential, say if connection A which is taped down comes loose, that connection will not prevent burns and cycle the battery incorrectly (it will recycle too quickly ie 13.25 instead of 2.75 which will cause burns via motor&faster battery drain). This happens regularly yet in most cases is unnoticed). On Sep 1st I did the same 7 miles with a regeneration of an hour and half, because i reversed the polarity (hall to the charger is neg to pos or a direct feed, it was in the wrong way before). Regenerative braking simply means an induction motor without a pulsating current, however one can include one and go twice the distance AND with a pulsating current the batteries life will last 3 times as long ie regenerative braking with a lithium set may go up to 1600 miles, then degrade, with the pulsating circuit it would quadruple. The Dc converter is unknown, therefore it acts as a recharger which feeds the battery because I put the signals in reverse (ie neg to neg, pos to pos or the converter to the motor, the lights to the converter...this means infinite, because the converter works with the att while its pulse charging, however the converter when the lights are on, feeds the feeds the battery but only when 2 lights are on for some reason because the wires are in reverse plus 1 wire is to the motor). Once again, on June 23rd I did another 4 mile run at 2 hrs this time with button press, for some reason I never have the capability to do more than 2 hrs, or never track it to say the least. The button howver should be pressed to achieve a one second signal (ie leave the charger off for a week, and it should still read 1 sec instead of 5 or some minutes), however the process is still being experimented on. This is the true nature of the button, to trickle charge the battery back to a correct reading. I managed a test of 7+ miles in july and this is a limit for a new battery cell, however, one must note I was using a dead cell that barely reached 3 miles on 70 degrees, then one must note a brand new cell can not do 7 miles due to grade climb without having a station to recharge or can with a recharge time of 8hrs and total decharge. I did 7+ miles with 4 hr recharge time hence the recharge is not a factor, the battery is just simply used to start the motor which regenerates itself via a hall throttle. I think, uphills in my area kill the battery completely, because it lacks an induction motor (the theory is the controller is simply too weak to handle strong uphill grades). However, on 9.20.14 I did a high uphill grade after a long run of 7 miles give or take hills (a standard 36volt is advertised as 12 miles on flat service or terrain). I decycled the battery completly afterwards, and derev'd the vehicle so only the cycle rev (button) would slowly crawl to the point of crawling and stopping. I waited an hour or 2 without a plug, and button not pressed (important, do not press button while at standby...high voltage decycles even if a weak lithium battery is the charger and att). The vehicle was at full speed, able to be at least 25 percent charged via thin air, even with a weak standard 9 volt lithium pc battery, imagine 1000 volt (which was tested and it can control). A standard DC motor has brushes near the stator and fixed magnet. This explanation alone proves, I am first place and still number 1 in the industry with this particular field. One needs add magnets to that area in an arch or one can have stators with magnets as an arch or half circle (not fully around). Hence EMV does not exist unless its plasma (mass X momentum=power). Plasma requires streaming elements at low voltage not high voltage ie low amperage and best usually with 1 pt if no hall throttle aid is given. Plasma requires an induction motor or if you see the term EMV it means low grade plasma vehicle (vehicle with rotating magnets and secondary power source such as a battery to start&secondary motor&/or hall throttle+att, if stators on dc motors had magnets near the fixed magnets split off in 3 spaces this would be a truism). Electro-magnetic propulsion, aka plasma requires one thing for infinite energy, the lock connector or switch to turn on the vehicle with the battery, not the battery itself. A secondary circuit is now installed in the formation of wall outlets..its more simple now. The transformer works as a primary to a secondary like in a wall outlet. Since DC releases more energy than AC, the secondary releases energy more quickly...its infact not an input transformer yet an output transformer. This is the exact reason why the electric car industry negated this fact. An input transformer causes induction leakage and even an att system if not installed correctly will cause this leakage (att systems need to charge the att with a recharger battery to get electromagnetism basically, yet if the recharging battery dies this causes major leakage problems). An output transformer does not. A newly built circuit which ran a 12v fan for 2 months straight&recharges a new 1000 watt motor/battery set in 2 hours flat proves my point (12.13.14). Every power source in the world works this way, as a 120 volt output transformer going into a smaller voltage unit which is why DC can be infact controlled, because the AC looses energy. The electric car industry has a one coil transformer, however their mistake is not adding a secondary coil. With a secondary coil charging times become minimal if split off from two ac terminals. However the difference between this and pulse currents/trickle charges is that they simply require a secondary battery or power-source, instead of a motor...both require no heat ie a weak slowed down connection or rerouting currents to atts or to secondary motors etc to function properly. The button (a 'starter' button found on gas mopeds) basically acts as a fuse to narrow out high amperage, required for electromagnetic and/or pulsating currents yet it also acts as a pulse inhibitor to turn on a pulse charge incase too much energy has drained from the battery (if the battery is drained completly lock connection won't turn on, if lock connection doesn't turn on, no infinite energy will be created...battery doesn't regenerate itself basically, only the pulse charge or trickle charge via a wall charger its infinite unless the battery's life gives way). However, when pressed I got stuck at a 5 mile mark, so I pressed the button to use the generator for the rest of the way. The key to electromagnetism isn't induction alone, its to lower resistance or high amperage as much as possible. Soon we will do an infinite test of 12-16 miles. So far I managed a few tests extra in July and none really failed, one was without a battery connection?!? Sorcery, idk. Anything that absorbs heat is regarded as plasma, therefore electromagnetism alone is limited like an air-powered car's speed is limited or electric car's range. Just an electro-magnetic motor itself is also limited, it can't go to a certain speed without being bigger basically...therefore electromagnetic vehicles in actually don't exist without the catalyst of plasma (a secondary motor, or a hall throttle effect using an att). They would be like a precursor, like the electric car is a precursor to the gas car or air car is a precursor to hho (water system, electrolysis...imho primitive plasma). If HHO is a liquid, then electric vehicles are a lie, they are actually a liquid as well, or known as a precursor to the gas age (which is true, because the french invented electric vehicles). Plasma if built correctly can run until the battery whether it be 12 volt or 24, dies completely however if built incorrectly it will kill a battery faster and overheat its system (proof is i ran my moped on plasma, yet the hall was dc'ed, the current changed from 2 volts to 36 to a fast 24 -13 volt rate, it burned the battery cable basically..this is dangerous because it overheated the system, the att alone is still plasma because it fed the recharger and got me home with a dc'ed battery though). This round of human civilization is basically aeons behind from the previous rounds. If one were to build an electromagnetic vehicle with parts one would take apart a microwave, for the atlanteans had hidden the technology in these devices, parts such as the magnetron, transformer, inverter with fan and high-voltage capacitor would be a necessity for controlling magnetic forces at will. A magnetron is at times useless without the grid, one can make a gun out of it basically. A powerful ray gun, if one can recharge a plasma battery. The magnetron is infact useful for desulfated batteries. If you connect it to the grid and then to a desulfated battery at low amps, you can make the battery new again. It basically drains the battery of radiation, cleaning the sulfated plates. In theory microwaevs are an electromagnetic vehicle of somekind, if one can contain the radiation leaping out of the magnetron. Emvs require an insulation coil, a condensor and spider-circuit via a stationary stator. They need and arc transistor as well, which acts as a spark plug with a very minute arc charge via a blown ngt transistor. They also require a surge circuit for induction, in turn it uses pulse technology. A stationary stator creates a magnetic field without spinning, ie lower amperage at higher voltage. A stationary stator creates a magnetic field without spinning, ie lower amperage at higher voltage ie a stator generates 70 amps, whilst stationary much less and this protects the motor from decharging. Essentially using the battery amperage at 4.5. The fact is, the house voltameter in your backyard which charges money for your electric bill is also an electromagnetic vehicle or device. It spins a small plate, then slows the plate with magnets so the voltage is trickled outside of the current, but since the amps are so high turned low, its called a pulse and not a trickle. If its low its a trickle effect, amps can be really low at high voltage basically. High voltage, not low voltage is what identifies the current of an emv or its amps. Evs use low voltage (high amps, or current draw), and they run off the grid. EMVs do not. Evs use high voltage, low current/amp draw ie they are all weather without temp control, they conserve the battery and they use a 12 volt system, usually 12 volts on 36 volts or a tertiary overlapping powersource eg a 12v 12ah battery on an ev will last 6 months and will drain. Emvs last infinite, however the mileage is not infinite, this depends on the complexity of the motor and liquid plasma or an electrolyte feed, similar to HHO...not a common fuse. That is the true evolution of Evs from Emvs, Emvs use 12volts whilst Evs use parallel circuits. Emvs go much farther, and perserve more batteries for less batteries, they also don't require a charge...however do eventually, yet can be recharged via the motor without weight (energy=speedxmass/ distance). The motor requires to regenerate fast enough for infinite to occur, otherwise in EMV terms its sheer fantasy. This trickle effect is also a motor trickling energy back into the negative of a battery. Otherwise, even your airplanes would be using plasma instead of fuel. With a magnetron onto a load att, or coil system in reverse (such as an input transformer or inverter of sorts ie the secondary would have lots of coils whilst the primary a few as opposed to the common output transformers, an input transformer can convert and feed 2.21 amps into almost anything...and best of all this insulated coil system and heatsink can convert 12 volts into 36 volts or any given voltage) the device would release unwanted heat and radiation from an electro-magnetic car, giving it the infinite energy. On the upside, the radiation would be taken out of the circuits and transferred via an actual load att back into electricity, this would be the magnetron or graviton type device in a microwave to prevent over heating in electromagnetic cars. The system must have stagnated instead of going into the age of electric plasma or turned into HHO somehow. EMVs using 1 motor don't exist, if they do they are plasma or fairly complex (will be slow without a pulse system). EMV or Plasma, the true name for electric vehicles. Using the generator only is infact infinite, however one goes maybe 10 miles an hour instead of 20 or 30 with a hall throttle and att (the high amperage will turn it off, the hall throttle effect is infact a combination of throttle support with low amperage, extra magnetic energy from the motor (incomplete arch effect or just a magnetic arch with a quarter turn around the brushes, not on the stators currently) eg the att is charge up, not to release energy but to take in .5 volts. On july the 4rth however, i didnt press the button@all to see if it would trickle charge or be infinite, and lo&behold it was infinite via my not pressing the button (the button should only be pressed if it decharges which it does if you press it, proof is I did 7 miles+ with pressing it and it slowed down to a crawl, i did it again without pressing it and it was infinite). It seems that pressing the button quadruples battery life of a basic battery, yet still drains or dry-cycles it whilst not pressing it fuses the high amperage, without decharge or signs of dry cycling or degrading (going up a hill with a weaker momentum then the start)@ a whopping one hour wallcharge back time. The battery regenerates whilst its pressed, yet on this last july 4th test it was never pressed so its infinite. Basically, I am the only one in the planet to wield electro-magnetic technology in such a small device like a moped or motorcycle, currently. This 5th test was greatly better than all of the other tests not only overthrowing the automobile industry but proving my point to the electic car industry. A trickle 'air' charge of not using the motor@ 10 minutes will maybe give u back 10 percent recharge or basically will go up the street at a dead interval however the system itself seems to atleast quadruple a 36 volt battery set's range. The circuit has room to improve or can be simplified, however its a prototype and the system would require funding for replication. The magnetic arch (magnets lining an arch around the main motor) no matter what the mileage is always 2 miles (i agree some pod cars out on the market are 200 miles in range, however, my vehicle is infinite and i find it ridiculous that these pod cars run at a whopping 100,000 dollars instead of a 1,000 dollar range). The lights need to be on to feed the current from the motor back into the battery. Then the button is pressed and it goes infinite. The system has no patent and can be created freely for the public. However I did invent the fact that an att instead of a secondary motor such as a pulse motor or stronger motor can be used for this system, or am the first since tesla to verify the technology. Anyone can do it basically, idc. It managed do go at 5-10 miles without using a battery (using the att&hall, motor) and 2 miles using the battery. The standard recharge time of this scooter without a induction motor is 2 hours via a 3-4 mile trip and that's on a desulfated battery that doesn't even do a mile (not only that desulfated batteries take 8-10 hrs to recharge instead of the common 6). It requires correct induction basically to be verified infinite however it is still being tested via lights (without lights it can only do 7 miles on a desulfated battery, with lights there is no limit). The best electric car on the market is 3 hours with 'special' equipment such as an oversized cord and voltage generator built at home. More proof it beats any electric car on the market. The technology itself is relatively 'cool' creating no need for fuses and no burns ever for all weather (it doesn't matter if a controller is temp controlled hence I did a 90 degree day at 7 miles with no burns or problems whatsoever it will override no temp and not give out in cold weather either..a 40 dollar controller will act like a 90 dollar one..untested). Before I thought maybe emvs go out in cold/hot/rain/snow weather due to factors such as secondary motor heat or a battery drainage issue, but it only cycles the battery, meaning if the battery does indeed drain and motor not create enough excess energy it will just maybe go a slower speed (faster if the battery drains and it depends on the size of the motor config and/or if its using the motor only all the time or not, my vehicle is not because it goes slower or its arch is incomplete, not enough magnets around it persay) I was unsure until recently. However the magnetic arch is not complete its only a quarter around the moped instead of a quarter and a half. I think its supposed to go diagonal though, not sure. The previous test in late may was from 5 minutes to an hour (unrecorded basically at 4 miles distance, recharging time was anywhere from a few minutes to an hour). The recharge time was a trickle charge which means I wasn't pressing the button down while the motor was in rotation (spinning causes extra voltage to be rerouted, if the button isn't pressed its a basic trickle charge effect). Usually, if you press the button down it will literally not expend battery life, however I decided to add more magnets as well. I will continue with a third test on june 23rd. Deciding adding and taking away magnets might deter performance since energy needs to be released from the base of att. May take away the magnet from its base upon third test. Pulse currents require energy to be released basically. So spinning simply causes extra voltage to be rerouted, if the button isn't pressed its a trickle charge effect. So far the two tests indicate the button press effect is much more advantageous than the trickle charge@a whopping few minutes to 1 hour wallcharge feed. On the good side, the 2hr charge was just me not pressing the button, the vehicle itself showed no signs of decharge and was left off of the outlet for more than 2 weeks (wip til the 3rd test, needs to be off a wall charge for at least a week for any indications or signs of decharge). The 600 volt battery was briefly used as a simple att pulse charger, instead of an infinite energy system or electromagnetic charger. We want to slow the amperage down with a large coil, like a strong ac current or long att with coils wrapped around it & magnets under your car. These high voltage currents should never be coupled yet they are sold that way on the market, sharing a clip or connecter together. The wires to and from the dashboard are thin telephone wire which is twined directly to the artery of the vehicle (vehicles only have a heart/artery [battery/lights], brain [controller] and stomach/muscle [motor] basically, artery is for lights) to conserve more energy or simply put..many negs and a stomach becomes the battery make a heart as the pulse and an att as the tail with few wires and a simple spark as the head or brain where the tail is controlled by a microwave coil. The dashboard is not important because it takes little energy. A large wheel is installed in the rear for high speeds, a small street wheel installed in the back...well front..for high mileage and conventionality. All the wires are straight, and not too long or looped. This prevents burns and/or bad signals like a computer chip. A pressure sensitive button (which i call the spark accelerator) would replace the hall-effect because hall effect accelerators tend to break when too much current is accessed, much like how the playstation controllers are built, these things are sold on gas scooters (however a simple double-connection or thick clamp wiring to neg solves this problem). Although this pressure sensitive accelerator isn't available it could be whilst the l37 (circuit card with rectifiers) gives the rechargable att a good sustainable dc current from ac giving it safe from over-charging or defiling a battery. The scooter itself would not break or weather in hot or cold temps/ If the industry saw how easily a 36 volt 'kids' scooter with a cheap controller could be turned into a safe nev vehicle with a mileage range of +12 miles and long battery life, one would rethink gas all together, even in their cars. A kids scooter with a T8f chain and 1000 watt motor/controller will run like a smooth silent moped for thousands of miles on end@around 25mph (and not a single cent of gas is spent). The charging time is often a simple 5 minute zap for a full charge, even when on empty one can go up to 6 miles more just by zapping the charge on a temp golfcart controller or not temp controlled one. The other advantages of magnets is that the range is much greater, the nev taking neighborhood and side streets could go up to 20 miles and charged @ the mall parking garages (on cold days the cheaper non-temp controllers allow only 12 mile ranges). Tested. Electromagnetism works like this, it needs a starter switch or some sort of surge to bypass the surge coil to the controller. Another fact is it works like an RGB television cathode anode tube. That is essentially electromagnetic, because it is taking the anode and shooting it into the cathode. If you notice the rgb scanner, then shoots the beam into the screen or tube to create each pixel either through digital or rf signals. It is essentially an electromagnetic gun, like a microwave, and creates its own energy. The only downfall of emv is osscilation a possible loss of energy do to motor size which can be reduced via capsule and plasma. I noticed also small wheels at high speeds require wind-flaps, although the roads are unconventionally built and maintained or non-roman persae, they will not last a few decades let alone a few years. The wind flaps don't avoid their potholes, yet they keep dirt from inside the vehicle. Now one has the ability to avoid the law and emission inspections (epa doesn't even allow electric vehicles on the road, technically speaking however most states have moped laws which are lenient or require basic rider driver qualifications such as rear view visibility, working lights and low-ride footrest for under 30-35 mph vehicle which is why electric bikes@high speeds are illegal) all together. On top of that, no driving test is required for a 20 dollar learner's permit....(driving tests are annoying or time consuming ie if u return to the dmv it takes some effort seeing that some evs can't go that far or take highways). As are mopeds not allowed on three lane streets, so are magnetic vehicles not built for potholes or made strictly for smooth services due to the current being disturbed, electronics will turn off. A spark plug on gas scooters which creates a shock for turning on batteries becomes an accelerator with infinitie energy on electric scooters, acting as a slow sped alternator with low amperage able to recharge a 1000 watt motor. The first moped built with high amps (ie small vehicles need be considered, 2 motors would tip them or weigh them down, high amps would destroy or decharge the battery) is a basic one. This is done via an att turned into a dc current and a spark ignition for the accelerator. Only electric cars can hold two motors ie one more powerful then the car motor or have a motor with low amps powering a battery. The only down side is the lack of electrical outlets found against buildings or on private property or walkway..parking on private property is fine as long as there is a walkway. The trick is to make a neg and pos static electromagnetic current flow into dc, basically whether its coils, a wiring system and/or att, the current flows in a certain direction via ohms or radiation levels. Atts are not a primary function, they can only be used as an intersecting point between a pos neg current. Therefore the Neg of the recharging battery should be the recharge insertion point on a vehicle whilst the att needs read pos (att) to neg (main bat), the recharger battery would need be neg (battery) to pos (main bat). Fluctuating currents are an evolution of pulsating currents. Coils are batteries or large capacitors whom create current flow when no amperage is available. To build a pulsating current, you just have to make sure none of the joints are neg to the battery, or even the circuit itself (0 basically, the trick is to find neg au on two joints, which can only be done with attenas). Attach a powerful att to a pulsating current and u get a dc current but ignore a pos and neg connection to the charger itself (use neg). Basically, u need to ground the neg. This can be done via routing the coil's att or central cord to its right or left cord. A 12 volt can recharge common aa batteries, here is the method i used. The 12 volt which is recharged is connected to a secondary recharging battery&att at any voltage via the pos. The primary battery is a tertiary battery which reenforces the secondary via the neg. This can be easily explained with decharged aa batteries. 2 dead aa batteries are connected via the pos and neg. The secondary battery of the aa is recharged. The one directly connected to the 12volts neg is decharged, however it recharges the secondary aa battery indirectly connected to the 12v. Atts can only boost the ac current via pos-pos or neg-neg, however it should be pos (att) neg (bat). I got many readings and different configurations basically, but never managed to do an infinite one like in july 2013 of which ran virtually dead batteries. It kind of swaps current flow. The goal is to isolate the electromagnetic signal via a switch of some sort or create a low voltage current with low frequency currents in the audio spectrum. Like I said, electro-magnetism is just a dc current from the bat attached directly to the motor via a convertor (or att) of some sort that manages to output energy. I have achieved 3 things and lost, 1) infinite energy without resistance to recharge while driving aka perpetual motion (destroyed) 2.) air rechargable energy via 8-6 hrs (intact, battery destroyed) 3.) pulsating energy to gain notable distance (intact, achieved..battery failure due to dc converter, dry cycling too hard uphills etc..dc converter battery reads 13.17 instead of 13.95..which brings a piont up, dc converters have heatsinks and if they get too hot can destroy cells). I still hold first place in those particular fields however...and proved it on a decycled battery (bought batteries in january, desulfated batteries in march, battery went 2 miles only to 7 miles with the system, drove moped twice a weak to twice a day throughout the summer, primary battery went out in september..saved about 800 dollars on gas est figure give or take 200 dollars, a full cell would be 800 dollars and 21 mile ranges instead of 7 for a recharge) through tests and logistical records during the year 2014 in an 8 month period. Moped needs to recharge the battery, or bring it back to life...however a desulfated battery with a reading of 12.95 can only recharge in air so many times (proof is it retains a pos charge, a common ev does not..a common ev drains at 1 percent a day if not connected to the wall).
Electrocars are Microcars or small cars aka LEvs or Light electric vehicle. NEvs are small cars too, however they are built from devices such as gas mopeds, etc or any device that can be street legal. Basically, a golf cart or go-cart can be an LEV, but it may fall under the law or street requirements because of the low ride. I can def see electro-magnetism being incorporated first on these things. However you would need a surge motor, or type of extra motor-like alternator device. Hover craft such as the ekranoplane are actually not planes, they are amphibious vehicles. Electric vs Gas in ground-based vehicles. The fact is is that the gas industry including natural gas is 1 trillion dollars a year, with this factor compared to the 3 billion dollar coal industry, it will become a prime factor for competition. They will penetrate the gov, the industry which produces evs and even the marketing value to destroy the competition. The electric city car of 1975 is the earliest car after the war that went into production in america, which had 3 gears and each gear was a voltage (24,36,48) to gain speed. However, electric cars now-a-days can be powered by fans which the industry ignores as well (however, they use inverters which are a form of constant regenerative braking, therefore their more expensive cars with induction motors are an equivalency, a fan in the front would be a cheaper form of inversion). If a fan is under the front grate of an electric truck, it would generate electricity doubling the mileage. However, its not infinite and the electricity the wind generates may not work as an effective recharger (eg the regenerative brake system generates electricity to a certain degree, by simply keeping the battery from draining, not a significant gain imho compared to the att and secondary battery system recycling energy...however the fan would be on much longer time so its second best due to some errors such as vehicles having to be over 40 miles per hour to make the fan would be a great addition basically to any electric or electro-magnetic car). You could conventionally hide a fan in the front compartment of any vehicle. As was with the EV1 (a future concept android car), the car was destroyed and literally stolen by the consumers whom leased the program. Only 1500 (only 4000 evs in america are sold per yr in the usa due to epa tax credits) were made as opposed to the expected 25,000. This which is why one needs to know how technology works, with an ev its simple to self-maintain a motor, battery and ignition connection, with a fossilized vehicle its complex. Ironically, communistic societies used electric vehicles for their companies in abundance. What is a primitive emv? Well, a motor reinforced by external magnets outside the motor to strengthen its magnetic conduction and safe some energy. Obviously a rechargeable ev or simple put a weak extra battery source such as an att or magnetic current on the motor with the controller or lock connector still on. The more complex the technology the more the primitive. So mileage is a factor, 300 miles are a great advantage and confidence in cross country, yet one looks at the logistics. The human brain sleeps every 8 hrs or so, in 24 hours when one goes cross-country a gas car will beat an electric car, unless the ev is situated in a small country with lots of stop signals such as briton & even then the ev will beat a gas car because when one reaches that limit, they will have done so with a 400 mile hybrid range (its hard to manufacture evs that are more powerful than gas currently so hevs are on top of the table for economic value and purpose currently, it won't drain as fast). They are an upgraded hv or uses hydrolyzes and/or electrolysis from the electric engine instead of just water to the engine itself. If one were to go 300 miles without sleeping, it would be a miracle. Although Electric recharging vehicles or ERV may need cold fuel cells to achieve 1000mpg, they surely can (but it is not required), with a coil system and joint connector to achieve high degrees of heat. My erv has been going strong way past 7 years with a non-temp controlled controller. An ERV contains 100,000 volts in its coil system like an ICE does in its ignition coil. Given the progress of EV, 400 miles is but a few years away (the Lionev all-electric SUV does a 400 mile range and recharges in 10 min, however gas can do 600miles via motors on the wheels, so we may cheat by using hevs via electric fusion with a 2000 mile range if we want to with no cost difference as opposed to paying for gas; there is even a recharging technology which replaces the generator or alternator, electric conductor in ecars where even hydrocars having infinite mileage is around the corner cite HV, HEV, EV, EMV, PV, PEV, PHEV, LV/LEV, NV/NEV, MV/MEV, WPV, ERV/BEV, CAPV or APV (phinergy air vehicles), ICE, PPE or EWPV etc or Hydro-vehicle for water/air elements, weak factory base, hybrid electric vehicle). They probably needed an inverted dc motor aka a dc converter inside a common ac dc motor to create a recharging current or backwards spin so to speak. A car can run only on water, except if you drive cross country you can't carry gallons of water with you, what if you are in a location out of town, you need gallons of water. The WPV or wind powered generator is limited with...well wind not being there, therefore it can not evolve too greatly...though it is even useful on land beach based terrain therefore it is a simple mod or an evolution of electric vehicles (windpower can boost a range of up to 3 miles or more however electric car industries don't use this function hence an SUV with a windpowered front chassis in the front under the grate would be effective induction give or take some energy loss if not split with a capacitor of some sort). The HEV is an evolution of the HV (one can convert any gas car into an hv using pipes and valves at custom lengths without a carburetor, yet more water would be needed as fuel) as the EMV should have been the evolution of the EV by now. Two negs will make a pos, if configured a certain way it will become a high frequency charger. This requires microwave conductors, and a coil system of some sort attached to an att. This would be considered an ev yet I managed to make the single infinite, so it has hidden functions of an emv. An EVG is infinite, however an ev car or moped with a recharging battery that recharges via air while you are at school or work would be beneficial and make more sense. Electric vehicles don't pollute the environment or contribute to noise pollution, they are fairly silent. The gas leaks on automobiles are known to destroy pavement integrity when parked at a shopping mall etc before the weather gets to it. A hydrogen car is infact a water-powered car via the HHO system...therefore a primitive version of plasma or a highly advanced battery system (hho comes before plasma yet uses fuel so electromagnetism or evs/emvs come before plasma hence emvs are regarded as early types of plasma ie hho is a battery system) however since the battery or containment unit is customized for an electric charge, we regard it as an electric vehicle because it splits the hydrogen or is known as an hydrogen electric vehicle (hev not hv) via electrolysis. It is simply put, not infinite, so not suitable for say a desert-like city cut off from the world's resources whom can grow lush grass knolls in heavily congested urban areas (carbon kills plants or requires constant maintenance), hence flowers will not die, but bloom instead. It can compete with EVs yet needs fueling stations or water as fuel. Yet Flowers are not proven to die, but it is speculated for carbon emissions to kill it or stunt its growth more quickly if not constantly micromanaged. Yet this too may be a lie. A Hydrogen only vehicle goes much slower like the air pressurized would use hydrogen tanks ie the only infinite emission cars out is evm or electro-magnetic vehicle using pulse currents, surge motors and/or att frequencies to keep the battery recharged, however we noted EVs have not evolved to be air or driven charged via a recharging battery yet. It has not been invented yet on the market, which an att would easily accomplish. We speculate evs with 300-400 mile ranges are cheating, because they are using electromagnetic induction motors, therefore they are concealed electric cars with electro-magnetism or a recharging circuit to triple the distance. An inductor or att loading coil is what you need to convert ac to dc and create a fluxuating current or recharger in vehicles from a pulsating current. This is true plasma (first comes Battery {ev} then HHO or feul {still ev,imho equivalent to gas no offense, water needs electrolysis if it doesn't its plasma or an electro-generator with electro-magnetism ie induction coil with hall effect, pulse circuit or extra motor} then Plasma {emv or electro-magnetic induction with a fluid or cell}, hence Plasma is electro-induction using a battery cell as a capicator and motor. Electro-magnetism can only work with principles of plasma (coils, atts, or secondary motors to turn the battery into a capacitor and motor into a generator etc). An inductor uses electromagnetic frequency or magnets via att or motor to recharge a vehicle using another motor or surge even (a hall throttle acts as a secondary motor), therefore still considered the first in a long generation of electromagnetic vehicle. There are early versions of EVM or electro-magnetic vehicles (tesla roadster etc use a propeller or are propelled via induction to a dc current). The roadster is the only true tesla vehicle because of this fact, its using tesla's induction motor instead of a standard ac motor, which smaller vehicles use. A 1700 volt recharging battery at 43 volts&an electrified magnetic load att will do wonders. All cars have used electric induction or ways to make infinite battery life, yet none have recharged via thin air eg in a parking lot or while driving instead of in a 'at home&plugged' in type of scenario until now. My electric scooter does just that via a load att or inductor to create electromagnetic current flow and to convert it to dc into the charger (5.1.14: att needs to release ac to create low amperage at neg actually, it may have been stated it needs to be pos-neg however its actually neg-pos via bat to att).Experimental: The HEV is actually a primitive road version of the plasma car or PV because it combines gas with electricity to create a fusion reaction or electrolyzed motor functions (see also the first ifos by the nazis using nuclear fusion instead of plasma). On top of that evs on the market are already 200 miles in range such as the SIM LEI electric car. They have already topped gas on the road ways and raceways given the tesla design and its natural gas hybrids. The X-1 can beat any motor nascar vehicle on the roadway via mileage, whilst the quintera gt does so on the raceway via acceleration. The motor vehicles only have an advantage into reaching a top speed so it cheats, basically. The XL1 looks to not have changed since the days of the EV1. But evs are not evms, so they are not meant to be rockets on the road or for sports (and competition) but for economy (old technology vs growing or new technology or power consumption vs economy, the silent competitors). Soon it will incorporate magnetism, and may i go a step further into saying plasma. Albeit the nature of expensive air generators, and hydrogen manufacturing costs within the industry being weak, plasma is the best bet after petrol. Even electric bikes can be reverse engineered or its peddaling power can recharge the battery, like a flashlight. One can run a car off of water, light or air even however this also falls under hydrogen or a primitive form of petrol or oil based lubricants. Other elements are simply too weak to use for higher technology (they just limit capacity or energy involved). If one were to use these elements it would not work due to the fact that one requires a power source and a sustainable generator. Electricity for cars or ground based vehicles (an ev or evm car can run lithium for 10+ years at a standard 100 mileage rate with 10k miles a year under 26,000 dollars for free with generators or standard power outlets for emergencies built world wide, a 6k dollar gas car will run you the same price@ a maintenance cost + insurance under 10 years or around 8 tbp if 2,000 dollars are spent in gas a year...and that's with maintenance not included) are the best bet, but for planes they fall under the weak elements category until a way to utilize magnetism via space is invented. The problem is only 30 billion dollars is used on coal a year so the industry of electricity has no competition. The only disadvantage about cheap nevs or levs are they cannot go uphill easily, or may ware faster in harsh environments, they may slow with large cargo, evms solve these problems and can be utilized effectively in air travel without a drop of fuel or plasma. Magnetism alone drops in hot weather or heat (high amperage), whilst electricity needs to be recharged no matter what, yet no cars have developed an alternative charging method. The famed lithium-air batteries of the future whom compete with gasoline not only need aluminum or a high density metal conductor but magnetic materials to slow down the recharge rate or not 'burn out' so easily persay ie slow down the ac current without heat and thin wire using magnets (not springs or coils). Imagine lithium-air batteries with antennae AND a second battery recharging it while you drive, the energy would be limitless without needing charging time (with a low amp'ed magnetic vehicle..not alot of costs to produce it and you would not need to have a lot of batteries in the car). Even then, one would want to recharge via air or have a 'second heart' or digestive system so to speak (usually in emv's there is the controller=brain, battery=stomach and the motor is the muscle...however its missing the heart or recharger). The evolution of cars is simple: steam>gas>fusion>turbine or elemental>oil>electromagnetic>plasma. Wind causes resistance you don't want like a magnet if powerful enough (power fluctuations on high voltage devices, ie magnets are used for atts or microwave semi-conductors and coils only [heatsinks] to gain radiation or heat and turn it into voltage), it will distort electrical signals on circuitry unless its used for collecting energy or cooling small circuit boards which gain lots of heat or radiation. So I then blocked off the chamber of the battery after making the att hack. When I started the project back in 2013, the circuit could do a half-hour recharge back time instead of 2 hr, however the battery was not completely dead&neither was the lithium cell. I was using a battery that could do @least 3-5 miles instead of a desulfated 1-2 mile one. This circuit was sabotaged through an accident, it may have been better or worst because of the speaker parts involved and the resistance may be more of an issue now. It was also different because it was more simple, and just used the posi on the recharge (in fear of neg discharge points I do not use two pos acs or one as before, I use neg to pos and back to hall). I simply made the first regenerator while you drive in the form of an att. However, its currently not in use because the amps involved is too high, for it to work one requires a high-voltage current, such as a 'button press' accelerator (i used a gas moped's spark accelerator or button, the project consisted of parts from two mopeds, a gas and electric tbp the xg470&x360 escooter) making it too dangerous on the road unless pressure sensitive (basically its an x360 with an att to the pos charger port&spark accelerator for free energy, in theory a simple bedini circuit with induction fan, surge motor, an pos neg magnetic att with hall effect etc..however the 43 volt 12 mile trip with a dead battery made was created without the fan, or of coil conductors in wired loops instead, which is why the hall throttle was required, it had high voltage to feed the 50volt capacitors which acted like a secondary battery, so in truth you need high amperage to be reduced to low amperage like a more powerful second motor, magnetic att, or in the case of small vehicles an accelerator that feeds or cycles a weak current). You never know how far a lie will go with a simple 2 dollar l-37 dc converter and its wires put on backwards, however converters are not trickle chargers but powerful heat sinks...only a pos or neg should be attached to it as well (not neg&pos). Hence Induction 1.) creates heat and lets energy escape or 2.) creates low amperage via coupling to another circuit. The electro-magnetic vehicle was an x-360 scooter with xg-470 parts + a custom built microwave att recharging system which went through 4 phases of customization with codenames: 1.) The Terminator (500 watt basic standard scooter blue/black design, distance 6 miles, promethium tech, standard shocks uphill climb excellent). Shocks, Dirtbike type scooter standard 2002 design. 2.) Project X (a road scooter, thf chain/1000 watt motor started blue paint job design and wiring scheme except used bluesky 700 watt controller, standard blinkers with tail light, att system was used as a pulse charger distance 12 miles from&to tyson's corner/reston, considered quasi-atlanto tech, Project X was my first project nicknamed the 'starwars project' because I didn't really know what I was doing. Basic standard scooter with standard configurations for wheel burns. Project went back and forth, basic giant magnet added permanently to create the famous electromagnetic conduction with a dc motor...most dc motors have rotating magnets, if you put two or three powerful stagnate magnets on top and bottom you get an induction motor which carries extra electricity from north to south or vice versa (see also the troy reed inventor and his electro-magnetic car, another inventor from turkey, Yildiz invented a magnetic motor or some kind of inducting current whilst a pakistani named Wasif Kahloon made an electro-generator running off of a plasma capsule, Purshottam Pipaliya claims a water only hho system which is infact plasma, some may say its an HHO device (Daniel Dingel a Filipino and stan meyer an American uses hydrogen which may also work, however water is still a liquid fuel and not as effective as plasma or magnetic-only pakistan the hho or primitive plasma was functional by Agha Waqar as well, in japan the genepax company claims the same function...yet electrolysis or a type of water is still a fuel like gasoline is fuel, and water like gas would need be paid for), however there was no water involved, tesla made an att system which reemerged 100 years later by myself using the first electro-magnetic moped or small device without a secondary motor such as a surge motor or something, similar to yildiz and his gocarts, however my moped isnt built around secondary magnets, its just hacked with an arch of outer magnets on a basic dc motor eg the button will cause a high pitch sound when the battery completely decycles if pressed, and needs maybe an hour or so of recharge time whilst the yildiz motor is completely infinite, yet seems to be weaker or fairly expensive to mass produce). We presume troy reed did not get famous from his invention because of too much voltage entering the battery. However, it is possible that we have yet to test a magnetic cylinder under a reluctor motor for voltage gain. If the surge motor overcharges the battery it will warp. This is caused by lack of a transformer system or some sort of coil to slow down the current. Also lack of a fuse would also help heighten the problem (if your battery is 12volts the fuse should be 10vt, going over 12volts will cause warpage). The problem is decharge is created by heat. You need to eliminate that heat. This can only be done in evs and its called emvs or electromagnetic propulsion plasma hence there is plasma with fuel and plasma without fuel. I think the correct term is electro-magnetic propulsion or electro-magnetic device instead of the term plasma because it uses a fuel cell or just the motor. This is required for any att to recharge the batteries. This project and the prev one were starwarsy or simple. 3.) Kronos Mechanism (xg 470 dashboard added, button press acc then used throttle, basic charging system with def inf recharging current, controller was 1000 watt and tricked motor into charging battery somehow, att system with microwave conductor...scheme was found with intense meditation of up to 4 years&lost due to accident in changing headlights/adding button press hill climb to accel {which does work but has high voltage issues} etc, recharging battery was 23-43 volts, high beams added/tail light standard no blinkers, motor tricked into recharge bat via low amps, distance untested ran on dead battery set with no degrade climb at est 24 miles to infinite, considered atlantean tech. The technology of this device was so simple and well made it was almost Luciferian, no extra surge motor, just pulsating wires. It managed to do an extra 5 miles on a dead battery somehow with a 23-43 volt lithium charge. The only proof of evidence I have is that the week before I made the same trip without the att built yet and batteries died out a quarter of a way there. Some would say it was magic, however I got the instructions through intense meditation, and can not obtain them any more. Luciferian tech accidentally discovered using the principle items of a battery set, a common ev controller, magnetic attµwave heatsinks and conductors or speaker parts...used for 2 weeks, regarded as verified infinite energy or free of emissions and/or nature's elements, however destroyed via an accident in changing the batteries (basically, i bought batteries first, then invented the item only to loosen all the connectors and not remember how they were placed, on top of that, the electrical accel function caused the controller to go out due to me tampering with cross sectioning the wire for button press accel and hall throttle, which works yet not via crossing wires). I could only manage to attain some knowledge from the pulsating currents I built. Since some are curious how a dead battery runs I recently think I found out. Here is the hack and explanation via the kronos effect which I recently figured out through hardwork and research. The components needed are simply a 1000watt controller to the one mentioned here only (YK-31CT), a pulsating circuit (just a circuit with two coils), and a way to trick the voltage from entering the controller. The voltage is 5 volts. You need to have an ac current or iridium magnet attached to the pos only. What that does is it sends a signal of over 5 volts into the controller. The battery dies, yet the controller and motor run forever via a simply hack, an iridium magnet to the controller. The fact is the att is useless in engineering terms to recharge a battery, but if it acts as a coil which collects little heat, like a narrow coil of some sort, then it becomes a device to create low amperage. The hall throttle acts as a recharging coil to the motor. The att simply keeps the recharging battery at full capacity. But the energy distributed is infact from the hall throttle itself, transfered into dc from ac current! (hall throttle/charger at 5 volts). This phase was def unkown or regarded as 'fluctuating current' technology eg ac pulsating current to fluid dc. 4.) Thor's Hammer (electric pulse att charging system+L37 dc charging system {electrified att+iridium magnetic with microwave conductor) current phase, hl dashboard lowered with internal bar and spring system to prevent snapage (which did occur, and seat springs are straped, now adults can ride the scooter), blinkers manual reflectors, tail light always on through switch, downgraded yet now charges at basic wall charge with 1700 volt lithium recharging battery, motor expected to recharge via low amps if just above 43 volts (or basically its at high amperage right now), 85% successful recharge rate via overnight on dead manually decharged battery set, 100% recharge rate expected after pos-pos current was changed to neg-pos to stop recharger bat from over-heating, if button held down for too long recharges battery at low voltage for safe over-charge or stops charging at too high voltage basically, 100% success on 5 min recharge rate, weight carrying grade climb excellent, distance untested as of 2014 since the project began in 2006. The att was used as an intersecting point for the neg to boost the ac current. An att can give .50 volts extra, however its more like a giant coil system underneath the vehicle...the base neg and so is the tip, all magnetized with a coil. If configured currectly it will be a giant coil from neg-to-neg. Here I will reveal a cleaner or simplier way (more profesional) to convert electricity back to the battery using more expensive equipment, or for electric cars in general. One needs a transformer the size of the battery. A neg acts as a load in engineering for a device to feed a pos into another neg. Say your battery is 12 volts, the transformer would convert the 12 volts to a recharging current. If one were to take out the 120 volt dc converter (coil system+capacitors maybe, a powersupply in a transformer), one would just connect the posi of the transformer to the neg of the main battery. A perpetual motion machine is this, it never drains battery life. This was proven with my vehicle on a test after draining the battery. The device never truly drains, it keeps cycling, although its a slow rate, its perpetual motion proven on a machine (with the amount of work being done by the system ofcourse). The neg of the transformer would then go to the recharging battery which wouldn't need be connected to anything but for maybe a loadatt system to charge while off. Promethean atlanto tech, Not for kids jk.) Thor's hammer currently has no phase shifter due to source funding...a phase shifter is infact a dc motor with extra magnets that lock on, to convert into an ac motor. The benefits of an induction motor are irrelavant for emvs, since they are primary dc....but are there. For instance, the battery will infact die more quickly in colder weather ie 0-20 degrees unless its an induction motor or current going two ways. To counter-act this fault, induction motors need be applied or a phase shifter transition, simple heavy magnets locking onto a common dc motor. This will infact slow the vehicle, but will save the battery from dying eg emvs are not 'necessary infinite' they require the motor's low amps to keep up with the battery ie 500 amps=120volts on a ev, 100 amps=12volts on an emv for a 3 ton car. We know emvs rely heavily on resonation, ie its a resonator which contacts the battery via 5 watt resistor. That's 5x the distance of a 12vac vs 120vac battery. A phaseshifter may be convenient in really cold weather or in going uphill. In theory emvs are infinite if the dc motor/2ndary generator is big enough or holds enough power. Hence a tranistion circuit from emv to ev would be nice.New 2017 Projects:After completing the Daemon project we started on a new project to gain plasma. The Daemon project finished completly and is known as 'The Hammer' from the mythology of Thor's hammer which uses 2 powersources and 2 motors for electicity. Its called the Electromagnetic Hammer for the bolting sound it makes with one button acceleration. It was made from a conventional blue extreme scooters x-360 with xg-470 parts. We now created project Hydra for a new modding venture, it started as the Hydra and its name became VULCAN with the mods, vaporizer, flashlights etc. Project Hydra is infact called the emperor for a time made from a black taotao gy6 chinese scooter. We named it the Plasma Stellarus. This moped is a Plasma moped mod with a heavy magnet on its chamber near the sparkplug and a fuel vaporizer that takes air from the stator and vaporizes it with a 12 volt light. The Quantum surge is our brand. The Nissan Miriad, Miridian and Neporium are also our brands.Project Failures: Recently upgraded now almost outperforms the kronos stage except the AU needs to be configured still for infinite energy (in testing). The motor itself can outperform a car's mileage in kronos stage or uses none of nature's elements. However, the Thor's hammer which was downgraded due to an accident is a recharging air circuit via au att&battery (an ev with a recharger, which the market still doesn't have). Not so much as failure but learning or progress. This is an example of a market failure on double a batteries. Standard double a battery cells are usually built wrong to be unchargable, they leak because the carbon rod and magnesium sulfate is insulated by a liquid such as ammonia chloride. If they replaced it with a powder or cotton it would be more functional. If they even used wax to insulate the zinc casing or use plastic it would be more functional. Here is what happened: The neg on the motor is attached to a dc converter card, which sends a dc current from the motor itself. This in combination with the 1700 volt pulse charging att can now outperform cars and is regarded as infinite. It is the same method used with a single 12volt powereing an engine ie electromagnetic car of some inventors specifically, tesla. The dc converter trickle charged the battery, whilst the rechargeable att pulse charged it. However, everything went down hill...once again. I heard a small battery pop, this lead me to change the config to neg, or not directly to the port. The small pop lead me to ignore that I wasn't charging the battery for 2 weeks. Yes, the charger port had a glued ext without contact! I didn't catch on until I went far distances and ran out of juice, even then I thought it was working cus I walked the device for a trickle charge (5-10% dc converter recharge to motor at maybe 1-2 volts a single 12v of 32v with fuse) thinking it was a pulse charge. Until it was too late and I took this circuit apart to finally find the problem with the charge port single test reading '0'. The att was purposely electrified though, bypassing the batteries poor signal issues to the frame and boosting vibrational radiation. Yet all things fall due to a small error here and there, the moped goes 2 hrs charge back whether i go 1 mile or 10 miles. Like the kronos mech's lack of resistance, or coil to conductor config (no longer have a tight coil available, stolen misplaced or lost, some conductors were also burned), so this was a lack of me checking for bad connections. Here I will reveal how a pulse circuit works, you can only build one with 0 voltage readings except for the charger's pos connection, all neg connections and pos connections to the battery from the circuit via its joints on a pulse meter must all remain at 0, once plugged into the must still remain at zero..except of course for the connection of the charger itself where a basic voltmeter is required. If this is done somehow, any ev vehicle can run on a recharging battery using only one motor. However this circuit is too complex, what you need is a pos charge to the bat at .25 volts eg a weak lithium battery or the same voltage as the charger's reading if you are using many small batteries hence the Hercules circuit was remade or reconfigured at this time. In june 2013-july the system was already complete, however taken via divine knowledge and meditation, accidentally converted and experimented. Later in the year the battery sets were destroyed via experiments such as bedini circuit experiments and/or dc converter experiments, which either drains the battery via fan or heats it up via neg/pos joint connections directly to the motor (neg burns the connectors, pos melts the connectors). 5.) The Prototype codenamed The Lucifer Experiment, its finished circuit is 'hercules' due to the circuit having a series of conjoined low voltage batteries of 3, 5 & 12 volt lithiums and only 1 neg point (currently regenerative, partially electro-magnetic or not infinite like the kronos mech, or rechargeable like thor's hammer, because of its complex circuitry ie the att is using the dc convertor directly via neg & pos via 1.5 volt stream via the ac motor instead of 1700-to-41 volt stream, thought pressing a charging button while not accel was too dangerous, good for theft and air charge, yet can shut off while driving, besides that had to get rid of it, brake lights are required for it to be street legal), light switch for recharging while driving is used as brake light, blinkers are being installed) for mass production. It uses an internal coil system which is regenerative and more effective then the att. When one has infinite energy one has a circuit with a current going in two directions. From what I know so far, mopeds can not have infinite technology because the motor is too small to generate enough amperage (voltage speed, basically), however they can come close with some sort of trick to trick a controller into generating a wall recharging type of circuit via ac-to-dc. The fact is induction motors (electro-magnetic motors, not electric..the tesla roadster uses it and goes 311+ miles world record held) has to be used in order for a device to generate its own recharging current of electricity, yet I managed to used electric only with an att through the recharger of the controller itself. My theory is they don't use electro-magnetic motors well in the industry because it needs to be converted to dc effectively ie convert the motor neg to go into the batteries positive so the motor will generate extra energy to the battery itself. Only some cars are aloud to do this, with a circuit that turns into low amperage spefically for recharging the battery itself. Induction motor means a transfer from ac-to-dc and electric is dc only so its pulsating current is only used via the charger ac port however therefore induction is made for alternating currents which creates pulsating circuits. Which is an answer to why a simple 12volt bat can power a 3 ton car. Because of the lack of funding for the bike, it didn't reach prototype phase for mass production. The moped i built however is regenerative. The battery on the second test has less than 1 second wait time when unplugged, where before it was theory is the more i use it the more it regenerates the battery. The magnet is basically giving the battery more life. Come the third test on june 23rd, 2014 we will see if it regenerates without an after charge. Both tests were completed one in late may@a 4 mile distance, one in june @a 6 mile distance...the 4 mile run was anything below 1 hr recharge with button press, and button hold. The 2nd run was 2 hr without button press, or button hold (holding down the recharge button while scooter is off creates a trickle charge. Pressing button down creates a direct feed to moped while acc is on). The prototype was a trickle charge hybrid experiment turned into a pulse charge. It was a pulse charge in the form of a trickle charge via a tertiary power source, the hall throttle and att turned into a 12v-to-24vt system ie 6vts overrode 3vt charge port via a 6+ vt lithium cell (1+ mile after discharging, excellent performance, until the lithium died, too complex with lack of some knowledge at the time, dry-cycle test was infact infinite, the hall throttle would not completely die). It failed because no on/off switch for the att was made (the grid reversed polarity), and the polarity of the battery was accidentally reversed (via accidental parallel connections). Without funding and low resources the EMV hybrid project was abandoned for the actual EMV. The third, fourth and fifth runs were infinite because the button was not pressed. EMV is 3 power sources, it infact means Infinite ie the tesla coil, so it was quickly upgraded. This att method along with the Troy Reed method of pulse motors feeding a battery or 2 motors, a surge motor instead of an alternator/carburetor combo (petroleum is 3 power sources) should be a standard for at least microeconomies in norway, sweden, and possibly the grid-like southern states such as florida and virginia. This inventor was discriminated against in his emv video for having 'batteries in the trunk' however the video shows bose suspension (simple ev/gas cars have driveby wire for induction ie a temp feed for braking and turning or bose suspension for practical suspension purposes when turning, etc). The last test in august of 2014 made an impression on me the most, because even though it did 7 miles with a 2 mile battery, it goes infinite with the headlights on (yet with it off at a crawling pace after 7 miles), this test will still be tested, but it would explain the july test when the battery was unplugged on one of the runs. An unplugged battery means the dc converter was literally using the 12 volt to power the whole moped. This also means that its pulse circuit connects to the att which circulates the motor to the dc converter's power, regenerating the battery directly through the headlight switch (basically, its infinite but not yet tested to it does only 7-12 miles to infinite at a crawl pace with the att alone, with the dc converter's lights to the battery it will feed it and do infinite at full speed it is presumed). Another long distance test with the lights activated will be made soon. Added modifications since then are a 12v fan and dc converter used correctly (not for lights, but to regenerate the primary battery that always goes out, ironically due to the dc converter being used as the tail light) by putting the wires in reverse eg a 12.95 reading for dc current will be 13.95 again, however it can't be left on for more than a few seconds or it will cause the battery to leak. The Daemon or the Daemon tool will be a release of this prototype system for the mainstream public under 2,000 dollars on come 2015-2017, if or whenever government funding commences. It will be called Powersports ERV, and will be released as a road scooter with one button acc function and be sold at reston scooters off of soapstone next to 711 soon. The moped is run on the last system (unlisted as a tesla coil instead of att or pulse system instead of trickle charge, or trickle-pulse hybrid) as EMV or 3 power sources. Distant tests won't be recorded either because of fears towards resulfation issues with the central battery (eg 6+ miles will cause the central battery to resulfate or dip below 13.25 from 13.85 which is dangerous). The Daemon will be an X-360 frame (2005-06 model) with speckled red paint on the black matte. Currently it is abandoned because the model is discont. Here below I will introduce how a new alternative power source works. homemade EVMs cont.

An Evm is a magnetic motor (iridium or neodymium installed into a basic electric motor for extra boost) and generator basically, or the first step towards vacuum technology& in turn given time would solve these problems. Small vehicles require high amperage not low amperage. To get started get some knowledge on how magnetodynamics work. A dead battery does about .20 miles in 2 hrs via recharging circuit. A live battery is much greater, howver it does decharge after 70 or so runs. The moped itself when turned on (hall throttle accelerator) will not start (regenerate) if the battery is full therefore a button is needed however it turns slowly if pressed when the battery is uncharged, proving once again my point of achievement over the current market. One gets there through mastering plasma, however the human race no longer has the sufficient tools for high atlantean technology (They even til this day, still do not even know the pyramids were built using water or canals basically). The secret to magnetism is if one puts a small iridium magnet (which has no north or south and can not over heat therefore alien) in a spiral and bend the spiral wire into a lotus formation, one gets 4 times est the amount of radiation levels from the magnet eg .3 au (i call ohms au, negative ohms or au are rare but full of potential, two high numbers of neg ohms will infact be infinite technology when put together to create voltage) turns to 1400 au (basically it started as 2 volts and I rerouted an att from the small att that got a high frequency to jump the weak pos connection to get a recharge rate of 14.4 volts (basically radioactive signals can go through walls because atoms are thinner then air or can vibrate through walls via dense matter eg wireless technology), before it only could maybe recharge my lights, now it recharges the scooter battery using free solar power, no long as the battery's lifespan is intact, it will be charged, tripling the scooter in spec has 3 or so circles or atts with magnetic conductors, a primitive circuit board where Diodes and Floaters to boost currents or electric conductors and absorbers are essential for emvs or evg aka electro-magnetic geocentricity, a polar technology which works in outerspace). 1400 au from -132 au with -70 is what i read with a power meter. Unfortunately to truly get infinite technology would be impossible, for the reason how I got it in july of 2013 is because the power meter read two negative au readings (something like -80, and -40 or -132, -232 or -70 watever...getting negative au readings is totally not known in engineering which is why my persistence to obtain even a type of recharging technology grew, because of the accident which destroyed the circuit after 4 years of meditating and accidentally creating obtain that level of meditation again would be extraordinary because the body is left exhausted at times) then I combined the connection to achieve positive 1.4 volts. Something impossible or not known yet in science and is in the realm of science fiction, however I had an advantage on the kronos circuit, I had speaker parts which totally eliminated resistance. The battery which recharges via the att itself is infact only using a neg end to the charger port. It uses a transponder for radio frequency, basically. Also if you don't know how to build it accurately it won't recharge fully (hence mine is maybe a 80 percent success rate with an 18volt recharge rate overnight currently until another modification), the device is meant to need no battery charger. However I went for the Lithium battery approach, hence to regain the mastery of the atlantides which i briefly made through intense meditation, I had to start from scratch and build a 600 volt lithium battery as a recharger for the battery. I couldn't remember how I tricked the controller basically, so I did the direct approach and electrified the magnetic antennae with intense voltage, then instead of the microwave cord rerouting a signal smoothly like before, or simplified...I had to use a fan motor as the heart to the controller charger, or ground lots of wires to the neg basically, and a few to the pos or the microwave att coil acts as a frequency rerouter and a pulse somehow, instead i used a stagnate fan motor as the pulse...because I couldn't remember how it rerouted the signal so smoothly. The hard work paid off because, I'm the only one on the earth using an infinite source of energy with an antennae at the same time proving the atlantides of asgard were indeed to have devolved into a promethean race of barbarians (changed basically no pun intended or anti-semitism here, just showing that energy is expensed like food is eaten etc, also that the tech is much alive even til this day rather than 85 some thousand years ago). The problem with today's electric vehicles is it bypasses the battery and goes back into the motor. I rev'd the vehicle for an hour and it stayed on a full charge. I basically didnt want to overcharge the battery when its connected so I just attach a connecter to the charger when I go somewhere I press the spark ignition button (the earlier attenas were able to recharge a dead battery for infinite, but the level of wiring was so simple as to be of a divine nature, and it was destroyed accidentally around late july 2013 upon battery replacement). It will charge it while driving, and I will not have to worry about overcharging the vehicle unless I leave it out for 3 or 4 hours yet the chrome 12v usb batteries prevent overcharge anyways (besides the current is too a 130 volt current could be possible). One thing is known, electro-magnetic vehicles just require a motor to feed off of a pulse current or to somehow trick the motor to regenerate the battery. The first electro-magnetic att or att which boosts a high frequency via an electric charge is made be me, it regenerates the battery as fast as a trickle charging device to the wall. This method of energy conversion was 100 percent. The first air att or simple pulse recharger as well, which only works at like 25-75% when its off anyways.Directions to build a weak transmitter is magnets from speakers, wire shaped in a circle, and a television att. Put two rings together, attach a magnet in the center of the spiral, reroute the center spiral into the neg side of a pc battery and you get free voltage (add more batteries for higher voltage). Attach voltage to ev controller which does not block accelerator current. All for free if available. When I go to charge it, I charge it at a rate of 20 volts (it started as 3mv volts a sec or 480 a minute a small battery is 1500, it will charge it in 3 minutes) going into the neg and pos motor, so I leave it on at a public place to charge it (hence lack of user friendly electrical outlets which also charges it quickly...more so than the standard ev controller). This causes some error so it may go down, hence i don't have an oscillator to recharge the battery. If its not on current doesn't hit the motor itself therefore the higher the voltage the lower the rpm (rpm does not work with emv vehicles because of heat from the magnets, therefore 2400 volts is worst or slower). I used a Spark Accelerator on a standard moped to stop over charging (once it was used for uphill climb, but that function became useless seeing how the voltage is not pressure sensitivity). The trick after getting high ohm levels via the att was to get high amps to recharge the battery, this is done via rerouting the pos of the battery itself to the lithium att of just above 36 volts, so now you know, 3 amps alone doesn't charge a battery, only the 36 volt battery with a fuse to regulate it will (3v=6watts, 120v=15amp or 60mhz frequency band, however a battery can only do 1 or 2 amps) where ohm is infact neg radiation levels aka sound gone high or multiplied into an ac current. Holding it down will cause a moped to charge...'from free air' as if being able to hold your breath for a long time. Minor note: every single connector and joint to any circuit board regardless of voltage, on the planet and off should be made with conductive copper because metal erodes, burns and even destroys contact ie on pcs, powersupplies are the cause of major universal software problems do to bad contacts with the mb. A simple 36 volt battery becomes a powerful energy source when rerouting magnetic currents into the source itself (magnetic energy turns into electric energy). Able to take in a charge of around 20 volts now (as opposed to 90 with a charger..well now 130 volts via adding lithium pc att system one can build and put in the charger port of an ev vehicle for under 10 dollars!). Basically, it just helps recharge the battery, it will also help the lifespan of the battery ie when its parked it will recharge or will not consume as much energy or current. The evolution of conductors are infact fluctuating currents, not ac pulsating currents. The moped supercedes the second law of thermal dynamics making it partially perpetual motion where as the moped's generator or motor never seizes hence there is never a complete dissipation of energy even without a recharging battery. As for coils, the shorter the coil the more heat. A flux current is a dc from an att, or energy collecting device. I know this because I managed to pull off a -1400 au signal, and neg 500 au signal into 2 volts without a battery and just an att. The complexity of this scenario is as follows, one can not create a neg signal without no resistance (atts are usually pos 25 in neg-pos, or pos-neg). However, with a microwave conductor, narrow yet long coil (the shorter the coil the more heat..which is bad eg make 60 pencil wide turns no space instead of 25) and resistor it is possible (however resistors are not rec, u need to never have resistors for use of a capacitor and transformer, the current build is that on 11-14-14..I opted out for the 2 hr charge time to gain a faster recharge current via capacitor and transformer, this meant taking out the att because the transformer discharges with an att, or the configuration becomes too complex (the recharge in air time is greater, however the no att recharge time suffers via a wall charge...which doesn't really matter because its configuration can later be recreated..and the 60 dollar lithium battery is a little weaker now to about 16 volts from 50 give or take, its the att's radiation frequency which feeds the battery to create a 2 hr charge in a 2 volt scenario, the amperage without an att or with just a transformer is safer because the signal doesn't need to be rechecked). A free energy generator is like a floater, its basically a air tight cylinder which conducts electricity via sound. Basic conductors recharge the battery with a standard charger@a rate of 1 sec per use instead of 10 seconds (ie half-hour charges instead of 6 hr). When one taps on an air tight balloon, the sound within that balloon is magnified. If you attach this conductor to a pos battery on an electric vehicle you get magnified voltage (cylinder with round magnets and copper wire twined around the magnet, a spiral through the hole of the magnet of where the connection or copper contacts..the sound amplified will be 9 volts to the motor, where it is impossible for electric signals to go backwards). A wide spiral which narrows in the center and widens once more collects the most energi. The Tesla att works, or even another battery if the voltage rate is too low. However only one current or connection to the motor is needed. If the current goes right one gets an electro-magnetic generator. No one has accessed this technology as of yet, the atlanteans however created it this way. Many small spirals collected energy on a type of circuit board, they even had lotus form spirals which I collected from 'its' faint memory (a spiral in a lotus form with a rare earth magnet or magnet with no poles has an au gauge of 2000 instead of 20). A simple wire and att with a conductor (spiral and rare earth magnet) will give it energy to the pos motor, make 20 conductors and energy multiplies (3volts becomes 6 or 12 volts going into the battery via the motor to block over-charges, however 15 volts is fine). The gauge of a wire alone makes a difference as well, the thinner the more control. Vibration or wires which vibrate cause signal issues/burns etc and need to be strapped down through rubber bands or plastic fasteners. The idea is to compete with fossil fuel and electric, actually electric outdoes fossil in mileage but fossil feul is more powerful, therefore faster (however the damage to the environment by not instigating plasma is already done). Hacking this technology is the most simple and effective way of free energy, yet none has done so as of yet. One can also put conductors (tesla simply used an att as a conduit which could be easily transferred into the neg, where the most primitive aspect of this technology is still not being used, this method just regulates au ie radiation absorbed or vibrations without a ground or conduit to release energy) on the pos and neg motor to make it simple or draw energy to and fro without resistance. The energy would be countered via the neg connection making it safe to not decharge a battery. The excess energy where the neg and pos crashed via the magnetic current was absorbed by a shock absorber, floater or what you call diode on circuit boards. If the spiral is small enough the crash is insubstantial, if there are hundreds of these spirals, you collect 'excess energy'. Basically, this is right now just a current regulator or a fuse replacer incase wires blow up. Magnets are known to slow down and heat currents, if small or weak enough can be used as a fuse regulator (Twined wires cause poor connections). The problem with magnetic only engines is that it needs low amperage so it can't really go too fast or has a fixed speed. The standard 12 volt lead acid battery set is connected to 5 3volt computer lithium batteries for extra energy output. This method hasn't been tested or verified yet, however if you put the device directly to the motor from the controller and loop the pos wire back onto the copper generator (neg goes to bat or dode) then you may be able to generate extra energy. Electricity in particular lights of a vehicle are easy, they need small wires to runs like a computer chip (phone wire works best), it needs to be straight to not glitch or break. The motor depicted in this video would be considered free energy, this vehicle is just a cheap rechargeable method of energy. Cars should just run on two muscles actually ie a motor as a generator and a common motor both connected to a small battery or capacitor, the motor as a generator would create higher voltage and lower amperage. This method hasn't been tested in all weather situations though. Actually this vehicle isn't hydro, water/air, electric, solar or magnetic...since it runs off a standard antenna frequency instead of a battery it would be called electro-microwave or micro frequency vehicle (a new name like emfv as the prototype maybe abb solar powered as levs, pvs or something for photon vehicle, see following) or radiation controlled amperage vehicle...rav, or radiaoactive amperage vehicle? Just today, I remembered I had a high negative radiation level on the tip of one of the atts that I rerouted to get pos 3 volts, so I rerouted the neg on the controller to the att circuit board of wires with a neg reading. Seems that I couldn't find a ground without a short before then. A Radio-controlled vehicle or RCV seems accurate enough as a name. Tesla did it, so why not I (basically these days electric vehicles only have one power source or heart so to speak not two and that's just the battery, my vehicle has two hearts or energy sources..yet its still limited if one were to use high tech equipment such as 300 dollar controllers and lithium cell batteries, however imagine having a battery that charges within your car while driving instead of waiting that 6 minute generator jolt, then the auto industry would truly find a competitor on their hands). Magnetism alone would not work for ground vehicles because of too much heat on this planet (heat renders magnets useless). Say a car charges for 8 hours, with my att devices you could have a car charge for 3 hours (tested) or better yet, if run by the magnetic motor without a crankshaft and injectors at low amperage...will keep the battery charged forever (given that you can control battery heat and magnetic use for cold/hot temperatures say for instance on a hot day, magnetic motor may run slow..if shared by an electric current via lithium and only lithium mind you it will run forever because the lithium would be charged by radiation from the att which would keep the voltage up on the magnetic motor without a crankshaft where a 30 mile run time in 3 hrs would turn to 36 hrs..where there would be a plug to the motor directly because motors feed off of ac currents where an engineer would simply need a regulator or throttle to turn off the excess current going to the motor directly where the excess energy goes directly from the motor to the battery). I did 3 miles, 4 miles and 5 miles so far, all were 2 next test will be 7+ miles meaning the magnetic arch on the motor has the potential of infinite energy. There you have it, a free energy vehicle built from a kids toy which can carry up to or more than 200 lbs of equipment (130 newspapers+130 lb person). Even though it has 100 volts it has a 1200 volt jolt via the lock connector. However, this is but a primitive version of nano technology (elements such as fuel that dispenses slowly through polarization aka vacuum technology) and plasma (fusion or electricity fused with gas). You could even say, the extra energy doesn't effect the scooter much, except with a truck fuse with a low amp rating to the neg (not pos), unlike a car alternator killing a battery, excess current from the motor and free energy att it creates is blocked. The problem with an electromagnetic vehicle is you need a second heart or power source to cool the engine on a hot day for all weather. The magnetic engine would turn on with a spark accelerator or second motor such as a alternator and small 12v battery (all cars are magnetic without a crankshaft), however this would be an electric pulse via an att and lithium, then it would need a fan or cooling system so they magnets keep cool and running or some type of refrigeration unit. Refrigerator technology is in essence primitive electromagnetic technology or it infact turns heat into energy. The bedini circuit, although create (ev sports car with giant fan under the hood anyone?) may not work. This technology will work, only for lithium which is very expensive to build. However to alleviate the fact that the fan takes out energy, we use two fans and a magnet, attach the fans and you get a stagnat fan or a heart if you will which pulsates the currents of a fan. Albeit a simple pc fan will recharge double aa batteries, and even turn off when fully recharged via a 12 volt so there is promise to this tech. Our tech uses atts instead of fans basically. When off, it would need to be air tight so air doesn't escape. Of course this is relatively advanced, the L37 will indef convert the energy to its needed ac/dc pyramid tech. The att system uses coiled conductor. The heart is inactuality a bedini circuit with two stagnated fans and iridium in the center. This tech will run you a few dollars to build, but may go up dep on lack of skills ie no capacitor, transistor or converter may set you back. However, I managed the impossible through intense meditation and divine knowledge given to me earlier this summer. I managed a simple 5 dollar coil system to regenerate battery life yet lost the tech after I had to replace a throttle, wires came lose ( I did 12+ miles with a 1 hr air charge back & no evidence of decharge on a dead set of 36 volt batteries which barely reached 3 or 4 miles). This also proves my theory that coils alone can regenerate batteries if rerouted correctly to certain points. The reason why cars are not electric or magnetic is the oil industry is too greedy and small companies have lack of funding ie the technology of air lithium charge already exists, however it is not available to the mainstream public and maybe one or two vehicles may have ever been built due to lack of mass-production and maybe even the failure to produce it in size and quantity. In actuality there are even capacitors that act as long range batteries which store infinite energy. These barbarians still use a hall-throttle for these small vehicles as the accerolator which is a magnet that actually drains evs. One needs a spark ignited pressure sensitive button for electric mopeds or something that acts as a high amperage device to the att charging in the pos (connect an ac att current to the pos charger port, use a spark ignition button for the accelerator..or um the motor, acc/charger port, and engine are all connected in the controller via the pos). Energi must be collected AND drawn out of capacitors for it to be used as a tertiary or secondary charger battery via spark ignition. Now we remember, i used the att+charger as the spark button for the spark ignition, not the accel...and it only worked on a certain ev controller. It seemed to be a simple hack that tricked the controller into not decharging the battery. Basically, if the motor flatlines it turns off via the spark ignition, however if it goes up to 1700 volts for too long, it will flatline or its voltage will go in reverse until it reaches 0 so the button is tapped and not held down. If its held down it will turn off. This prevents theft, it also helps to prevent overcharge into the battery or a decharging of the recharger battery (ie .25 volts will be a constant if held down for too long, or a type of lock). If you seen the popular low amperage video pf free energy, The moped vehicle infact uses low amps as well it turns out. One can achieve this through reverse engineering a simple dc converter card, or even transfering a neg signal via att to pos in order to gain amperage eg the battery recharges itself via the motor ie dc=12.75 recharge rate instead of 13 with a basic voltmeter or neg goes to pos on a dc converter card basically (amps are just active signals that drop). The 1700 volt battery cell is dangerous though, and would rec a controller charge of just above your vehicles charge (24, 36, 48volt etc) if you don't know what you are doing. At 23 degrees in freezing weather I managed 6 miles at full speed, this is a feat with a basic non-temp controlled cheap 40 dollar controller (not golf cart one), and a constant uphill climb by this 'kids toy' of which people amaze themselves at how small the sissy is to their goliath automobile, a promethium slave of the present not past. Amazingly, the same feat was done without the recharger and it dragged at walking pace within 3! This method could be used and should be used in every single electric vehicle out on the market but isn't. The battery of a common ev drains at 1 percent a day, this battery on my emv never drains. It always stays fully charged...the power of magnetism is exactly that, it creates its own energy via coils counter trickling into the ac. However so, magnets are not rec for putting on controllers, because there is no ac/dc conversion eg it drains (it takes from the battery). Only on motors themselves. The motor itself could be a standard DC 'electric' car motor without the crankshaft, therefore turning it into an induction motor of somesort. Then will the primates 'bedini' circuit be a fully functional unit (a bedini circuit is basically a phase shifter for amperage, a simple coil system or load circuit for the third power source). Today's evs are built wrong. Evs don't require batteries, batteries are a starter for them to trap a current basically and this can be done via only one electric dc motor. So I figured out I have to isolate the signal for the emv to be fully functional, I have to use the circuit breaker, which right now is the lock connector. If its signal is isolated effectively, it goes infinite, which means I can't derev it or the signal goes in reverse (its somewhat primitive seeing how its one of the first emvs in the history of the planet currently). ac is always transformer, dc is always capacitor. If a transformer is an insulated coil these numbers will be important in engineering: 42 as a constant, 2.21 as voltage and 72 as the turns of a coil on a 36 volt system (the more batteries the greater the turns via ac ie 36x2.21, or 128x2.21 if you have an electric car). The principles of electro-magnetic propulsion aka plasma are infact super-conduction or a current using the motor to recharge itself, not the battery therefore evs are infact primitive plasma or a liquid feul and emvs are not.

The goal is to limit energy consumption. During Atlantis, vehicles were powered via atts with a strong source of energy (radiowaves were fields of radiation or field generators at one time) in each city much like electric cars today. The sad reality is this, tesla's 90mph pierce arrow was infact not a lie. An electric car with an att system is called that because of the size of the att reciever from tesla's electric coil system. However atts do poorly in rain and snow (humidity), therefore not a common reciever like the solar panel for electricity (Solar panels have 3 amps at a given voltage rating ie 24, 48 etc, whilst an att recieves .25 volts at some miliamps, however volts do not matter, they don't recharge batteries, recharging circuits only require amps to basically those atts for radios could infact have been conventional in evs, give or take the 'extra' size of the lithium cell). They also need to be large. They do work, however the human race chooses not to use them (they instead vie for solar panel energy). Yet an att can be a trickle charge system, just not a strong one without tesla towers powering the area, yet with a secondary battery ie emv, it can infact be created. The Att is an early version of a plasma capsule where the ground gives energy to the battery. My project thor's hammer managed to charge a 1000 volt lithium via the air overnight. The sad reality is the human race hasn't caught on to this form of energy induction because it may fail in humid environments such as rain. If not properly used it would still be an electric inductive device, rather than conventional electro-magnetic (meaning a relatively weak charge, even for a secondary battery set, like driveby wire unnoticable unless the att has a really powerful battery..which means one might as well add a new battery. Its convention is still set or in practice though, it can trickle charge a small vehicle to 2 hr charging times or less with an on/off polarity switch to the att when on the grid eg the att releases energy via a voltameter and small microwave if amperage is overtaken however if the signal is neg-to-pos or att to battery then its safe yet it would still be electric in practice or a small convenience for a small vehicle without a battery set ie wind power is a greater convenience where as a trickle charge depends on the battery charging the vehicle and the 'radio tower' emitting the electrons...hence if a charge port is under 5volts then one would do anything over that, or better yet..over the 36 volt system at a stream of 41 volt amperes via the att to battery, the more vibration of the att the better). In the end though, tesla's famous electric car would still be infact electric or its power source would be external such as a tower of sorts to capture high voltage. Low voltage, means the att always trickle charges instead of pulse charges (longer charge times off the grid), yet unlike a transformer an att can trickle charge a car fully where as the transformer simply stops after a few hours due to signal strength and heat in the transformer itself. Trickle charge systems being useless is why atts are unconventional and rare (solar panels are trickle charge systems or still called ev because they need an external power source, wind power is also secondary or elemental and they primarily use ac induction rather than dc or a direct feed and the batteries eventually deplete ie ev batteries on vehicles turn into 3 or 4 instead of 1 or 2 adding weight infact). However, atts can be used and have never been done in evs (2 hr on the grid charging times via over 6v lithiums to leadacid to full off the grid charging times overnight via over 41v lithiums to leadacid depending on the strength of the battery, hence why solar energy is not conventional is because the batteries have to ride at night or lacks certain principles for work against the elements such as fog, and clouds). Its conventionality is replaced with bicycles or light weight vehicles, which can also use lightweight lithiums as a secondary battery or non-direct powersource. Actually, to my suprise, electric outdoes gas in mileage currently even. My technologies of a dc converter and separate att charger would only increase this factor by 25-to-100 percent. Much like the radio waves used today in transmitters for radiostations, one would just go to a city to refuel their battery-life. This technology would best fit pod-trikes (the monotracer, a type of pod or race bike, i forget the name) actually, rather than mopeds. If your seat is below the waste or near..say...a foot petal, this can be dangerous, these are all infact podcars, from the first one in 1985 called the c5, is maybe a Toyota iroad or standard monotracer, similar to citicars invented in the 70s or golfcarts basically like an electric reliant or similar-like microcar (a size higher than the pod car). Hence its podcar-citycar-microcar-economycar-sportscar. Bubble cars are just a form of low travel citi-cars, yet can be considered 'low-riding' pod cars in appearance (there is yet to be manual up&down sliding doors in cars which slide under the vehicle eg the lincoln mark viii concept, and BMW Z1..yet these are not manual nor do they slide up hence parallel parking features such as this one, and the 180 degree wheel turn should have already been implented far within the 90s). The Yo-mobile is a compact car above it made in Russia with a mileage range of 800, 100 miles above America's best sportscar in economy hence hybrid. However if economy is concerned, brasil is 100 percent pure ethanol or methane alcohol. One thing is known, atlanteans could have been using this type of technology for thousands of years, on roads and even in the sky.

The Secrets of Electromagnetism
EMV Results on a 12v fan test are 3 weeks no resistance or voltage loss vs EV 1-3 days, voltage loss on a standard 12v fan at .25 dipping below the 12.95 marker to about 12.26 in a few days. Evs have 50hp=37000 watts or precisely 300 amps on evs. Emvs have 50 amps. So 1000 watt 27 amp emv mopeds are around 4.5 amps whilst gas 30(moped) - 70(car). Trickle charge and regen braking@12dc with lighting at 6dcx.63v, 10dcx.26v& pulse around 24x12. 5.2.16 came back at 12.63, 12.60, 12.93 after 5 miles on 4.5amps and on .72amps ie 15ah/4.5 recharge eg 15ah runs one hour only, .72 infinite. Stream charge with a .72 volts difference into the dc via ac@half hour vac grid charge for 41dc instead of 36. Heat on annode spec for winter (gas cars like the nissan hybrid have heat exhaust for high mileage, ervs have heated annodes) Tail/brake light is currently 36 to 12dc to 6 converter hence hybrid with trickle charge lighting system or emv without aux battery for lights. The Daemon Prototype is in its last phase aka thor's hammer with the converter installed by jan 2016. Proof of concept: On troy reed's video of an electric geo car (the electric swift by geo-electric, ie the surge, the daemon moped, the electro, and a variation of the smart car are all my copyright), as he clearly throttles faster, the amperage on the amp meter goes down further reaching 50 amps total. The 1993 geoelectro? prototype at his Ohio home was never sold to the public due to financial reasons. Yet, with it one would be able to go 4 times the distance via the amperage involved ie 300 amps/ 6=50 amp ranges. Amps are dependent on mileage of a vehicle. So one would go 6 times the distance of a common 120 volt car with an electric system give or take. That's an estimated energy loss at the end, yet the motor will still be running on 50 amps instead of 300. This can result to around 600-1000 miles in range.

Weapons: IL-76 has the A-60 laser attached to it, therefore a similar type will be incorporated in the new aircraft for shooting down missiles or deactivating them. The Valkyrie holds a nuclear payload. The main target is its standard lock on features and guns on scramjets (giant aircrafts or bombers with gun payloads manned by personal and armament for 360 degree attack only) to be more specific. Lasers are useless with a long distance and tend to expel too much energy. The UAVs would have double gats attached to each sidearm for 360 quick maneuverability in the heli designs (The helix, and choppers are only effective in bombardments, rarely ever in scouting and dropoffs and/or pickups like ufos can be, being easily targeted). There would be a rerouting intense missile heat signature developed to be precise as well as blinding solar flares and intense heat flares (and an automatic eject system to boot). You can expect this technology as early as 2030. The astra are alien weapons. The Weapon Systems will most likely be developed in Israel aka the company 'Weapons Systems' WSA (Weapons Systems in Avionics_) for the FX-60 in a slow modifications to the current weapons because, as you know missile and weapons system can be little improved. Eg the magnetic railgun and other future tech. The cross-swept wing sequence will become more complex for instance the 4-sweep Combat Lancer as g-force capable fighters to Ioncrafts and beamships. The Me262 failed during the war because there were no naval battle ships off the coast of germany's dangerous waters. The starfighter is the first u2 spyplane. Lightships are andromedan airships. The planes would most likely incorporate satellite technology for its target accuracy.

Hypothetical Aircraft: Affordable designs stabilization and function of new technology for 21st ce are Jet propulsion and Ufo technology. Aeronomics wont change much significantly anymore in terms of jet propulsion and aerodynamics or force against force. I believe in the future of aeronautics in unmanned vehicles except for the fact they will have circuit failures, electronic inaccurate results, and a virtual reality simulator to be remotely effective against missles and jet interceptors with similar technology or like uavs made only effective for close range ground targets eg proning to target militia. Basically, the designs are manned Russian and American aircraft. More LCA's will be available in the future. The Lockheed L-133 starjet is a super-sonic fighter in area 51 aka the first jetfighter. The unmanned Mig scat aka Manta-Ray, X projects x-45A Phantom (Boeing Bird of Prey), HTV - 2 or hypersonic tech vehicle and SR-91, Dassault Neuron or Pegasus are unmanned and specified for bombing targeted use not payload transfer or heavy fire low-altitude evasion in missiles or 'risky' scenario with substantial payloads such as small army drop-offs as the american tr-71, french ti-44 (super-stealth eg Nighthawk designed codenamed tiger is a cont. of the dassault mirage 7000 series) or russian (mig scat 2) ar77 is. The Mig 23 however is a rip-off of the more advanced f111. The F-15 Eagle has the highest kill ratio of 104, the problem with this figure in the jet-age is that in war one wins or loses. Not to be biased but technology does not best itself alone, eg the m-16 could be operated in china, yet america is asian soil. Why the mig 17 outdid the mig 15 was not pilots but design, the mig 17 had a longer tail therefore was more stable then the mig 15 in the air. The f-86 was more effective, however the f-100 was built for long range, not maneuver, it was an early concept jetfighter basically, like the mescherschimdt with a torpedo like design. The jets are the same, they are all = like modern guns and one gets killed by it but an army of 100 men with sticks can over take a tank, a 1812 rifle can kill a sniper. The jet-age simply isnt old enough for a full scale war to envelope. In war two equal sides must compromise on a situation or act out a plan otherwise it will always be uneven and unfair ie ace pilots and jets of = caliber on both sides. In air wars there is no compromise, only ambush and on top of that, the space age is not even achieved or reached by modern man-made aircraft and its technology. Here are some future advancements of the sixth generation fighters proposed by Boeing and other leading manufacturers. The AR-50 is probably a jager german craft using an experimental plasma drive, however Tachyon mercury drives are made for ufos only (eg ufos cannot use turrets unless they use inner navigational or planetary engines to travel due to the vibration and magnetism involved around the craft's field of energy it creates. Any projectile including lazer light would not be able to go beyond the craft's field of vacuum). These external links include the Suzumi Sparrow Multi-role tactical fighter called the TF-62, Hayac c34, modern A-12 and the Boeing Faxx concept which I found intriguing.

NEW DESIGNS: What you are looking at are newer designs or possible designs inconjunction with today's technology/aka majority of planes and shuttles are of the 6th generation. The 7th gen designs are found here. Although, the nasa generation of modern fighters could bring about low cost 'snowspeeder-like' or imperial fighters (from starwars). Such an example as the ares 'mudfighter' (a great idea for seaborn operations and/or rare low flight targets in non-combat areas or bumpy terrain eg close air aircrafts, fixed wing attack aircrafts, good for dodging ground tank squad fire and reconnaissance, strategic planning, supply depot destruction aka guerrilla tactics in groundwarefare, now known as manned uavs eg 20 or so squad-fighters, air-to-ground soft-target ships, would have a devastating effect against a ground invasion force),or trainer jet called the yf-23 Black Widow, boeing skyfox and a-4 skyhawk. Trainer aircraft known as microjets would be great too for long distance missions, but squad-based fighters need cross-swept wings. Without these, might as well use a mig or f16 unless on naval air-to-land missions (due to their size, microjets are considered to be put high in number on aircraft carriers however squad fighters are crucial for close combat land based directives such as taking out a satellite dish or missile depot and at the same time avoiding enemy fire from a helix). They would do good against helis basically, which jets would have a problem doing in a low-radar ground situation (icbm missiles are used to combat high velocity craft that are not below the radar, and grenade launchers can be outmaneuvered unlike on the conventional heli). Jets simply move too fast, squad based fighters are useful for targeting an area below the radar. If 10 target that area, u get 10 targets down instead of 1 without the threat of being shot down with high-tech (sometimes in war, there are cities with certain weapons, such as icbms or 88s etc, 88s would be effective against squadfighters though, i think..which proves again my point that they were useless in ww2 against incoming bombers@high altitudes). Petroleum-based Ufos (such as the abandoned avro-car VZ-9) would do both what a heli does and a squad-fighter can do (hover, attack and outmaneuver). Everyone knows the soviet migs during the sovjet union take this portion of the cake in innovation. A jet braking the sound barrier simply can not out maneuver a high-velocity icbm though. You need a mobile enemy just as powerful to disrupt their supplies or catch them off guard for these so called short distanced 'tanks-in-the-sky' raids or group squad attack formations to happen. The Su-25 is a microjet or really well armed squadfighter. Microjets or trainer aircraft such as the bd-5 viper or t-45 are infact a form of squad fighters, however they are trainer aircraft because they lack cross-swept wings which prevent maneuverability from enemy fire. One example of effective naval warfare would be the Spitfire in the Battle of Britain. The raf had larger shells, however it was goerings decision to protect the bombers regardless if gas was low or not. Hence Hitler decided to invade kiev on the ground prior to moscow. Operation Neptune is an aspect of D-day (america) whilst Operation Uranus was a campaign by Russia. The bf 109 was a better plane interms of firepower (generals can not commandeer two fronts ie if the soviet union cont. to exist or ww2 was not started, poland would not exist as a nation, see also the battle of parthia, during caeser's time rome tried to expand in the east and was annihilated by persia, causing a chainreaction in the west hence the byzantine empire or grecian rome was always weak whilst the west was not). The luftwaffe did an absurd move of going in a straight line to london, anticipating the RAF into interception. The german generals also failed in Moscow, where their tanks were made for parachuting yet did not. A pincer movement into moscow would demoralize the country and end the war early, a scorched earth policy or mass invasion theory would infact work as well, yet they opted for encirclement city by city (city encirclement does not work, however an army or infrastructure encirclement almost always succeeds due to pillage&plunder scorched earth policy, villages and cities are useless and if anything creates more enemies..hence op uranus works, and they use this same tactic on ukrainian forces or a smaller army, we could even say blitzkrieg is a form of large encirclement procedures). They infact scrapped the blitzkrieg maneuvers for encirclement and attacks on the south to gain oil in stalingrad instead of to concentrate on meeting up in the north. If they had began with mass invasion (to eliminate partisans, front line defenses completely etc) then pincer movements towards the north, this would be the most logical scenario to gain moscow then later stalingrad. Here explains how the war could have been won by the axis powers in europe (asia imho already had won east asian territory reaching well into burma &the middleast only to collapse via a bad chess move or foreboding of fear ie the attack on pearl harbor occurred after europe failed moscow&therefore japan and its nationalistic chinese government also fell). The japanese had naval flankers with torpedo bombers that could also destroy naval fleets, however it was invented too late and their facilities nuked (naval carriers only had cannons firepower at the time or no heat sinking missile capabilities as of yet). Key oil reserve targets and naval freighters by the Japanese were missed, therefore failing in crippling america's back so to speak. Britain had a superior airforce, but a naval invasion or a maneuverable craft at high numbers by germany had to have happened from all sides yet went straight to london via constant interception (german waters were held by subs, so naval games were not considered). However, it was bombers in the naval battle with japan which def changed the sides of the last world war. The fact is if not for Hiroshima, japan would have released its stealth fighter the ki-200 (it may or may not be this, however this was a jetfighter which is still able to sink aerial carriers and I still think its the AY9E), and quickly changed the sides of the war for centuries to come, its AY9-F was a tactical sea born fighter with a v wing design intended for low drag and regarded as the first jet centuries before the sixth generation and with higher tech then even the mig. However during pearl harbor their squad fighters failed to locate and/or bomb the oil reserve because the precision bombing technology was not their yet, and if a plane went into would mostly likely just knick the reserve depot that fueled the aircraft carriers. It was intended to destroy aircraft carriers, and its manufacturing plant was nuked. As well, during pearl harbor japan missed the oil reserves when they attacked it for some reason, which could have hampered america's naval fleet for months. Americans seemingly know how to use bombers fairly effectively until they approached the veitnam scenario where guerrilla warfare penetrated the battlefield under cover, so did the dogfighter or aka squadfighter (the mig17). Since Kursk their has not been a conventional aircraft war of equal superiority in technology, however Kursk failed because of abandoning the tactics of blitzkrieg since its failure in entering the borders with russia via the beg of the war lead to a large military&partisan buildup (guerilla warfare in civil war). The squad fighters would need to replace conventional jets whom are too expensive, ie naval fighters are simply good for naval fighting or ground fighting and that is all. If you have a flanker, it will be caught up with a squad fighter that develops a faster engine, outnumbered and easily destroyed. The Germans used the bombers to simply delay the soviet union as well. They should not have done the following: 1.) let 20,000 leave for britain after sanctioning off the atlantic. 2.) Not invade britain but invade moscow then enter stalingrad (the puppet Mussolini must have been a russian puppet for invading greece first and delaying the force, because germany had the ukrainian oil fields at their disposal). The African and even Asian invasions depended on Germany winning moscow and leningrad (which was undersiege actually for 4-5 yrs. 3.) Japan would have not been aware of a chain reaction of events such as missing oilfields, or not targeting destroyers, or not letting bombers through by engaging them first etc. Japan was invincible and countered armies, they even turned governments nationalistically speaking by knowing where to appear (the game of gongyo simply dominates chess in every way plausible). However, without these fields of engagement won they lost the war.
Why Skyfighters?/ Squadfighters: IFO Skyships Even with an inferior craft and experienced ww1 ace pilots, the losses were enormous due to lack of transition and formation the 20th ce has yet to use squadfighters effectively (only used last in the falklands war)&are few in numbers. In the falklands war the gov experienced a failure with its Counter-insurgency aircraft (light combat aircraft or lca such as the hal tejas are patrol jets because they move too fast) because they were using messerschmidt designs from the 1940s (basically squadfighters with jetfighter capabilities or light aircraft with flat wings which could not maneuver because they had straight wings, and only shot straight, useful for tank or ground engagements&escorts only). The nordic americans have a bad reputation for designing aircraft, however the ares 151 is a squadfighter&it leaves endless possibilities in the start of their concepts with new ideas which relatively focus on speed and propulsion only for some reason. Actually, the me262 is actually a skyfighter because of its slanted wings&high climb (albeit the mig flat-wing design goes higher), and thats wat differs it from counter-insurgency or reconnaissance fighters eg propellar based crafts or trainer craft (none, reconnaissance)>lca reconnaissance fighters(ground)>=squadfighters(ground)>skyfighters(naval)>bombers(naval)>jetfighters(both) in terms of capability. Simply put they can do loops&spirals at low speeds which on paper is an excellent way to dodge a rocket attack or find locations in mountainous terrain with close up accuracy (they can swav basically, below the radar). A Skyship is a ufo within the atmosphere, and is peteroleum based. Most likely an IFO (see avrocar diagram) made for going up to high altitudes like a rocket, therefore dorsal fins are not needed. A photon drive is a solar generator or plasma drive yet a proton drive is an electric-magnetic only vehicle. Usually proton drives will be for ground travel. They can be added though, mechanically when to the alt needed. Naval warfare is a given for island territory, and useful to land long range european squad bombers and fighters of course (I particularly like the eurofighter typhoon air-to-sea design and payload, albeit the germans with the asians still do not excel over the british and french in this area [and even the sovjets, see also the dassault rafale and hal tejas multiroll 'V' or 'A' wing designs for low cost high performance squad based fighters, hence the Sturmovik il2 is a rip-off of the Messerschmidt in this area, except for the RAF spitfire flat-wing design which enabled maneuvers to be performed which they could not do because of the poor coordination at the beg of the war with their attack planes not guarding the flanks & due to lack of a climb ratio at high speed, its spitfire tilted wings for loops are a design the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 and me series could not even copy or did indeed fail to adapt, yet once again proving the effectiveness by briton of unique new inventions and design in technology], the f2, tornado, saab, F-15SE, f111, f-16, su35, j-20, Gripen, Rafale, E555 as opposed to the f4 phantom, av-88 aka harrier II which is just a modified but expensive series of squad fighters with armor resistance and heavy payload etc being proof used for naval sea operations currently; we call these bombers or skyfighters ie simply put low-speed jets with cross-swept wings for high climb etc such as the mig). Britain's cooperation with america and japan (f35 hover capable modern fighter aircraft for instance) only give it an edge in weaponry and armory over other jet fighters. Jets simply can't cover all targets simutaneously at a given time without the threat of easily being shot down, eg 10 targets at 8 locations. African Hawk, and Atlas make good squad fighters in an AOD scenario given the lack of usefulness in ever-changing continents with multiple countries in large territories over land. Therefore these governments esp would benefit off of the rare use or events of squad-fighting (over which the Falklands was the only pivotal war that took place with these or this technology). Well-designed, maneuverable, sleek and easily manufactured. Citation on Original schematics: Actual completed schematics were developed and lost (created during college or actually in one hour) due to lack of privacy. The Haj tejas is a unnamed successor (precursor) to the vimina designs. In point-to-point transportation for heavy populated areas (the atlantean center, to leave and return to it, see precursor to swasi flag). Sky cars are already invented, people are just afraid to use them. The metro car is good with automatic electric on-off function for ground transportation although the avrocar's ion engines are far more superior. EMV's (electro-magnetic vehicle) would be a standard in the far future. Ufos during the world war were limited to Xerum 525 tech, basically run by nuclear fusion reactors and high volumes of radiation. The 'terminator' would be a missile tank with nuclear payload with or a uav carrying it, however stealthfighters can carry up to 10 nukes. As are there astronauts and cosmonauts in the world or in the forfront of space technology&travel, there are also Aeronauts and Hovernauts for low technologies or limited atmospheric travel such as the Ramses jet and/or other squadfighters. As formentioned, Israel over-planned its events against syria, taking out most of the jets as they entered airspace, the Vietnamese took to the sky with gats in close combat against long range fighters such as the f14 to win (the ancient mig 17 slaughtered the americans in a 10-to-1 kill ratio due to cannon capacity), so air battles which are fair are rare (skyfighters are made for close combat, yet they can not do arial maneuvers that squadfighters can do, they are also more expensive& lack general development and/or invention eg outdated planes from the 1960s are considered skyfighters). The largest war was in korea against the U.N., and the americans had to abandon their tech (f-84 thunderjets akin to nazi germany's rocket powered me-262)s for swept wing fighters such as the f-86 sabre's slanted wing which prevented a high climb alt. The Slanted wing is good for speed and horizontal lift though, which is why it (and its superior avionics such as missile range) won marginally against the mig 15. The Messerschmidt was infact needed in Japan during world war 2 and so was their nuked ay9t v wing facilities because fast jets are only good against an attack with naval fleets or naval fleet supremacy (of which is why america is regarded the supreme military power in the world). Fast jets can never be useful for non-recon because of dogfights or ability to outnumber and outflank them. The americans copied eastern jets since the beg for them to work effectively, from the f86 design, to the f35 however the f-14/f-15 is unique (french or european fighters mimick the f16 or vice versa usually because they are naval fighters with high-bomb capacity and missile armament). The mirage vs the mig is a more even perspective. The 1950s f4 slanted wing design was taken from super-sonic fighters which laser guided missiles needed far away targets at all times (there are only 3 wings on jets, slanted wings, cross-swepted wings which are just flat wings as seen on migs and spitfires based for the squadfighter, & eagle tail which is super-sonic wings that jets adapted). The slanted wing was only made for turning which is why americans lost the korean and vietnam air wars (in heavy numbers btw), is because they couldn't turn and got to close to the gats so to speak (Everyone knows its the war which gave france a bad rep, however the americans won most if not all the ground wars where high casualty rates automatically foster a victory..given the superiority in the countries technological capabilities and advancements of superiority in the air as well is the reason why vietnam was won, however vietnam was infact lost...the entire airforce was disseminated which only gives the upper hand in wars whom were truly won, technologically speaking to the korean war). A country is defined not by third or first world economy but by the military technology used to counter other world powers. If the most powerful weapon is a jet, one needs concentrate on that area to win or garner victory and peace times. The problem with the jets early on is they could only go fast and in reality would not have helped nazi germany win the war if the mig were to be invented, they were only good for hit and run missions (stuka dive bombers were the most effective weapons, once again because of the slanted wing capabilities introduced, where throughout history wings mean everything against elemental forces such as air current or which type of aircraft can do what). The Mig is used in western states such as algeria, so is the united states f5, a would be successor to the mig in eastern ones like iran and china, this is mentioned to alleviate biasm. Although Nordic Germany did not seize stalingrad and moscow during the war, it did seize leningrad (see also mass invasion theory). Russia is ahead of the known world in future aviation technology where as UAVs cannot maneuver correctly without pilots, cheaper made aimbots or remote control weapon systems (RCWS) have faster reaction and lock on timing then humans.

UFO Sightings
Here I will personally describe my own sightings and theories. UFOs are actually using air currents and stabilization (Tachyon Drives) above our cities. The ASI drone is one example. The UFO sightings I made are of a natural event. Whilst I have no cable for my cell phone (some over the head flybys were shot, you know caught or cot) which have the most close footage ever found of ufo sightings in miami florida (I stood feet away from an invisible craft in traffic). I do have a camera which depicts how ufos work from a far distant. The apartment complex shows that an air current different from plane traffic, possibly for the government, coincidentally near its district in miami florida, show ufos using it. Blending in with air traffic, frequently. They use an unknown air current when available and are very common. They also cloak and sometimes use silent sound technology, unknown to us. There are red, black and possibly dark red people among us. Disclosure:: Here i will personally report activity in Miami Fl, Helicopters do rarely levitate at high altitudes, as do jet fighters make no sound at that speed, (for instance, the e2 and certain civilian helicopters in O.A.T. operational air traffic or ATO) fly that high yet not for this long. Ion technology at its best. here i will unveil Ufo449. My proof of sound, space, and travel is The daylight caption is at the same distance and descending at a similar rate to the night silent ufo one (eg a terminator uav of the future 2020 compared to current ones would be silent and invulnerable). As opposed to the vtol ufo design of the avro car, it would work as explained in my graph. It would require a launchpad though or a ditch like a conventional rocket. The coanda effect would need to be used, however it would be a climbing ifo if anything. It would have to be designed like a conventional rocket with a launch pad, removable parts and possibly a parachute. It would also need more holes for air current to pass through and would resemble germany's bizzarre Focke-Wulf Triebflugel in military tactics to gain a high climb. If a war in new swabia by the americans against the germans truly occured, it is high possibility this project was carried out successfully. This will be my personal ufo video listings. Here you will see an invisible air current, possibly etheric compared to the speed of the common fossil fuel plane technology located here in section1A and 2A

Cell-phone captures

Older entries found here on my blog

My Views: These aircraft are made as a new generation of fighters. From my Research, If you look at MVI_0639.avi you can see that an average plane makes sound even above the traffic sound but the silent jet on the left made no sound at a distant equivalent to the airliner and an unknown speed at far greater a range (at least double the speed of the airliner at around 600 mph, noticeable only when filming because the jet makes a right the whole time) of the airliner. They most likely won't be made unless world war VI comes around, or a few campaigns of enormous magnitude. Upon closer inspection on third party videos, the technology such as cloaking def. is there. I noticed unmanned aircraft technology are gradually declining the use of fighter aircraft. This is proportionate to what each country excels in and its customers. I will include the economically powerful ones of this genre. For instance, Japan and America excels in Power, payload, propulsion and electronics Europe in maneuvering, and handling over sea forces and Russia in targeting systems. Now these aircraft will have to be made if we tend to use any of the latter for defense (not offense) against any foreign attack from a smaller organization or weak government. Faults with aeronautic designs: The tail in the f-series (eg an f-16 with tornado wings would be a good maneuverable 'irish' fighter with heavy payloads) usually is never tilted upwards in a high position. Slanted tail fins insure a better climb for modern aircraft. As well India has the AMCA in development as the fifth generation multi-roll fighter of choice (a great contender in modern aircraft, the Hal or Haj tejas itself being creatively unique in its design). The higher the climb the easier the target becomes. These craft have no TVC (thrust vector Control) or AoA (Area of Attack) in avionics for air operational areas (aoa air traffic in aviation) limits to worry about as well. These are all HOV infact f-8 german uav is used via fusion along with the function of solar electricity or electro-magnetism in air and ground vehicles. American jets or thors hammer are relatively good at armament and multi-roll features (ie f35, f22) for tactical hit-and-run from a distance (to go into territory, take out bases and leave) missions. Although their airforce was decimated in vietnam, they operated well with a superior advantage in technology during the korean war with a more effective result (the f89 was more superior than the mig, basically). Americans still hold air superiority over the world due to the high number of aircraft carriers, however the cruel fact of nature is it adapts itself for survival, the russian naval flankers are built to counter this deadly offense. However, cheap manufacturing costs and superior weapons systems are the key to winning dogfights and there have been too few engagements in the 20th ce which already proves jets fly into close combat which is why russia excels in this area. An f14 has the same chance in downing a mig as a f22. The 'V' Shaped flying wing or wingless aircrafts (eg stealth fighters etc.) were in the works for generations upon generations. Fusion is a type of early phase to plasma technology. The Plasma Stellarus, a conventional taotao scooter with a 200 degree lighted fuel vaporizer to the stator and magnetized chamber near the sparkplug and Electromagnetic Hammer with 2 powersources & bolt-action accelerator are our copyright mods. The Nissan Myriad, The Neporium falcon and Miridian are also our brands. Timeships, beamships (flying discs), starfighters (n-t-b-c with the f104), starships and ufos, if they exist, have unknown technology compared to the aero and spaceships in development.

Copyright Information and Publication

Copyright information is disclosed to the public therefore unavailable. This may change. For instance the term TR-99 is available as a tractor and in aeronautics as a missile therefore may comply with TR-99c etc of the aurora tr series (TR-55, T87m, TF112 etc). F-74c is a battleship therefore may comply with outdated models of the f-15 series in the future. This evolution of aircraft is available for use to any government, military or public entity as an experimental byproduct without needed additional credit, or without the use of law such as copyright infringement or dislawful intent. The availability of the technology can be used for defensive measures and/or government related technological advancement. It is condemned, or not condoned to use against civilians or to discredit civilizations and/or attack other entities. The technology is current and therefore available eg reduction of harmful emissions in nature. The goal is to militarily decline the use of fossil fuel and avoid the benefit of war by foreign governments and advance the age of technology for environmental-friendly benefits. It does not include the ionized b-2 bomber or SR-71 variants (developed from Nazi Germany's Horton 229), the experimental secret nasa x-planes (Modern X-32 VTOL or 35s, top secret x-36, X-20, XF-V12, X-43A, Pegasus X-47a & b, X-38, XP-50, X-45 bird of prey spaceshuttles and scramjets,x-40 & x-37a spaceplanes safe re-entry, x-15 rocket plane, x-50 dragonfly uav, x-49 helicopter, xb-70 codename: valkyrie, xb-47 stratojetor simply the xrb, Aurora stealth project aka Taranis in Europe, A2 hypersonic jet, GFL ships, Skoda ufo, Astro-cars, Anti-gravity machines, laser trackers, F313 Iranian fighter, A5 vigilante, L133 starjet, Boeing F/A XX, Israeli and French Mirage fighters, Chinese stealth H-8 bomber, and American Dark Star UAV or RU Mig Skat/scat, PLAAF bomber, Dragonfly, Skymaster counter-insurgent squadfighters (skyfighters actually is a better term for sea-based squadfighters), Phantom Ray, Dassault nEUROn, Boeing Bird of Prey, YF-23, YF90, NS-97, AV-7, OVNI, V7 IFO, USOs, ARVs or alien recon vehicles, T117 or F117 nighthawk, NRO B-5 black wraith, EADs Barracuda, The Black Star or blackstar aurora craft, Dark Sword UCAV British Ark-9 etc.) or the tr3b and the designs are not affiliated with craft such as the FA-37 Talon stealth fighter, Firefox Interceptor or F-19 space shuttle as seen in fictional aircraft. The flying wing or y-49 however was a design cont. by the american gov from its nazi counterpart in ww2 or first real stealth fighter (see also Ho Horton 229). The imperial Bavar-2 is a flying ship, whom can maneuver or hover like the ekranoplane. As for progress and future planning, the HAL Tejas is a fourth generation fighter being released in 2010 so there is no real timeline. German Valkyrie or VF-1L KWS is fictional as a stealth camo triangle. The f18e aircraft's maneuverable 'air' design was aided by the sovjets early migs or manned VTO )vertical takeoff & lift) designs. The aircraft are designed to avoid current anti-air guns and missiles such as the s300. Vailixi is ancient vril or vacuum technology as is Vimana. The most advanced technology of light known as Merkabah is atlanto-jewish technology hence Chariot of the Gods. Here the G1 project is an unmanned ufo running off of electromagnetic propulsion like my scooter. The Aurora project (as seen in the game Command and Conquer Zerohour) is a lightspeed hi-tech successor to the sr71 and the first ever russian amphibious lander. The Tu7 is A precursor to future landing technology in water, land or air. Some pics of most released stealth projects can be found here along with the AR-X starfighter or 'tiger' aircraft not yet developed by France. Moscow was lost due to winter, the dominos fell and the coast of malasya was occupied by foreign troops via naval fleets of austrailia and america. Kursk, a decisive battle reverted from blitzkrieg to the mass invasion theory (a spread out force, which should have been used when entering russia via scorched earth) and stalingrad wasn't avoided for its oil. Operation Barbarossa was a total failure because they did blitzkrieg upon entering the country, yet did not in its decisive technological battle because of tactics. Jet wars are not of this nature, the more advanced jets always win as seen in israel and vietnam. The fact is the american tanks have strong cannons, however the germans are more technical or superior in exploding armor piercing shells for tanks and planes. American tanks can move fast, yet they are not equal in a ratio to germany and russia (t34 is infact a hetzer, or such a small country like germany made more tanks. The Stug 3 produced up to 22,000 guns (11k tanks...16k with the hetzer which is the t34 without high speed, targeting and thick armor it seems..well just missing a turret on the top, see also the true origins of the ak47 as the sturmgehr 44)..with 12,000 panzer mark iVs alone compared to russia's 20,000k marker during the war, the sherman did only 49,000..however america was untouched by war, and production was high, hence 5 years after the war russia finished 88,000 t34 main battle tanks). However, It is possible the dravidians have invented tanks +80,000 years ago so this ground based weaponry is common knowledge. Russia has great snipers and their cannons are made that way hence they excel in targeting systems rather than american firepower and british armament capabilities (of which the sovjets also excel in). It is Development and planning for Nasa Ames Research Center in California. Minor Note: The owner of this website has no experience in engineering planes. Only experience in electronic battery equipment (basically, rerouting electric currents from chargers so batteries run without being charged frequently eg pos neg and back) and/or handling pressurized brake systems used for electric scooters and bikes such as having 2 pressures on the same suspension for safety and grip on the road. Magneto-hydro dynamic propulsion ( mhd mhp) is Magnetism or magnetized motors is a standard free non-fuel energy source which creates a sort of magnetic field of attraction and repulsion within the motor itself, dumbingly not used by the majority of these backward economies. Japan being imho the only developed country in the world, technically&economically speaking to use them or water pta-based feuls.

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